Top evil Quotes Collection - Page 2

Discover a curated collection of evil quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 2 provides more evil quotes.

Image of Wilson Rawls
There is a little good in all evil.
- Wilson Rawls
Collection: Evil
Image of Moderata Fonte
[I]t was with a good end in mind – that of acquiring the knowledge of good and evil – that Eve allowed herself to be carried away and eat the forbidden fruit. But Adam was not moved by this desire for knowledge, but simply by greed: he ate it because he heard Eve say it tasted good.
- Moderata Fonte
Collection: Evil
Image of Frederic Bastiat
The politician attempts to remedy the evil by increasing the very thing that caused the evil in the first place: legal plunder.
- Frederic Bastiat
Collection: Evil
Image of Irving Stone
There are neither good nor evil, only the existence and action.
- Irving Stone
Collection: Evil
Image of Eric Schmidt
One person's definition of evil is another person's different definition.
- Eric Schmidt
Collection: Evil
Image of Veronica Roth
Human reason can excuse any evil; that is why it's so important that we don't rely on it.
- Veronica Roth
Collection: Evil
Image of George Saunders
What evil does first in the world, maybe, is distract us from our pursuit of goodness.
- George Saunders
Collection: Evil
Image of Ernest Cline
You’re evil, you know that?” I said. She grinned and shook her head. “Chaotic Neutral, sugar.
- Ernest Cline
Collection: Evil
Image of Donna Summer
I need you by me, beside me, to guide me, to hold me, to scold me, cause when I'm bad, I'm so, so bad.
- Donna Summer
Collection: Evil
Image of Nicolas Boileau-Despreaux
Often the fear on one evil leads us into a worse.
- Nicolas Boileau-Despreaux
Collection: Evil
Image of Henry Allen Ironside
It is not only that sin consists in doing evil, but in not doing the good that we know.
- Henry Allen Ironside
Collection: Evil
Image of Emile Coue
Even evil and evil-doing can be overcome by suggestion.
- Emile Coue
Collection: Evil
Image of James A. Owen
Don't ascribe to evil what can be attributed to well-intentioned stupidity.
- James A. Owen
Collection: Evil
Image of R. A. Salvatore
There is a place within each of us where we cannot hide from the truth, where virtue sits as judge. To admit the truth of our actions is to go before that court, where process is irrelevant. Good and evil are intents, and intent is without excuse.
- R. A. Salvatore
Collection: Evil
Image of Pentti Linkola
To the Green movement in which infantilism is seen at its worst, authority is a far more serious evil than the destruction of life.
- Pentti Linkola
Collection: Evil
Image of Jane Porter
Goodness is equally hateful to the wicked, as vice is to the virtuous.
- Jane Porter
Collection: Evil
Image of Leonardo da Vinci
Not to punish evil is equivalent to authorizing it.
- Leonardo da Vinci
Collection: Evil
Image of Joe Meno
The world of evil is only as evil as we allow it to be.
- Joe Meno
Collection: Evil
Image of Joe Meno
An act of evil is the death of wonder
- Joe Meno
Collection: Evil
Image of Vivian Vande Velde
A [reformed] vampire ... mostly tries to make reparation for his previous evil by doing good deeds-most commonly, apparently, going into the crime solving business.
- Vivian Vande Velde
Collection: Evil
Image of Matthew Woodring Stover
Good and evil have nothing to do with gods. It has to do with us.
- Matthew Woodring Stover
Collection: Evil
Image of John Patrick Shanley
If I could, Sister James, I would certainly choose to live in innocence. But innocence can only be wisdom in a world without evil. Situations arise and we are confronted with wrongdoing and the need to act.
- John Patrick Shanley
Collection: Evil
Image of David Farland
Never concede to evil.... When we concede to evil, even in a small way, we feed it, and it grows stronger.
- David Farland
Collection: Evil
Image of Saint Francis de Sales
Anxiety is the greatest evil that can befall a soul, except sin. God commands you to pray, but He forbids you to worry.
- Saint Francis de Sales
Collection: Evil
Image of Freya Stark
Tolerance cannot afford to have anything to do with the fallacy that evil may convert itself to good.
- Freya Stark
Collection: Evil
Image of Walter Scott
Caution comes too late when we are in the midst of evils.
- Walter Scott
Collection: Evil
Image of David F. Wells
Evil by its very nature opposes the purposes of God, but God, in his sovereignty, can make even this evil serve his purposes.
- David F. Wells
Collection: Evil
Image of Patricia Briggs
Evil must always be fought.
- Patricia Briggs
Collection: Evil
Image of Martha Stewart
Being a perfectionist is not an evil thing.
- Martha Stewart
Collection: Evil
Image of Laurence Sterne
Almost one half of our time is spent in telling and hearing evil of one another ... and every hour brings forth something strange and terrible to fill up our discourse and our astonishment.
- Laurence Sterne
Collection: Evil
Image of Peace Pilgrim
Overcome evil with good, falsehood with truth, and hatred with love. The message isn't new, but we haven't learned to live it yet.
- Peace Pilgrim
Collection: Evil
Image of Gary Shteyngart
Satire always benefits when evil and stupidity collide.
- Gary Shteyngart
Collection: Evil
Image of James Tiptree Jr.
good is too often allied with vulnerability and evil with power.
- James Tiptree Jr.
Collection: Evil
Image of James Tiptree Jr.
Evil is the voltage of good; the urge to goodness, without the potential of evil, is trivial.
- James Tiptree Jr.
Collection: Evil
Image of George Gilder
A culture that does not aspire to the divine becomes obsessed with the fascination of evil, reveling in the frivolous, the depraved, and the bestial.
- George Gilder
Collection: Evil
Image of Samantha Bee
Hopefully the person I'm trying to create is just a funny, dour, evil side of myself that has no other way to express itself. I don't model it after anyone in particular. Who would be like that? Who? I wouldn't want to meet that person. I wouldn't want to be interviewed by that person, I can tell you that.
- Samantha Bee
Collection: Evil
Image of Jacob Grimm
Turn back, turn back,thou pretty bride, Within this house thou must not abide. For here do evil things betide.
- Jacob Grimm
Collection: Evil
Image of Arthur Guiterman
When "Do no Evil" has been understood, Then learn the harder, braver rule, "Do Good.
- Arthur Guiterman
Collection: Evil
Image of Walter M. Miller, Jr.
When you tire of living, change itself seems evil, does it not? for then any change at all disturbs the deathlike peace of the life-weary.
- Walter M. Miller, Jr.
Collection: Evil
Image of Arthur Penrhyn Stanley
Doubtless there are times when controversy becomes a necessary evil. But let us remember that it is an evil.
- Arthur Penrhyn Stanley
Collection: Evil
Image of Nikolai Berdyaev
Death, that final evil, is one of the paths to eternity. Endless life in the conditions of our existence would be a nightmare.
- Nikolai Berdyaev
Collection: Evil
Image of Terry Brooks
Evil contained is not evil destroyed.
- Terry Brooks
Collection: Evil
Image of Warren Zevon
I'm very well acquainted with the seven deadly sins, I keep a busy schedule trying to fit them in.
- Warren Zevon
Collection: Evil
Image of Aubrey Plaza
I do have magical powers, I try to use them for good and not evil, but I can pretty much make anyone do whatever I want them to do, if they're within range.
- Aubrey Plaza
Collection: Evil
Image of William P. Young
The ability to choose is at the essential core of our grandeur. Even evil exists because God respects our ability to choose.
- William P. Young
Collection: Evil
Image of George Lincoln Rockwell
It is not the evil itself which is horrifying about our times – it is the way we not only tolerate evil, but have made a cult of positively worshipping weakness, depravity, rottenness and evil itself.
- George Lincoln Rockwell
Collection: Evil
Image of Nnedi Okorafor
Use your powers for good instead of evil
- Nnedi Okorafor
Collection: Evil
Image of John Marsden
All these words, words like 'evil' and 'vicious', they meant nothing to Nature. Yes, evil was a human invention.
- John Marsden
Collection: Evil
Image of Os Guinness
Christianity is the only religion whose God bears the scars of evil.
- Os Guinness
Collection: Evil