Top fire Quotes Collection - Page 4

Discover a curated collection of fire quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 4 provides more fire quotes.

Image of Lord Byron
I am ashes where once I was fire.
- Lord Byron
Collection: Fire
Image of Michael Chabon
Not only would I never want to belong to any club that would have me for a member--if elected I would wear street shoes onto the squash court and set fire to the ballroom curtains.
- Michael Chabon
Collection: Fire
Image of Sandra Cisneros
The world we live in is a house on fire and the people we love are burning.
- Sandra Cisneros
Collection: Fire
Image of RZA
Knowledge is like fire 'cause it breaks down things so you can see what they truly are. It's like how a fire breaks your body down to carbon.
Collection: Fire
Image of Hermann Goring
The only one who really knows about the Reichstag is I, because I set it on fire!
- Hermann Goring
Collection: Fire
Image of Matt Redman
The revelation of God is the fuel for the fire of our worship
- Matt Redman
Collection: Fire
Image of Bryan Appleyard
Capitalism is a forest fire that is never extinguished, only contained.
- Bryan Appleyard
Collection: Fire
Image of Christine de Pizan
there is no fire without smoke but there is often smoke without fire.
- Christine de Pizan
Collection: Fire
Image of Linda Darling-Hammond
We can't fire our way to Finland.
- Linda Darling-Hammond
Collection: Fire
Image of Nelson Rodrigues
To save the audience we must fill the stage with murderers, adulterers and madmen; in short, we must fire a salvo of monsters at them. They are our monster which we will temporarily free ourselves from only to face another day.
- Nelson Rodrigues
Collection: Fire
Image of Camille Claudel
I took all my wax studies and threw them in the fire that's the way it is when something unpleasant happens to me. I take my hammer and I squash a figure.
- Camille Claudel
Collection: Fire
Image of Odell Shepard
One can enjoy a wood fire worthily only when he warms his thoughts by it as well as his hands and feet.
- Odell Shepard
Collection: Fire
Image of Jean Barker, Baroness Trumpington
If you are ever attacked in the street do not shout 'help!', shout 'Fire!'. People adore fires and always come rushing. Nobody will come if you shout 'help.
- Jean Barker, Baroness Trumpington
Collection: Fire
Image of L. J. Smith
Sky and sea, keep harm from me. Earth and fire, bring my desire.
- L. J. Smith
Collection: Fire
Image of Michael Chiarello
At the end of the day, when the food has all been served and savored, what's left is your connection to the people around your fire
- Michael Chiarello
Collection: Fire
Image of Sam Storms
God is most glorified in us when our knowledge and experience of Him ignite a forest fire of joy that consumes all competing pleasures and He alone becomes the treasure that we prize.
- Sam Storms
Collection: Fire
Image of Frank Farrington
Advertising is the best insurance that you can take out on your business. You can buy fire insurance on your stock of goods, but no company will issue a policy covering your business, the good will as they sometimes call it. You must insure yourself, and the best way to do it is by advertising. Good advertising kept up for a number of years gives you something that no fire can take away.
- Frank Farrington
Collection: Fire
Image of Emmy Rossum
Life can be very funny and very tragic. Everyone has stuff that they've been through that makes up whatever fire it is that they have in their gut, but nobody goes around wearing that as their outmost exterior, all the time.
- Emmy Rossum
Collection: Fire
Image of Madeleine Sophie Barat
As iron is fashioned by fire and on the anvil, so in the fire of suffering and under the weight of trials, our souls receive that form which our Lord desires them to have.
- Madeleine Sophie Barat
Collection: Fire
Image of Jonathan Goforth
So much as one person with a contrary spirit to God is enough to affect all the meetings - that the revival fire did not flow until that person broke and confessed, or the Lord removed him.
- Jonathan Goforth
Collection: Fire
Image of John of Damascus
The Eucharist is a fire which inflames us
- John of Damascus
Collection: Fire
Image of Vince Carter
[When you're on fire] it feels like nobody's out there, you're playing by yourself. You don't care how good a defender is guarding you.
- Vince Carter
Collection: Fire
Image of Winfield Scott
Brave rifles! Veterans! You have been baptized in fire and blood and have come out steel!
- Winfield Scott
Collection: Fire
Image of Jack Hyles
Preaching is fire in the pulpit that melts the ice in the pew.
- Jack Hyles
Collection: Fire
Image of Georg Ernst Stahl
Briefly, in the act of composition, as an instrument there intervenes and is most potent, fire, flaming, fervid, hot; but in the very substance of the compound there intervenes, as an ingredient, as it is commonly called, as a material principle and as a constituent of the whole compound the material and principle of fire, not fire itself. This I was the first to call phlogiston.
- Georg Ernst Stahl
Collection: Fire
Image of Shalane Flanagan
All runners are tough. Everyone has to have a little fire in them, that even in tough times, can’t be turned off.
- Shalane Flanagan
Collection: Fire
Image of Eugene Mirman
Try not to wake up on fire.
- Eugene Mirman
Collection: Fire
Image of Jimmy Hoffa
I've said consistently that no employer ever really accepts a union. They tolerate the unions. The very minute they can get a pool of unemployment they'll challenge the unions and try to get back what they call managements prerogatives, meaning hire, fire, pay what you want.
- Jimmy Hoffa
Collection: Fire
Image of Miles Franklin
Heed the spark or you may dread the fire.
- Miles Franklin
Collection: Fire
Image of Robert Hooke
Most of these Mountains and Inland places whereon these kind of Petrify'd Bodies and Shells are found at present, or have been heretofore, were formerly under the Water, and that either by the descending of the Waters to another part of the Earth by the alteration of the Centre of Gravity of the whole bulk, or rather by the Eruption of some kind of Subterraneous Fires or Earthquakes, great quantities of Earth have been deserted by the Water and laid bare and dry.
- Robert Hooke
Collection: Fire
Image of Neil L. Andersen
Like the intense fire that transforms iron into steel, as we remain faithful during the fiery trial of our faith, we are spiritually refined and strengthened.
- Neil L. Andersen
Collection: Fire
Image of Jude the Apostle
Save others, snatching them out of the fire.
- Jude the Apostle
Collection: Fire
Image of Paula Broadwell
I just figured, for the most part, mainstream networks stopped using [mistress word]. Those are small brush fires. The election made me realize we've got forest fires that we collectively need to be focused on.
- Paula Broadwell
Collection: Fire
Image of Bette Lord
you must not use wood to put out the fire.
- Bette Lord
Collection: Fire
Image of Charles Poliquin
You can't fire a cannon, from a canoe!
- Charles Poliquin
Collection: Fire
Image of Amrita Pritam
The burning embers within me burst into flame / My body becomes a fire-lit torch. / Ho someone! Send for the mid-wife.
- Amrita Pritam
Collection: Fire
Image of Brother Roger
Sometimes you say to yourself: the fire in me is going out. But you were not the one who lit that fire. Your faith does not create God, and your doubts cannot banish Him to nothingness.
- Brother Roger
Collection: Fire
Image of Sr?a Trifkovic
The Patriot Act followed 9-11 as smoothly as the suspension of the Weimar constitution after the Reichstag Fire Decree.
- Sr?a Trifkovic
Collection: Fire
Image of Harry Crews
Hell came right along with God, hand in hand. The stink of sulfur swirled in the air of the church, fire burned in the aisles, and brimstone rained out of the rafters. From the evangelist's oven mouth spewed images of a place with pitchforks, and devils, and lakes of fire that burned forever. God had fixed a place like that because he loved us so much.
- Harry Crews
Collection: Fire
Image of Bill Crawford
Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal while blaming our misery on the person who started the fire.
- Bill Crawford
Collection: Fire
Image of Agnes Sligh Turnbull
Burning logs can carry on quite a conversation! ... Have you ever heard apple wood talking? It's the most loquacious of all. You really can't get a word in edgeways.
- Agnes Sligh Turnbull
Collection: Fire
Image of Jim Cramer
But be very, very careful, because when you're playing with momentum, you're playing with fire.
- Jim Cramer
Collection: Fire
Image of George Dewey
You may fire when you are ready Gridley.
- George Dewey
Collection: Fire
Image of Harry Connick, Jr.
Let's kick the tires and light the fires, big daddy.
- Harry Connick, Jr.
Collection: Fire
Image of Rodney Dangerfield
Last week I told my wife, If you would learn to cook, I could fire the chef. She said, If you could learn to make love, I could fire the chauffer.
- Rodney Dangerfield
Collection: Fire
Image of Peter Esterhazy
History is an alternating series of frying pans and fires.
- Peter Esterhazy
Collection: Fire
Image of Iqbal Sacranie
Rather than starting a new inferno in Iraq, our energies would have been better spent in extinguishing the existing fire in Palestine.
- Iqbal Sacranie
Collection: Fire
Image of James F. Cooper
The press, like fire, is an excellent servant, but a terrible master.
- James F. Cooper
Collection: Fire