Kristin Chenoweth

Image of Kristin Chenoweth
If you can learn to love yourself and all the flaws, you can love other people so much better. And that makes you so happy.
- Kristin Chenoweth
Collection: Love
Image of Kristin Chenoweth
I think it's important to remember that Christianity was based in love and tolerance and forgiveness and acceptance.
- Kristin Chenoweth
Collection: Forgiveness
Image of Kristin Chenoweth
I'm finally dating. It's fun.
- Kristin Chenoweth
Collection: Dating
Image of Kristin Chenoweth
I'm constantly learning, and that is the greatest gift of life in my opinion - to always be learning and growing.
- Kristin Chenoweth
Collection: Learning
Image of Kristin Chenoweth
It's in God's hands.
- Kristin Chenoweth
Image of Kristin Chenoweth
I'm trying to learn, as I'm in my 40s, to embrace what I've been able to achieve and be proud of it. And I know there's roles that I will want to play before I die, but I'm still just taking one day at a time.
- Kristin Chenoweth
Image of Kristin Chenoweth
I used to want to be tall, and then I thought, 'If I were tall, then people would say I was pretty and not cute.' And then I realized that there are worse things than being called cute.
- Kristin Chenoweth
Image of Kristin Chenoweth
Broadway is such a diverse community. Everybody knows how I believe, and everyone believes, and it's not a big deal. But in Hollywood, if you talk about politics - especially if you're a Republican - or spirituality, it's just not something people want to hear about.
- Kristin Chenoweth
Image of Kristin Chenoweth
You've got to find ways to breathe while you're dancing so that when it comes time for you to stop and sing again, you have it. To prepare, I do a lot of aerobic activity. Many times at the gym, people will look at me because I'll be on the treadmill humming.
- Kristin Chenoweth
Image of Kristin Chenoweth
A nice pair of Jimmy Choos never hurt anyone.
- Kristin Chenoweth
Image of Kristin Chenoweth
I'm a wild lady. Not.
- Kristin Chenoweth
Image of Kristin Chenoweth
Well, you know, people don't know me as a country artist and I am new to the genre. But that's how I grew up singing.
- Kristin Chenoweth
Image of Kristin Chenoweth
I just want to say, that if Jesus were alive, what would he be doing? Well, he would probably be accepting and loving people how they're made. And I always say this and it's really the truth. If being 4'11 was a sin, what would I do? Well, I could wear heels and I could add a wig.
- Kristin Chenoweth
Image of Kristin Chenoweth
And I do - make no mistake, I am a Christian and I believe in God, and I don't believe he makes mistakes. So I don't believe that being gay is not a sin, and in fact it's how you're made.
- Kristin Chenoweth
Image of Kristin Chenoweth
A lot of kids are bullied because of their sexuality, and that breaks my heart, because they're going to have to - high school's hard enough to overcome. Middle school is hard enough to overcome when we get out of it. They say life is what you spend your time getting over because of high school, you know what I mean?
- Kristin Chenoweth
Image of Kristin Chenoweth
I am a Christian and I don't want there to be any confusion about what I believe or who I am.
- Kristin Chenoweth
Image of Kristin Chenoweth
I want to be a Christian like Christ - loving and accepting of other people.
- Kristin Chenoweth
Image of Kristin Chenoweth
I don't understand what the big deal is with gay marriage. Get over it, people.
- Kristin Chenoweth
Image of Kristin Chenoweth
I was a spiritual kid.
- Kristin Chenoweth
Image of Kristin Chenoweth
Not everyone is going to like what you do or what you have to offer; however, if you can't see yourself doing anything else, and you have the drive and ambition, get the training and go for it.
- Kristin Chenoweth
Image of Kristin Chenoweth
I've finally graduated from 'I don't give a hoot.'
- Kristin Chenoweth
Image of Kristin Chenoweth
There's a difference between making fun of something and having fun with something.
- Kristin Chenoweth
Image of Kristin Chenoweth
You've got to find ways to breathe while you're dancing so that when it comes time for you to stop and sing again, you have it.
- Kristin Chenoweth
Image of Kristin Chenoweth
Oatmeal tastes so good on its own, you don't even need to add sugar.
- Kristin Chenoweth
Image of Kristin Chenoweth
As much as you can eat healthy, it's also important to remember to drink healthy too. Tea is very healing.
- Kristin Chenoweth
Image of Kristin Chenoweth
Apples, grapes... any kind of fruit gives me the energy I need to get through my busy day.
- Kristin Chenoweth
Image of Kristin Chenoweth
We are what we eat, so I eat as many veggies as I can!
- Kristin Chenoweth
Image of Kristin Chenoweth
I read my Bible and I pray and all of that. I really do. But at the same time, I don't think being gay is a sin. Period.
- Kristin Chenoweth
Image of Kristin Chenoweth
I auditioned for a solo in church and got it. I was about seven and I sang a song called, 'Jesus, I Heard You Had a Big House' and I remember people standing up at the end and me thinking, 'Oh, I think I'm going to like this.' That's how it all began. Sounds funny to say you got your start in church, but I did.
- Kristin Chenoweth
Image of Kristin Chenoweth
I want people to understand that there is a group of Christians out there who want to be more open and understanding and tolerant and loving of all kinds of people, even the people that don't believe in God at all.
- Kristin Chenoweth
Image of Kristin Chenoweth
I was on the cheerleading squad and drama and the choir, but I was friends with everybody. I was not a partier. I was too Type A and crazy about my grades, but I was still there at everything.
- Kristin Chenoweth
Image of Kristin Chenoweth
You will have the highest of highs and the lowest of lows, just remember to always handle yourself with grace and dignity.
- Kristin Chenoweth
Collection: Grace
Image of Kristin Chenoweth
Not everyone is going to like what you do or what you have to offer. However, if you can’t see yourself doing anything else, and you have the drive and ambition, get the training and go for it.
- Kristin Chenoweth
Collection: Ambition
Image of Kristin Chenoweth
Laughter is life-giving. It makes you breathe.
- Kristin Chenoweth
Collection: Laughter
Image of Kristin Chenoweth
Life's too short. I'm not!
- Kristin Chenoweth
Collection: Too Short
Image of Kristin Chenoweth
Make no mistake, I am a Christian and I believe in God and I don't believe he makes mistakes, so I believe that being gay is not a sin and in fact it's how you're made.
- Kristin Chenoweth
Collection: Christian
Image of Kristin Chenoweth
I love live theater; I like the relationship between the show and the audience. That's my comfort zone, but more than anything, it's what makes me happy.
- Kristin Chenoweth
Collection: Comfort
Image of Kristin Chenoweth
Before I got Madeline, I used to see dog people who were so obsessed, and I'd think, Oh, that's so sad. But now, here I am, talking about her all the time. I even dress her up in little outfits; I'm madly in love with her.
- Kristin Chenoweth
Collection: Dog
Image of Kristin Chenoweth
Two scoops of crazy with a side of coo coo ca choo
- Kristin Chenoweth
Collection: Crazy
Image of Kristin Chenoweth
I think it's fun to love-to-hate people.
- Kristin Chenoweth
Collection: Fun
Image of Kristin Chenoweth
But there's the beauty of life beyond the bubble. It's possible for someone to see your wicked bits and still love you.
- Kristin Chenoweth
Collection: Love You
Image of Kristin Chenoweth
There's a big difference to me in making fun of something and having fun with something.
- Kristin Chenoweth
Collection: Fun
Image of Kristin Chenoweth
I really don't like to lose.
- Kristin Chenoweth
Collection: Loses
Image of Kristin Chenoweth
I think, for me, I have to remember that I'm telling a story in some way.
- Kristin Chenoweth
Collection: Thinking
Image of Kristin Chenoweth
It's good to learn early that every show is a family - -complete with dysfunctional relationships, tough love, and plenty of occasion for forgiveness.
- Kristin Chenoweth
Collection: Tough Love
Image of Kristin Chenoweth
I think... you know, collaboration, in general - no matter movies, television or Broadway - is offering of what you can bring to the table and also fighting what you think the important battles are. Not everything is going to make it in there. Not everything is going to work. You have to collaborate. And you have to be a good listener.
- Kristin Chenoweth
Collection: Fighting
Image of Kristin Chenoweth
We were all given our opportunities to be ourselves. A little bit of ourselves.
- Kristin Chenoweth
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Kristin Chenoweth
We sing because we can't speak anymore.
- Kristin Chenoweth
Collection: Speak
Image of Kristin Chenoweth
I wish my Google was faster.
- Kristin Chenoweth
Collection: Google
Image of Kristin Chenoweth
Faith is something a lot of people relate to as a God-thing, but it's also faith in yourself.
- Kristin Chenoweth
Collection: Faith