Top Daughter Quotes Collection - Page 7

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Image of Gillian Anderson
I love it when women come up to me and tell me I'm a positive influence on their lives and the lives of their young daughters. That's a great feeling.
- Gillian Anderson
Collection: Daughter
Image of Andrea Fay Friedman
I thought the line 'I am the daughter of the former governor of Alaska' was very funny. I think the word is 'sarcasm.' In my family we think laughing is good. My parents raised me to have a sense of humor and to live a normal life.
- Andrea Fay Friedman
Collection: Daughter
Image of David Henry
Whenever my teenage daughter comes down the stairs dressed like a tramp for her date, I think to myself: 'Damn, why won't her mother wear something like that ?'
- David Henry
Collection: Daughter
Image of David Henry
Nothing can burst your fatherly bubble faster than hearing your daughter come home from a date and saying: 'Some nights I don't know why I even bother to wear panties'.
- David Henry
Collection: Daughter
Image of Dale Spender
Well into the 19th century there were pronouncements from just about every branch of science and medicine that reading, writing, and thinking were dangerous for women. Articles in the Lancet declared that women's brains would burst and their uteruses atrophy if they engaged in any form of rigorous thinking. The famous physician J.D. Kellogg insisted that novel reading was the greatest cause of uterine disease among young women and urged parents to protect their daughters from the dreaded consequences of print.
- Dale Spender
Collection: Daughter
Image of Nancy O'Dell
My daughter and I are so close. She just turned six. I can describe anything she's doing, the least little thing, and I get all excited about it. It's like medicine.
- Nancy O'Dell
Collection: Daughter
Image of Nancy O'Dell
My daughter can work on an iPhone and iPad like crazy. That's their world. If you can use that, use it educationally. They can learn while they're having so much fun. They don't even realize they're learning.
- Nancy O'Dell
Collection: Daughter
Image of Nancy O'Dell
I love my job so much. I thought, what a cool way for kids to learn, via assignment, via reporting. I learn so much as an adult going around and covering these stories. How fun it would be to do it via a storybook app and cartoon characters. My daughter can work on an iPhone and iPad like crazy. That's their world. If you can use that, use it educationally.
- Nancy O'Dell
Collection: Daughter
Image of Nancy O'Dell
My daughter and I are so close. I can describe anything she's doing, the least little thing, and I get all excited about it. It's like medicine. When I come home from work and the first thing I see is her and she runs and jumps in my arms - everything that went bad in the day goes completely out the window. It's like taking a dose of medicine. It makes everything better.
- Nancy O'Dell
Collection: Daughter
Image of Larry Klayman
The plea agreement negotiated by Janet Reno's Justice Department with Nora, Gene and Trisha Lum is a hoax. It allows two key players in the campaign finance scandal to plead to lesser offenses and effectively concludes a serious investigation that, if taken to a conclusion, could have seriously affected the Clinton Administration's claim that it committed no illegalities in the campaign finance scandal. Nora Lum was a close confidant of Ron Brown and remains close to John Huang. Trisha Lum, her daughter, worked for Brown at the Commerce Department and worked on trade missions.
- Larry Klayman
Collection: Daughter
Image of Bootsy Collins
Honor thy Father and thy Mother was once said, but then someone said: What if I don't know your Father? A still voice said: Does that makes him the devil? He is still someone's Father, his name has been changed, but his story is the same. Why hate when we should Celebrate. In this world of two's, you got the Mourning Son, and the Daughter of the Night. They both equal light once you make it through the night. Now, wake the funk up!
- Bootsy Collins
Collection: Daughter
Image of Tichina Arnold
Actors, producers and directors have a responsibility. My personal pledge, since I became a mother 12 years ago, is that I won't be in any project my daughter can't watch. I'm trying to prepare her for the world.
- Tichina Arnold
Collection: Daughter
Image of Ray Price
My daughter, dad where do homeless people come from? My answer, everywhere.
- Ray Price
Collection: Daughter
Image of Megyn Price
Our society is so obsessed with working out to be skinny, and none of that has a purpose. I love that my daughter sees me running because she knows I have a race and that I want to be faster. It becomes much less of a grind when its that way.
- Megyn Price
Collection: Daughter
Image of Saud Nasser Al-Saud Al-Sabah
If I wanted to lie, or if we wanted to lie, if we wanted to exaggerate, I wouldn't use my daughter to do so. I could easily buy other people to do it.
- Saud Nasser Al-Saud Al-Sabah
Collection: Daughter
Image of Alexandra Roach
I had to live and breathe Margaret Thatcher for a few months. I totally engulfed myself in her life. I read her autobiography and a biography, 'The Grocer's Daughter.'
- Alexandra Roach
Collection: Daughter
Image of Carole M. Stephens
We are beloved spirit sons and daughters of heavenly parents, with a divine nature and destiny. Our Savior, Jesus Christ, loved us enough to give His life for us. His Atonement provides the way for us to progress on the path to our heavenly home, through sacred priesthood ordinances and covenants.
- Carole M. Stephens
Collection: Daughter
Image of Genghis Khan
Man's highest joy is in victory: to conquer one's enemies; to pursue them; to deprive them of their possessions; to make their beloved weep; to ride on their horses; and to embrace their wives and daughters.
- Genghis Khan
Collection: Daughter
Image of Elana Dykewomon
I got a flash of ... what it means, now, 'you can't be too rich or too thin.' How well it works, will keep on working, because the vast majority of women will never be thin. Thin enough. How well the hope of class mobility keeps every mother dieting, and handing the diets down to her daughter, hoping the daughter may do even better. When you combine this with the fact that many non-white peoples tend to be heavier than white folks, dieting becomes a tool not only in enforcing class but in encouraging assimilation.
- Elana Dykewomon
Collection: Daughter
Image of Carmen Agra Deedy
I began telling stories as a volunteer in my daughters' school. But I grew up hearing stories from Cuban and Southern storytellers, and I learned a great deal by just being quiet and listening.
- Carmen Agra Deedy
Collection: Daughter
Image of Lisa Maffia
I have been lucky and have a tight relationship with my daughter even if I don't see her as much as I did before but it got me thinking about all different women's situations - and what there wouldn't be without us.
- Lisa Maffia
Collection: Daughter
Image of Maggie Wilderotter
One of the biggest gifts that you can give your daughter is to show her that you love what you do.
- Maggie Wilderotter
Collection: Daughter
Image of Connie Nielsen
You love your child and you want to protect your child more than anything on this planet, and yet by the time they're 17, 18, they're going to step into this world, and that world will not feel the same compunction, necessarily, toward your daughter.
- Connie Nielsen
Collection: Daughter
Image of George Meyer
I resisted parenthood for a long, long time. But having a daughter has given me a sense of hopefulness that I didn't have before.
- George Meyer
Collection: Daughter
Image of Jonathan Coulton
I'd always meant to become a musician. I'd just never gotten around to it. And my daughter being born, I was like, Okay, this is seriously the last chance. And also: Do you really want to be a dad who never did what he wanted to do? You've got to set an example now. You've got to do this.
- Jonathan Coulton
Collection: Daughter
Image of Chrissy Teigen
I want my daughter to be able to go to school and see the diversity of things that her classmates are eating and appreciate that, too. So I'm really excited for her to just kind of sit in and watch me cook and be really hands on and just enjoy cooking.
- Chrissy Teigen
Collection: Daughter
Image of Jeremy Hardy
My daughter wanted a new pair of trainers. I told her You're eleven, make your own!
- Jeremy Hardy
Collection: Daughter
Image of Robert Clarke
My daughter told me she wasn't afraid of spider but that she was afraid of my smoking. She said that she was afraid of my dying. So I went downstairs, picked up a pair of pliers and a blowtorch and showed her what real fear was.
- Robert Clarke
Collection: Daughter
Image of Buchi Emecheta
But who made the law that we should not hope in our daughters? We women subscribe to that law more than anyone. Until we change all this, it is still a man's world, which women will always help to build.
- Buchi Emecheta
Collection: Daughter
Image of Buchi Emecheta
I am a woman and a woman of Africa. I am a daughter of Nigeria and if she is in shame, I shall stayand mourn with her in shame.
- Buchi Emecheta
Collection: Daughter
Image of Trista Sutter
My true inspirations are my kids and my husband. I'm also inspired by stories of my extended family, friends, and even strangers who cause me to look at my life and behavior and encourage me to be the best person, mother, daughter, and friend that I can be.
- Trista Sutter
Collection: Daughter
Image of Michel'le
My daughters are the heart of my heart and the center of my world
- Michel'le
Collection: Daughter
Image of Alec Soth
Watching my daughter sort of live in this world where a photograph is not something to keep a memory. It's something to just speak with. It's language.
- Alec Soth
Collection: Daughter
Image of Sarah Ruhl
A wedding is for daughters and fathers. The mothers all dress up, trying to look like young women. But a wedding is for a father and daughter. They stop being married to each other on that day.
- Sarah Ruhl
Collection: Daughter
Image of Gail Collins
At first, I felt bad judging an entire state by one county political official, but then I found out Morrison had also helped screen public school textbooks, a topic which is another chapter in my book. The Alamo is managed by the Daughters of the Republic of Texas, a group whose members can claim a relative who was living in Texas during the revolution. The fight over mismanagement of the Alamo has been going on for years.
- Gail Collins
Collection: Daughter
Image of Sheri L. Dew
Motherhood is not what was left over after our Father blessed His sons with priesthood ordination. It was the most ennobling endowment He could give His daughters, a sacred trust that gave women an unparalleled role in helping His children keep their second estate. As President J. Reuben Clark Jr. declared, motherhood is ‘as divinely called, as eternally important in its place as the Priesthood itself.’
- Sheri L. Dew
Collection: Daughter
Image of Ian Holloway
I've got four women in my house - my wife and my three daughters - and I tell you what, it's pretty scary. I keep my head down and if we're out shopping I try and look in a man's shop while they make their minds up.
- Ian Holloway
Collection: Daughter
Image of Dorothea Benton Frank
My family always comes first. My world revolves around my husband, Peter, our daughter, Victoria, and our son, William, but not necessarily in that order. Then, it's this fascinating world of publishing that devours most of my days and many nights.
- Dorothea Benton Frank
Collection: Daughter
Image of Billy Barty
We are your brothers, your daughters, your friends. We just happened to have been wrapped in a smaller package.
- Billy Barty
Collection: Daughter
Image of Janet Lembke
Rosanne Daryl Thomas's tale of her enchantment by bees is a delight to read. It also contains close observations of the natural world, tales of failure and triumph with the hives, and a stellar cast of characters that includes her daughter, their cats, the hapless Farmer Tom, Pete the crossing guard, and, most important, the Bee Master. Every word tastes sweet as honey.
- Janet Lembke
Collection: Daughter
Image of Cassandra King
Mother's Day is coming up soon. If you're lucky enough to still have your mother, tell her you're grateful to her [...] at some point, we must forgive each other for being flawed human beings. Many of us have trouble putting love or gratitude into words, but keep in mind that out actions always reveal our feelings. Always.
- Cassandra King
Collection: Daughter
Image of Geoffrey Zakarian
The worst day is just that I did not enter the culinary world sooner. And the best day was seeing the reaction of my one year old daughter when she tasted her first crisp apple!
- Geoffrey Zakarian
Collection: Daughter
Image of James Spader
It's necessary to readjust and then try again. And then readjust and try again. Fathers have to do that with sons and mothers have to do that with daughters. The level of readjustment isn't quite so much when fathers are dealing with daughters and mothers are dealing with sons.
- James Spader
Collection: Daughter
Image of Wendy Davis
When I think about that kind of spirit, I think about my mother, who is standing here with me tonight. My mother is the embodiment of what it means to have a Texas spirit, because she wanted nothing more than for her children to have a better life than she had, to have an education beyond the ninth-grade education that she had, to live happier lives, more successful ones than she had been able to live. And you know what? She raised the daughter who ran for governor.
- Wendy Davis
Collection: Daughter
Image of Martha Whitmore Hickman
If we can choose where to cry, at home or with a few people who will be fully understanding, perhaps we will feel easier. But if we can't - if we are in church and a hymn catches us off guard, or at a football game and we remember being there with a son or daughter now gone - well, the earth is our home and we can cry where we want.
- Martha Whitmore Hickman
Collection: Daughter
Image of Greg Biffle
Last year was the best Father's Day ever, 1,000th win for Ford and to have my daughter there for her first victory lane. I'm not sure how to top that, but hopefully something spectacular will happen. Michigan is one of my favorite tracks; it's a big fast place and has lots of room to race. There is always a lot of strategy going on. Fuel mileage and pit stops are very important.
- Greg Biffle
Collection: Daughter
Image of Jo-Ann Mapson
Mothers are only human, you turn it over to God and then you just wing it.
- Jo-Ann Mapson
Collection: Daughter
Image of Pascal Bruckner
You are not doomed to reproduce what your ancestors have done. The son will not be like his father, the daughter will not be like her mother. She can invent something new. I think that is the best message of modernity.
- Pascal Bruckner
Collection: Daughter
Image of Debbie Reynolds
I live right in front of my daughter. I have a little house right in front of her because I can stay in touch. It's like a little commune, and it's very nice, because you can be close. I can see my granddaughter. I live very close to my brother, too, and my son. We're a very close family.
- Debbie Reynolds
Collection: Daughter