Pablo Schreiber

Image of Pablo Schreiber
I'm a dad and a husband, and so the things that I love to do are all geared around my family.
- Pablo Schreiber
Collection: Dad
Image of Pablo Schreiber
My greatest desire as an actor is to keep people guessing and not do anything close to what I did last time.
- Pablo Schreiber
Image of Pablo Schreiber
I lived in Red Hook, Brooklyn, for about 10 years, and then we moved out to Jersey City after my wife and I bought a house up in the Catskills. I miss Brooklyn, but the commute to the Catskills is about 45 minutes shorter.
- Pablo Schreiber
Image of Pablo Schreiber
I do want to play characters that have redeeming qualities, that are likable, for sure, and I have in the past, and I will again.
- Pablo Schreiber
Image of Pablo Schreiber
If there is a reason I'm able to make unsympathetic characters human, it's because it's my desire to find what drives the unsympathetic behavior. Almost always at the bottom of it is some deep insecurity. Putting your finger on what each individual's particular insecurity is goes a long way to fleshing that person out.
- Pablo Schreiber
Image of Pablo Schreiber
I got nominated for a Tony in my Broadway debut, which was fascinating and thrilling and sort of unbelievable all at the same time.
- Pablo Schreiber
Image of Pablo Schreiber
I have a tendency, just because I'm an ambitious person, to get impatient with things and want them to be moving faster then they are.
- Pablo Schreiber
Image of Pablo Schreiber
It's great to work in film and TV, and I love it, but there's nothing that can replace that instantaneous storytelling you get in theater.
- Pablo Schreiber
Image of Pablo Schreiber
Acting is a hard way to make a living, and there's a kind of dark, somewhat seedy side to the whole aspect of fame and celebrity that's not really something I would want for my child - or want him to want, if that makes any sense.
- Pablo Schreiber
Image of Pablo Schreiber
The beauty of the character is that it's like camouflage. It's the best costume ever. I rarely get recognized as Pornstache when I'm out in public. Most people recognize me as the Law & Order guy, when I'm out in public.
- Pablo Schreiber
Collection: Character
Image of Pablo Schreiber
People don't stop me on the street and throw things at me. But I'm aware of what that dynamic is, so whenever people react strongly to a character and say that they hate me, I take it as a job well done. And for most people, there's a sense of removal. Most people are not saying, "Oh, my god, I hate you!" Most people that have reactions say, "I love to hate your character."
- Pablo Schreiber
Collection: Jobs
Image of Pablo Schreiber
I really appreciate what the writers are doing and respect everything that they do. So, I was satisfied, for sure.
- Pablo Schreiber
Collection: Appreciate
Image of Pablo Schreiber
There's usually a sense of humor about all of it. It is what it is. I had two characters that were equally detestable, in very different ways, that hit the airwaves, at the same time. It was a very interesting year in my career, in that way. But I have no fear, on that note. I have a new project for HBO, where I'm going to play the good guy. That's going to be fun and exciting, and shift the paradigm a bit.
- Pablo Schreiber
Collection: Fun
Image of Pablo Schreiber
Acting careers are very interesting things. They come with a lot of ups and downs. You just have to ride the waves and bide your time during the lulls, and enjoy the high times when they're there.
- Pablo Schreiber
Collection: Careers
Image of Pablo Schreiber
It was a very, very strange experience to go through on social media. Before that, my social media life had been very tame. I had only just dipped my toes in the world of Twitter and was throwing out a tweet, here and there, of very boring and normal stuff. All of a sudden, Pornstache just turned my world upside down.
- Pablo Schreiber
Collection: Media
Image of Pablo Schreiber
Requests for mustache rides were the big common theme, around the time of the release of the season. People were saying how much they hated him, obviously, and how they would kill him or choke him. There were just all kinds of things. You name it, I got it.
- Pablo Schreiber
Collection: Names