Tim Daly

Image of Tim Daly
No one's banging down my door. People see the way I look, and they don't feel threatened, but they should watch out for me. They don't know there's a steel rod that drives me. I get ticked off, and the rage just gets me going. My motor is anger.
- Tim Daly
Collection: Anger
Image of Tim Daly
Thank God for acupuncture. It's been around for 2000 years. It's not going anyplace and people use it all of the time for a variety of cures and to avoid illnesses.
- Tim Daly
Image of Tim Daly
Everybody wants to have their 'Breaking Bad.' It went to Bryan Cranston. It couldn't have happened to a better guy or a better actor.
- Tim Daly
Image of Tim Daly
I used to build lofts in SoHo back when there was nothing there. I had a stoop on West Broadway between Prince and Spring. My partner and I would sit there, eat dinner, and watch the world go by.
- Tim Daly
Image of Tim Daly
Well, I have a farm in Vermont that's my main residence, where I do lots of digging and mowing, and ride tractors - just so you don't get the wrong idea that I'm too girlie!
- Tim Daly
Image of Tim Daly
Twitter, just every once in a while I put something out there basically to promote whatever I'm doing, but I don't see any of that as representing me or who I am or being a brand.
- Tim Daly
Image of Tim Daly
It's not like I walk around being Superman in real life. But when you read the script and put yourself in the position that Superman is in - I mean, he's always saving the planet, for God's sake. When you realize that, it's not difficult to take the gravitas of the situation and make your voice do what it needs to do.
- Tim Daly
Image of Tim Daly
I think I'm a lot more complicated than my looks might indicate.
- Tim Daly
Image of Tim Daly
I like bothering people and stirring things up.
- Tim Daly
Image of Tim Daly
What can I say: I got started on the whole wife-and-kids thing at a young age.
- Tim Daly
Image of Tim Daly
Well, I've seen a bunch of acupuncturists and one of my sister-in-laws is an herbalist. So I know a lot about alternative medicine. I don't know a lot about the practice but I know about the world.
- Tim Daly
Image of Tim Daly
Eastern medicine is not about curing your sickness. It's about keeping you well.
- Tim Daly
Image of Tim Daly
I have this burgeoning reputation for playing a scumbag.
- Tim Daly
Image of Tim Daly
It's an actor's job to play all the human conditions - light, dark, and medium.
- Tim Daly
Image of Tim Daly
I've always felt if my nose were more crooked, critics would focus more on my acting.
- Tim Daly
Image of Tim Daly
It's become a cliche to think of marriage as a disaster area and a war zone.
- Tim Daly
Image of Tim Daly
The creative tension with spirituality vs. practicality in the world of politics is a vital conversation.
- Tim Daly
Image of Tim Daly
I love exploring the relationship between fathers and daughters. I think that's a special thing, especially with daughters who are dealing with being adults.
- Tim Daly
Image of Tim Daly
I was 9 years old, and this was - well, whenever it was, they paid a thousand bucks. I thought I was going to be rich forever! But I had no thought I would be an actor at that point.
- Tim Daly
Image of Tim Daly
I never had the desire to get in front of the camera. It never occurred to me! I always thought I'd be a theater actor.
- Tim Daly
Image of Tim Daly
I didn't dream of being in television or film. But then I got married pretty young and had children, and I wanted to feed the children, so I worked a lot of film and television.
- Tim Daly
Image of Tim Daly
I am a member of the human race. There's a certain irony about the cyberworld. You don't know who is talking to you, if it's a machine, so I tend to try to reach out to those fellow humans.
- Tim Daly
Image of Tim Daly
I appreciate all the devices the Windows people are coming up with, but the operating system... I just want to smash it.
- Tim Daly
Image of Tim Daly
I love getting on the subway because you get on the car, and you see the entire human race represented in any given subway car.
- Tim Daly
Image of Tim Daly
What can I say: I got started on the whole wife-and-kids thing at a young age. I had my kids while I was in utero.
- Tim Daly
Image of Tim Daly
I have a farm in Vermont; that's my main residence, where I do lots of digging and mowing, and ride tractors - just so you don't get the wrong idea that I'm too girlie!
- Tim Daly
Image of Tim Daly
I just can't stand the fact that they're going out on their own - I love having my kids around, and I'm angry at them for going out and becoming independent. I want to tuck them in and drive them to school in the morning, but they just won't let me do that anymore.
- Tim Daly
Image of Tim Daly
People are human beings. They talk about stuff, they make mistakes, they try to impress each other with their tidbits.
- Tim Daly
Image of Tim Daly
I had so much fun on 'The Mindy Project.'
- Tim Daly
Image of Tim Daly
One of the things that I share with Bryan Becket is this hole in my childhood memory. There's about five years of my life that's virtually gone. I've thought about it a lot, and I've come to the conclusion that it might be for my own protection that those memories are gone, and maybe I don't want to dredge up those things.
- Tim Daly
Image of Tim Daly
I've had - I don't really know how to describe them, except moments of 'extrasensory perception' of some sort. I've also had sort of a 'white light' moment.
- Tim Daly
Image of Tim Daly
It's ironic, really, because I've spent the bulk of my career making my living in a very commercial realm: network television. And yet, my sensibilities don't necessarily line up with how I pay my rent.
- Tim Daly
Image of Tim Daly
For people like me, who have blocked out a chunk of their past, you wonder - if you open that door, if you walk into that room of your memories, what will happen? Will it destroy you or will it make you stronger?
- Tim Daly
Image of Tim Daly
I love babies - I love being with them. As for acting with them, it's kind of hard because they don't know how to act.
- Tim Daly
Image of Tim Daly
I was a little bit of a slob who was sort of surrounded by dirty laundry. I can trace the exact moment that I became a tidy human being, and that moment was the day my son Sam was born.
- Tim Daly
Image of Tim Daly
I'm probably my own harshest critic. If I get a hundred good reviews and one really bad one, it's that one out of a hundred that I remember. I think we actors are hard on ourselves, and I don't know why that is.
- Tim Daly
Image of Tim Daly
I have a beautiful wooden Superman statue with a removable cape - I really love that piece.
- Tim Daly
Image of Tim Daly
Usually when I see myself in a film or on television, there's about a six-month period where I can't look at it because all I'll see are the mistakes. I'm just appalled by the person that I see.
- Tim Daly
Image of Tim Daly
I look for characters that offer me opportunities to explore some aspect of the human condition. I think a lot of actors would say that and would look for that. I've been lucky enough to find projects that let me do that.
- Tim Daly
Image of Tim Daly
'Wings' was a blessing, but it was also very difficult. Whenever you do situation comedy, no matter how excellent the execution - and we had a great cast and great writers - but the format is somewhat limited.
- Tim Daly
Image of Tim Daly
'Wings' offered me the rare opportunity to be a full-time dad and a working actor for eight years.
- Tim Daly
Image of Tim Daly
'Superman' was a total accident. The producers of the animated series were having a hard time finding someone to read the character. I was brought in through a connection and, I think, out of desperation.
- Tim Daly
Image of Tim Daly
I know this sounds stupid, but in some ways, the way I look is a drawback.
- Tim Daly
Image of Tim Daly
My natural self is John Goodman. If I relaxed, I'd be him.
- Tim Daly
Image of Tim Daly
What I've realized, and had to become comfortable with, is that I'm just, I don't think, a star. I'm an actor.
- Tim Daly
Image of Tim Daly
I don't think I gave 'Wings' its due. I was young. I wanted to light the world on fire.
- Tim Daly
Image of Tim Daly
The biggest compliment I can ever get as an actor is to have someone say, 'We didn't recognize you.'
- Tim Daly
Image of Tim Daly
I will always look for things that are different from the last thing I played.
- Tim Daly
Image of Tim Daly
We sort of have given up on the idea of taking any sort of personal responsibility for what we see. I don't understand it at all. There are many things that I won't let my kids watch.
- Tim Daly
Image of Tim Daly
I can't help teasing people. That's the way that I am, and I hope that nobody takes it too personally.
- Tim Daly