Marine Le Pen

Image of Marine Le Pen
I think patriotism is never racism.
- Marine Le Pen
Collection: Patriotism
Image of Marine Le Pen
We, the French, are viscerally attached to our laicite, our sovereignty, our independence, our values. The world knows that when France is attacked, it is liberty that is dealt a blow.
- Marine Le Pen
Collection: Independence
Image of Marine Le Pen
Without any action, this migratory influx will be like the barbarian invasion of the 4th century, and the consequences will be the same. We must immediately stop this madness to safeguard our social pact, freedom, and identity.
- Marine Le Pen
Collection: Freedom
Image of Marine Le Pen
Our countries have been friends dating to the very existence of the United States. France is the only power that has never been at war with the United States.
- Marine Le Pen
Collection: Dating
Image of Marine Le Pen
I do not have the slightest bit of racism in me. I do not judge people with regards to the colour of their skin, their origin, or their religion. I defend them all, because I defend French people. And, of course, I defend the interests of France, the interests of French people.
- Marine Le Pen
Collection: Religion
Image of Marine Le Pen
There's a big difference between France and the U.S. In the U.S., immigrants must work to live. In France, they're taken care of by public finances. In France, there are millions of unemployed people already. We cannot house them, give them health care, education... finance people who keep coming and coming.
- Marine Le Pen
Collection: Health
Image of Marine Le Pen
We are in a world where globalization, which is an ideology, has forgotten and put aside the people, the people's interests, aspirations, and dreams.
- Marine Le Pen
Collection: Dreams
Image of Marine Le Pen
Brexit wasn't the European people's first cry of revolt. In 2005, France and the Netherlands held referendums about the proposed European Union constitution. In both countries, opposition was massive, and other governments decided on the spot to halt the experiment for fear the contagion might spread.
- Marine Le Pen
Collection: Fear
Image of Marine Le Pen
The Catholic religion doesn't have conspicuous symbols.
- Marine Le Pen
Collection: Religion
Image of Marine Le Pen
There's something I will say: In the U.S., people are very patriotic. Their patriotism is obvious. In France, for many years, you had to fight to be patriotic. People are pushing us from loving our own country.
- Marine Le Pen
Collection: Patriotism
Image of Marine Le Pen
Wild globalisation has benefited some, but it's been a catastrophe for most.
- Marine Le Pen
Image of Marine Le Pen
Islamism is a monstrous totalitarian ideology that has declared war on our nation, on reason, on civilization.
- Marine Le Pen
Image of Marine Le Pen
I am opposed to a multicultural France. I think that those who have a different culture and who arrive in France have to submit themselves to French culture.
- Marine Le Pen
Image of Marine Le Pen
I am a woman, and as such, I experience the ever-increasing restrictions on our liberty in our country through the development of Islamic fundamentalism.
- Marine Le Pen
Image of Marine Le Pen
Everyone understands the European Union is a failure. It has not kept any of its promises - in particular about prosperity, security - and, worst of all, has put us under a guardianship.
- Marine Le Pen
Image of Marine Le Pen
The European Union has become a prison of peoples. Each of the 28 countries that constitute it has slowly lost its democratic prerogatives to commissions and councils with no popular mandate. Every nation in the union has had to apply laws it did not want for itself.
- Marine Le Pen
Image of Marine Le Pen
Brexit has really broken a taboo. The Brits have shown us that you can leave the European Union, and you can come out better.
- Marine Le Pen
Image of Marine Le Pen
I believe that sovereignty is the twin sister of democracy. If there's no sovereignty, there's no democracy.
- Marine Le Pen
Image of Marine Le Pen
French citizenship should be either inherited or merited.
- Marine Le Pen
Image of Marine Le Pen
In France, we respect women: we don't beat them; we don't ask them to hide themselves behind a veil as if they were impure.
- Marine Le Pen
Image of Marine Le Pen
I do not have the slightest bit of confidence in the European Union to protect the borders of the European Union.
- Marine Le Pen
Image of Marine Le Pen
Either one is French and can vote, or one is not French and cannot vote.
- Marine Le Pen
Image of Marine Le Pen
There is, toward the Front, a suspicion of anti-Semitism, and it is totally at odds with the real danger due to mass immigration and the rise of Islamism.
- Marine Le Pen
Image of Marine Le Pen
Immigration has a huge cost on social programs, and it lowers salaries and drives up unemployment.
- Marine Le Pen
Image of Marine Le Pen
We are very, very far from recognising polygamy in our country, thank God.
- Marine Le Pen
Image of Marine Le Pen
The first obligation is to the French people and establish solidarity among our own citizens.
- Marine Le Pen
Image of Marine Le Pen
Politics for me started in violence.
- Marine Le Pen
Image of Marine Le Pen
We will be all about the local, not the global.
- Marine Le Pen
Image of Marine Le Pen
France has been mired in people's minds for years. In reality, our children are taught that they have every reason to criticize her, to see only the darkest historical aspects.
- Marine Le Pen
Image of Marine Le Pen
Was the Soviet Union reformable? I would say no. They said, 'Okay, the Soviet Union isn't working.' They would say, 'No, it's great. We just need democracy, political pluralism, private property.' And then there was no Soviet Union. The European Union is the same.
- Marine Le Pen
Image of Marine Le Pen
I chose as the campaign logo a blue rose, which means 'make possible the impossible.' I think the British with Brexit, then the Americans with the election of Donald Trump, did that: They made possible the impossible.
- Marine Le Pen
Image of Marine Le Pen
Multicultural societies are multi-conflict societies.
- Marine Le Pen
Image of Marine Le Pen
If anything, I'm to the left of Obama.
- Marine Le Pen
Image of Marine Le Pen
France always had this balanced position that in so many conflicts was the voice of peace. I intend to maintain that. De Gaulle was pleading for a multipolar world.
- Marine Le Pen
Image of Marine Le Pen
Russia is an important power upon which the U.S.A. imposed a Cold War.
- Marine Le Pen
Image of Marine Le Pen
I am well placed to know that Le Pen is not an anti-Semite. If one considers his life seriously... a man who went to fight with the Israelis in '56! Many times, he tried to better the party's relationship with the Jewish community, even though I do not like the term.
- Marine Le Pen
Image of Marine Le Pen
The reality is that Islam is facing a phenomenal rise with regards to fundamentalism. It cannot control it, but what is sure is that neither can European states control and monitor the development of fundamentalist networks in their own territory.
- Marine Le Pen
Image of Marine Le Pen
I have nothing to hide, and I call upon those who are scared by the National Front to look up the National Front's manifesto. It's quite easy on the Internet.
- Marine Le Pen
Image of Marine Le Pen
I keep wondering who defends Quebec identity: who defends sovereignty, the right of the people to express themselves freely.
- Marine Le Pen
Image of Marine Le Pen
France is different from the U.S.A.'s El Dorado, American Dream image.
- Marine Le Pen
Image of Marine Le Pen
I think France should be free, independent, and be the cultural heart of the world because those play a balance in the world.
- Marine Le Pen
Image of Marine Le Pen
France, land of human rights and freedoms, was attacked on its own soil by a totalitarian ideology: Islamic fundamentalism. It is only by refusing to be in denial, by looking the enemy in the eye, that one can avoid conflating issues.
- Marine Le Pen
Image of Marine Le Pen
Islamist terrorism is a cancer on Islam, and Muslims themselves must fight it at our side.
- Marine Le Pen
Image of Marine Le Pen
The question of changing the name must not be taboo. The Front National is a name that has a strong history. It represents a limit in the heads of some voters because it is still demonised.
- Marine Le Pen
Image of Marine Le Pen
Voila, we're all molded by our personal paths, which forge our sensibilities.
- Marine Le Pen
Image of Marine Le Pen
It's true that I have a strong social sensibility, because - bah, because I raised thre children on my own, and I know the difficulties that can represent. All of that makes it appear that there's a difference between Jean-Marie Le Pen's program and mine. But the big ideas are the same.
- Marine Le Pen
Image of Marine Le Pen
The Catholics will never like me because of my divorces.
- Marine Le Pen
Image of Marine Le Pen
The euro ceases to exist the moment that France leaves.
- Marine Le Pen
Image of Marine Le Pen
I believe that politics is a matter of person. Specifically in the Fifth French Republic. In a healthy political system, a political party should resemble its leader.
- Marine Le Pen
Image of Marine Le Pen
I have four priorities. Give back to the French their sovereignty over the French territory, their sovereignty over the currency, their sovereignty over the economy and the law.
- Marine Le Pen