Chase Your Dreams: Inspiring Quotes to Keep You Motivated - Page 21

Unleash your potential with our collection of dream quotes that inspire you to chase your passions and envision a greater future. Page 21 provides more dream quotes.

Image of Mark Vonnegut
Are people who have been crazy held to unfair standards?Of course, but it's not in your best interest to complain. If you're paranoid and people are looking at you funny it's best to let it pass. Psychotic people have an uncanny knack for making their own worst dreams come true. Depressing things happen to depressed people way beyond what you would expect from random distribution.
- Mark Vonnegut
Collection: Dream
Image of Nick Vujicic
I honestly didn't think miracles could ever come from my broken pieces, and I was disabled in fear that my dreams would always remain as dreams. Don't give up on you. Don't give up on God. Don't give up on love.
- Nick Vujicic
Collection: Dream
Image of Nick Vujicic
Risk, then, is not just part of life. It is life. The place between your comfort zone and your dream is where life takes place. It's the high-anxiety zone, but it's also where you discover who you are.
- Nick Vujicic
Collection: Dream
Image of Andrew Clements
I glance into the faces of all these people out for a Sunday stroll, but I'm not seeing eyes and noses and mouths. I'm seeing stories. Every person has a story. All the hopes and dreams. And fears. And secrets. In every face.
- Andrew Clements
Collection: Dream
Image of Joanna Macy
Out of this darkness a new world can arise, not to be constructed by our minds so much as to emerge from our dreams. Even though we cannot see clearly how it's going to turn out, we are still called to let the future into our imagination. We will never be able to build what we have not first cherished in our hearts.
- Joanna Macy
Collection: Dream
Image of Samantha Hunt
Wait," I say. "I think you're mistaken. Saying there is no dream is the same as saying everything is a dream. Isn't it? Everyone's a dreamer? Extraordinary things happen all the time even when we're awake. What I meant to suggest to you, if indeed that was me in your dream doing the suggesting, is that there is only one world. This one. The dream is real. The ordinary is the wonderful. The wonderful is the ordinary.
- Samantha Hunt
Collection: Dream
Image of Pete Hautman
We connect through our dreams. Like we could be a thousand miles apart and I'd still know you were there.
- Pete Hautman
Collection: Dream
Image of Lee Strasberg
Marilyn always dreamt of being an actress. She didn't, by the way, dream of being just a star. She dreamt of being an actress. And she had always lived somehow with that dream. And that is why, despite the fact that she became one of the most unusual and outstanding stars of all time, she herself was never satisfied. When she came to New York, she began to perceive the possibilities of really accomplishing her dream, of being an actress.
- Lee Strasberg
Collection: Dream
Image of Florence Welch
A lot of the songs on the new album are about imaginary things, things that you can't touch - ghosts and rumors, my dead grandmother, things visiting you in a dream.
- Florence Welch
Collection: Dream
Image of Nolan Ryan
Pitching in the big leagues is a dream. Preparing to pitch in the big leagues is a nightmare!
- Nolan Ryan
Collection: Dream
Image of Shalom Auslander
Roads are no place for naive chickens dreaming of nirvana.
- Shalom Auslander
Collection: Dream
Image of Hélder Câmara
I love looking at you, hundred-year-old tree, loaded with shoots and boughs as though you were a stripling. Teach me the secret of growing old like you, open to life, to youth, to dreams, as somebody aware that youth and age are merely steps towards eternity.
- Hélder Câmara
Collection: Dream
Image of Maggie Q
My manager's biggest dream is for me to be on Letterman. She says, 'Oh, Maggie, will you promise me you'll be on 'Letterman?” What can I say? I just tell her I can't promise, but I'll try my best.
- Maggie Q
Collection: Dream
Image of Gabrielle Roy
Ideas often last but a day; feelings, dreams almost forever.
- Gabrielle Roy
Collection: Dream
Image of Mac Miller
They say you waste time asleep, but I'm just trying to dream.
- Mac Miller
Collection: Dream
Image of Mac Miller
It's hard to dream when you're deep inside of one.
- Mac Miller
Collection: Dream
Image of Mac Miller
They're gonna try to tell you no, shatter all your dreams. But you gotta get up and go and think of better things.
- Mac Miller
Collection: Dream
Image of Michael Shaara
Perhaps it was only that when you try to put it into words you cannot express it truly, it never sounds as you dream it.
- Michael Shaara
Collection: Dream
Image of Elizabeth McCracken
truthfully, this is the fabric of all my fantasies: love shown not by a kiss or a wild look or a careful hand but by a willingness for research. i don’t dream of someone who understands me immediately, who seems to have known me my entire life, who says, i know me too. i want someone keen to learn my own strange organization, amazed at what’s revealed; someone who asks, and then what, and then what?
- Elizabeth McCracken
Collection: Dream
Image of Rolf Potts
For some reason, we see long-term travel to faraway lands as a recurring dream or an exotic temptation, but not something that applies to the here and now. Instead — out of our insane duty to fear, fashion, and monthly payments on things we don't really need — we quarantine our travels to short, frenzied bursts.
- Rolf Potts
Collection: Dream
Image of Erin Hunter
What are you, a door mouse?!" Cloudtail mewed impatiently, prodding Lionblaze. Lionblaze looked up at the white warrior looking down at him, "Aww did you have to do that?! I was having a really great dream!" "And now you can go on a really great water patrol!" Cloudtail grumbled.
- Erin Hunter
Collection: Dream
Image of David Mitchell
Dreams are shores where the ocean of spirit meets the land of matter. Dreams are beaches where the yet-to-be, the once-were, the will-never-be may walk awhile with the still-are.
- David Mitchell
Collection: Dream
Image of Sojourner Truth
Because of them I can now live the dream. I am the seed of the free, and I know it. I intend to bear great fruit.
- Sojourner Truth
Collection: Dream
Image of Mike Nichols
In making movies, time is so short-because it is so expensive-that we tend to neglect the place from which the best ideas come, namely that part of ourselves that dreams. The unconscious is our best collaborator.
- Mike Nichols
Collection: Dream
Image of Holly Goldberg Sloan
All reality is a blender where hopes and dreams are mixed with fear and despair.
- Holly Goldberg Sloan
Collection: Dream
Image of William Walker Atkinson
The disembodied soul does not part with Nature when it leaves the earth; life but, rather, it rises to a plane of Nature which is fuller, richer and sweeter in every way than the best of which the earth dwelling soul dreams. The dross of materiality burned away by the astral vibrations, the soul blossoms and bears spiritual fruit in the new life.
- William Walker Atkinson
Collection: Dream
Image of Wallace Stegner
Floating upward through a confusion of dreams and memory, curving like a trout through the rings of previous risings, I surface. My eyes open. I am awake.
- Wallace Stegner
Collection: Dream
Image of Elizabeth Warren
This country isn't working for working people. It's working only for people at the top. That's not the American dream. That's the American nightmare.
- Elizabeth Warren
Collection: Dream
Image of Paul Valery
Breath, dreams, silence, invincible calm, you triumph.
- Paul Valery
Collection: Dream
Image of Paul Valery
History is the most dangerous product which the chemistry of the mind has concocted. Its properties are well known. It produces dreams and drunkenness. It fills people with false memories, exaggerates their reactions, exacerbates old grievances, torments them in their repose, and encourages either a delirium of grandeur or a delusion of persecution. It makes whole nations bitter, arrogant, insufferable and vainglorious.
- Paul Valery
Collection: Dream
Image of J.A. Redmerski
Just remember to always be yourself and don’t be afraid to speak your mind or to dream out loud
- J.A. Redmerski
Collection: Dream
Image of Robert Bly
What does it mean when a man falls in love with a radiant face across the room? It may mean that he has some soul work to do. His soul is the issue. Instead of pursuing the woman and trying to get her alone, away from her husband, he needs to go alone himself, perhaps to a mountain cabin, for three months, write poetry, canoe down a river, and dream. That would save some women a lot of trouble.
- Robert Bly
Collection: Dream
Image of James Surowiecki
Lack of confidence, sometimes alternating with unrealistic dreams of heroic success, often leads to procrastination, and many studies suggest that procrastinators are self-handicappers: rather than risk failure, they prefer to create conditions that make success impossible, a reflex that of course creates a vicious cycle.
- James Surowiecki
Collection: Dream
Image of Roy Orbison
Without the word dream, or the concept dream, and without the word blue and the emotions, I would have been really limited in the things I've written and performed.
- Roy Orbison
Collection: Dream
Image of Sheri Holman
Horror hostess, bondage goddess, Charles Addams cartoon comes to life, Vampire was every first-generation fanboy's wet dream. Scott Poole takes us on an unforgettable ride through the overlapping underworlds of B&D magazines, Hollywood noir, and early political liberation movements that inspired actress Maila Nurmi to challenge a postwar culture bent on stifling women's choices, bodies, and desires. This book is a subversive masterpiece.
- Sheri Holman
Collection: Dream
Image of Paul Rodriguez
My goal, my dream has already come true. Every kid's dream is to become a pro skater, you know? Not only have I become a pro skater, but to me personally, I ride for the best sponsors there are. That's even more than I ever expected... I didn't skate to please everyone else. I started skating because I love to skate. you gotta watch out because there will come a point where you'll forget that.
- Paul Rodriguez
Collection: Dream
Image of Daniel Wallace
Dreams are what keep a man going.
- Daniel Wallace
Collection: Dream
Image of Helen Hollick
We had so many dreams as children. Where do they go when we grow? Are they swallowed up by the mundane things of everyday life? Or do we lose them, leave them behind us in the dust, for new children to find and take up?
- Helen Hollick
Collection: Dream
Image of Helen Hollick
One day, lad, your eyes will light upon a woman, and you will never forget that glint in her eye, that toss of her head, or sway of her hips. You will dream of her, whether you are asleep of awake. She will possess your mind, and your body will be on fire for her. Nothing will ever erase the linger of her scent in your nostrils, the touch of her hand on your body, the feel of her flesh beneath your fingers. When you find a woman to love, Cnut, your life changes forever.
- Helen Hollick
Collection: Dream
Image of Mother Angelica
Never put a lid on God. You can give God a thimble and ask for a quart. It won't work. Your plans, your projects, your dreams have to always be bigger than you, so God has room to operate. I want you to get good ideas, crazy ideas, extravagant ideas. Nothing is too much for The Lord to do - accent on 'The Lord'.
- Mother Angelica
Collection: Dream
Image of Thomas Cahill
We can hardly get up in the morning or cross the street without being Jewish. We dream Jewish dreams and hope Jewish hopes. Most of our best words, in fact - new, adventure, surprise; unique, individual, person, vocation; time, history, future; freedom, progress, spirit; faith, hope, justice - are the gifts of the Jews.
- Thomas Cahill
Collection: Dream
Image of Tobias Wolff
When we are green, still half-created, we believe that our dreams are rights, that the world is disposed to act in our best interests, and that falling and dying are for quitters. We live on the innocent and monstrous assurance that we alone, of all the people ever born, have a special arrangement whereby we will be allowed to stay green forever
- Tobias Wolff
Collection: Dream
Image of Susan Fletcher
I've heard fate talked of. It's not a word I use. I think we make our own choices. I think how we live our lives is our own doing, and we cannot fully hope on dreams and stars. But dreams and stars can guide us, perhaps. And the heart's voice is a strong one. Always is. Your heart's voice is your true voice. It is easy to ignore it, for sometimes it says what we'd rather it did not - and it is so hard to risk the things we have. But what life are we living, if we don't live by our hearts? Not a true one. And the person living it is not the true you.
- Susan Fletcher
Collection: Dream
Image of Georg Trakl
I do not have easy days at home now and I drift between fear and helplessness in sunny rooms where it is unspeakably cold. Strange shudders of transformation, bodily experienced to the point of vulnerability, visions of mysteries until the certainty of having died, ecstasies to the point of stony petrifaction, and a continuation of dreaming sad dreams.
- Georg Trakl
Collection: Dream
Image of Farrah Gray
Success isn’t something that happens overnight: it’s a process. You have to nurture it along with continuous care, and the best way to do this is to have the right people working with you - not for you, but with you. I can dream alone and strive alone, but true success always requires the help and support of others.
- Farrah Gray
Collection: Dream
Image of Leah Hager Cohen
The Dream Lover is a historical novel at once expansively researched yet intimately imagined. George Sand may be the ultimate Berg heroine. 'A life not lived in truth,' Berg writes, 'is a life forfeited.' In this latest work, Elizabeth Berg has poured her own great gifts and her own great heart into the story of a woman determined to refuse any such forfeiture, no matter the cost.
- Leah Hager Cohen
Collection: Dream
Image of Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni
A dream is a telegram from the hidden world...Only a fool or an illiterate person ignores it.
- Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni
Collection: Dream
Image of Victor Serge
What with the political monopoly, the Cheka and the Red Army, all that now existed of the 'Commune-State' of our dreams was a theoretical myth. The war, the internal measures against counterrevolution, and the famine (which had created a bureaucratic rationing apparatus) had killed off Soviet democracy. How could it revive, and when? The Party lived in the certain knowledge that the slightest relaxation of its authority would give day to reaction.
- Victor Serge
Collection: Dream