Liberty and Freedom: Quotes to Inspire Free Spirits - Page 41

Explore powerful quotes about freedom and liberty from world-renowned leaders and thinkers. Ignite your spirit of independence. Page 41 provides more freedom quotes.

Image of James Madison
Liberty is to faction, what air is to fire, an aliment without which it instantly expires. But it could not be a less folly to abolish liberty, which is essential to political life, because it nourishes faction, than it would be to wish the annihilation of air, which is essential to animal life, because it imparts to fire its destructive agency.
- James Madison
Collection: Freedom
Image of H. L. Mencken
Of government, at least in democratic states, it may be said briefly that it is an agency engaged wholesale, and as a matter of solemn duty, in the performance of acts which all self-respecting individuals refrain from as a matter of common decency.
- H. L. Mencken
Collection: Freedom
Image of H. L. Mencken
Truth - Something somehow discreditable to someone.
- H. L. Mencken
Collection: Freedom
Image of Norman Mailer
There is one expanding horror in American life. It is that our long odyssey toward liberty, democracy and freedom-for-all may be achieved in such a way that utopia remains forever closed, and we live in freedom and hell, debased of style, not individual from one another, void of courage, our fear rationalized away.
- Norman Mailer
Collection: Freedom
Image of Malcolm X
A man who believes in freedom will do anything under the sun to acquire, or preserve his freedom.
- Malcolm X
Collection: Freedom
Image of Ramana Maharshi
The very fact that we wish for liberation shows that freedom from all bondage is our real nature. It is not to be freshly acquired. All that is necessary is to get rid of the false notion that we are bound.
- Ramana Maharshi
Collection: Freedom
Image of Jean-Paul Sartre
Freedom is what you do with what’s been done to you.
- Jean-Paul Sartre
Collection: Freedom
Image of Ralph Waldo Emerson
To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children, to leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived, this is to have succeeded.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Collection: Freedom