Top home Quotes Collection - Page 29

Discover a curated collection of home quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 29 provides more home quotes.

Image of Amanda Marshall
I get by on wishful thinking that when you come home you'll want to stay.
- Amanda Marshall
Collection: Home
Image of Charlie Papazian
Relax, don't worry, have a home brew.
- Charlie Papazian
Collection: Home
Image of Sjon
I followed the launch of the library with Margaret Atwood and then David Mitchell. I just sat quietly at home secretly envying them. Then just over a month ago she asked me if I would like to be the third author to join the library.
- Sjon
Collection: Home
Image of Michael Leiter
You've got a huge American population, you've got a small, small, small subset that is radicalized, and you have an even smaller subset that actually takes action. And you can't cover everyone who has some contact, someone bad. What you need is offense overseas, defense at home with intelligence and law enforcement, and really deep engagement with these communities.
- Michael Leiter
Collection: Home
Image of Fedor Emelianenko
I like this feeling of weariness after training, when I'm walking home exhausted, dragging my feet. I like this a lot.
- Fedor Emelianenko
Collection: Home
Image of Louise Dickinson Rich
Mainiacs away from Maine are truly displaced persons, only half alive, only half aware of their immediate surroundings. Their inner attention is always preoccupied and pre-empted by the tiny pinpoint on the face of the globe called Down East. They try to live not in such a manner that they will eventually be welcomed into Paradise, but only so that someday they can go home to Maine.
- Louise Dickinson Rich
Collection: Home
Image of Kwame Dawes
I am a black person. I come out of an experience of exile and migration. I have always felt myself to be at once at home and away from home at the same time. It is inevitable that my perspective will be international.
- Kwame Dawes
Collection: Home
Image of Colin Dexter
I write every day when I'm at home - trying to catch up with correspondence.
- Colin Dexter
Collection: Home
Image of Marcel Dionne
The greatest flight I've ever flown was coming home.
- Marcel Dionne
Collection: Home
Image of NoViolet Bulawayo
When somebody talks about home, you have to listen carefully so you know exactly which one the person is referring to.
- NoViolet Bulawayo
Collection: Home
Image of Marco Arment
Google won't break into your home. You'll invite them in.
- Marco Arment
Collection: Home
Image of Elissa Schappell
I focus best and am most productive when I’m working in a friend’s empty apartment. It’s hard for me to work at home. Too easy to procrastinate online, too easy to be distracted by the state of perpetual domestic chaos that rules my home.
- Elissa Schappell
Collection: Home
Image of Frank Smith
Uses are always much broader than functions, and usually far less contentious. The word function carries overtones of purpose andpropriety, of concern with why something was developed rather than with how it has actually been found useful. The function of automobiles is to transport people and objects, but they are used for a variety of other purposes--as homes, offices, bedrooms, henhouses, jetties, breakwaters, even offensive weapons.
- Frank Smith
Collection: Home
Image of Brad Carson
I had this notion that I could convince people who were skeptical of national Democrats to vote for me because I could bring home the bacon, or because I could find some personal pitch to them.
- Brad Carson
Collection: Home
Image of Glenn Reynolds
The government decides to try to increase the middle class by subsidizing things that middle class people have: If middle-class people go to college and own homes, then surely if more people go to college and own homes, we’ll have more middle-class people. But homeownership and college aren’t causes of middle-class status, they’re markers for possessing the kinds of traits — self-discipline, the ability to defer gratification, etc. — that let you enter, and stay, in the middle class. Subsidizing the markers doesn’t produce the traits; if anything, it undermines them.
- Glenn Reynolds
Collection: Home
Image of Mick Farren
You can't go home and listen to Chopin, and just use it.
- Mick Farren
Collection: Home
Image of Philip Jones Griffiths
When Bill Gates started Corbis we were told that he needed images to fill those digital picture frames in his home, and many found this plausible. But now it's pretty clear that he's set out to control the visual history of the twentieth century.
- Philip Jones Griffiths
Collection: Home
Image of Chandra Talpade Mohanty
Define home "not as a comforable, stable, inherited and familiar space, but instead as an imaginative, politically-charged space where the familiarity and sense of affection and commitment lay in shared collective analysis of social injustice as well as a vision for radical transformation"
- Chandra Talpade Mohanty
Collection: Home
Image of Nick Laird
She was privileged enough to feel at home anywhere, and to equate squalor with authenticity.
- Nick Laird
Collection: Home
Image of Scott D. Cook
Even the once simple home mortgage now has so many flavors and styles and variations that it is difficult for people to make a decision.
- Scott D. Cook
Collection: Home
Image of Arthur Nersesian
The masses-I love em-they rush for red lights, risking everything to capture a few seconds, only to get home and waste their lives.
- Arthur Nersesian
Collection: Home
Image of Agnes Meyer Driscoll
What the Nation must realize is that the home, when both parents work, is non-existent. Once we have honestly faced that fact, we must act accordingly.
- Agnes Meyer Driscoll
Collection: Home
Image of DeeDee Trotter
My friends back home call me a warrior. In fact I'm a butterfly-faced warrior.
- DeeDee Trotter
Collection: Home
Image of Chaim Weizmann
Palestine must be built up without violating the legitimate interests of the Arabs.. Palestine is not Rhodesia... 600,0000 Arabs live there, who before the sense of justice of the world have exactly the same rights to their homes as we have to our National Home.
- Chaim Weizmann
Collection: Home
Image of Ansel Elgort
I'd like to do something that hits close to home.
- Ansel Elgort
Collection: Home
Image of Ian Paisley
Catholic homes caught fire because they were loaded with petrol bombs.
- Ian Paisley
Collection: Home
Image of Ian Paisley
Don't come crying to me if your homes are attacked. You will reap what you sow.
- Ian Paisley
Collection: Home
Image of Mick Ebeling
I actually feel most at home when I find people who make me feel really dumb, who are brilliant at their particular things. And then I gather these people, put them in a room and watch incredible things come out of it.
- Mick Ebeling
Collection: Home
Image of John Howard Payne
An exile from home splendour dazzles in vain,Oh give me my lowly thatched cottage again;The birds singing gayly, that came at my call,Give me them, and that peace of mind dearer than all.
- John Howard Payne
Collection: Home
Image of John Howard Payne
There's no place like home, there's no place like home
- John Howard Payne
Collection: Home
Image of Cherie Blair
My immediate instinct when faced with the questions from The Mail on Sunday ten days ago was to protect my family's privacy and particularly my son in his first term at university, living away from home.
- Cherie Blair
Collection: Home
Image of Harry Shum, Jr.
If I'm home alone, I just dance... it's my own little secret.
- Harry Shum, Jr.
Collection: Home
Image of Albert Hadley
Make your home as comfortable and attractive as possible and then get on with living. There's more to life than decorating.
- Albert Hadley
Collection: Home
Image of Jared Diamond
Civilization originates in conquest abroad and repression at home.
- Jared Diamond
Collection: Home
Image of Chris Huhne
At a time when public finances are under huge strain, we surely do not need to pay celebrities to wax lyrical to mandarins. Unless American comedians can make the Home Office fit for purpose, the taxpayer won't be laughing.
- Chris Huhne
Collection: Home
Image of Chris Huhne
First, we must stop wasting energy. A quarter of the UK's carbon emissions come from the home. Our housing stock - the oldest in Europe - is costing us the earth... After transport, heating is the second biggest driver of energy demand in Britain. British Gas research suggests that householders who put in energy efficiency measures cut their gas consumption by 44%. Better insulated buildings will do much of the work for us.
- Chris Huhne
Collection: Home
Image of Chris Huhne
But we must also look at renewable heat technology. More combined heat and power schemes, putting waste heat to better use. More district heating schemes. And more electric air and ground-source heat pumps, drawing warmth from the outside world to heat the indoors. Better insulation, smarter homes, and more efficient heating can help us cut our energy demand.
- Chris Huhne
Collection: Home
Image of John Y. Campbell
The reason 99% of all stories written are not bought by editors is very simple. Editors never buy manuscripts that are left on the closet shelf at home.
- John Y. Campbell
Collection: Home
Image of Katharine Sergeant Angell White
Home would not be home to me without a lawn, and if there are, as I've recently read, twenty-five million home lawns in the United States, at least fifty million other Americans must agree with me.
- Katharine Sergeant Angell White
Collection: Home
Image of Jorge Valdano
I want to carry Manuel Neuer to my home.
- Jorge Valdano
Collection: Home
Image of Liu Wen
Romantic music really stirs my soul. And, of course, I love Chinese music it makes me feel closer to home.
- Liu Wen
Collection: Home
Image of Pat Roberts
Every time I get an opponent - I mean, every time I get a chance, I’m home.
- Pat Roberts
Collection: Home
Image of Stewart D. Friedman
Boundaries are shifting between work and the rest of life for men and for women at different life stages. Work is becoming home and home is becoming work. The progressive CEOs who grasp this emergent reality and adjust to embrace it will be at a competitive advantage in the marketplace for talent.
- Stewart D. Friedman
Collection: Home
Image of Kevin McKidd
I live in LA so I worry my kids aren't that connected to Britain, I suppose I don't want them to become American kids. We try to get back three or four times a year. When they go to school they speak with a British-American accent but when they come home to us they go back to their British accent, so I can deal with that.
- Kevin McKidd
Collection: Home
Image of Ed Kashi
What I observed in western Azerbaijan, among the small portion of the nearly one million Azerbaijanis who were displaced by the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh two decades ago, are a people who are aching to return to their homes.
- Ed Kashi
Collection: Home
Image of Vanessa Lengies
My whole plan in my head has always been, if I go a year without acting, it's time to go home; it's time to go back to Montreal.
- Vanessa Lengies
Collection: Home
Image of Victoria Moran
Home is the place where you are most thoroughly yourself, with no pretenses.
- Victoria Moran
Collection: Home
Image of Dolph Ziggler
I got you plenty of hats at home, Vickie, what are you doing?
- Dolph Ziggler
Collection: Home
Image of Ted Leo
Despite the fact that I trust the people at major labels who tell me that they want to offer me a home as a "stable artist," who can just do what he does for the long haul, time has shown that it rarely works out that way - the bottom line is the bottom line, not mention the threat of mergers and firings and whatnot, and people get dropped.
- Ted Leo
Collection: Home