Top fun Quotes Collection - Page 90

Discover a curated collection of fun quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 90 provides more fun quotes.

Image of Luther Campbell
I’m gonna perform on one of the nights. Good clean fun; we’re not going to jail. For the record.
- Luther Campbell
Collection: Fun
Image of Lydia Davis
I never dream in French, but certain French words seem better or more fun than English words – like ‘pois chiches’ for chick peas!
- Lydia Davis
Collection: Fun
Image of Scott Caan
To me, theater is the mecca; if you really love to act, that’s where it’s the most fun, by a long shot.
- Scott Caan
Collection: Fun
Image of Scott Ian
To me, the guitar is a tool for songwriting, and it’s fun, too. The day that it’s not fun, that’s when I’m not gonna play guitar anymore.
- Scott Ian
Collection: Fun
Image of Megalyn Echikunwoke
It was fun. I’d never done anything like that. I’d never done any bi-sexual or lesbian scenes before, but it was really fun.
- Megalyn Echikunwoke
Collection: Fun
Image of Mel Brooks
Look, I had to take chances or it wasn’t fun being funny.
- Mel Brooks
Collection: Fun
Image of Mel Brooks
You cannot have fun with anything that you don’t love or admire or respect.
- Mel Brooks
Collection: Fun
Image of Mel Gibson
I like directing much better. It’s more fun, that’s all there is to it. It’s essentially the same job, which is storytelling, but you have more control over the way you want to tell the story. It’s a high. I love it.
- Mel Gibson
Collection: Fun
Image of Mel Gibson
I just don’t do anything fun anymore. But, that’s dying, isn’t it? I mean, you die in stages, right? You let things go in pieces.
- Mel Gibson
Collection: Fun
Image of Emeril Lagasse
Cooking is so popular today because it’s the perfect mix of food and fun.
- Emeril Lagasse
Collection: Fun
Image of Anne Hathaway
I’m a wear-my-heart-on-my-sleeve, fall in love-at-first-sight and go with it sort of girl. It’s all about having fun with someone and learning how to communicate with someone, in a way that you enjoy.
- Anne Hathaway
Collection: Fun
Image of Annie Lang
There’s a story behind every Bookworm”!
- Annie Lang
Collection: Fun
Image of Anthony Anderson
Independent films are where you really get to cut your teeth and have some fun and do the things that mainstream Hollywood doesn’t want to do.
- Anthony Anderson
Collection: Fun
Image of Anthony Hamilton
I’m not always a heartbroken guy. I like to laugh, act silly, dance. There are so many more colors to me. I really can be fun.
- Anthony Hamilton
Collection: Fun
Image of Anthony Hopkins
I think the healthy way to live is to make friends with the beast inside oneself, and that means not the beast but the shadow. The dark side of one’s nature. Have fun with it and you know, is to accept everything about ourselves.
- Anthony Hopkins
Collection: Fun
Image of Anthony Jeselnik
People say it’s easy to make fun of retarded people, but it’s not. You really have to explain it to them.
- Anthony Jeselnik
Collection: Fun
Image of Anthony Kiedis
Adolescence is such a fun time in your life, because you think you know it all, and you haven’t gotten to the point where you realize that you know almost nothing.
- Anthony Kiedis
Collection: Fun
Image of Elle Fanning
One boy made fun of me because one day, I had really curly hair, and I wear glasses normally, and I also bite my nails. I feel like everyone is different in their own way, so, people shouldn’t try to make them feel bad because of that.
- Elle Fanning
Collection: Fun
Image of Elle Fanning
Everyone in my grade is turning 13, so there are bunches of bar and bat mitzvahs. They’re very dressy. It’s fun picking out outfits. One girl, for her bat mitzvah, wore a huge red ball gown!
- Elle Fanning
Collection: Fun
Image of Elle Fanning
I always try to do something very different with each character because that’s why I like to do this, because I can become someone else completely and it’s fun.
- Elle Fanning
Collection: Fun
Image of Elle Fanning
I mean, it’s amazing that I get to meet all these people. I’ve learned so much from all of them. I just worked with Sofia Coppola and that was amazing. I learned so much from her. I can’t even describe how much fun I had.
- Elle Fanning
Collection: Fun
Image of Ellen Glasgow
There wouldn’t be half as much fun in the world if it weren’t for children and men, and there ain’t a mite of difference between them under the skins.
- Ellen Glasgow
Collection: Fun
Image of Mayer Hawthorne
I just want to have fun and party with everyone around the world. That’s the only rule, to have fun.
- Mayer Hawthorne
Collection: Fun
Image of Mayer Hawthorne
I don’t think I’ve ever had more fun doing anything in my life than trading verses with Daryl Hall on ‘Private Eyes.’ That’s as fun as it gets.
- Mayer Hawthorne
Collection: Fun
Image of Jasper Fforde
Fiction wouldn’t be much fun without its fair share of scoundrels, and they have to live somewhere.
- Jasper Fforde
Collection: Fun
Image of Javier Bardem
My first part was in a film where I played a sadomasochist who killed people and created fun orgies. I’m a method actor. I went to every orgy in the world.
- Javier Bardem
Collection: Fun
Image of Javier Bardem
I hate violence. When I hold a gun, I feel death in my hands, but it’s fun to pretend in the movies.
- Javier Bardem
Collection: Fun
Image of Sean Astin
It’s just fun to be on a movie set and looking to find the comedy in sweet, simple family moments.
- Sean Astin
Collection: Fun
Image of Selena Gómez
My mom always told me if I love what I’m doing and I’m having fun then just continue to do it. But if it’s not fun for me anymore and I’m miserable, then I’m going to go back to Texas and quit it all, to be honest.
- Selena Gómez
Collection: Fun
Image of Selma Blair
I have no ego, I’ll make fun of myself, and I’ll make fun of being humiliated. I get it.
- Selma Blair
Collection: Fun
Image of Selma Blair
It’s fun to play mom. Last I knew I was playing a 17-year-old who graduated.
- Selma Blair
Collection: Fun
Image of Selma Blair
It’s fun to go to the movies and be scared.
- Selma Blair
Collection: Fun
Image of Harry Styles
I’m an 18-year-old boy, and I’m having fun. I’m just not having as much fun as people make out.
- Harry Styles
Collection: Fun
Image of Haile Gebrselassie
My father thought sport was something fun – he didn’t know it was a way to make money.
- Haile Gebrselassie
Collection: Fun
Image of Andy Cohen
In the case of ‘The Housewives,’ I call the ‘Housewives’ sociology of the rich. I think it’s just fun to watch. It’s guilt-free gossiping that you can have. It’s like the modern-day soap opera, in my mind.
- Andy Cohen
Collection: Fun
Image of Andy Cohen
The one guiding principle over my 23-year career in TV has been as long as I’m having fun, I really don’t care what the job title is.
- Andy Cohen
Collection: Fun
Image of Andy Kaufman
That was part of the whole original concept. We were thinking, it’s off-season, let’s do a really fun, local-oriented event, raise money for good causes and bring some music to the valley.
- Andy Kaufman
Collection: Fun
Image of Kinky Friedman
Friday night was the night most people thought they were supposed to have fun. Trouble was most people didn’t know what fun was or how to have it, so things usually ended up pretty ugly.
- Kinky Friedman
Collection: Fun
Image of Kirsten Dunst
You can never control who you fall in love with, even when you’re in the most sad, confused time of your life. You don’t fall in love with people because they’re fun. It just happens.
- Kirsten Dunst
Collection: Fun
Image of Kirsten Dunst
What are you going to do if it’s the end of the world? You better go out having fun instead of stressing about it.
- Kirsten Dunst
Collection: Fun
Image of John Galliano
I think people should have fun with fashion, should enjoy wearing beautiful clothes – but also not save everything for the best. Fashion is there to be enjoyed, to be indulged – to wow in. Don’t save it for Sunday best only. Get it out of the tissue paper and be sensational every day.
- John Galliano
Collection: Fun
Image of John Grisham
Please give me fifty more years of work and fun, then an instant death when I’m sleeping.
- John Grisham
Collection: Fun
Image of John Grisham
Nobody wants to read about the honest lawyer down the street who does real estate loans and wills. If you want to sell books, you have to write about the interesting lawyers – the guys who steal all the money and take off. That’s the fun stuff.
- John Grisham
Collection: Fun
Image of Glenn Beck
Life is what you make of it. There’s always fun and laughs right under your nose if you’re willing to open your eyes to see it.
- Glenn Beck
Collection: Fun
Image of Gloria Gaynor
Well, I think it’s era that in which people had a lot of fun. In fact too much fun and would not concern themselves with the negative effects of the accesses that they were involved in.
- Gloria Gaynor
Collection: Fun
Image of Dianna Agron
You just realize at the end of the day, everyone is going to have their opinion on your life, more and more so as you go along. As long as you’re getting to work and be a part of it – still having fun, learn to just not sweat it so much and keep doing the things you love.
- Dianna Agron
Collection: Fun
Image of Dianna Agron
When you work really hard, and it’s organic and together, you can have more fun.
- Dianna Agron
Collection: Fun
Image of Dick Gregory
Love is man’s natural endowment, but he doesn’t know how to use it. He refuses to recognize the power of love because of his love of power.
- Dick Gregory
Collection: Fun
Image of Dick Van Dyke
I don’t play golf. I have more fun singing and dancing.
- Dick Van Dyke
Collection: Fun