Anthony Anderson

Image of Anthony Anderson
I realized my family was funny, because nobody ever wanted to leave our house.
- Anthony Anderson
Collection: Funny
Image of Anthony Anderson
My wife and I have always trusted each other, and I have to thank her strength.
- Anthony Anderson
Collection: Strength
Image of Anthony Anderson
Things are changing. I've been training since I was 9 years old to stretch my wings as an actor dramatically, but have never really been afforded the opportunity to show that.
- Anthony Anderson
Image of Anthony Anderson
Set your heights more than what you see around you, see beyond.
- Anthony Anderson
Image of Anthony Anderson
Be ready for when your time comes, you will have that window of opportunity, so seize the moment and capitalise on it.
- Anthony Anderson
Image of Anthony Anderson
Leo couldn't deliver Mr. Martin Scorsese his Oscar with 'The Aviator', but I will go on record to say I will do so in 'The Departed'.
- Anthony Anderson
Image of Anthony Anderson
Glenn Close is a living icon. You look at the work, and I think it's wild, because she thinks some of her best work was in Dangerous Liaisons and that's what I believe as well.
- Anthony Anderson
Image of Anthony Anderson
Tom Arnold and I, we have a huge firefight scene on top of a German tank. I get to shoot 50 caliber rounds. We shoot a helicopter out of the sky. That's the only fight I'm in.
- Anthony Anderson
Image of Anthony Anderson
More oftentimes than not, you're automatically guilty before innocent.
- Anthony Anderson
Image of Anthony Anderson
Everyone realized I was the innocent victim of a shakedown.
- Anthony Anderson
Image of Anthony Anderson
Comedy is second nature for me.
- Anthony Anderson
Image of Anthony Anderson
I provide a little comic relief.
- Anthony Anderson
Image of Anthony Anderson
It's sort of an action flick. You can't be that funny trying to steal diamonds.
- Anthony Anderson
Image of Anthony Anderson
Romeo Must Die was the first film that I did where I was able to just be free as an actor.
- Anthony Anderson
Image of Anthony Anderson
My choices were never wrong.
- Anthony Anderson
Image of Anthony Anderson
You take the quote from Sam Jackson about how he'll never work with a rapper, and I can understand where he's coming from because he says rappers can't act.
- Anthony Anderson
Image of Anthony Anderson
I've worked with some actors who can't act.
- Anthony Anderson
Image of Anthony Anderson
If they respect the craft and what we're doing and they bring something to the table and they work hard, I don't care what you do as your side job or as your day job.
- Anthony Anderson
Image of Anthony Anderson
Some of these guys... I've worked with Ice Cube, I think he's an immensely talented rapper and actor.
- Anthony Anderson
Image of Anthony Anderson
You can say what you want to about a rapper in a movie, but look at what Ice Cube has done. Ice Cube has created more opportunities for other actors to get jobs in this business than some actors have.
- Anthony Anderson
Image of Anthony Anderson
If you respect the art and you have some talent about you, I'm on your team.
- Anthony Anderson
Image of Anthony Anderson
They gave us the freedom just to play and have fun.
- Anthony Anderson
Image of Anthony Anderson
I'm not a comedian. I'm an actor who just happens to be funny on occasion.
- Anthony Anderson
Image of Anthony Anderson
You say you're a comedian, you always have to be on guard.
- Anthony Anderson
Image of Anthony Anderson
There isn't a switch that I turn on. I'm an actor. This is what I do.
- Anthony Anderson
Image of Anthony Anderson
I went to the High School for Performing Arts, and to Howard University on a talent scholarship.
- Anthony Anderson
Image of Anthony Anderson
It's just a matter of me opening up the page and whatever is written on the page, that's what I'm here to do.
- Anthony Anderson
Image of Anthony Anderson
It's a remake of a film called Inferno Affairs. It's a Hong Kong film, and if we come anywhere close to what they did in the original, we're going to have a hot property on our hands, because Inferno Affairs is a great piece.
- Anthony Anderson
Image of Anthony Anderson
Independent films are where you really get to cut your teeth and have some fun and do the things that mainstream Hollywood doesn't want to do.
- Anthony Anderson
Image of Anthony Anderson
I've gotten my butt kicked by the best. Jet Li beat me up the best, but Steven Segal can still kick a good butt. It's a different kind of kicking, though.
- Anthony Anderson
Image of Anthony Anderson
I ain't got nothing. I've got this watch, and these shoes, and that's about it.
- Anthony Anderson
Image of Anthony Anderson
It doesn't matter what people feel about you because everyone is going to have an opinion.
- Anthony Anderson
Collection: People
Image of Anthony Anderson
I learned never to say, 'That's too tight.' If a woman puts it on and feels good about herself, then it's for her.
- Anthony Anderson
Collection: Feel Good
Image of Anthony Anderson
There are going to be ups and downs in any relationship. It's a team.
- Anthony Anderson
Collection: Team
Image of Anthony Anderson
I've always been comfortable in the skin that I'm in.
- Anthony Anderson
Collection: Skins
Image of Anthony Anderson
Weight was never an issue with me.
- Anthony Anderson
Collection: Issues
Image of Anthony Anderson
It takes all sorts to make a world - saints as well as soldiers.
- Anthony Anderson
Collection: History
Image of Anthony Anderson
My parents always worked through their arguments and never went to bed angry. They may not have agreed with one another, but they didn't let that disagreement stop them from laying with one another in peace at night.
- Anthony Anderson
Collection: Night
Image of Anthony Anderson
We were a spiritual family. My mother always told me, 'People hated Jesus Christ, so why should you worry about them?' Once she put it in that perspective, I was like, 'You're right, Ma.'
- Anthony Anderson
Collection: Mother
Image of Anthony Anderson
I always thought I was the finest thing around.
- Anthony Anderson
Collection: Finest
Image of Anthony Anderson
Sometimes, as a team, you win together. Sometimes as a team you lose together.
- Anthony Anderson
Collection: Team
Image of Anthony Anderson
If we believe the good we read about ourselves, we have to believe the bad we read about ourselves.
- Anthony Anderson
Collection: Believe
Image of Anthony Anderson
I will admit the best sex I've ever had has been with my wife.
- Anthony Anderson
Collection: Sex
Image of Anthony Anderson
Leo couldnt deliver Mr. Martin Scorsese his Oscar with The Aviator, but I will go on record to say I will do so in The Departed.
- Anthony Anderson
Collection: Departed
Image of Anthony Anderson
Independent films are where you really get to cut your teeth and have some fun and do the things that mainstream Hollywood doesn’t want to do.
- Anthony Anderson
Collection: Fun