Liberty and Freedom: Quotes to Inspire Free Spirits - Page 2

Explore powerful quotes about freedom and liberty from world-renowned leaders and thinkers. Ignite your spirit of independence. Page 2 provides more freedom quotes.

Image of Colin Kaepernick
People are dying in vain because this country isn't holding their end of the bargain up as far as, you know, giving freedom and justice and liberty to everybody.
- Colin Kaepernick
Collection: Freedom
Image of Billy Graham
The framers of our Constitution meant we were to have freedom of religion, not freedom from religion.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Freedom
Image of Susan Burton
The Thirteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution abolished slavery other than in prisons - but it was a lie that you regained your freedom once you left the prison gates.
- Susan Burton
Collection: Freedom
Image of Friedrich Schiller
Freedom can occur only through education.
- Friedrich Schiller
Collection: Freedom
Image of Elizabeth Cady Stanton
The God of justice is with us, and our word, our work - our prayer for freedom will not, cannot be in vain.
- Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Collection: Freedom
Image of Johnny Depp
I am an American. I love my country and have great hopes for it. It is for this reason that I speak candidly and sometimes critically about it. I have benefited greatly from the freedom that exists in my country, and for this, I am eternally grateful.
- Johnny Depp
Collection: Freedom
Image of Charles Krauthammer
Ted Cruz is a patriot. He believes in what he does. He's done marvels in mobilizing conservatives, mobilizing Americans concerned about the direction of the ever-expanding entitlement state under Obama, and particularly the threat it is to freedom. I disagree with his tactics, but I agree entirely with his objectives.
- Charles Krauthammer
Collection: Freedom
Image of Bob Menendez
We should seek international support for our mutual objectives abroad, in promoting freedom, democracy, respect for human rights, and also the elimination of weapons of mass destruction.
- Bob Menendez
Collection: Freedom
Image of David Schweikert
I didn't come to Washington to fight against my Republican colleagues, or even against my colleagues on the other side of the aisle. I came to Washington to fight for the values that make our country unique - for the economic freedom that gives life to the American Dream.
- David Schweikert
Collection: Freedom
Image of Anthony Ray Hinton
You never think of your freedom until it's taken away from you, and once it's taken... So, it means everything to me. You couldn't put a price tag on it.
- Anthony Ray Hinton
Collection: Freedom
Image of Hillary Clinton
There are 4 billion cell phones in use today. Many of them are in the hands of market vendors, rickshaw drivers, and others who've historically lacked access to education and opportunity. Information networks have become a great leveler, and we should use them together to help lift people out of poverty and give them a freedom from want.
- Hillary Clinton
Collection: Freedom
Image of Herbert Hoover
Those who have a true understanding of America know that we have no desire for territorial expansion, for economic or other domination of other peoples. Such purposes are repugnant to our ideals of human freedom.
- Herbert Hoover
Collection: Freedom
Image of Michael J. Knowles
Freedom is a choice. The grace of God abounds, and man is nonetheless free.
- Michael J. Knowles
Collection: Freedom
Image of Neil Gaiman
So the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund is out there preserving and fighting for, and sometimes winning and sometimes losing, the fight for First Amendment rights in comics and, more generally, for freedom of speech.
- Neil Gaiman
Collection: Freedom
Image of Sylvia Pankhurst
Love and freedom are vital to the creation and upbringing of a child.
- Sylvia Pankhurst
Collection: Freedom
Image of Horst Koehler
Responsibility and respect of others and their religious beliefs are also part of freedom.
- Horst Koehler
Collection: Freedom
Image of Kangana Ranaut
Freedom of being alone is intoxicating.
- Kangana Ranaut
Collection: Freedom
Image of Ted Cruz
The American free market system is the greatest engine for prosperity and opportunity that the world has ever seen. Freedom works.
- Ted Cruz
Collection: Freedom
Image of Richard M. Nixon
The answer to many of the domestic problems we face is not higher taxes and more spending. It is less waste, more results and greater freedom for the individual American to earn a rightful place in his own community - and for States and localities to address their own needs in their own ways, in the light of their own priorities.
- Richard M. Nixon
Collection: Freedom
Image of Chesa Boudin
The problem with money bail, for those who aren't familiar with it, is that it puts a price tag on freedom. It says to someone who is wealthy that no matter how dangerous you are, you can buy your way out.
- Chesa Boudin
Collection: Freedom
Image of Howard Zinn
One certain effect of war is to diminish freedom of expression.
- Howard Zinn
Collection: Freedom
Image of Angela Rye
Whether it's freedom to express, freedom to live, freedom to earn, freedom to thrive, freedom to learn, whatever it is, I want to make sure that I'm a part of these spaces and opening doors.
- Angela Rye
Collection: Freedom
Image of Demetri Martin
But I found that disappointing people is a good thing, because disapproval is freedom.
- Demetri Martin
Collection: Freedom
Image of Julian Lennon
I live in a small apartment in London, not some big house with a lot of security. I don't like too much security. There's no freedom. I'm a person, not some precious diamond that needs guarding every second.
- Julian Lennon
Collection: Freedom
Image of Saul Alinsky
The greatest enemy of individual freedom is the individual himself.
- Saul Alinsky
Collection: Freedom
Image of Robert Kennedy
Communism everywhere has paid the price of rigidity and dogmatism. Freedom has the strength of compassion and flexibility. It has, above all, the strength of intellectual honesty.
- Robert Kennedy
Collection: Freedom
Image of Ryan Gosling
Freedom is such a gift.
- Ryan Gosling
Collection: Freedom
Image of Coretta Scott King
I believe all Americans who believe in freedom, tolerance and human rights have a responsibility to oppose bigotry and prejudice based on sexual orientation.
- Coretta Scott King
Collection: Freedom
Image of Lena Waithe
Somebody could look at me and go, 'She's dressed black,' or 'She's behaving in the stereotypical way of a black lesbian.' But this is how I feel most comfortable. This is my authentic self. I want the freedom to be that regardless of how someone interprets it.
- Lena Waithe
Collection: Freedom
Image of Andy Jassy
Everybody at the company has the freedom - and really, the expectation - to critically look at how it can be better and then invent ways to make it better.
- Andy Jassy
Collection: Freedom
Image of Robert Kennedy
Freedom possesses many meanings. It speaks not merely in terms of political and religious liberty but also in terms of economic and social progress.
- Robert Kennedy
Collection: Freedom
Image of Rachel Campos-Duffy
What women really want is opportunity and the freedom to love and accept all aspects of womanhood - the intellectual, spiritual, professional, biological and relational dimensions of who we are.
- Rachel Campos-Duffy
Collection: Freedom
Image of Olga Tokarczuk
I think the deepest level of our freedom is being able to change our identity.
- Olga Tokarczuk
Collection: Freedom
Image of Dave Brubeck
Jazz is about freedom within discipline. Usually a dictatorship like in Russia and Germany will prevent jazz from being played because it just seemed to represent freedom, democracy and the United States.
- Dave Brubeck
Collection: Freedom
Image of Rush Limbaugh
The battle for freedom and liberty really never is over, and there are really low points in it, but I'm not giving up, and I'm not gonna engage in phony pep talks, either.
- Rush Limbaugh
Collection: Freedom
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
The fifth freedom is freedom from ignorance.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Freedom
Image of Jacques Parizeau
There is no ageism or 'youthism' when it comes to freedom of speech. We are all citizens.
- Jacques Parizeau
Collection: Freedom
Image of Jesse Ventura
Liberty is security. Freedom is security.
- Jesse Ventura
Collection: Freedom
Image of Mohamed Bin Issa Al Jaber
Everyone should have the freedom and opportunity to shape their own destiny.
- Mohamed Bin Issa Al Jaber
Collection: Freedom
Image of Robert Kennedy
I can understand the Chinese Wall: it was built as a defense against marauders. But a wall such as that in Berlin, built to prevent people from seeking freedom, is almost beyond comprehension.
- Robert Kennedy
Collection: Freedom
Image of Coretta Scott King
My story is a freedom song from within my soul. It is a guide to discovery, a vision of how even the worst pain and heartaches can be channeled into human monuments, impenetrable and everlasting.
- Coretta Scott King
Collection: Freedom
Image of Jacqueline Novogratz
When we deny the poor and the vulnerable their own human dignity and capacity for freedom and choice, it becomes self-denial. It becomes a denial of both our collective and individual dignity, at all levels of society.
- Jacqueline Novogratz
Collection: Freedom
Image of Frans Timmermans
Nationalism makes us weak because its eternal seeking of enemies, its disdain of others, its need to feel superior makes cooperation with other nations to collectively guarantee our freedom and security much more difficult.
- Frans Timmermans
Collection: Freedom
Image of Nancy Pelosi
Jobs mean freedom for workers to support their families.
- Nancy Pelosi
Collection: Freedom
Image of Robert Kennedy
We know that freedom has many dimensions. It is the right of the man who tills the land to own the land; the right of the workers to join together to seek better conditions of labor; the right of businessmen to use ingenuity and foresight to produce and distribute without arbitrary interference in a truly competitive economy.
- Robert Kennedy
Collection: Freedom
Image of Robert Kennedy
President Kennedy's election was such an enlargement. It expanded religious freedom to include the highest office in the land. President Kennedy's administration was such an enlargement. It advanced the day when the bars of intolerance against all minority groups will be lifted, not only for the presidency, but for all aspects of our national life.
- Robert Kennedy
Collection: Freedom
Image of E. M. Forster
We are willing enough to praise freedom when she is safely tucked away in the past and cannot be a nuisance. In the present, amidst dangers whose outcome we cannot foresee, we get nervous about her, and admit censorship.
- E. M. Forster
Collection: Freedom
Image of Alan Rickman
I have a photograph at home of Fred Astaire from the knees down with his feet crossed. It's kind of inspiring because it reminds me his feet were bleeding at the end of rehearsals. Yet when you watch him, all you see is freedom. It's a reminder of what the job is about in general, not just being in musicals.
- Alan Rickman
Collection: Freedom
Image of Steven Biko
I would describe and I have described myself to people who ask as a freedom fighter.
- Steven Biko
Collection: Freedom