Don King

Image of Don King
Muhammad Ali - he was a magnificent fighter and he was an icon... Every head must bow, every knee must bend, every tongue must confess, thou art the greatest, the greatest of all time, Muhammad, Muhammad Ali.
- Don King
Collection: Art
Image of Don King
Machiavelli taught me it was better to be feared than loved. Because if you are loved they sense you might be weak. I am a man of the people and help them but it is important to do so through strength.
- Don King
Collection: Strength
Image of Don King
Hypocrisy is the mother of all evil and racial prejudice is still her favourite child.
- Don King
Image of Don King
If you cast your bread upon the water and you have faith, you'll get back cash. If you don't have faith, you'll get soggy bread.
- Don King
Image of Don King
If a bullfrog had wings it wouldn't bump his behind every time he hopped.
- Don King
Image of Don King
Only in America can a Barack Obama happen. Only in America can a Don King happen.
- Don King
Image of Don King
You can be the greatest guy in the world but if you ain't got no heart, you ain't gonna survive.
- Don King
Image of Don King
Martin Luther King took us to the mountain top: I want to take us to the bank.
- Don King
Image of Don King
There's nothing I love more in life than turning around a bigot.
- Don King
Image of Don King
I will fight for America until the day I drop.
- Don King
Image of Don King
You can't rule the world, but what you can do is win the world with love and understanding.
- Don King
Image of Don King
I don't promote boxing, I promote people. Boxing is a catalyst to bring people together.
- Don King
Image of Don King
My career is one of people involvement. I'm a promoter of the people, by the people, for the people. My magic lies, my people ties, this is what I want to do. I'm in it to win, I cant give in, I can't give up and I cant quit. Victory is mine. Working together works.
- Don King
Image of Don King
It ain't about if he knocks a guy out. It's about how he knocks a guy out. It's the style, the improvisation.
- Don King
Image of Don King
I'm a promoter of the people for the people and by the people and my magic lies in my people ties. I'm a promoter of America. I'm American people. You know what I mean? So therefore, uh, do not send for who the bell tolls 'cause the bell tolls for thee.
- Don King
Image of Don King
You go for the quality of the performance, not the longevity of it.
- Don King
Image of Don King
He worked for the day when all people would be clothed in dignity.
- Don King
Image of Don King
Mike Tyson has been given every penny he has coming.
- Don King
Image of Don King
Mike Tyson was one of the most terrific athletes I've ever met.
- Don King
Image of Don King
Reality show? You can't find anything better than boxing because of the trials and errors, the ups and downs, the struggle when you get knocked down to get back up. Use it symbolically and interchangeably for life.
- Don King
Image of Don King
I'm an ardent American Football fan.
- Don King
Image of Don King
I would never know how good I was if I didn't have Bob Arum. Bob Arum is white, Jewish; He was working for prosecutor's office. I'm black, an ex-convict, ex-number runner. Who would be most likely to succeed? It would be Bob 100-1. Yet I beat Bob on everything we ever done, with love.
- Don King
Image of Don King
My hair is God's aura. Everything went up when I got home from the penitentiary. One night I went to lie down next to my wife, and my hair started popping and uncurling all on its own - ping, ping, ping, ping! I knew that it was God telling me to stay on the righteous path so he could one day pull me up to be there with him.
- Don King
Image of Don King
James Brown died owing me $50,000. But I loved James Brown.
- Don King
Image of Don King
I transcend earthly bounds. I never cease to amaze myself because I haven't yet found my limits. I am quite ready to accept the limits of what I can do, but every time I feel that way - boom! - God touches me and I do something that's even more stupendous than whatever I've done up to then.
- Don King
Image of Don King
All of my fighters should get down on their knees and thank me for what I've done for them.
- Don King
Image of Don King
You sign an agreement; you make a contract, you live up to it. You never get what you deserve. You get what you negotiate. You got a right to say yay or nay.
- Don King
Collection: Business
Image of Don King
Only in America can you find so many angry people claiming to love their country, while hating almost anyone in it.
- Don King
Collection: Country
Image of Don King
If you want to sell a steak, you can't just have the sizzle, you gotta have sauce.
- Don King
Collection: Want
Image of Don King
I never cease to amaze myself. And I say this humbly
- Don King
Collection: Boxing
Image of Don King
You must believe the unbelievable, snatch the possible out of the impossible.
- Don King
Collection: Believe
Image of Don King
I cant believe that having said what I said was interpreted as having been what I said when I said it, because I said it where I said it, when I said it, and who I said it to.
- Don King
Collection: Believe
Image of Don King
I had a moment of religious epiphanosity.
- Don King
Collection: Religious
Image of Don King
When we started, it was based on lies. It's changing now. There are no secrets in the business. You've got to come with the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. It's becoming very confusing.
- Don King
Collection: Lying
Image of Don King
You don't get nothing from sleep but a dream.
- Don King
Collection: Dream
Image of Don King
Only in america will you see people circling the parking lot looking for a close space at a gym.
- Don King
Collection: America
Image of Don King
I tell Donald Trump that the establishment will tell their lies. They will try to keep him down. I tell him, 'Now Mr. Trump, they're treating you like a black man.' I say, 'Mr. President, you know what it's like to be a black man. No matter what you say or do, you are guilty as hell.'
- Don King
Collection: Lying
Image of Don King
I'm the best promoter in the world because I haven't taken a day off work since I left the penitentiary, and because I have read all the great philosophers like St. Thomas Aquinine.
- Don King
Collection: Taken
Image of Don King
I'm a promoter of the people for the people and by the people and my magic lies in my people ties.
- Don King
Collection: Lying
Image of Don King
Opportunity is the greatest charity.
- Don King
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Don King
This is a setback. You get back up, you dust yourself off, and you get back in the game. We had a great singer named Ray Charles who wrote a song called 'Drowning in My Tears.' You can't afford to drown in your tears. You gotta go back, rededicate yourself, redouble your efforts, and persevere.
- Don King
Collection: Song
Image of Don King
Only in America could a Don King happen.
- Don King
Collection: Kings
Image of Don King
Man, I've been to jail. It was hell in there, but I survived, If they put me back, I'll come out again. I'm one of the world's great survivors. I'll always survive because I've got the right combination of wit, grit and bullshit.
- Don King
Collection: Men
Image of Don King
She's (Christy Martin) voluptuous and intoxicating no smear lipstick. Here's a woman who pounds it out and her lipstick don't smear. Revlon should jump on that like white on rice, you know what I mean? Max Factor, Elizabeth Arden.
- Don King
Collection: Mean
Image of Don King
Martin Luther King took us to the mountain top: I want to take us to the bank
- Don King
Collection: Kings
Image of Don King
When you lose the title, that doesn't mean you lose the contract to what you had. Just like when you win the title, it doesn't mean you win brains, PhDs and MAs.
- Don King
Collection: Mean
Image of Don King
I can't believe what I said about myself. What I said in my own private conversations with myself to an ESPN producer are my business, and I had no business saying them to someone else.
- Don King
Collection: Believe
Image of Don King
Larry is like a son to me and we enjoy a most wonderful relationship, one with meaning, dignity, pride, understanding and purpose. But more importantly, one of mutual respect. Larry and I both pride ourselves on being men of our word and when we say we will be together for life it is not just convention but is said with feeling and commitment that comes from struggling together, growing together and being family.
- Don King
Collection: Struggle
Image of Don King
I am the living attestation of the American dream. I am the extolment of this great nation.
- Don King
Collection: Dream
Image of Don King
There's nothing wrong with options. Options are everywhere. In movies, in sports. Options is not a dirty word. I need to pay my overheads, you know. I invest a lot of money developing a fighter and then I deserve to reap the rewards.
- Don King
Collection: Sports