Top Daughter Quotes Collection - Page 9

Discover a curated collection of Daughter quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 9 provides more Daughter quotes.

Image of Giada De Laurentiis
I want my daughter to see a strong woman who goes after what she wants.
- Giada De Laurentiis
Collection: Daughter
Image of Debbie Gibson
I've been, I think, able to stay grounded in such a crazy business, and I attribute that a lot to my family, and especially to my mother. Because, you know, she just was always there to kind of remind me of what priorities should be. O.K., yes, I'm an artist, I'm a performer, but I'm a sister, I'm a daughter, I'm a granddaughter, I'm an aunt. Those things have to be as important, if not more important, than my career.
- Debbie Gibson
Collection: Daughter
Image of Jean Carroll
I used to do that routine about my daughter being a hippy with the dirty sneakers and dirty blue jeans, but why a beard? And you know people would actually come to me and say, 'Does your daughter really have a beard?' I'd say, 'No, I made her shave it, but I let her keep the mustache.
- Jean Carroll
Collection: Daughter
Image of Susan Edmonstone Ferrier
I'll suffer no daughter of mine to play the fool with her heart, indeed! She shall marry for the purpose for which matrimony was ordained amongst people of birth--that is, for the aggrandisement of her family, the extending of their political influence--for becoming, in short, the depository of their mutual interest. These are the only purposes for which persons of rank ever think of marriage.
- Susan Edmonstone Ferrier
Collection: Daughter
Image of Donna Woolfolk Cross
Heed my words, daughter, if you ever mean to be happy: Never give yourself to a man.
- Donna Woolfolk Cross
Collection: Daughter
Image of Sheree Fitch
Being a Mountie's daughter means you know that the bad guys aren't just on TV. You know the good guys are real, too.
- Sheree Fitch
Collection: Daughter
Image of Patricia J. Williams
I have no fresh-from-the-oven mother-daughter recollections - only the daily creaking of cans being opened and the sucking sound of gelatinous vegetables splurting from their tin-encased vacuums. Her kitchen was filled with smoke and impatience. ... And so I grew up finding my own path, frying what could not be boiled, winging my way through life without recipes.
- Patricia J. Williams
Collection: Daughter
Image of Jack P. Shepherd
I know I'm getting something out of it (counseling), Pat is getting something, even my daughter is getting something out of it. We don't like coming, but it is really helping, and it gives us some place to go together.
- Jack P. Shepherd
Collection: Daughter
Image of Dave Willis
Husbands, love your wives well! Your children are noticing how you treat her. You are teaching your sons how they should treat women, and you are teaching your daughters what they should expect from men.
- Dave Willis
Collection: Daughter
Image of Aung San
I could not, as my father's daughter, remain indifferent to all that was going on.
- Aung San
Collection: Daughter
Image of James Williams
Every man is responsible for defending every woman and every child. When the male no longer takes this role, when he no longer has the courage or feels the moral responsibility, then that society will no longer be a society where honor and virtue are esteemed. Laws and government cannot replace this personal caring and commitment. In the absence of the Warrior protector, the only way that a government can protect a society is to remove the freedom of the people. And the sons and daughters of lions become sheep.
- James Williams
Collection: Daughter
Image of Johann Joachim Winckelmann
Art is the daughter of pleasure.
- Johann Joachim Winckelmann
Collection: Daughter
Image of Christina Applegate
Hearing my daughter laugh is the best way to lift my spirit.
- Christina Applegate
Collection: Daughter
Image of Rod Liddle
Here is the full list of the banned words I used: active homosexual; career women; Third World; blacks; Asians; Australasia; Bangalore; primitive African tribes; crippled; in a wheelchair; hare lip; ethnic minorities; handicapped; spinster; committed suicide; gypsies; Bombay; illegitimate daughter; air hostess; Siamese twins; Calcutta; deaf ears; illegal asylum seeker; province of Northern Ireland; grandmother; bachelor.
- Rod Liddle
Collection: Daughter
Image of Dorothy Moore
I find myself getting so upset because I was never able to be a good mother for my daughter or a good grandmother for my granddaughter because I was always so sick. I only hope that I can live long enough to see my granddaughter graduate.
- Dorothy Moore
Collection: Daughter
Image of Bill Halter
My wife Shanti and I are blessed with two wonderful daughters. Nothing is more important to us than protecting their future and the future of every Arkansas child.
- Bill Halter
Collection: Daughter
Image of Michael Parkinson
It reassures parents that we are aware of the employment difficulty and that we are doing as much as we can to provide information to their sons and daughters, and to help them deal with the post-graduate reality.
- Michael Parkinson
Collection: Daughter
Image of J. G. Farrell
A great deal of thought must be given to your daughter's marriage. Otherwise, she will simply slink off like a cat on a dark night to be fertilized under a bush to God knows whom!
- J. G. Farrell
Collection: Daughter
Image of Robert Stacy McCain
Having daughters tends to help a guy get in touch with his inner social conservative.
- Robert Stacy McCain
Collection: Daughter
Image of Faith Ringgold
I became a feminist because I wanted to help my daughters, other women and myself aspire to something more than a place behind a good man.
- Faith Ringgold
Collection: Daughter
Image of Joan Fontaine
[On her troubled relationships with her daughters:] You can acquire enemies. Why give birth to them?
- Joan Fontaine
Collection: Daughter
Image of Delphine Arnault
I take care of my daughter, because my family is very important to me.
- Delphine Arnault
Collection: Daughter
Image of Constance Fenimore Woolson
a daughter's love for a kind father ... is mixed with the careless happiness of childhood, which can never come again. Into the father's grave the daughter, sometimes a gray-haired woman, lays away forever the little pet names and memories which to all the rest of the world are but foolishness.
- Constance Fenimore Woolson
Collection: Daughter
Image of Brenna Yovanoff
I had only to remember that centuries before, men fell in battle for the daughter of Troy, that passions carried greater weight than decorum. It took so little to prove that human life and property are devastatingly temporary. All she had to do was lie down for a prince. They burned the city to the ground.
- Brenna Yovanoff
Collection: Daughter
Image of Carl Maria von Weber
The art of music, rather more daughter than imitator of nature, in her impressive and mysterious language minding and educating us, rouses directly our temper and rules us to the depths of our souls.
- Carl Maria von Weber
Collection: Daughter
Image of Lance Henriksen
If the crowd is too big, it's too much for me. I took my daughter down there, and all I did was spend all of my time worrying that she was going to get lost because you're caught between somebody with a sandwich in their hand and somebody in a costume. It's really crazy.
- Lance Henriksen
Collection: Daughter
Image of Pamela Druckerman
When you're wondering whether she's his daughter or his girlfriend, she's his girlfriend.
- Pamela Druckerman
Collection: Daughter
Image of Anne Fadiman
My daughter is seven, and some of the other second-grade parents complain that their children don't read for pleasure. When I visit their homes, the children's rooms are crammed with expensive books, but the parent's rooms are empty. Those children do not see their parents reading, as I did every day of my childhood. By contrast, when I walk into an apartment with books on the shelves, books on the bedside tables, books on the floor, and books on the toilet tank, then I know what I would see if I opened the door that says 'PRIVATE--GROWNUPS KEEP OUT': a child sprawled on the bed, reading.
- Anne Fadiman
Collection: Daughter
Image of Abraham A. Ribicoff
I believe it from the bottom of my heart, and your sons and daughters, too, can have the American dream come true.
- Abraham A. Ribicoff
Collection: Daughter
Image of Kirsten Gillibrand
If I had a daughter, I would tell her certain things. I would tell her that it’s great to be smart, really smart - that being smart makes you strong. I would tell her that emotions are powerful, so don’t be afraid to show them. I would tell her that some people may judge you on how you look or what you wear - that’s just how it is - but you should keep your focus on what you say and do. I would tell her that she may see the world differently from boys, and that difference is essential and good.
- Kirsten Gillibrand
Collection: Daughter
Image of Jeff Corwin
I'm really worried about what the world is going to be like when my daughters are young women, [when] they are young leaders or mothers or businesspeople - whatever they're going to be. I'm afraid they're going to have a less healthy and less biologically rich planet.
- Jeff Corwin
Collection: Daughter
Image of Robert Schimmel
My daughter saw this billboard for this place: 'Swim With the Dolphins.' She goes, 'I wanna do that.' I said, 'It's a lot of money - forget about it.' She said, 'Dad, I always wanted to swim with the dolphins.' 'Always, or since you saw the sign?
- Robert Schimmel
Collection: Daughter
Image of Anne Enright
There are so few people given us to love. I want to tell my daughters this, that each time you fall in love it is important, even at nineteen. Especially at nineteen. And if you can, at nineteen, count the people you love on one hand, you will not, at forty, have run out of fingers on the other. There are so few people given us to love and they all stick.
- Anne Enright
Collection: Daughter
Image of Robert Fuller Murray
`Tis May, the elfish maiden, the daughter of the Spring, Upon whose birthday morning the birds delight to sing. They would not sing one note for you, if you should so command, Although you are a princess, a princess of the land.
- Robert Fuller Murray
Collection: Daughter
Image of Alfred Doblin
One encounters very capable fathers abashed by their piano-playing daughters. Three measures of Schumann make them red with embarrassment.
- Alfred Doblin
Collection: Daughter
Image of Jamie Lynn Spears
Obviously, my daughter keeps me motivated, but I've got a really great support system. Having my husband and my mother and my family really support me, so that I can not only provide for my daughter, but I can set up a future that creates a better life for her.
- Jamie Lynn Spears
Collection: Daughter
Image of Sergio Ramos
Iniesta is the boyfriend that every mother wants her daughter to have. The figures over his career tell you all you need to know. He is a magical player. There are few players in the world that can compare to him.
- Sergio Ramos
Collection: Daughter
Image of Gustaw Herling-Grudzinski
You will find a spring by the dwelling of the dead, to the left. Next to it stands a white cypress. Do not approach that spring, do not go near it. You will find another spring that pours from the lake of Memory, cool water gushes out of it. There are guards in front of it. Address these words to them: I am daughter of the earth and the star-covered Sky, and I descend from the Sky; and that you know; I burn and die of thirst; let me drink quickly of the cool water that gushes from the lake of Memory. And they will allow you to drink from the sacred spring.
- Gustaw Herling-Grudzinski
Collection: Daughter
Image of Giancarlo Esposito
I have this vision that I'm really watching each one of my daughters start to become women, and mothers. And this is what's gonna save our planet.
- Giancarlo Esposito
Collection: Daughter
Image of Scott M. Gimple
Those are the stakes that are constantly there and how do those stakes change you? How does that change the person you are? If it does just turn out to be about survival then is that living? How does that make you, you? How does that change your identity? That picture of the governor, his wife, and his daughter, he wasn't that guy before this all started. People dying around him changed him into that.
- Scott M. Gimple
Collection: Daughter
Image of Tim Daly
I love exploring the relationship between fathers and daughters. I think that's a special thing, especially with daughters who are dealing with being adults. That's fascinating to me. I've had a lot of very interesting parenting techniques that I've employed with my own daughter that have worked really well, so far.
- Tim Daly
Collection: Daughter
Image of Julie Garwood
An english baron wed to my daughter? I'll die first, I will." Johanna quit rubbing Claire's shoulder and stepped forward. "A very rich baron," she blurted out. The laird frowned at Johanna with what she thought was indignation. "Wealth is not an issue here," he muttered. "How rich?" They were married an hour later.
- Julie Garwood
Collection: Daughter
Image of Julie Garwood
Papa, do you like my new friend?" Frances Catherine asked when they were halfway across the field. "I surely do." "Can I keep her?" "For the love of...No, you can't keep her. She isn't a puppy. You can be her friend, though," he hastily added before his daughter could argue with him. "Forever, papa?" She 'd asked her father that question, but Judith answered her. "Forever," she shyly whispered. Frances Catherine reached across her father's chest to take hold of Judith's hand. "Forever," she pledged.
- Julie Garwood
Collection: Daughter
Image of Sarah Thomas
Women don't have to listen to their inner-critic and hold themselves back; they can unleash themselves and reach their best potential if they put their effort into it. That's what I want my daughter to do.
- Sarah Thomas
Collection: Daughter
Image of Deontay Wilder
This is all for Naieya (daughter), man. I will be a champion one day, I promised that to her.....And now that I have this opportunity I can't let her down.
- Deontay Wilder
Collection: Daughter
Image of Solomon Ibn Gabirol
As the lily among thorns, so is my love among the daughters.
- Solomon Ibn Gabirol
Collection: Daughter
Image of Diriye Osman
Daughter, I want you to form the most intense, loving relationship with yourself. Only then will you realize your capacity for kindness and emotional expansiveness. Daughter, after you have formed this relationship with yourself, I want you to love others with the openness and humility that you always embodied as a child. Daughter, I want you to forgive easily, laugh loudly and never allow yourself to become the invisible, silent woman that your mother was. Daughter, this is how we soften our hearts and become better human beings.
- Diriye Osman
Collection: Daughter
Image of Vanessa Diffenbaugh
If it was true that moss did not have roots, and maternal love could grow spontaneously, as if from nothing, perhaps I had been wrong to believe myself unfit to raise my daughter. Perhaps the unattached, the unwanted, the unloved, could grow to give love as lushly as anyone else.
- Vanessa Diffenbaugh
Collection: Daughter
Image of Vanessa Diffenbaugh
She was perfect. I knew this the moment she emerged from my body, white and wet and wailing. Beyond the requisite ten fingers and ten toes, the beating heart, the lungs inhaling and exhaling oxygen, my daughter knew how to scream. She knew how to make herself heard. She knew how to reach out and latch on. She knew what she needed to do to survive. I didn’t know how it was possible that such perfection could have developed within a body as flawed as my own, but when I looked into her face, I saw that it clearly was.
- Vanessa Diffenbaugh
Collection: Daughter