Top fighting Quotes Collection - Page 21

Discover a curated collection of fighting quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 21 provides more fighting quotes.

Image of Annie Sprinkle
I'd like to see feminism really be more loving. Feminists have a lot of righteous anger, and have done a lot to fight for rights. But we need a lot of love and compassion - to embrace people, to educate people. I wasn't a feminist until l I was educated about what it was. I would love to see men attend, and transgender people. Everyone is welcome.
- Annie Sprinkle
Collection: Fighting
Image of Charlotte Gainsbourg
When you fight against your own weaknesses, there's something embarrassing about it.
- Charlotte Gainsbourg
Collection: Fighting
Image of Hosea Williams
If we gotta fight and die for America, why should we be treated like slaves in America?
- Hosea Williams
Collection: Fighting
Image of Robert Whitlow
Lawyers are like professional wrestlers. They pretend to get mad and fight, but then they socialize after a trial is over.
- Robert Whitlow
Collection: Fighting
Image of Isser Harel
America has the power, but not the will to fight terrorism. The terrorists have the will, but not the power to fight America, but all that could change with time.
- Isser Harel
Collection: Fighting
Image of Valentina
Fight your imperfections imagining that you are the worst, so you can perform as the best.
- Valentina
Collection: Fighting
Image of Iris DeMent
We got CEOs making 200 times the worker's pay, but they'll fight like hell against raising the minimum wage.
- Iris DeMent
Collection: Fighting
Image of Velupillai Prabhakaran
When I was deciding to fight, the thought of winning or losing didn't bother me.
- Velupillai Prabhakaran
Collection: Fighting
Image of Velupillai Prabhakaran
What you have to assess is whether you have the will to fight.
- Velupillai Prabhakaran
Collection: Fighting
Image of Velupillai Prabhakaran
If the Sri Lankan government resorts to state oppression against the Tamils and Muslims, then we will fight.
- Velupillai Prabhakaran
Collection: Fighting
Image of Chris Crass
We need to fight for free education and defund the prisons
- Chris Crass
Collection: Fighting
Image of Crawford Kilian
Every sentence, every phrase, every word has to fight for its life.
- Crawford Kilian
Collection: Fighting
Image of Asghar Ali Engineer
People don't respond just because you are fighting for the truth. They take their interests into account.
- Asghar Ali Engineer
Collection: Fighting
Image of John Ashcroft
The state's interest in effective crime-fighting should never vitiate the citizens' Bill of Rights.
- John Ashcroft
Collection: Fighting
Image of Charles Alvin Beckwith
You cannot take a few people from one unit, throw them in with some from another, give them someone else's equipment, and hope to come up with a top-notch fighting unit.
- Charles Alvin Beckwith
Collection: Fighting
Image of Alex Caceres
I just try to be as versatile as life is and try and express that in the fight.
- Alex Caceres
Collection: Fighting
Image of Alex Caceres
The only thing I have to lose going into this fight is anxiety, fear, worry; all those kinds of negativity.
- Alex Caceres
Collection: Fighting
Image of Mervyn B. Arnold
In that glorious day when we stand before our beloved Savior to report what we have done with His name, may we be able to declare: “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith. I have honored Thy name.
- Mervyn B. Arnold
Collection: Fighting
Image of Marc Gafni
Instead of fighting the ego, I align with the evolutionary impulse and I ask myself: What does the evolutionary impulse wants to say or do through me?
- Marc Gafni
Collection: Fighting
Image of Tank Abbott
When I go in there, I'm not going in there to win. I'm going in there to fight!
- Tank Abbott
Collection: Fighting
Image of Tank Abbott
I don't think much of Tito Ortiz. He needs to grow balls and sign to fight Chuck Liddell.
- Tank Abbott
Collection: Fighting
Image of Melinda Gates
Take time to learn about the lives of women around the world-and try to play a small part in their fight to create the future they deserve.
- Melinda Gates
Collection: Fighting
Image of Karen Finney
If you know Hillary Clinton, you know this is a woman who has never shied away from a fight.
- Karen Finney
Collection: Fighting
Image of Karen Finney
We think what Americans at the end of the day want to know is, if this person [a candidate] going to go out and be a fighter for me? Does this person understand my concerns, my issues, and will this person fight for me?
- Karen Finney
Collection: Fighting
Image of Erin Gruwell
Fights don't solve matters, they just make things worse. (Diary 19)
- Erin Gruwell
Collection: Fighting
Image of Yara
Yara: Youre a great warrior. I saw the bodies above your gates. Which one gave you the tougher fight, the cripple or the six year old?
- Yara
Collection: Fighting
Image of Jon Bernthal
Fighting really does reveal everything to the other guy. It's not just about who can beat up to or who's tougher, it's who bullies who and who goes easy on who. You change from opponent, so it's about how you deal with a challenge and how you deal with a guy who you can handle easily.
- Jon Bernthal
Collection: Fighting
Image of Jon Bernthal
We all come from different levels, and I think every human has their own relationship to violence, athletic violence and fighting.
- Jon Bernthal
Collection: Fighting
Image of Michael Bisping
I stay off the booze for a whole 12 weeks before a fight, it can be tough!
- Michael Bisping
Collection: Fighting
Image of R. Buckminster Fuller
You never change people by fighting their existing reality.
- R. Buckminster Fuller
Collection: Fighting
Image of R. Buckminster Fuller
You can't change anything by fighting or resisting it. You change something by making it obsolete through superior methods.
- R. Buckminster Fuller
Collection: Fighting
Image of Cat Zingano
My desire to fight comes from within... it's a personal journey of accomplishment, not meant to be judges or for me to judge others.
- Cat Zingano
Collection: Fighting
Image of Cat Zingano
The stage, the show, the fans, that doesn’t matter because I’m always gonna fight my fight.
- Cat Zingano
Collection: Fighting
Image of Joy Bryant
Donate time, food, or money to organizations that fight the good fight. We can act individually for the collective good. We can all do something.
- Joy Bryant
Collection: Fighting
Image of Paul Azinger
Great champions learn from past experiences, whether those be good or bad. A lot of times a guy needs to be knocked down before he gets up and fights.
- Paul Azinger
Collection: Fighting
Image of Kevin Drum
Open office plans, cell phones, constant notifications: these are all things that fight against sustained attention on a task. For some people and some tasks, that doesn’t matter. But for a lot of important work, it matters a lot.
- Kevin Drum
Collection: Fighting
Image of Kshama Sawant
This is what happens under capitalism - as long as corporations and the super rich own the economy and the politicians, every new generation has to fight hard just to defend itself.
- Kshama Sawant
Collection: Fighting
Image of Kshama Sawant
While we still live in a capitalist society, we of course will fight for whatever reforms help make life better for working people.
- Kshama Sawant
Collection: Fighting
Image of Kshama Sawant
When the New Deal programs were passed in the mid 1930s, millions of workers were joining unions, striking, and occupying factories to fight for a better life. It was this radical labor movement that forced the establishment to make concessions.
- Kshama Sawant
Collection: Fighting
Image of John Neihardt
The only cowards are sinners; fighting the fight is all.
- John Neihardt
Collection: Fighting
Image of Allen Ginsberg
Night is the wonderful opportunity to take rest, to forgive, to smile, to get ready for all the battles that you have to fight tomorrow.
- Allen Ginsberg
Collection: Fighting
Image of Danny Dyer
A normal fight is thirty seconds of rolling around on the floor, scrapping, that's what it is. It's not rolling over boxes or getting punched through windows.
- Danny Dyer
Collection: Fighting
Image of Phyllis Curott
Life is rich it's full of gifts-the more you have the more there is to share. You know its men with small souls who think there isn't enough to go around. They fight to keep their little grasp on their tiny piece of the world and they're always angry because they're never satisfied. They're cursed with a hole they can never fill. They may get things done but they can never keep what they've achieved.
- Phyllis Curott
Collection: Fighting
Image of Mukhtar Ma'i
I am fighting a fight against oppression where the poor and women are being violated
- Mukhtar Ma'i
Collection: Fighting
Image of Christian Rudder
Twitter, Reddit, Tumblr, Instagram, all these companies are businesses first, but, as a close second, they're demographers of unprecedented reach, thoroughness, and importance. Practically as an accident, digital data can now show us how we fight, how we love, how we age, who we are, and how we're changing. All we have to do is look.
- Christian Rudder
Collection: Fighting
Image of Guy Delisle
It'll always be easier to fight others if you reduce them to a single word or look at them just one way.
- Guy Delisle
Collection: Fighting
Image of Joseph Farah
He wasn't someone fighting for racial equality. He was the leader of a violent, Communist revolution that has nearly succeeded in all of its grisly horror.
- Joseph Farah
Collection: Fighting
Image of Mike Godwin
Exploring and understanding the Net is an ongoing process. Cyberspace never sits still; it evolves as fast as society itself. Only if we fight to preserve our freedom of speech on the Net will we ensure our ability to keep up with both the Net and society.
- Mike Godwin
Collection: Fighting
Image of Witold Gombrowicz
If he [the Artist] were to take up the pen it would better express his individuality and explain it to others; or else to put his internal affairs in deepen and sharpen his relationship with his fellow men because other souls exert an immense and creative influence on our soul; or to try to fight for a world as he would like it to be, for a world that is indispensable to his life.
- Witold Gombrowicz
Collection: Fighting