Victoria Beckham

Image of Victoria Beckham
My children and my husband make me smile. My work makes me smile.
- Victoria Beckham
Collection: Smile
Image of Victoria Beckham
I think the sexiest thing about a woman is confidence, but confidence in a humble way, not in an arrogant way. Sense of humor is definitely important. And sunglasses always hide a multitude of sins. Sunglasses and a great pair of heels can turn most outfits around.
- Victoria Beckham
Collection: Humor
Image of Victoria Beckham
I love fashion, and I love changing my style, my hair, my makeup, and everything I've done in the past has made me what I am now. Not everyone is going to like what I do, but I look back at everything, and it makes me smile.
- Victoria Beckham
Collection: Smile
Image of Victoria Beckham
I'm not materialistic. I believe in presents from the heart, like a drawing that a child does.
- Victoria Beckham
Collection: Birthday
Image of Victoria Beckham
These people are amazing. It's so emotional I was thinking about wearing waterproof mascara.
- Victoria Beckham
Collection: Amazing
Image of Victoria Beckham
For me to go to America - which I find such a positive place - well, I took to it like a duck to water.
- Victoria Beckham
Collection: Positive
Image of Victoria Beckham
I'm a very driven, ambitious, positive person. But I'm a spiritual person as well.
- Victoria Beckham
Collection: Positive
Image of Victoria Beckham
I've got great people who handle my schedule, and everything does revolve around the children. If there's a parents' night or an Easter bonnet parade or a Nativity play, whatever it might be, then I plan everything around that.
- Victoria Beckham
Collection: Easter
Image of Victoria Beckham
I like a man who can be a real friend, has a good sense of humor, a good pair of shoes and a healthy gold card.
- Victoria Beckham
Collection: Humor
Image of Victoria Beckham
I wake up every morning and I feel like I'm juggling glass balls. I live in Los Angeles, my business is run out of London, and most evenings I'm cuddled up in front of Skype, in my dressing gown, speaking with my studio in London. I travel a lot, my team travel a lot, but I wouldn't have it any other way.
- Victoria Beckham
Collection: Travel
Image of Victoria Beckham
I actually used to smile a lot in pictures. I think I only stopped smiling when I got into fashion. Fashion stole my smile!
- Victoria Beckham
Collection: Smile
Image of Victoria Beckham
Sometimes you've got to know when it's time to leave the party.
- Victoria Beckham
Image of Victoria Beckham
I want a big house with a moat and dragons and a fort to keep people out.
- Victoria Beckham
Image of Victoria Beckham
When I dress in a certain way and do my hair and makeup in a certain way, it's not to get attention.
- Victoria Beckham
Image of Victoria Beckham
I want to evolve each season. I never want to be one of those brands where people know what they're going to see. I always want an element of surprise. One thing I never want to do is copy what anybody else is doing. I have a signature, and it's very important to me to stay true to that.
- Victoria Beckham
Image of Victoria Beckham
If you haven't got it. Fake it! Too short? Wear big high heels, but do practice walking!
- Victoria Beckham
Image of Victoria Beckham
There's nothing wrong with constructive criticism, and I learn from that and better myself. I'm not expecting anyone to be sycophantic in any way; I never expected that.
- Victoria Beckham
Image of Victoria Beckham
I'm still me even after all that's happened.
- Victoria Beckham
Image of Victoria Beckham
I'll admit it: I'm a control freak. I am. If I'm going to do something, I'm going to do it 110% or there's no point in doing it at all, especially if the work takes me away from time with my husband and children.
- Victoria Beckham
Image of Victoria Beckham
My children are my priority and always have been.
- Victoria Beckham
Image of Victoria Beckham
I don't know much about football. I know what a goal is, which is surely the main thing about football.
- Victoria Beckham
Image of Victoria Beckham
I like to consider myself a relatively spiritual person, and I just do my thing. I'm very focused on what I do professionally, and I'm very focused on my family, and I don't really get too stressed out about what people say or what other people think.
- Victoria Beckham
Image of Victoria Beckham
My glasses say a lot about me because I think me in a pair of sunglasses is an image that a lot of people would recognise.
- Victoria Beckham
Image of Victoria Beckham
I don't like laziness or cutting corners.
- Victoria Beckham
Image of Victoria Beckham
I looooove Miss Piggy.
- Victoria Beckham
Image of Victoria Beckham
I believe in creative visualization.
- Victoria Beckham
Image of Victoria Beckham
I just can't do heels any more. At least not when I'm working. I travel a lot.
- Victoria Beckham
Image of Victoria Beckham
I'm living in Beverly Hills. I'm very, very lucky. I wake up every morning and I recognize that I'm blessed.
- Victoria Beckham
Image of Victoria Beckham
I am a control freak. I am very hands on and pay attention to details.
- Victoria Beckham
Image of Victoria Beckham
In England, David and I are big fish in a small pond. But in L.A., we are tiny, tiny, tiny fish in a big pond.
- Victoria Beckham
Image of Victoria Beckham
I believe you can achieve anything if you work hard enough to get it.
- Victoria Beckham
Image of Victoria Beckham
Sexy is about the way you wear something and being confident - the clothes are sexy and flattering. I've said right from the beginning, it's very important clothes are flattering. I want a woman to look and feel like the best version of herself.
- Victoria Beckham
Image of Victoria Beckham
I have always loved fashion since I was a kid and customized my school uniforms.
- Victoria Beckham
Image of Victoria Beckham
I love fashion, and that's how I express myself.
- Victoria Beckham
Image of Victoria Beckham
I'm always in flats. Jeans, jumper, flat shoes or a pair of trainers. It would probably surprise people, but I have to be comfortable. It's not about me dressing up and looking good. I've got to get stuff done.
- Victoria Beckham
Image of Victoria Beckham
I'm not a supermodel. I make the best of what I've got.
- Victoria Beckham
Image of Victoria Beckham
The first dress that I wore in the Spice Girls, which everybody thought was a little black Gucci dress, was actually from Miss Selfridge - it wasn't a little black Gucci dress.
- Victoria Beckham
Image of Victoria Beckham
Clothes have to be simple and comfortable.
- Victoria Beckham
Image of Victoria Beckham
Antonio Berardi is one of my good friends.
- Victoria Beckham
Image of Victoria Beckham
The glass is always half full: I have no time for anything negative - and actually, I've bought crystals for all my team, so they all carry crystals as well.
- Victoria Beckham
Image of Victoria Beckham
I love Brazilians. Brazilians ought to be made compulsory at 15.
- Victoria Beckham
Image of Victoria Beckham
This person they make me out to be irritates the hell out of me as well.
- Victoria Beckham
Image of Victoria Beckham
I keep fit by running after my three boys all day.
- Victoria Beckham
Image of Victoria Beckham
You have to remember that when you are a performer you become a celebrity, but you are not saving lives. It's not that important.
- Victoria Beckham
Image of Victoria Beckham
What's David's role? David looks good, that's what David does. David looks good, and I'm the funny one, that's what I hear constantly. But I keep telling him that looks fade.
- Victoria Beckham
Image of Victoria Beckham
I've been that celebrity on the red carpet, and I appreciate that something hasn't got to just look good from the front, from the back, it's got to look good at all angles.
- Victoria Beckham
Image of Victoria Beckham
I'm very proud to be British, and my brand is British.
- Victoria Beckham
Image of Victoria Beckham
We are still so close, David and I. We were at a party the other day at my mum's house and I was sitting on his lap. We're very affectionate. And I looked at him and thought after being married for 11 years! We were the only couple who were even near each other at that party. We're soul mates.
- Victoria Beckham
Image of Victoria Beckham
My dresses are for women of all different shapes and sizes. Actually, the one I tried on yesterday was the one Jennifer wore. And who'd have thought I'd be the same size as Jennifer Lopez!
- Victoria Beckham
Image of Victoria Beckham
There are rumors that we want to move back to the U.K., but we're so happy in America I actually can't see us ever leaving... People ask me how long it took to adapt. Twenty minutes.
- Victoria Beckham