Chesa Boudin

Image of Chesa Boudin
The problem with money bail, for those who aren't familiar with it, is that it puts a price tag on freedom. It says to someone who is wealthy that no matter how dangerous you are, you can buy your way out.
- Chesa Boudin
Collection: Freedom
Image of Chesa Boudin
Reconciliation and forgiveness can actually help all of us move on in a healthier, happier way.
- Chesa Boudin
Collection: Forgiveness
Image of Chesa Boudin
Our criminal justice system is failing all of us. It is not keeping us safe. It is contributing to a vicious cycle of crime and punishment.
- Chesa Boudin
Image of Chesa Boudin
We should not have people in prisons and jails who aren't a violent threat.
- Chesa Boudin
Image of Chesa Boudin
In San Francisco, I am proud to say that one of my first mandates as district attorney was that my staff would never ask the court to impose money bail. If we believe someone is too dangerous to be released, then it doesn't matter how wealthy they are - we should ask the court to detain them.
- Chesa Boudin
Image of Chesa Boudin
What we're doing in San Francisco and what we're doing with other criminal justice partners across the state and across the country is anything but indiscriminate. We are being careful. We are being focused and surgical in our efforts to decrease the jail population.
- Chesa Boudin
Image of Chesa Boudin
Politics has always been personal for me. You know, growing up, I was in a very politically conscious household. We engaged with intellectuals and artists and academics from around the world who were thinking critically about politics and the intersection of politics and public life.
- Chesa Boudin
Image of Chesa Boudin
The status quo tough-on-crime policies of the '90s and 2000s are not working and are not popular. And it provides me with hope about the possibilities for San Francisco and this whole country in terms of moving away from our dependence on prisons and jails to solve social problems.
- Chesa Boudin
Image of Chesa Boudin
I want to give every victim of every crime in San Francisco the right to participate in restorative justice if they choose to.
- Chesa Boudin
Image of Chesa Boudin
Years now, decades, of visiting my parents behind bars taught me hard lessons about how broken the criminal justice system is - about how devoid of compassion it is. It's not healing the harm that victims experience. It's not rehabilitating people. And in many ways, it's making us less safe.
- Chesa Boudin
Image of Chesa Boudin
We need to do a better job identifying what's contributing to the crime and making sure we hold people accountable in a way that addresses that root cause.
- Chesa Boudin
Image of Chesa Boudin
There's an awful lot about our criminal justice system that is dysfunctional. Everyone who sets foot in a criminal courtroom will see myriad ways the system is dysfunctional.
- Chesa Boudin
Image of Chesa Boudin
In any campaign you make a lot of promises and you talk about a wide range of issues. When you're elected, the work of accomplishing those goals has to be sequenced. You can't do everything at once.
- Chesa Boudin
Image of Chesa Boudin
Homelessness, open air drug use and mental illness - which we all see in this city - are things we've been relying on the DA's office and the jails to deal with. That's really expensive, inhumane and ineffective.
- Chesa Boudin
Image of Chesa Boudin
My mother negotiated a plea deal, and my father went to trial. I think one thing we notice in their case that kind of stands out is how, in some ways, arbitrary the outcomes in the criminal justice system can be. And they did basically the same thing, identical thing.
- Chesa Boudin
Image of Chesa Boudin
I've been really consistent throughout the campaign and since I won that I want to prioritize victims rights and I want to prioritize healing.
- Chesa Boudin
Image of Chesa Boudin
I was in diapers when my parents left me with the babysitter to participate in an armored car robbery. They never came home.
- Chesa Boudin
Image of Chesa Boudin
The fact that more than 50 percent of Americans have an immediate family member either currently or formerly incarcerated tells you a lot about just how defining a feature of American culture incarceration has become.
- Chesa Boudin
Image of Chesa Boudin
My family taught me radical politics from the beginning, but I also learned to prove myself in elite institutions.
- Chesa Boudin
Image of Chesa Boudin
My earliest memories are going into prisons. Going through metal detectors, getting searched by guards.
- Chesa Boudin
Image of Chesa Boudin
When my parents were arrested, I was a year old. And like so many children with incarcerated parents, I experienced a range of traumas connected to the separation. I was angry. I was ashamed. I had developmental delays, behavioral problems.
- Chesa Boudin
Image of Chesa Boudin
Because like so many people who were victimized directly or indirectly by crime, I blamed myself. If I hadn't been able to find closure, I never would have overcome those early developmental challenges.
- Chesa Boudin
Image of Chesa Boudin
One of my priorities is giving victims the right to choose different paths to restoration and to healing. It's prioritizing having restitution available for economic harm, having victim services for the trauma and also recognizing that victims are far more than simply pieces of evidence to be used in order to secure a lengthy prison sentence.
- Chesa Boudin
Image of Chesa Boudin
Different victims, different survivors of different crimes will choose to pursue different paths. And hopefully, over time, we can collectively transform our culture into one that prioritizes healing and prevention instead of simply focusing on punishment.
- Chesa Boudin
Image of Chesa Boudin
By incarcerating someone who is homeless or addicted or who suffers from mental health challenges, we only further destabilize that person and create situations where they are more likely to commit crimes in the future.
- Chesa Boudin
Image of Chesa Boudin
All it takes is a single person coming into or going out of the jail or prison with COVID-19, and the entire jail will likely be infected. Most jails have people living in very close quarters.
- Chesa Boudin
Image of Chesa Boudin
My father, David Gilbert, is in prison in New York. He is lucky that he has a single cell, not shared with another person. His cell is about eight feet by eight feet.
- Chesa Boudin
Image of Chesa Boudin
We've been addicted to incarceration as a primary response for decades, whether or not it's a good use of resources, whether or not it's humane, whether or not it is effective at keeping us safe, rehabilitating or healing victims.
- Chesa Boudin
Image of Chesa Boudin
As a law-enforcement official, as a politician, you are always going to have in the back of your mind the fear that someone you release will end up committing another crime, potentially a serious crime, during a period when they otherwise would have been incarcerated.
- Chesa Boudin
Image of Chesa Boudin
Stop and frisk - whether done while walking down the street or while driving a car - is a civil rights violation.
- Chesa Boudin
Image of Chesa Boudin
My parents are all people who have taken a stand for what they believe in over and over again. That to me is a fine example - even if I disagreed with some of their choices.
- Chesa Boudin
Image of Chesa Boudin
People are shaped in myriad ways by their upbringing and family. We also have agency in our lives, the people we become, and the lives we lead.
- Chesa Boudin
Image of Chesa Boudin
I don't expect to ever put my family background to rest but I do expect to be taken seriously as a scholar, a writer and a Latin Americanist on my own terms, not defined through my parents and their history or politics.
- Chesa Boudin
Image of Chesa Boudin
Being a foreigner - especially a white and relatively wealthy one - in poor, underdeveloped countries is inherently fraught.
- Chesa Boudin
Image of Chesa Boudin
Unlike many travel books I didn't set out to travel with the idea of writing a book in mind.
- Chesa Boudin
Image of Chesa Boudin
The failure of both Congress and state legislatures to respond to the murder of George Floyd with any meaningful action reminds us that our nation's attempts at reform can often amount to nothing.
- Chesa Boudin
Image of Chesa Boudin
Local prosecutors must use the power and discretion afforded them to carry out sweeping reforms that will protect the public - especially Black communities - from police violence. Our system's integrity depends on it.
- Chesa Boudin
Image of Chesa Boudin
We should start with the basics: Police officers are unlikely to be held accountable if the prosecutors investigating and potentially prosecuting them feel indebted to them.
- Chesa Boudin
Image of Chesa Boudin
If police departments won't remove officers who lack integrity, prosecutors should ensure that no one is prosecuted based on those officers' unreliable accounts.
- Chesa Boudin