Top home Quotes Collection - Page 30

Discover a curated collection of home quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 30 provides more home quotes.

Image of John Paulson
If you don’t own a home, buy one. If you own one home, buy another one, and if you own two homes buy a third and lend your relatives the money to buy a home.
- John Paulson
Collection: Home
Image of John Paulson
I think buying a home is the best investment that any individual can make
- John Paulson
Collection: Home
Image of Gong Li
I appreciate it if I make a Chinese film. And if there is an opportunity to make a Hollywood film, I will take it - especially because, as you probably know, in Hollywood, even today, there are not a lot of big roles for Asian performers. So it is a great opportunity. It is possible to make films that people everywhere enjoy. I travel quite a lot. I don't really feel like when I am in China, I am a Chinese person and when I'm here, I'm a foreigner. I don't feel that kind of difference anymore. In the past I did. Not anymore. I feel quite at home everywhere. The whole world is my home.
- Gong Li
Collection: Home
Image of Tara Lipinski
I love working out and when I'm home. I love the feeling of walking out of a class. That's just an addictive feeling for me.
- Tara Lipinski
Collection: Home
Image of P. M. Forni
Few things would gratify me as much as a rediscovered respect for things belonging to others. Not abusing the property of others (or that of the community) is one of the ways in which we respect others. It is an essential part of being considerate guests, no matter where we are: in an airplane, in a friend's home, in a movie theater, in a doctor's office, in a public library, or in a public square.
- P. M. Forni
Collection: Home
Image of Jon Snow
My whole day is built around meetings that can be achieved around bike rides. My contract actually offers me a free car from my home to my office and back, but I suppose I am addicted to cycling.
- Jon Snow
Collection: Home
Image of Schoolboy Q
When you become an artist you're working away from home for so much time. You really see what the use of time means to you once you're an artist and you travel so much.
- Schoolboy Q
Collection: Home
Image of Alexis Tsipras
We are committing ourselves to basic protections of our people... We will not permit banks to repossess the homes of working class and middle class people. That's the end of that, it is not negotiable.
- Alexis Tsipras
Collection: Home
Image of Marina Abramovic
We are always in the space in-between... all the spaces where you are not actually at home. You haven't arrived yet.... This is where our mind is the most open. We are alert, we are sensitive, and destiny can happen. We do not have any barriers and we are vulnerable. Vulnerability is important. It means we are completely alive and this is an extremely important space. This is for me the space from which my work generates.
- Marina Abramovic
Collection: Home
Image of Emeli Sande
I couldn't help but feel very different from everybody, so I think that's why I found such a big world in music, and that's why I kind of - I was an introvert as a kid, but I loved the piano, and that's where I felt at home.
- Emeli Sande
Collection: Home
Image of Greg Ginn
We've gotten involved in cat rescue we take them in and find homes for them. I've always loved cats. I saw how homeless cats were living out there. We take them in, put out flyers.
- Greg Ginn
Collection: Home
Image of Terence Conran
Home is the heart of life Home is where we feel at ease, where we belong, where we can create surroundings that reflect our tastes and pleasures Making a home is a form of creativity open to everyone.
- Terence Conran
Collection: Home
Image of Terence Conran
If our homes should provide anything, they should provide a sense of who we are and how we got here, a sense of connection balanced by a sense of direction and progress.
- Terence Conran
Collection: Home
Image of Jake LaMotta
I read the Romans had bread and circuses. We had home relief and boxing.
- Jake LaMotta
Collection: Home
Image of Friedrich Schleiermacher
Whenever I find a spark of that hidden fire that will sooner or later consume the old and create the new, I am drawn to it with love and hope, regarding it as a sign of my future home.
- Friedrich Schleiermacher
Collection: Home
Image of Dominic Cooper
When you spend so much time away from home, travelling around doing things like this, talking about yourself too much, which is often very painful... So, to actually come home and just be amongst people who know you extremely well, who you can't pretend to be anything other than yourself in front of, is a relief really. It gives you a sense of who you are again. You just don't get any time at home... it's such an existence of feeling very unsettled and travelling around. It's great.
- Dominic Cooper
Collection: Home
Image of Shane West
Certain people just go home and veg out, certain people go travel the world and certain people are like, "Screw this, I'm going to work the entire time."
- Shane West
Collection: Home
Image of Khaled Mashal
So long as our land is occupied it is the right of the Palestinian people and their factions to combine resistance and political activities. Resistance and its arms are directed against the occupation while political activity is part of re-arranging the Palestinian home.
- Khaled Mashal
Collection: Home
Image of Billy Connolly
I'm a big fan of the Mars Bar Diet. You don't eat the Mars bar, you stick it up your arse and let a rottweiler chase you home.
- Billy Connolly
Collection: Home
Image of Warren Sapp
Dennis Erickson drove to my home and asked me to become a Miami Hurricane. There was no way in hell I wasn’t going.
- Warren Sapp
Collection: Home
Image of Chauncey Depew
My dinners have never interfered with my business. They have been my recreation. . . A public banquet, if eaten with thought and care, is no more of a strain than a dinner at home.
- Chauncey Depew
Collection: Home
Image of Christopher Flavin
Already, China's world-leading solar industry provides water heating for 35 million buildings, and India's pioneering use of rainwater harvesting brings clean water to tens of thousands of homes.
- Christopher Flavin
Collection: Home
Image of Cecil Arthur Lewis
Now shut the engines off. Come down and flatten out, feel the long float, and at the given moment pull the stick right home. She's down. Now taxi in. Switch off. It's over - but not quite, for the port engine, just as if it knew, as if reluctant at the last to let me go, kicked, kicked, and kicked again, as overheated engines will, then backfired with an angry snorting: Fool! The best is over ...But I did not hear.
- Cecil Arthur Lewis
Collection: Home
Image of Stephanie Seymour
It makes me happy when my sons come home and tell me, 'We bumped into Donatella and she says hi.'
- Stephanie Seymour
Collection: Home
Image of Junior Johnson
Moonshiners put more time, energy, thought, and love into their cars than any racer ever will. Lose on the track, and you go home. Lose with a load of whiskey, and you go to jail.
- Junior Johnson
Collection: Home
Image of Sushilkumar Shinde
Caste is important for selection of home minister.
- Sushilkumar Shinde
Collection: Home
Image of Phillip Phillips
Just know you're not alone, 'cause I'm gonna make this place your home.
- Phillip Phillips
Collection: Home
Image of Ellen MacArthur
When you start you're trying to achieve staying alive and getting home. If you can do both of those, then you stand a chance of breaking the record.
- Ellen MacArthur
Collection: Home
Image of Luis Tiant
When I'm in Boston, I always feel like I'm home. I almost cry, I feel so good.
- Luis Tiant
Collection: Home
Image of Greg Proops
I work for a few at home who are devoted. People who are up now. Either they have some sort of bladder problem or they're extremely drunk. This is my crowd, these are the people I hope to get.
- Greg Proops
Collection: Home
Image of Caroline Dhavernas
You hear stories like that of Canadians trying to get in, but when you go back home, you don't expect that.
- Caroline Dhavernas
Collection: Home
Image of Federico Pena
Many trees planted around a home reduce the need for air conditioning.
- Federico Pena
Collection: Home
Image of Brock Lesnar
Fighting at home doesn't add any pressure - they call it "home-field advantage" for good reason. I don't have to travel. I get to sleep in my own bed the night before the fight.
- Brock Lesnar
Collection: Home
Image of Stan Ridgway
Is there a home, a home for me? Where the people stay until eternity? Is there a road that winds up, underneath the big green tree? Is there a home, a home for me?
- Stan Ridgway
Collection: Home
Image of Paulette Alden
Home, as far as I'm concerned, is the place you have to leave. And then, if you're like me, spend the rest of your life mourning.
- Paulette Alden
Collection: Home
Image of Martin O'Malley
Our role in the world is not to roam the globe looking for new dictators to topple. Our role in the world is to make ourselves a beacon of hope. Make ourselves stronger at home, but also our role in the world, yes, is also to confront evil when it rises.
- Martin O'Malley
Collection: Home
Image of Bob Hawke
We were great mates [with Rajiv Gandhi]: very, very, very close friends. In fact, on my visit to India as Prime Minister, we were going to his home for dinner. There were two aspects I remember: one is him saying how he had trouble with his security people, because they insisted he wears a vest. He said it was very uncomfortable and he often took it off, but of course, in the end, it wouldn't have mattered if he'd been wearing three vests - he would have been gone.
- Bob Hawke
Collection: Home
Image of Norman Fell
I was rejected by casting directors during the day. I attended class in the evening, then rode 90 miles on the train home.
- Norman Fell
Collection: Home
Image of Larry Heinemann
Any soldier returning home must rediscover his humanity and establish a livable peace with the discovered, liberated, permanently dark places in his own heart -- the darkness that is always with us.
- Larry Heinemann
Collection: Home
Image of Joe DiMaggio
I'm proud to have been a Yankee. But I have found more happiness and contentment since I came back home to San Francisco than any man has a right to deserve. This is the friendliest city in the world.
- Joe DiMaggio
Collection: Home
Image of Adam Ferrara
I don't think it's fair - you get married, you give your wife a wedding ring. I think you should give her a mood ring. Oh, it may sound crass, but just check the color when you come home. 'Hi honey. Infernal red? Oh boy, I ain't getting laid, and I gotta cut the lawn, I know it.'
- Adam Ferrara
Collection: Home
Image of Harriet Doerr
The minute he spoke Spanish, I said, "I'm home."
- Harriet Doerr
Collection: Home
Image of Andy Spade
A friend of yours has, I think, a huge collection of sock monkeys. I'd love to show those. When I go to people's homes and I see the little things they're obsessed with, I wonder why no one has ever exhibited them.
- Andy Spade
Collection: Home
Image of Martin Milner
Three days a week and Im home at the ranch in Fallbrook with my avocados.
- Martin Milner
Collection: Home
Image of Brantley Gilbert
My life is like a Harley Ride. When I'm on my bike that's really one of the places I feel completely at home.
- Brantley Gilbert
Collection: Home
Image of Hugh Dalton
Are not the worst examples of architecture to be found in private enterprise in cheap jerry-built homes?
- Hugh Dalton
Collection: Home