Top Feet Quotes Collection - Page 11

Discover a curated collection of Feet quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 11 provides more Feet quotes.

Image of Robert Englund
Hollywood is tripping over its own feet.
- Robert Englund
Collection: Feet
Image of Isak Dinesen
I had a farm in Africa, at the foot of the Ngong Hills.
- Isak Dinesen
Collection: Feet
Image of Krishna Das
It's inexplicable why somebody can lose a leg and it doesn't effect them at all emotionally; and another person can lose a foot and be destroyed for the rest of their lives.
- Krishna Das
Collection: Feet
Image of Marie Corelli
If we choose to be no more than clods of clay, then we shall be used as clods of clay for braver feet to tread on.
- Marie Corelli
Collection: Feet
Image of Sarah Dessen
Whenever you made a choice, especially one you'd been resisting, it always affected everything else, some in big ways, like a tremor beneath your feet, others in so tiny a shift you hardly noticed a change at all. But it was happening.
- Sarah Dessen
Collection: Feet
Image of Barbara Brown Taylor
When someone asks us where we want to be in our lives, the last thing that occurs to us is to look down at our feet and say, 'Here, I guess, since this is where I am.'
- Barbara Brown Taylor
Collection: Feet
Image of Greg Giraldo
You got a cop under five feet tall, what if he's gotta plant evidence on a high shelf? What then? What if he's gotta chase a suspect onto a ride at Disneyland?
- Greg Giraldo
Collection: Feet
Image of Fran Drescher
... I love walking my feet off. Gimme a map and a box of Band-Aids and I'm all set!
- Fran Drescher
Collection: Feet
Image of Henry Ford
A business which can bring itself to the point where it attracts the attention of money should be able to continue on its own feet without being financed.
- Henry Ford
Collection: Feet
Image of Sherwood Anderson
Don't be carried off your feet by anything because it is modern - the latest thing. Go to the Louvre often and spend a good deal of time before the Rembrandts, the Delacroixs.
- Sherwood Anderson
Collection: Feet
Image of Frederick Douglass
Praying for freedom never did me any good til I started praying with my feet.
- Frederick Douglass
Collection: Feet
Image of Andrew Bird
The earth almost looks like it's packed down and dense from so many feet treading over it.
- Andrew Bird
Collection: Feet
Image of Mohamed ElBaradei
Youre shooting yourself in the foot if you isolate or disempower the moderates.
- Mohamed ElBaradei
Collection: Feet
Image of Epictetus
Be not swept off your feet by the vividness of the impression, but say, "Impression, wait for me a little. Let me see what you are and what you represent. Let me try you."
- Epictetus
Collection: Feet
Image of Frederick Lenz
Everyone is psychic. Being psychic is not a particular talent. Everybody has a left foot. Some people may just walk with that foot, some people may drag it, and some may learn to dance with it.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Feet
Image of Sam Altman
If you ever take your foot off the gas pedal, things will spiral out of control, snowball downwards.
- Sam Altman
Collection: Feet
Image of Ralph Waldo Emerson
A lady with whom I was riding in the forest said to me that the woods always seemed to her to wait, as if the genii who inhabit them suspend their deeds until the wayfarer had passed onward; a thought which poetry has celebrated in the dance of the fairies, which breaks off on the approach of human feet.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Collection: Feet
Image of Melissa Etheridge
I can feel the thunder underneath my feet
- Melissa Etheridge
Collection: Feet
Image of Malcolm Forbes
When young, you're shocked by the number of people who turn out to have feet of clay. Older, you're surprised by the number of people who don't.
- Malcolm Forbes
Collection: Feet
Image of Zelda Fitzgerald
There seemed to be some heavenly support beneath his shoulder blades that lifted his feet from the ground in ecstatic suspension, as if he secretly enjoyed the ability to fly but was walking as a compromise to convention.
- Zelda Fitzgerald
Collection: Feet
Image of Helen Fielding
..we were always taught, instead of waiting to be swept off our feet, to 'expect little, forgive much'.
- Helen Fielding
Collection: Feet
Image of Walter Schloss
We may buy a little bit of a stock, to get our feet wet and get a feeling for it.
- Walter Schloss
Collection: Feet
Image of Frederick Lenz
I am a certified PADI Divemaster and a technical scuba diver. That is to say, I am involved with decompression diving where we dive to depths of 300 plus feet. But I was also recently certified for the Atlantis rebreather, where we dive to shallower depths ranging from about 60-130 feet.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Feet
Image of Ralph Waldo Emerson
The orator is thereby an orator that keeps his feet ever on a fact.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Collection: Feet
Image of George Eliot
As soon as we lay ourselves entirely at His feet, we have enough light given us to guide our own steps; as the foot-soldier who hears nothing of the councils that determine the course of the great battle he is in, hears plainly enough the word of command that they must themselves obey.
- George Eliot
Collection: Feet
Image of Stephen Dobyns
I remember coming upon Philip Larkin in my 20s in the early '60s and when Sylvia Plath's "Ariel" came out it knocked me off my feet.
- Stephen Dobyns
Collection: Feet
Image of F. Scott Fitzgerald
People disappeared, reappeared, made plans to go somewhere, and then lost each other, searched for each other, found each other a few feet away.
- F. Scott Fitzgerald
Collection: Feet
Image of Nina Dobrev
If you looked at my feet, you would know for sure that I used to do ballet. They're completely destroyed and ripped up.
- Nina Dobrev
Collection: Feet
Image of Maya Angelou
When I try to describe myself to God I say, 'Lord, remember me? Black? Female? Six-foot tall? The writer?' And I almost always get God's attention.
- Maya Angelou
Collection: Feet
Image of Albert Einstein
Toreador pants make your feet look big too
- Albert Einstein
Collection: Feet
Image of James Lileks
You can imagine what the advisers are telling Junior Assad: "Your statues are much stronger than Saddam's. His were hollow, and bolted in place with inferior metal; yours are solid, and are anchored to a depth of three feet. Let the American tanks come! Their gears will strip and their engines whine in defeat as they attempt to pull down your statues!
- James Lileks
Collection: Feet
Image of Suzy Kassem
We are all connected. When one arm or foot is poisoned, the whole body becomes infected.
- Suzy Kassem
Collection: Feet
Image of Billy Graham
Only as we bow in contrition, confession, and repentance at the foot of the cross, can we find forgiveness. There is the grace of God.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Feet
Image of William Goldman
The tears that kept Buttercup company the remainder of the day were not at all like those that had blinded her into the tree trunk. Those were noisy and hot; they pulsed. These were silent and steady and all they did was remind her that she wasn’t good enough. She was seventeen, and every male she’d ever known had crumbled at her feet and it meant nothing. The one time it really mattered, she wasn’t good enough.
- William Goldman
Collection: Feet
Image of Andy Grove
By the late '90s, those who were paying attention perceived the Internet as a 20-foot tidal wave coming, and we are all in kayaks.
- Andy Grove
Collection: Feet
Image of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
He who does not stretch himself according to the coverlet finds his feet uncovered.
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Collection: Feet
Image of Diana Gabaldon
Do ye not understand?"he said, in near desparation. "I would lay the world at your feet, Claire-and I have nothing to give ye!" He honestly thought it mattered.
- Diana Gabaldon
Collection: Feet
Image of Edgar Guest
When you're up against a trouble, meet it squarely, face to face. Lift your chin and set your shoulders, plant your feet and take a brace. When it's vain to try to dodge it, do the best that you can do. You may fail, but you may conquer. See it through!
- Edgar Guest
Collection: Feet
Image of Billy Graham
At the foot of the cross, there are no racial barriers.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Feet
Image of Franz Grillparzer
Isn't it awful that cold feet make for a cold imagination and that a pair of woollen socks induce good thoughts!
- Franz Grillparzer
Collection: Feet
Image of Mahatma Gandhi
Though a non-co-operator, I shall gladly subscribe to a bill to make it criminal for anybody to call me mahatma and to touch my feet.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Collection: Feet
Image of Thomas Gray
To brisk notes in cadence beating, glance their many-twinkling feet.
- Thomas Gray
Collection: Feet
Image of Bill Gates
So we can simulate Richter-10 earthquakes. We simulate 70-foot waves coming into these things. Very cool. We basically say no human should ever be required to do anything, because if you judge by Chernobyl and Fukushima, the human element is not on your side.
- Bill Gates
Collection: Feet
Image of Mahatma Gandhi
In Hinduism we have got an admirable foot-rule to measure every shastra and every rule of conduct, and that is truth.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Collection: Feet
Image of James Anthony Froude
No person is ever good for much, that hasn't been swept off their feet by enthusiasm between ages twenty and thirty
- James Anthony Froude
Collection: Feet
Image of Mehmet Murat Ildan
Will you just stand on the foot of a high mountain and look at it with admiration or climb the top and be the admired itself? Remember that anybody can be an admirer; but the difficult thing is to be the admired one!
- Mehmet Murat Ildan
Collection: Feet
Image of Daniel Handler
So you’re reluctant, I said to myself. Many, many people are reluctant. It’s like having feet. It’s nothing to brag about.
- Daniel Handler
Collection: Feet
Image of Nhat Hanh
Breathe in and take one step, and focus all your attention on the sole of your foot. If you have not arrived fully, one hundred percent in the here and the now, don't take the next step.
- Nhat Hanh
Collection: Feet