Top home Quotes Collection - Page 38

Discover a curated collection of home quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 38 provides more home quotes.

Image of Walter Knott
Those who were cowards never started, and those who were weak were lost on the way, but the brave find a home in every land.
- Walter Knott
Collection: Home
Image of Mark Lowry
I thought, you know, I can sit at home in my La-Z-Boy, on Facebook, and reach more people than I can on a tour. Because I reach 30,000 to 40,000 people for every Facebook post, some even reach 50,000 to 60,000. And I thought, if it's about reaching people, and not about making money, why bother touring?
- Mark Lowry
Collection: Home
Image of Joan Smalls
Back home I had always been comfortable around people. I was the troublemaker, always being funny - that's just who I am. I'm Latina; I've always had that extra little flavor. But when I got to New York, it became about being comfortable with myself in a place where I didn't know many people, and that was the big challenge. Ultimately my personality helped me build relationships with the people I was working with, and I was able to stand out.
- Joan Smalls
Collection: Home
Image of Chris Raschka
You are all perfectly correct in your implications that we would be safer if we stayed home in our rooms...But we would also be duller, stupider, and, finally, sadder. If you want to avoid danger, don't get born. Once you are born, make something of it!
- Chris Raschka
Collection: Home
Image of Joy Fielding
Florida was a living tomb, she used to tell anyone who'd listen, an old-age home in the shape of a state, God's little waiting room, as she was fond of quoting.
- Joy Fielding
Collection: Home
Image of Antony Hegarty
History has been male and the future is female. Leaning on women as a body and the female archetype, and not just women but men - we're asking men to dig deep and deconstruct their seat of privilege. Because this is an emergency. We're in threat of losing our homes, the future of our future generations, and the biological paradise that we're apart of. It's in the interest of all people that we lean on the feminine archetype in our movement forward.
- Antony Hegarty
Collection: Home
Image of Jeffrey Eugenides
There comes a moment, when you get lost in the woods, when the woods begin to feel like home.
- Jeffrey Eugenides
Collection: Home
Image of Stacy Allison
Reaching that windswept perch, I decided, would cleanse my spirit and heal my wounds. More than that, it would send me home with a title: The First American Woman to Climb Everest.
- Stacy Allison
Collection: Home
Image of Doug Rice
Also Ho Chi Minh City is broken up into districts so it's much like little cities within the city, in your home district folks take the time to smile and wave as you pass by or even try to have a little chat.
- Doug Rice
Collection: Home
Image of Doug Rice
My home address is a small apartment in Fair Oaks, California but I'm here in Ho Chi Minh City right now staying in a rented room and this is where I spend a good part of every year.
- Doug Rice
Collection: Home
Image of Sergei Dovlatov
Sales were lukewarm. Back home there was no freedom, but there were readers. Here there was freedom enough, but readers were missing.
- Sergei Dovlatov
Collection: Home
Image of Dan Spencer
On cable TV they have a weather channel - 24 hours of weather. We had something like that where I grew up. We called it a window
- Dan Spencer
Collection: Home
Image of Caryl Phillips
Sometimes I can be walking down the street, or riding a bus, and suddenly I see somebody who remind me of somebody I know back home, and I close my eyes and find myself thinking of the sea, or the taste of grafted mango, or the smell of saltfish frying, and then I come back to myself and open my eyes and realise where I am.
- Caryl Phillips
Collection: Home
Image of Ned Beauman
If I want to feel as if I'm being sucked down a fathomless gloomy tunnel for hours and hours then I have a complete set of Schopenhauer at home.
- Ned Beauman
Collection: Home
Image of Khoi Vinh
I think a lot more people are able to take on a design challenge than ever before. And this was true 20 years ago when the desktop publishing revolution came about that allowed people with Macintosh's at home to produce professional-looking newsletters or publications for the first time. So, there's a long march toward more democratization for design.
- Khoi Vinh
Collection: Home
Image of Mary Randolph
If there’s a place for it in your heart, there’s a place for it in your home.
- Mary Randolph
Collection: Home
Image of Rigoberto Gonzalez
I never try to force poems into a collection simply because they were written/published within a certain period of time. They will eventually find their perfect home.
- Rigoberto Gonzalez
Collection: Home
Image of Louis Lingg
I couldn't have thrown that bomb. I was at home making bombs
- Louis Lingg
Collection: Home
Image of George W. Sears
We do not go to the green woods and crystal waters to rough it, we go to smooth it. We get it rough enough at home, in towns and cities.
- George W. Sears
Collection: Home
Image of Clayton Kershaw
At the end of the day, if we don't win that game, we're going home, anyway, so what does it matter. I just wanted to be available, and it ended up to the point where I could help out tonight.
- Clayton Kershaw
Collection: Home
Image of Jessie James Decker
It's kind of cheesy, but my mama, who you all have seen on the show, says to cook for your man. She's Southern, so when he comes home, be pullin' a pie out of the oven. That's always been her advice, and you know what? It works. Your man wants to see you in the kitchen, puttin' some love into some food; it works for Eric, that's for sure.
- Jessie James Decker
Collection: Home
Image of Elizabeth Holmes
My best advice for someone considering adopting a pet is to take the time to really consider your lifestyle, home environment and personal preferences.
- Elizabeth Holmes
Collection: Home
Image of Nostradamus
Come the millennium, month 12, In the home of greatest power, The village idiot will come forth To be acclaimed the leader.
- Nostradamus
Collection: Home
Image of Marco Pierre White
There are many times in my life, when I could've thrown in the towel. Many times in my life when I was on the floor. And when you're on the floor, never allow anybody to pick you up. It doesn't matter how long you stay there, make sure you pick yourself up and dust yourself down. Whatever happens, whether you go home today or you don't go home today, that's irrelevant. What's relevant, is you take the knowledge from the experience and you grow as a person.
- Marco Pierre White
Collection: Home
Image of Charles Sheehan-Miles
Home's where the people you love are. It's about finding the things that matter to you, and holding on to them and taking care of them.
- Charles Sheehan-Miles
Collection: Home
Image of Nathan Winograd
In the final analysis, animals in shelters are not being killed because there are too many of them, because there are too few homes, or because the public is irresponsible. Animals in shelters are dying for primarily one reason–because people in shelters are killing them.
- Nathan Winograd
Collection: Home
Image of Nathan Winograd
A veterinarian who naively gave PETA some of the animals, thinking they would find them homes, and examined the dead bodies of others, testified that they were 'healthy' and 'adoptable.'
- Nathan Winograd
Collection: Home
Image of Greg Sams
How many examples do we have of these bodies [of the state] set up to eliminate a problem, actually eliminating it, shutting down their operations and going home?
- Greg Sams
Collection: Home
Image of Tyler Ward
You can do anything if you accept the challenge, rise to the occasion, try harder, and drive it home!
- Tyler Ward
Collection: Home
Image of Jan Eliasson
I feel that Orphei Drängar are among Sweden's foremost ambassadors. It's always a delight to hear the drängar, both abroad and at home.
- Jan Eliasson
Collection: Home
Image of Jamie Hyneman
I always telling people to "not try this at home," because most of what we do on MythBusters is really dangerous. Consequently, we can't encourage people to try that stuff.
- Jamie Hyneman
Collection: Home
Image of Sergio Zyman
Focus groups are a waste of time, filled with people telling you what you want to hear so they can go home.
- Sergio Zyman
Collection: Home
Image of Kirsten Gillibrand
Typically, [a victim of sexual assault] go home, take a shower, call their best friend, and evidence is lost. They say, "I can handle it." And they let time pass. And then, either the guy starts harassing them again or they see him do it to somebody else. Having that power on the first day is so important.
- Kirsten Gillibrand
Collection: Home
Image of Naftali Bennett
If I get an order to evacuate a Jew from his home, to expel him, me, personally, my conscience would not let me do it. I'll ask my commander to excuse me, but I won't publicly call on others to refuse an order. I personally can't.
- Naftali Bennett
Collection: Home
Image of Reggie Yates
When you're trapped in an abusive home environment you can feel completely hopeless and lost. Remember that situations can change with time, and that it won't be this way forever.
- Reggie Yates
Collection: Home
Image of Bradford Cox
I used to be a lot more engaged on an improvisational level than other people. I was always on tour and always had a guitar in my hands, and when I went back home, my battery was at full charge. I had a lot of energy to get off, just impulses that I could draw upon.
- Bradford Cox
Collection: Home
Image of Muso Soseki
When there is no place that you have decided to call your own, then no matter where you go, you are always heading home.
- Muso Soseki
Collection: Home
Image of Milton Sapirstein
Education, like neurosis, begins at home.
- Milton Sapirstein
Collection: Home
Image of Jacob Hacker
Even people who feel perfectly comfortable investing in the stock market and owning their own homes often have qualms about individual medical accounts or Social Security private accounts.
- Jacob Hacker
Collection: Home
Image of Thomas R. Marshall
I'm from Indiana, the home of more first-rate second-class men than any other state in the union.
- Thomas R. Marshall
Collection: Home
Image of JC Chasez
I wear [socks and underwear] once and throw them out. Even when I'm home...I wouldn't think of washing them.
- JC Chasez
Collection: Home
Image of Medgar Evers
When a black Jacksonian looks about his home community, he sees a city of over 150,000, of which 40% is Negro, in which there is not a single Negro policeman or policewoman, school crossing guard, or fireman.
- Medgar Evers
Collection: Home
Image of Edna Ferber
... home isn't always the place where you were born and bred. Home is the place where your everyday clothes are, and where somebody or something needs you.
- Edna Ferber
Collection: Home
Image of Graham Nelson
Then in my early teens, when the home computer bubble was blowing, I had one of the first, an Acorn Atom, and used to write primitive adventures on that.
- Graham Nelson
Collection: Home
Image of Trina Schart Hyman
I knew then that I wanted to go home, but I had no home to go to-and that is what adventures are all about.
- Trina Schart Hyman
Collection: Home
Image of Miguel Syjuco
To be an honest writer, you have to be away from home, and totally alone in life.
- Miguel Syjuco
Collection: Home
Image of Miguel Syjuco
I'm home and safe and filled with the comfort of being somewhere I've already been. The ruckus of homecoming is brutally enjoyable and everyone makes me feel like a champion. And all I had to do was stay away long enough.
- Miguel Syjuco
Collection: Home
Image of Chip Giller
When you're making a purchasing decision around an appliance or a car or a home, that's when to take the environment into mind, but don't dwell so much on paper versus plastic.
- Chip Giller
Collection: Home