Top Father Quotes Collection - Page 54

Discover a curated collection of Father quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 54 provides more Father quotes.

Image of Zoe Kravitz
My parents [father Lenny Kravitz and Bonet] did exactly what they wanted and didn't let anyone tell them not to. Now, as women, we need to continue to do that. Especially in the age of social media, when everyone has an opinion and it's so easy to be influenced.
- Zoe Kravitz
Collection: Father
Image of Stephen King
I do not kill with my gun; He who kills with his gun has forgotten the face of his father. I kill with my heart.
- Stephen King
Collection: Father
Image of Lisa Kleypas
The boy heaved a sigh. "I would ask to go with you," he said, " but I have to finish my lessons. I so look forward to the day when I know everything. Then I won't have to read any more books or do any more counting." Beatrix smiled. "I don't wish to be discouraging, Rye, but it's not possible to know everything." "Mama does." Rye paused reflectively. "At least, Papa says we mus t pretend she does, because it makes her happy." "Your father," Beatrix informed him with a laugh, " is one of the wisest men I've ever known.
- Lisa Kleypas
Collection: Father
Image of C. S. Lewis
Father! Can I box him? Please!
- C. S. Lewis
Collection: Father
Image of Heath Ledger
Want know how I got these scars? My father was a drinker and a fiend. And one night he goes off crazier than usual. Mommy gets the kitchen knife to defend herself. He doesn't like that. Not one bit. So, me watching, he takes the knife to her, laughing while he does it. He turns to me, and he says, 'why so serious?' He comes at me with the knife. 'Why so serious?!'. He sticks the blade in my mouth. 'Let's put a smile on that face!' And why so serious?
- Heath Ledger
Collection: Father
Image of John Lennon
In Western-style Communism we would have to create an almost imaginary workers' image of themselves as the father-figure.
- John Lennon
Collection: Father
Image of Charles Kingsley
And how high is Christ's cross? As high as the highest heaven, and the throne of God, and the bosom of the Father that bosom out of which forever proceed all created things. Ay, as high as the highest heaven! for if you will receive it when Christ hung upon the cross, heaven came down on earth, and earth ascended into heaven.
- Charles Kingsley
Collection: Father
Image of David Letterman
We're learning more about Osama bin Laden. His father was married 16 times, and he has five wives. I think we're getting to the root of his intense anger. And they say bin Laden never spends the night in the same place twice. No, wait a minute, that's Clinton.
- David Letterman
Collection: Father
Image of Stephen King
My father had taught me - mostly by example - that if a man wanted to be in charge of his life, he had to be in charge of his problems.
- Stephen King
Collection: Father
Image of M. Russell Ballard
The important questions focus on what matters most-Heavenly Father's plan and the Savior's Atonement.
- M. Russell Ballard
Collection: Father
Image of Sean Lennon
I'm lucky to have had a father [John Lennon] who paid attention.
- Sean Lennon
Collection: Father
Image of Barbara Kingsolver
Once the rains abated, my father's garden thrived in the heat like an unleashed temper.
- Barbara Kingsolver
Collection: Father
Image of Rush Limbaugh
The Senate, compared to the House, is where things are supposed to slow down, by design, Founding Father design. The Founding Fathers were hell-bent to stop government action. The Constitution limited government. And that's why people like Obama and Democrats call it a charter of negative liberties because it limits government. It's an anti-government, pro-citizen document. And the founders wanted to make it hard.
- Rush Limbaugh
Collection: Father
Image of Barbara Kingsolver
Forgive me, O Heavenly Father, according to the multitude of Thy mercies. I have lusted in my heart to break a man's skull and scatter the stench of his brains across several people's back yards.
- Barbara Kingsolver
Collection: Father
Image of Soren Kierkegaard
You wanted God's ideas about what was best for you to coincide with your ideas, but you also wanted him to be the almighty Creator of heaven and earth so that he could properly fulfill your wish. And yet, if he were to share your ideas, he would cease to be the almighty Father.
- Soren Kierkegaard
Collection: Father
Image of Hans Urs von Balthasar
What the Father gives is the capacity to be a self, freedom, and thus autonomy, but an autonomy which can be understood only as a surrender of self to the other.
- Hans Urs von Balthasar
Collection: Father
Image of Hans Urs von Balthasar
In Christ, for the first time, we see that in God himself there exists--within his inseparable unity--the distinction between the Father who gives and the Gift which is given (the Son), but only in the unity of the Holy Spirit.
- Hans Urs von Balthasar
Collection: Father
Image of Steig Larsson
I'm aware of what you've done for me, and I'm not ungrateful. I appreciate that you actually showed yourself to be greater than your prejudices and have given me a chance here. But I don't want you for my lover, and you're not my father.
- Steig Larsson
Collection: Father
Image of Harper Lee
Miss Jean Louise, stand up. Your father's passin'.
- Harper Lee
Collection: Father
Image of Harper Lee
I suppose she chose me because she knew my name; as I read the alphabet a faint line appeared between her eyebrows, and after making me read most of My First Reader and the stock-market quotations from The Mobile Register aloud, she discovered that I was literate and looked at me with more than faint distaste. Miss Caroline told me to tell my father not to teach me any more, it would interfere with my reading.
- Harper Lee
Collection: Father
Image of D. H. Lawrence
[During the Renaissance] the Italians said, "We are one in the Father: we will go back." The Northern races said, "We are one in Christ, we will go on.
- D. H. Lawrence
Collection: Father
Image of Lenny Kravitz
It's interesting to be playing a father who's on the other side because that's not my world and not where I came from.
- Lenny Kravitz
Collection: Father
Image of Abraham Lincoln
If as the friends of colonization hope, the present and coming generations of our countrymen shall by any means, succeed in freeing our land from the dangerous presence of slavery; and, at the same time, in restoring a captive people to their long-lost father-land, with bright prospects for the future; and this too, so gradually, that neither races nor individuals shall have suffered by the change, it will indeed be a glorious consummation.
- Abraham Lincoln
Collection: Father
Image of John Locke
If you punish him for what he sees you practise yourself, he... will be apt to interpret it the peevishness and arbitrary imperiousness of a father, who, without any ground for it, would deny his son the liberty and pleasure he takes himself.
- John Locke
Collection: Father
Image of Barbara Kingsolver
He was my father. I own half his genes, and all of his history. Believe this: the mistakes are part of the story. I am born of a man who believed he could tell nothing but the truth, while he set down for all time the Poisonwood Bible.
- Barbara Kingsolver
Collection: Father
Image of C. S. Lewis
What would really satisfy us would be a God who said of anything we happened to like doing, 'What does it matter so long as they are contented?'
- C. S. Lewis
Collection: Father
Image of Damian Loeb
Now that I'm a father of three kids, suddenly the whole world seems different. I don't want to take anything for granted. If you gaze on something and you appreciate it, you become a part of that circle. That seemed to me to be the only relevance I could understand. The space, the time and the vastness of it all was overwhelming. I needed to understand it or I just was lost.
- Damian Loeb
Collection: Father
Image of Alan Ladd
I'd rather be David Ladd's father than Alan Ladd any day
- Alan Ladd
Collection: Father
Image of Lindsay Lohan
I have been informed that he has started false allegations regarding myself and the cause of my illness. It angers me to see that my own father would stoop to such a level.
- Lindsay Lohan
Collection: Father
Image of Jay Leno
Bush is smart. I don't think that Bush will ever be impeached, 'cause unlike Clinton, Reagan, or even his father, George W. is immune from scandal. Because, if George W. testifies that he had no idea what was going on, wouldn't you believe him?
- Jay Leno
Collection: Father
Image of Stephen King
I spend a lot of time parenting because I'm home. A friend of mine told me that the average father sees each kid an average of twenty-two minutes a week, which I found almost unbelievable. Mine are in my hip pocket all the time. And I like it that way.
- Stephen King
Collection: Father
Image of John Krasinski
All the cliches are true about parenting. All I've ever wanted to do is be a father, but there's this existential mirror that's held up when you have a kid.
- John Krasinski
Collection: Father
Image of C. S. Lewis
I am a product of endless books. My father bought all the books he read and never got rid of any of them. There were books in the study, books in the drawing room, books in the cloakroom, books (two deep) in the great bookcase on the landing, books in a bedroom, books piled as high as my shoulder in the cistern attic...In the seemingly endless rainy afternoons I took volume after volume from the shelves. I had always the same certainty of finding a book that was new to me as a man who walks into a field has of finding a new blade of grass.
- C. S. Lewis
Collection: Father
Image of Jessa Crispin
I have yet to get sued. My father thinks I should get liability insurance.
- Jessa Crispin
Collection: Father
Image of Anne Lamott
So I was doing well academically, and I was a well-ranked tennis player and was the apple of my handsome father's eye-and then I would bring home a report card with a B-plus on it, and my parents would look at the report card as if I'd flunked. "Uh, honey?" one of them would ask, looking perplexed. "Now, this isn't a criticism but, if you could get a B-plus in philosophy, how much harder would it have been to get an A-minus?"
- Anne Lamott
Collection: Father
Image of Jay Leno
Did you see Walker's father? 'My son loves America.' Yeah, like O.J. loved his wife.
- Jay Leno
Collection: Father
Image of David Letterman
Father's Day: When you get that lethal combination of alcohol and new power tools.
- David Letterman
Collection: Father
Image of Alphonsus Liguori
New revelations regarding faith or morals ... have always been abhorred and challenged in the Church ... Hence, the Sovereign Pontiffs, the Councils, and the Fathers have been most careful to reject all novelties or new doctrines on matters of faith which differed from those already received.
- Alphonsus Liguori
Collection: Father
Image of Paul Kengor
Throughout American history our presidents have invoked our nation's founding fathers. This is particularly true of recent presidents.
- Paul Kengor
Collection: Father
Image of Antonio Banderas
Sometimes I feel very guilty, so I don't know if I am a clear example of a perfect father, because sometimes I also just punish myself, saying I'm not doing probably the right thing at this particular moment. It's a secret.
- Antonio Banderas
Collection: Father
Image of Stephen King
You know what talent is? The curse of expectation. As a kid you have to deal with that, beat it somehow. If you can write, you think God put you on earth to blow Shakespeare away. Or if you can paint, maybe you think--I did--that God put you on earth to blow your father away.
- Stephen King
Collection: Father
Image of Robert Barry
I made films from the - when I was a little kid, my father bought me a movie camera. I just wanted to. I don't know how. You just learn, you just do it. You just do it.
- Robert Barry
Collection: Father
Image of Lisa Kleypas
Haven, don't ask me to define the boundaries of normal. You know how I was raised. My father once struck strands of his own pubic hair onto a painting and sold it for a million dollars.
- Lisa Kleypas
Collection: Father
Image of Barbara Kingsolver
Respecting the dignity of a spectacular food means enjoying it at its best. Europeans celebrate the short season of abundant asparagus as a form of holiday. In the Netherlands the first cutting coincides with Father's Day, on which restaurants may feature all-asparagus menus and hand out neckties decorated with asparagus spears.
- Barbara Kingsolver
Collection: Father
Image of Melissa Bank
You did the best you could," and she seemed to believe I had. I said, "I've just been going through the motions," using the expression my father had after he'd watched my first tennis lesson. "Sweetie," she said, "that's what a lot of life is.
- Melissa Bank
Collection: Father
Image of Eartha Kitt
I was trying to find out who my father was. They say that at that time, that if you are illegitimate, the father doesn't have to put his name down on the certificate.
- Eartha Kitt
Collection: Father
Image of Diane Kruger
To me, acting is very therapeutic. I get out a lot of anger and frustration. It's maybe hard to believe, but as a kid I really had a lot of self-doubts. My father was very ill - he was an alcoholic - so there were a lot of things that built up for me. And because I was going to a Catholic school in a small German town, a lot of it was suppressed. I was angry and didn't know how to get it out.
- Diane Kruger
Collection: Father
Image of Hugh Laurie
Humility was a cult in my family. I only got it out of my father by accident when he was very old that he had won an Olympic gold medal.
- Hugh Laurie
Collection: Father