Top fun Quotes Collection - Page 37

Discover a curated collection of fun quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 37 provides more fun quotes.

Image of Manika
I like playing an array of different roles. From the fun, comedic roles to the serious roles. It's always fun to play the role that either closely represents your own personality or the role that is completely opposite of yourself.
- Manika
Collection: Fun
Image of Nathalie Emmanuel
My diet - I eat nutritionally-balanced meals. I work out. I do yoga. I love my yoga. I do boxing training because it's fun.
- Nathalie Emmanuel
Collection: Fun
Image of Wolfgang Beltracchi
Did I want to spend all my time working on a painting? No, I wanted to have fun, travel, meet women and live life.
- Wolfgang Beltracchi
Collection: Fun
Image of Richard Shepard
So I like switching it up. I like that people are laughing but they don't even know if they should be laughing. I think that's interesting. I think it makes for a fun movie. And you're far more likely to be able to actually get something into someone's head if they don't quite see it coming, as opposed to delivering a very serious examination.
- Richard Shepard
Collection: Fun
Image of Richard Shepard
Every movie is a surprise. That's what is so fun about it. You can be planning a movie for years, and then you'd better be surprised every day, or it's going to be stale.
- Richard Shepard
Collection: Fun
Image of Richard Shepard
As a writer, it's fun to free yourself enough to tap into some darker elements of your personality that sometimes I don't even know exist. It doesn't feel like work.
- Richard Shepard
Collection: Fun
Image of Chris Kyle
Just because war is hell doesn’t mean you can’t have a little fun.
- Chris Kyle
Collection: Fun
Image of Adrian Hodges
On a simple level, you need directors who are good at action and can choreograph an action scene, but you need them to also have that sense of fun and that sense of movement and that ability to get the actors to really respond to the material in the way that you want them to. It's a very big thing.
- Adrian Hodges
Collection: Fun
Image of Adrian Hodges
One of the problems of this genre is that there are cliches everywhere, and you've got to be careful and watch out. Our rule with cliches is to either gently acknowledge them and make fun of them, or do something else. Milady is, in one sense, a villain because she does bad things.
- Adrian Hodges
Collection: Fun
Image of Adrian Hodges
You can use the fun of the genre, but I also really wanted to come at it from the point of view of some really complex characterization. There was a lot that I wanted it to do, and I wanted it to be fun. It's fun, but it's not simple fun.
- Adrian Hodges
Collection: Fun
Image of Amy Webb
Popular women use positive, optimistic language in their online profiles, not buzzwords like "future thinker". Here are the ten most often used words I found: easy-going, love, laugh, laid-back, optimistic, outgoing, fun, down-to-earth, pleasure, adventure.
- Amy Webb
Collection: Fun
Image of Camilla Lackberg
Don't ever get old. With each year that passes, the old Viking idea of jumping off a cliff to one's death looks better and better. The only thing to hope for is that you get so senile that you think you're twenty years old again. That would be fun to relive.
- Camilla Lackberg
Collection: Fun
Image of Robyn Benincasa
Courage starts when the fun stops
- Robyn Benincasa
Collection: Fun
Image of Zoe Lister-Jones
It's always fun to play characters that are different from me.
- Zoe Lister-Jones
Collection: Fun
Image of Victor Levin
It's always hard, but it's always fun to attack a premise that you think is interesting. It does take a few drafts for sure.
- Victor Levin
Collection: Fun
Image of Vince Kehres
Preparing for another opponent isn't very glamorous. But it's Hollywood. You want to see the fun parts. The meeting rooms are not super fun.
- Vince Kehres
Collection: Fun
Image of Daryl Palumbo
We've both with Justine Beck done other things - and do other things - outside of Glassjaw. But Glassjaw's the most shining professional thing I've been part of. And the fact it's happening on the scale is both an honor and it's funny. Its hysterical. It's a fun ride. The whole world's different.
- Daryl Palumbo
Collection: Fun
Image of Eric Kripke
I like to find ideas where the research is going to be fun.
- Eric Kripke
Collection: Fun
Image of Eric Kripke
The ability to get inside your character's head in a graphic novel is really fun and useful because one, you can really define the character's voice and two, it's a way easier way to convey what the character's thinking by actually laying out what he's thinking.
- Eric Kripke
Collection: Fun
Image of Dov Davidoff
The quality of a restaurant's food is inversely proportioned to the amount of fun its staff seems to be having.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Fun
Image of Patrick Fabian
I would love to play the President. Give me the suit, give me the power, give me the oval office. That would be really fun.
- Patrick Fabian
Collection: Fun
Image of Patricia P. Pinegar
For us to feel peace within our hearts while we live here on earth we must be righteous. There is nothing that the world calls fun or pleasurable that can compare to the inner happiness and joy that comes from being righteous, nothing. That may be something you don't think much about, but if you will take time to identify how you feel when you make an unrighteous choice and compare that to how you feel when you make a difficult but righteous choice, you will know what I am talking about.
- Patricia P. Pinegar
Collection: Fun
Image of Jonah Lehrer
So let's not pretend that travel is always fun. We don't spend 10 hours lost in the Louvre because we like it, and the view from the top of Machu Picchu probably doesn't make up for the hassle of lost luggage. (More often than not, I need a holiday after my holiday.) We travel because we need to, because distance and difference are the secret tonic of creativity. When we get home, home is still the same. But something in our mind has been changed, and that changes everything.
- Jonah Lehrer
Collection: Fun
Image of Anne Bancroft
Slowing down reminds you that the journey is supposed to be fun.
- Anne Bancroft
Collection: Fun
Image of Ashly Burch
I've always wanted to be a voice actor. Well I think at first I wanted to be a singer. Then in middle school I auditioned for a musical and I only really cared because I wanted to sing in it. I had to act as well as part of the audition and that was the first time I ever really acted, and I was like 'Oh hey, this is fun, I like doing this.'
- Ashly Burch
Collection: Fun
Image of Ashly Burch
I guess voice acting is just fun, interesting to say...but it is.
- Ashly Burch
Collection: Fun
Image of Silvio Micali
Collaboration always wins over competition... and is more fun, too.
- Silvio Micali
Collection: Fun
Image of Maia Szalavitz
Punishment by definition isn't going to help. So what you need to do is to help people to change and recover is to help them find different areas of passion and help them find better ways of coping. Because about 50 percent of people with addiction have a preexisting mental illness, about two-thirds have had some type of severe trauma during childhood, and they are not using to the point where they're risking their lives because it's fun. They're doing something to help them cope.
- Maia Szalavitz
Collection: Fun
Image of Gino Vannelli
When I'm singing at the piano and I'm having a really nice fun day singing, if I have a headache, the headache will immediately dissipate just the notes going through my head.
- Gino Vannelli
Collection: Fun
Image of Carlos Delgado
Work is not a drag for me. I like to get here early, hang out, catch up with the boys. I'll go in the cage and hit, do my exercises. I try to keep it fun and find ways to enjoy it.
- Carlos Delgado
Collection: Fun
Image of Carlos Delgado
If you can't smile and have fun, you're in trouble. So if somebody in the stands says hello, I'm going to say hello back. Why shouldn't I? I know what I'm doing in this game. I'm still going to be ready to hit when I step in the box.
- Carlos Delgado
Collection: Fun
Image of John J. Legere
It's kind of fun at my age to go back and talk to business-school people. I tell them, "I can summarize everything you need to know to lead a major corporation. Are you prepared to write this down?" And then they get all ready. I tell them I can summarize how I succeed as a leader: Listen to your employees, listen to your customers, shut the f - - up, and do what they tell you.
- John J. Legere
Collection: Fun
Image of Oliver Parker
Well I liked the mixture actually. It's really good fun to have throughout a shoot to move from something which is quite character based in certain scenes where there's very little action and you're just working with actors and I suppose I've had quite a lot of practice at that. This is more action than I've had a chance to do so that was fun for me too to go into the action then and have some really good crew working with me. And sometimes you get these scenes where they blend.
- Oliver Parker
Collection: Fun
Image of Princess Superstar
I wanted to make some music with deeper meaning mixed with the fun and cool stuff I've been doing for so long.
- Princess Superstar
Collection: Fun
Image of Princess Superstar
I don't like being preachy. I think using fun and humor is an excellent way to make people think.
- Princess Superstar
Collection: Fun
Image of Princess Superstar
Everything I do has to come from a sense of fun and joy.
- Princess Superstar
Collection: Fun
Image of Elizabeth Banks
It's really fun to watch yourself disappear in the movie every day.
- Elizabeth Banks
Collection: Fun
Image of Melissa Bank
Basically, all anyone has to do is ask me for fun details or tell me to be creative, and my mind turns to mud. I am instantly the most boring person you've ever met.
- Melissa Bank
Collection: Fun
Image of Charles Trippy
Take every day, love every day, enjoy every day, even if you have a crappy day, find the fun things in it.
- Charles Trippy
Collection: Fun
Image of Cloris Leachman
I make fun whenever I go. If I go to restaurant by myself, rest assured, people will be talking about it.
- Cloris Leachman
Collection: Fun
Image of Inara George
I think a show is for fun, and the thing about playing live is that you make mistakes, and that's what's sort of exciting about it.
- Inara George
Collection: Fun
Image of Chanel West Coast
People don't understand that when I'm on the show I'm totally relaxed, hanging out, having a fun time, watching videos, and being goofy. Sometimes I say stupid comments, just being funny, and people think I'm a dumb person.
- Chanel West Coast
Collection: Fun
Image of Amy Lee
If people are making fun of you, then you're probably doing something right.
- Amy Lee
Collection: Fun
Image of Emeril Lagasse
Spice is life. It depends upon what you like... have fun with it. Yes, food is serious, but you should have fun with it.
- Emeril Lagasse
Collection: Fun
Image of Emeril Lagasse
Cooking is so popular today because it's the perfect mix of food and fun.
- Emeril Lagasse
Collection: Fun
Image of Hannah Fidell
Shooting an improv-based film is incredibly liberating, exhilarating, and fun, but editing that kind of movie can be difficult for obvious continuity reasons.
- Hannah Fidell
Collection: Fun
Image of Taylor Kitsch
My sister is 16 and I tell her to take risks. Really explore and meet as many people as you can. Do as much as you can before reality kicks in. Have fun.
- Taylor Kitsch
Collection: Fun
Image of David Kirschner
Don's Mancini father was an advertising executive and I think Don really grew up and all of that stayed in his head. Some of the really great slogans we came up with, over the years, the big advertising buzz-words that we had, Don created those. It's just kind of fun just thinking about what we both love about pop culture and applying it to Chucky film and any others.
- David Kirschner
Collection: Fun
Image of Derrek Lee
Sometimes it's more fun to compete with your friends, because you can talk a little trash with them.
- Derrek Lee
Collection: Fun