Top home Quotes Collection - Page 37

Discover a curated collection of home quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 37 provides more home quotes.

Image of Jill Biden
Women who are interested in pursuing bachelor's and master's degrees - especially in STEM fields - benefit from starting at a community college. They offer an affordable education, with flexible schedules and degrees close to home.
- Jill Biden
Collection: Home
Image of Sheila McKechnie
People who are homeless are not social inadequates. They are people without homes.
- Sheila McKechnie
Collection: Home
Image of Christophe Lemaitre
We have a direct contact with our clothes; they're like a little house. You have to feel good and at home in what you wear and. I think that's elegance. Chanel said something like: "When a woman is badly dressed, one sees the dress, and when she is well dressed, one sees the woman." That's what I'm talking about.
- Christophe Lemaitre
Collection: Home
Image of James Runcie
Body is a home, a prison and a grave.
- James Runcie
Collection: Home
Image of Serinda Swan
I think outdoors has been my second home. My parents wouldn't be like, "Go and do a puzzle," they'd be like, "Hey, there's a forest across the street. You need to go play in it."
- Serinda Swan
Collection: Home
Image of Tony Gonzalez
I'm my own biggest critic. I'm the one who has to go home and look at myself in the mirror.
- Tony Gonzalez
Collection: Home
Image of Thad Matta
It is a tremendous honor to be a No. 2 seed, and to get to play so close to home in Dayton. It is an incredible feeling, and it will be interesting to start preparing. But right now we need some rest and then we'll get our guys going for the NCAA Tournament.
- Thad Matta
Collection: Home
Image of Tyler, The Creator
Wayne's cool. I ran into him at my hangout back home, and he's just cool. I actually have this beat that I want him on, but I was too scared to get it to Clancy to get to them, but Wayne's cool.
- Tyler, The Creator
Collection: Home
Image of Andrew Lam
That experience of losing home, longing for home, that yearning for meaning and rootedness and identity in a floating world, it's what often makes an immigrant story into an American story .
- Andrew Lam
Collection: Home
Image of Jonathan Weiner
As an instrument of planetary home repair, it is hard to imagine anything as safe as a tree.
- Jonathan Weiner
Collection: Home
Image of David Bromstad
I think that we should make the best of where we live and we all should be able to come back home to a place that is welcoming and represents who we are.
- David Bromstad
Collection: Home
Image of Ben Roethlisberger
In the playoffs, it is do or die. You win or you go home. As a competitor, you love it.
- Ben Roethlisberger
Collection: Home
Image of KT Tunstall
Independent record stores are like a casino where you put down your money and you always win. How amazing to discover gems you didn't know about, to meet someone more passionate than you are, and to feel at home in a place you may never have been to before. I'm convinced they will never lose their place - Long may they rule.
- KT Tunstall
Collection: Home
Image of Hiroko Sakai
What are we artists for? We are for showing you what you've wandered for to find the home of your spirit.
- Hiroko Sakai
Collection: Home
Image of Daniel Boulud
Young chefs, famous chefs, home cooks, and everyone who loves food and cooking-we all depend on Larousse Gastronomique. It is the only culinary encyclopedia that is always up-to-date.
- Daniel Boulud
Collection: Home
Image of Gus Malzahn
It was awkward at times, especially at first. But I think the reality is they actually saw me with a Razorback on my shirt, and it kind of hit home that, hey, he is over there, he's not at Springdale anymore.
- Gus Malzahn
Collection: Home
Image of Sean Price
I don't want nothing to do with y'all, I just stay home. I do drugs, lay around and take care of my family, that's it.
- Sean Price
Collection: Home
Image of W. Ian Thomas
To be in Christ - that makes you fit for heaven; but for Christ to be in you - that makes you fit for earth! To be in Christ changes your destination; but for Christ to be in you - that changes your destiny! The one makes heaven your home - the other makes this world His workshop.
- W. Ian Thomas
Collection: Home
Image of Bryan Ferry
I very rarely play the piano at home. Deliberately, so that when I do play it, I love it.
- Bryan Ferry
Collection: Home
Image of Crystal Eastman
Two business women can 'make a home' together without either one being over-burdened or over-bored. It is because they both know how and both feel responsible. But it is a rare man who can marry one of them and continue the home-making partnership.
- Crystal Eastman
Collection: Home
Image of Marc Lamont Hill
If we begin by the conversation that some people shouldn't be encouraged to come to the polls, that does nothing to help us. And just as a practical matter, when we don't encourage voters to come out to the polls, the people who stay home quickest are black and brown folk.
- Marc Lamont Hill
Collection: Home
Image of James Ellroy
L.A.: Come on vacation, go home on probation.
- James Ellroy
Collection: Home
Image of Jan Koum
You don't have to give us your name and we don't ask for your email address. We don't know your birthday. We don't know your home address. We don't know where you work. We don't know your likes, what you search for on the internet or collect your GPS location. None of that data has ever been collected and stored by WhatsApp, and we really have no plans to change that.
- Jan Koum
Collection: Home
Image of Mark Zandi
Potential home buyers have a two-step decision process. First, they determine whether they can afford to make a purchase - does their income safely cover their mortgage payment? Then they determine whether owning is a better financial choice than renting - are the costs of owning a home lower than the cost of renting it?
- Mark Zandi
Collection: Home
Image of Mark Zandi
Investor demand for distressed property has been healthy, as rents rise to levels that can cover investors' costs while they wait for properties to appreciate. Giving investors a small tax break should further juice up demand, supporting prices for distressed homes and the market in general.
- Mark Zandi
Collection: Home
Image of Dermot Healy
I write mostly in my office in the shed outside at home, but it can get very cold. I write best on the train, among people. As a writer you spend so much time away from people.
- Dermot Healy
Collection: Home
Image of Sally Jewell
My work at R.E.I. was incredibly fulfilling and rewarding, especially the stewardship elements of it, the ability to connect young people to public lands close to home.
- Sally Jewell
Collection: Home
Image of Ferruccio Lamborghini
I visited Eduardo Miura’s ranch in Seville where he raised bulls for bullfighting, and I was so impressed that by the time I got home I had already selected my future emblem.
- Ferruccio Lamborghini
Collection: Home
Image of Michael Giacchino
Adventure is out there, it’s heading our way So grab your scarf and goggles, let’s fly! I’ve mapped out our journey, we’re up here to stay. A sunset is our home. A moonbeam we will own. My Spirit of Adventure is you!
- Michael Giacchino
Collection: Home
Image of Michael Giacchino
I feel like I have a group of friends, guys could be interchanged with my neighbors from back home. These guys are really close and really tight, and it all stems from 'Wouldn't it be cool if this happened.'
- Michael Giacchino
Collection: Home
Image of Tara Fela-Durotoye
Houses are built brick-by-brick. HOMEs are built word-by-word. Houses don't build themselves. So YOU must build your home.
- Tara Fela-Durotoye
Collection: Home
Image of Hugh Herr
In the future, every human will have a digital model of their body stored in computers. When someone needs a new shoe or a new bra or a new prosthesis or a new brace, s/he'll just fabricate it from the digital model themselves and then the device or article will be delivered to the home without even having to go to a retail store. The shoe, the bra, the brace, it'll be the person's apparel, the person's device, no one else's. It'll be exquisitely comfortable and functional. So this whole notion today where we have sizing to fit across humans is just utterly absurd.
- Hugh Herr
Collection: Home
Image of Kimbra
It feels like it's just starting in America and the UK. It's great to have a loyal fanbase in Australia and New Zealand. People in America say how polished our band are, but that didn't happen overnight; that came from doing all this touring back home.
- Kimbra
Collection: Home
Image of Mimi Sheraton
We have higher quality conversations in restaurants than at home. It's as though we rise to the occasion by selecting worthwhile, less mundane subjects to discuss when eating out, just as we dress more carefully.
- Mimi Sheraton
Collection: Home
Image of Charles D'Ambrosio
I'm not a very savvy operator - it's not who I am, it's not what I do - and so I have to go at things in ways that suit me. I just write what I write and the stuff finds its vagrant way in the world, somehow. The venues appear; the work always finds a home, eventually.
- Charles D'Ambrosio
Collection: Home
Image of Shane Filan
My wife is my best friend. The thought that people are afraid to go home to their partners for fear of being abused physically or emotionally makes me feel sick. It's not easy but you need to get help and get out.
- Shane Filan
Collection: Home
Image of James Lawson
I say we must have a movement that brings those troops home and launch a crusade to transform our school buildings, we launch a crusade to see to it that every citizen has adequate and affordable housing, we launch a crusade to make universal health care. We need not soldiers anymore in the world. We've had enough of them in western history.
- James Lawson
Collection: Home
Image of Henry Drummond
Strength of character may be acquired at work, but beauty of character is learned at home.
- Henry Drummond
Collection: Home
Image of Glen Duncan
Home pulls. It draws you back to tell you you don't belong.
- Glen Duncan
Collection: Home
Image of Randall Wallace
I majored in religion for my entire undergraduate career at Duke University and then I went to seminary for a year unsure whether or not I really had the call to be a minister. I spoke with a pastor of my home church and told him I was going to seminary. He said "Do you feel the call to be a minister?" and I said "Honestly, I don't. I know it's the greatest call you could have but I'm not feeling that call myself. He said "Well, you know, you're wrong. It's not the greatest call. The greatest call is whatever calling God has for you."
- Randall Wallace
Collection: Home
Image of James Purdy
I don't have any home. Everyone I grew up with, my family, are all dead. So I feel kind of like a ghost. I'm more interested in the past.
- James Purdy
Collection: Home
Image of Daniel Powter
I was so dyslexic as a kid, and still am, and music was such a great form of escape to me. At school I'd keep my head down and try not to get beat up, and then I'd get home and music would be like a drug to me.
- Daniel Powter
Collection: Home
Image of Naomi Benaron
Wherever God spends the day, He comes home to sleep in Rwanda.
- Naomi Benaron
Collection: Home
Image of Stephen L. Richards
Debt is a task master to be feared almost as much as the dictators themselves. It has enslaved thousands in its meshes. It has wrecked happy homes.
- Stephen L. Richards
Collection: Home
Image of Henry Dwight Sedgwick
The future, and the future alone, is the home of explanation.
- Henry Dwight Sedgwick
Collection: Home
Image of Reggie Evans
Home court will be tremendous. That will be a big relief, playing at home in front of the energy and the fans.
- Reggie Evans
Collection: Home
Image of Kate Obenshain
President Reagan rushed home from Santa Barbara vacation, from the Reagan ranch when the Korean jetliner was shot out of the air by the Russians.
- Kate Obenshain
Collection: Home
Image of David Stockman
One thing is certain. At some point global investors will lose confidence in our (U.S.) easy dollars and debt-financed prosperity, and then the chickens will come home to roost.
- David Stockman
Collection: Home
Image of Darryl Pinckney
The rise of fascism in Europe sent most Americans home. Some black American communists who had emigrated to the Soviet Union perished in Stalin's purges of the late 1930s.
- Darryl Pinckney
Collection: Home