Top Germany Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Germany quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of William Petersen
I get a lot of stuff from Germany - stuffed bugs and tarantulas.
- William Petersen
Collection: Germany
Image of Hjalmar Schacht
Colonies are necessary to Germany. We shall get them through negotiation if possible; but if not, we shall take them.
- Hjalmar Schacht
Collection: Germany
Image of William Joyce
Germany calling! Germany Calling!
- William Joyce
Collection: Germany
Image of Georg Baselitz
What I could never escape was Germany, and being German.
- Georg Baselitz
Collection: Germany
Image of Robert Ley
What is good for Germany is right, and everything that harms Germany is wrong.
- Robert Ley
Collection: Germany
Image of Robert Ley
Germany has been born anew.
- Robert Ley
Collection: Germany
Image of Joschka Fischer
Germany is to be contained from outside and heterogenized from the inside by influx, 'diluted' so to speak.
- Joschka Fischer
Collection: Germany
Image of Wilhelm II
Germany must have her place in the sun.
- Wilhelm II
Collection: Germany
Image of Franz Beckenbauer
What FC Bayern has become is thanks to Gerd Mueller.
- Franz Beckenbauer
Collection: Germany
Image of Peter Eisenman
Clearly the anti-Semitism in Germany in the 1930s went overboard and it was clearly a terrible moment in history.
- Peter Eisenman
Collection: Germany
Image of Rainer Werner Fassbinder
Better a street-sweeper in Mexico than a filmmaker in Germany!
- Rainer Werner Fassbinder
Collection: Germany
Image of Abraham Polonsky
Today in Germany, everyone is being watched--even the watchers.
- Abraham Polonsky
Collection: Germany
Image of Alfred Rosenberg
Anti-Semitism is the unifying element of the reconstruction of Germany.
- Alfred Rosenberg
Collection: Germany
Image of Baldur von Schirach
He who serves our Führer, Adolf Hitler, serves Germany, and he who serves Germany, serves God.
- Baldur von Schirach
Collection: Germany
Image of Edwin Black
When the Reich could no longer pay its obligations, Germany would go bankrupt.
- Edwin Black
Collection: Germany
Image of Tarkan
My friends sometimes call me "Alamanci" (Turkish for German) But it actually doesn't matter to me. I would more likely consider myself a Turkish person who grew up in Germany.
- Tarkan
Collection: Germany
Image of Emayatzy E. Corinealdi
We left Germany when I was 11.
- Emayatzy E. Corinealdi
Collection: Germany
Image of Henning von Tresckow
We have to show the world that not all of us are like him. Otherwise, this will always be Hitler's Germany.
- Henning von Tresckow
Collection: Germany
Image of Michael Ballack
We have to be very aggressive, to go to the limit of what's legal.
- Michael Ballack
Collection: Germany
Image of Til Schweiger
We havent done action movies in Germany. We had some attempts in the 90s, but they failed.
- Til Schweiger
Collection: Germany
Image of Otto Rehhagel
There are no right or wrong, or fair results. There's just the final score.
- Otto Rehhagel
Collection: Germany
Image of Otto Rehhagel
Every match in the Euro is a dance on a razor's edge.
- Otto Rehhagel
Collection: Germany
Image of Irakli Okruashvili
I hope to be granted asylum. Deportation [ from Germany] that would be a death sentence for me.
- Irakli Okruashvili
Collection: Germany
Image of Tyler Drumheller
I was a great friend of the Europeans. I grew up in Wiesbaden. I love Germany very much.
- Tyler Drumheller
Collection: Germany
Image of Klaus Nomi
It was just as shocking for me to sing opera in a falsetto soprano in Germany.
- Klaus Nomi
Collection: Germany
Image of Helmut Kohl
Everybody should know that Germany will not go it alone: there will be no restless Reich.
- Helmut Kohl
Collection: Germany
Image of Horst Seehofer
Germany must remain Germany.
- Horst Seehofer
Collection: Germany
Image of Markus Zusak
He watched them grow, until eventually, great forests of words had risen throughout Germany.... It was a nation of farmed thoughts.
- Markus Zusak
Collection: Germany
Image of Emo Philips
Well! I feel happy these days. I've started taking a herbal anti-depressant. It's called Saint John's Wort. Apparently it's the best-selling anti-depressant in many places. It's the most popular anti-depressant in Germany... After, I'm guessing, amnesia.
- Emo Philips
Collection: Germany
Image of Moby
Should the progressives in Germany in the 30s have tolerated the National Socialists? Of course they shouldn't have.
- Moby
Collection: Germany
Image of Friedrich Nietzsche
As far as Germany extends it ruins culture.
- Friedrich Nietzsche
Collection: Germany
Image of Bill Burr
Well probably the coolest show of that whole tour was in Germany. I had a chunk of material on [Adolf] Hitler, and I was worried about how they'd react, but they loved it.
- Bill Burr
Collection: Germany
Image of Otto von Bismarck
Let us put Germany, so to speak, in the saddle! you will see that she can ride.
- Otto von Bismarck
Collection: Germany
Image of Friedrich Nietzsche
Wherever Germany extends her sway, she ruins culture.
- Friedrich Nietzsche
Collection: Germany
Image of Oswald Spengler
We Germans will never produce another Goethe, but we may produce another Caesar.
- Oswald Spengler
Collection: Germany
Image of Alan Sugar
I find it strange that Gisela Gschaider a 1974 immigrant from Germany is on the brexit panel telling us British what we should do .
- Alan Sugar
Collection: Germany
Image of Simon Wiesenthal
No gassing took place in any camp on Germany soil.
- Simon Wiesenthal
Collection: Germany
Image of Leon Trotsky
What shall we call an "immediate possibility"? In 1923 the situation in Germany was profoundly revolutionary, but what was lacking for a victorious revolution was a correct strategy.
- Leon Trotsky
Collection: Germany
Image of Rick Perry
When you look around the world, every place that socialism has been implemented, it has failed miserably, destroying the economy, freedom and - in Germany, the Soviet Union and other nations - millions of lives.
- Rick Perry
Collection: Germany
Image of Marine Le Pen
Euro was created by Germany, for Germany.
- Marine Le Pen
Collection: Germany
Image of Franz Beckenbauer
You know the Dutch, they're always a bit funny... some of them.
- Franz Beckenbauer
Collection: Germany
Image of Paul Celan
Death is a master from Germany.
- Paul Celan
Collection: Germany
Image of Benjamin Carson
Politics is corrupting the American judicial system in much the same way the judicial system was corrupted in Nazi Germany.
- Benjamin Carson
Collection: Germany
Image of Bernie Ecclestone
As the cancellation of the German Grand Prix indicates, Germany is a terrible market for Formula One.
- Bernie Ecclestone
Collection: Germany
Image of Paul Beatty
I've written a little bit in Germany.
- Paul Beatty
Collection: Germany
Image of Olafur Eliasson
I myself have already spent a third of my life in Germany, first in Cologne and then, since 1994, in Berlin.
- Olafur Eliasson
Collection: Germany
Image of Albert Einstein
Germany had the misfortune of becoming poisoned, first because of plenty, and then because of want.
- Albert Einstein
Collection: Germany
Image of Peter Drucker
The Welfare State, which begun in Imperial Germany for the truly indigent and disabled, has now become "everybody's entitlement" and an increasing burden on those who produce.
- Peter Drucker
Collection: Germany
Image of Indira Gandhi
By now even the word socialism has so many meanings and interpretations. The Russians call themselves socialists, the Swedes call themselves. And let's not forget that in Germany there was also a national socialism.
- Indira Gandhi
Collection: Germany
Image of Milton Friedman
Germany cannot get out of the euro. What it has to do, therefore, is make the economy more flexible - to eliminate the restrictions on prices, on wages and on employment; in short, the regulations that keep 10 percent of the German workforce unemployed.
- Milton Friedman
Collection: Germany