Marco Pierre White

Image of Marco Pierre White
My pet hate, with customers, is those that think it's all about wallets.
- Marco Pierre White
Collection: Pet
Image of Marco Pierre White
Dad was diagnosed with lung cancer when I was a lad. From then on, he lived in fear that death was just around the corner, and he set about programming me to work hard and bring in some cash.
- Marco Pierre White
Collection: Dad
Image of Marco Pierre White
My cooking attracted celebrities. I met Sylvester Stallone. He squeezed my bicep and said: 'I don't usually eat your kind of food, but for you, I ate it.' I haven't got a clue what he'd eaten but he asked me to cook for his wedding feast when he married Jennifer Flavin at Blenheim Palace.
- Marco Pierre White
Collection: Wedding
Image of Marco Pierre White
Generally, I respect critics; they have their job to do.
- Marco Pierre White
Collection: Respect
Image of Marco Pierre White
For me, food is about generosity, and this should reflect on the plate as well.
- Marco Pierre White
Collection: Food
Image of Marco Pierre White
All great chefs have two things in common. First, they respect nature as the true artist, and they are just cooks. Second, everything that they do is an extension of them as a person.
- Marco Pierre White
Collection: Nature
Image of Marco Pierre White
Self-control is true power.
- Marco Pierre White
Collection: Power
Image of Marco Pierre White
One day, a chef moaned that he was too hot, so I took a carving knife in one hand, held his jacket with the other, and slashed it. Then I slashed his trousers. Both garments were still on his body at the time.
- Marco Pierre White
Image of Marco Pierre White
I can't work in a domestic kitchen; it's just too confined. There's no freedom, and there's no buzz.
- Marco Pierre White
Image of Marco Pierre White
I wouldn't want to be in one room, 20 hours a day, 52 weeks a year, with four white walls and a stove. I think it stunts your growth as a human being.
- Marco Pierre White
Image of Marco Pierre White
I leave my emotions at home.
- Marco Pierre White
Image of Marco Pierre White
My twenties were the worst period of my life.
- Marco Pierre White
Image of Marco Pierre White
I was racially discriminated against for years as a child in Leeds because I was an Italian.
- Marco Pierre White
Image of Marco Pierre White
I was brought up to respect my father and not to love him.
- Marco Pierre White
Image of Marco Pierre White
You can't be a chef and appear on television all the time. It's impossible. At least when I earned my stars, I was always behind my stove.
- Marco Pierre White
Image of Marco Pierre White
Food should be simple; it shouldn't be complicated, even down to making Knorr gravy: a Knorr stock cube and water, bit of parsley at the end, little bit of olive oil. It's about making the food deliciously tasty.
- Marco Pierre White
Image of Marco Pierre White
My children are, without question, the most wonderful thing. I've learnt more about myself through my children than any other experience in my life.
- Marco Pierre White
Image of Marco Pierre White
I love the countryside, which is where I live and feel most comfortable, and hate being surrounded by herds of people.
- Marco Pierre White
Image of Marco Pierre White
People still think I led a rock and roll lifestyle. I was in my kitchen 100 hours a week; I didn't have time to do that.
- Marco Pierre White
Image of Marco Pierre White
The newspapers had described me as the Jagger of the Aga. It wasn't hard living up to the reputation.
- Marco Pierre White
Image of Marco Pierre White
Harveys opened against the backdrop of Thatcher's greed culture.
- Marco Pierre White
Image of Marco Pierre White
'Wall Street' was the big movie of 1987, the year in which Harveys opened. It was a film about greed and self-indulgence, about hunger for success, and Michael Douglas's line, 'breakfast is for wimps,' became a mantra for anyone who wanted to get to the top.
- Marco Pierre White
Image of Marco Pierre White
I take so much from my life. I have my shooting and my fishing. I have my working life. I have my relationship with my children.
- Marco Pierre White
Image of Marco Pierre White
I love working. I love doing things. I don't like sitting.
- Marco Pierre White
Image of Marco Pierre White
I like my mind being stimulated. I like discovering new concepts.
- Marco Pierre White
Image of Marco Pierre White
I love the institution of marriage.
- Marco Pierre White
Image of Marco Pierre White
Like most fathers, I would do anything for my children, and I've worked very hard at trying to be a good father. I want to give them education, security, everything I never had.
- Marco Pierre White
Image of Marco Pierre White
I think it's really important for every young person to work in a kitchen because you learn a life skill.
- Marco Pierre White
Image of Marco Pierre White
My tortured life - with its extremes and conflicts - might have been difficult for me to deal with, but the press couldn't get enough of it. I was in the papers every day, 'the enfant terrible of the culinary world.'
- Marco Pierre White
Image of Marco Pierre White
I was brought up on a council estate. I know what it's like to be poor.
- Marco Pierre White
Image of Marco Pierre White
If I did one thing, I made cooking rock n' roll: I made it sexy. I made young kids from rich backgrounds want to come into my world.
- Marco Pierre White
Image of Marco Pierre White
I don't believe I've ever truly been in love because I don't believe that I've known myself well enough in the past to allow someone to love me.
- Marco Pierre White
Image of Marco Pierre White
'Kitchen Wars' makes 'MasterChef' look like a walk in the park!
- Marco Pierre White
Image of Marco Pierre White
When I look at old pictures, I see my son Luciano, not me. Luciano looks identical. That's what's extraordinary, the power of a gene pool.
- Marco Pierre White
Image of Marco Pierre White
Anybody who thinks they're the perfect parent is a fool.
- Marco Pierre White
Image of Marco Pierre White
English wine is nonsense. They are over-priced and not very good.
- Marco Pierre White
Image of Marco Pierre White
The French make the best wine.
- Marco Pierre White
Image of Marco Pierre White
Buy locally where possible, but if you can't get the very best locally, don't buy locally. Buy it from where it is best.
- Marco Pierre White
Image of Marco Pierre White
When you roast a chicken perfectly, there's nothing more delicious.
- Marco Pierre White
Image of Marco Pierre White
I just can't stand Tony Blair.
- Marco Pierre White
Image of Marco Pierre White
I'm the Christopher Biggins of reality TV.
- Marco Pierre White
Image of Marco Pierre White
The pressure of TV can force people to do odd things.
- Marco Pierre White
Image of Marco Pierre White
People are bored of these 12-course gastronomic menus. They want affordable glamour.
- Marco Pierre White
Image of Marco Pierre White
Restaurants should be democratic; you shouldn't be made to feel privileged for getting a table or being lectured by the waiter.
- Marco Pierre White
Image of Marco Pierre White
Whether dealing with children or chefs, they are all giant babies in need of nurturing.
- Marco Pierre White
Image of Marco Pierre White
I never met a man who worked harder than me.
- Marco Pierre White
Image of Marco Pierre White
Good people are always forgiving. They close an eye to one's failings.
- Marco Pierre White
Image of Marco Pierre White
Cooking is a philosophy; it's not a recipe.
- Marco Pierre White
Image of Marco Pierre White
A chef's palate is born out of his childhood, and one thing all chefs have in common is a mother who can cook.
- Marco Pierre White
Image of Marco Pierre White
I think self-discovery is the greatest achievement in life, because once you discover yourself and accept what you are, then you can fulfil your true potential and be happy.
- Marco Pierre White