Top fun Quotes Collection - Page 35

Discover a curated collection of fun quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 35 provides more fun quotes.

Image of Drew Goddard
The most fun characters to work with are characters that are complicated.
- Drew Goddard
Collection: Fun
Image of Linda Goldstein Knowlton
My other creative outlet is knitting; aside from being fun, it is my antidote to the film business: I have full creative control, there is no development process, and I can self-finance.
- Linda Goldstein Knowlton
Collection: Fun
Image of Linda Goldstein Knowlton
I'm still producing scripted features, and I am already working on a new documentary project with Norman Lear and Lara Bergthold. It is about the Declaration of Independence and the relevance of the document today. And it will be fun and engaging - I promise!
- Linda Goldstein Knowlton
Collection: Fun
Image of Kristen Connolly
A lot of auditions are not fun; they're just a necessary evil, and, if you're lucky, you have a few moments that are fun.
- Kristen Connolly
Collection: Fun
Image of Kristen Connolly
Before he died, Harry said that his wife knew everything about every trick that he did, and that she knew how they all worked. It was interesting to play with that idea, and to find the places where she really was afraid for his safety and where she was playing along. I had to find that line between what's a performance and what's real, and that's so much of what magic is, as well. It was really, really fun. They were really partners, in every sense of the word.
- Kristen Connolly
Collection: Fun
Image of Charlie Hunnam
It's generally more fun playing the villain
- Charlie Hunnam
Collection: Fun
Image of Jaime Ray Newman
Im always envious of the actors who get to come to work every day and really grow deep roots there, but it is really fun playing lots of different characters.
- Jaime Ray Newman
Collection: Fun
Image of Alberta Hunter
I'm having a good time, Please don't blame me, I'm knocking myself out Don't try to tame me Let me have my fun, I've got to have my fling, Some folks say I'm blowing my top Talk don't mean a thing.
- Alberta Hunter
Collection: Fun
Image of Tina Roth-Eisenberg
Enthusiasm is my superpower. One might say that confidence yields the same result. I disagree. Confidence is about yourself, enthusiasm is about something else. Confidence is impressive, but enthusiasm is infectious. Confidence is serious, enthusiasm is fun.
- Tina Roth-Eisenberg
Collection: Fun
Image of Pablo Schreiber
There's usually a sense of humor about all of it. It is what it is. I had two characters that were equally detestable, in very different ways, that hit the airwaves, at the same time. It was a very interesting year in my career, in that way. But I have no fear, on that note. I have a new project for HBO, where I'm going to play the good guy. That's going to be fun and exciting, and shift the paradigm a bit.
- Pablo Schreiber
Collection: Fun
Image of Nicole Holofcener
I think that sometimes, romantic comedies have to be really broad, and that the plot of people falling in and out of love or whatever is not enough. Enough Said had that stuff, but I wanted it to be fun and funny while also grounded in reality.
- Nicole Holofcener
Collection: Fun
Image of Nicole Holofcener
You can't take your stuff with you when you die. That doesn't mean you shouldn't enjoy it while you're alive. Why not? But it's all pretty silly. I fall victim to it. I mean, I want nice stuff too. So I guess I'm poking fun at myself as well as other materialistic people.
- Nicole Holofcener
Collection: Fun
Image of Trieste Kelly Dunn
It's fun being on a TV show and not having to wear heels.
- Trieste Kelly Dunn
Collection: Fun
Image of Jon Hurwitz
Thats the fun of going to a high school reunion: its seeing the people who you were close to all those years ago, and re-exploring the relationships of the past.
- Jon Hurwitz
Collection: Fun
Image of McKenzie Wark
You can trace a through-line from the eighties to the present, and in retrospect Trump was always one of the minor avatars of a certain business model, all through that time. One based on branding, celebrity, and exploiting certain quirks of media form for fun and profit. In some ways he is not all that exceptional.
- McKenzie Wark
Collection: Fun
Image of Jeff Rosenstock
I think a lot why our lives shows are good is because of the crowd, and because of the energy that they bring. Also, there was a time when a lot of the people that came to our shows were a bunch of drunk bros. At a certain point, we decided we were going to start calling them out. We also decided to become more gay-positive and feminist and all that stuff, and that we were going to be really vocal about it. After that, our crowd became a lot friendlier, and honestly a lot more fun.
- Jeff Rosenstock
Collection: Fun
Image of Carly Rae Jepsen
Life's too much fun to have it go in just one direction.
- Carly Rae Jepsen
Collection: Fun
Image of Lee Iacocca
Over the years, many executives have said to me with pride: 'Boy, I worked so hard last year that I didn't take any vacation.' I always feel like responding, "You dummy. You mean to tell me you can take responsibility for an eighty-million-dollar project and you can't plan two weeks out of the year to have some fun?
- Lee Iacocca
Collection: Fun
Image of Christophe Beck
Sometimes the personality or just the particular process of a director can really affect your quality of life as a composer in terms of how much time you spend away from your family or the amount of time you spend doing the type of work that you maybe don't consider as fun to do as other type of work.
- Christophe Beck
Collection: Fun
Image of Tim Johnson
Players come to Belle Rock's casinos to have fun, find excitement, or play in a safe environment, but no matter what the reason, they all come to win. In February, we want to reward our loyal players by making the chances of winning big that much greater.
- Tim Johnson
Collection: Fun
Image of Zella Day
I think festivals are way more easygoing than back-to-back tours are. 'Cause for me, when you get to go to a festival, you get to hang out all day, and you're really taken care of, and there's usually a little artist village where all the artists have their own tents, and it's catered, and then you go and play an hour-long set depending on where you are on the lineup. And then you go back and you hang out and you even get to go watch other artists play. So it's really just a fun interactive experience for everybody.
- Zella Day
Collection: Fun
Image of Aya Cash
Sometimes the characters that I'm most resistant to are the ones that I find the most satisfying to play, because you have to dig deeper and you have to find different parts of yourself that are not necessarily the first thing you access and that's fun and interesting.
- Aya Cash
Collection: Fun
Image of Rafael Yglesias
The most fun thing about being a writer is that everything is interesting.
- Rafael Yglesias
Collection: Fun
Image of Lynn Shelton
There's so much great TV and I always thought it would be such a fun little sideway to make money and then not have to worry about my films making a lot of money.
- Lynn Shelton
Collection: Fun
Image of Jason Flemyng
Brad Pitt is great fun. He jokes around all the time and has a real quality about him. On set the director called me over and said, 'Jase, just watch him. Watch him move.' Instead of walking, Brad literally glides. It's incredible.
- Jason Flemyng
Collection: Fun
Image of Aaron Belz
Surprise keeps the reader awake. The only alternative is to continue saying what the reader is expecting. What fun is that?
- Aaron Belz
Collection: Fun
Image of John Flansburgh
Between me and my wife, there's this joke where I'll be doing some fun interview, and I'll get off the phone and be like, "That guy was an idiot." A lot of times, interviews are like being asked a list of questions. Invariably, there will be this part where they think you're a writer for Letterman: "Just off the top of your head, tell me the 10 most influential bands on you." And you're actually asked to come up with a spontaneous list. It's like, "Dude, I'm not living in High Fidelity."
- John Flansburgh
Collection: Fun
Image of Christopher Lennertz
My only real requirement is that I like the projects to be good and I like the people that I work with to be really nice people and great people, and as long as that's the case the music is fun to do always.
- Christopher Lennertz
Collection: Fun
Image of Thomas Brodie-Sangster
The fun thing we get to do is mess around playing all sorts of different people. People that really existed, people that exist in a book - whom people love and have a specific idea of who they are, and you kind of have to work with that - or people that you can take a completely fresh look at.
- Thomas Brodie-Sangster
Collection: Fun
Image of Bryan Greenberg
I love to write music. I love melodies, I love playing guitar. I just do it for fun.
- Bryan Greenberg
Collection: Fun
Image of Bryan Greenberg
I've always been scared of somebody telling me what to do with my music. What if a great acting opportunity came up, and they were like, "No. You have to go tour and open up for this band," that I'm just not that crazy about? I made a decision a long time ago that I'm doing it because I love it, because it's fun. If I break even, that's a good thing.
- Bryan Greenberg
Collection: Fun
Image of Rie Rasmussen
I grew up in a very responsible, social, Democratic community, and destruction was a bad word. But, in California, destruction is a rad word. The juxtaposition of the two is really what made me into who I am today, in my battles with how fun it is to be bad, and how wrong it is to be bad.
- Rie Rasmussen
Collection: Fun
Image of Jean Kerr
Confronted by an absolutely infuriating review, it is sometimes helpful for the victim to do a little personal research on the critic. Is there any truth to the rumor that he had no formal education beyond the age of eleven? In any event, is he able to construct a simple English sentence? Do his participles dangle? When moved to lyricism, does he write "I had a fun time"? Was he ever arrested for burglary? I don't know that you will prove anything this way, but it is perfectly harmless and quite soothing.
- Jean Kerr
Collection: Fun
Image of Martin Starr
My manager makes fun of me for the fact that I avoid the money, I’m allergic to money...
- Martin Starr
Collection: Fun
Image of Andy Kaufman
That was part of the whole original concept. We were thinking, it's off-season, let's do a really fun, local-oriented event, raise money for good causes and bring some music to the valley.
- Andy Kaufman
Collection: Fun
Image of Heather Graham Pozzessere
With historicals, the research is half the fun. Contemporaries are especially easy. People are right out there in front of you; you meet them every day. You can concentrate wholly on the story and characters.
- Heather Graham Pozzessere
Collection: Fun
Image of Andrea Romano
Casting is sometimes like going to a party. You get there and everybody at the party is wonderful. They're funny, they're interesting, and the next time you go to a party, you kind of want those same people there. I do find myself going back to a lot of the same actors I've worked with because it was fun, it was good and I know they can do the job. When we have tight deadlines to cast a project, that's how some decisions are made.
- Andrea Romano
Collection: Fun
Image of Phil Ehart
If you're learning a new instrument, have fun.
- Phil Ehart
Collection: Fun
Image of Anthony Jeselnik
People say it's easy to make fun of retarded people, but it's not. You really have to explain it to them.
- Anthony Jeselnik
Collection: Fun
Image of Laila Ali
I don't get the action... well, I never did get the big action hero parts. I was always locked into making the kids movies, which were a lot of fun.
- Laila Ali
Collection: Fun
Image of Jordan Gavaris
As an actor, you don't want to know the beginning and end to your character's arc. It makes it more fun. You're not playing the end. You're playing it realistically. You don't know where this character is going to go and what's going to happen to him, which just makes it more interesting for the viewers to watch. They're going on the journey with you, as the actor and the character.
- Jordan Gavaris
Collection: Fun
Image of Heidi Julavits
Structure is, for me, the most fun challenge about writing novels.
- Heidi Julavits
Collection: Fun
Image of Margaret Ayer Barnes
There's nothing in all the world as much fun as talk. When you're talking, that is, with the right person.
- Margaret Ayer Barnes
Collection: Fun
Image of Chris Jericho
Some things are going to work, some aren't. But there's always something new going on, so it's fun to watch and see what's coming next.
- Chris Jericho
Collection: Fun
Image of Larry Fessenden
I love filmmaking when fate is a part of the process and you are dependent on the laws of physics and the elements to get a single moment that transports or in some way creates an illusion even for a moment. I think that is tremendous fun and what I think filmmaking is, catching lightning in a bottle.
- Larry Fessenden
Collection: Fun
Image of Larry Fessenden
I'm an old school guy and love the guys in the monster suits and JAWS; even though everyone makes fun of the shark I think it's awesome. You know it's fake, but with my generation that was part of the charm.
- Larry Fessenden
Collection: Fun
Image of David Alan Basche
It's fun when the writers start writing jokes to you, but also it's fun when the writers will come to you and say 'Hey, listen, we're working on this story and we need to know if you speak any foreign languages.' And I said 'No, I don't. I speak a little Spanish, but I can learn a foreign language.' And they go 'Okay, do you think you can learn Portuguese?' And I go 'Yeah, whatever it takes. If it's funny, I'll do it.' So of course I start looking online and learning Portuguese, and as it turns out, I get the script and it's now Serbian.
- David Alan Basche
Collection: Fun
Image of Alfonso Gomez-Rejon
The fun of directing for me, other than working with the actors, is trying to extract those ideas that you have in your head and make them real.
- Alfonso Gomez-Rejon
Collection: Fun
Image of Mac DeMarco
Everybody's a multifaceted, emotional, living being, I think. Sometimes it's fun to goof around, sometimes you've got to think about things, sometimes you've got to be strange, and then you've got to be jiggly. That's just what being a human's all about.
- Mac DeMarco
Collection: Fun