Top Daughter Quotes Collection - Page 11

Discover a curated collection of Daughter quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 11 provides more Daughter quotes.

Image of David Silverman
I made my daughter read the whole. That's how you make atheists.
- David Silverman
Collection: Daughter
Image of Annie Duke
My two daughters are now engaged in a scribbling rivalry.
- Annie Duke
Collection: Daughter
Image of Ali Suliman
Success is a lot of things. In my personal life it is to have my own family with me, to give all my best to let my daughter have a better life than me, better choices.
- Ali Suliman
Collection: Daughter
Image of Paul Harvey
Fathers are men who give daughters away to other men who aren't nearly good they can have grandchildren who are smarter than anybody's.
- Paul Harvey
Collection: Daughter
Image of Anita Hill
I work every day to live up to my mother's model. She was a very proud woman. And she really prepared me to go off into the world as a proud daughter.
- Anita Hill
Collection: Daughter
Image of Cecil Williams
I am noticing that we're getting more and more people - and I don't know how to handle this - who come to me saying, "Would you pray for my son? Would you pray for my daughter?" I've been saying, "Pray for them yourself." But they don't want that because they think I've got something that's greater than what they have. I keep saying, "I don't! Not really. I got the title 'minister; but I don't want to exploit you. You do it, too." I think the way to solve it is to do it together. We're going to pray in community, you see?
- Cecil Williams
Collection: Daughter
Image of Rita Hayworth
I've had a lot of unhappiness in my life — and a lot of happiness. Who doesn't? Maybe I've learned enough to be able to guide my daughters.
- Rita Hayworth
Collection: Daughter
Image of Joseph Hertz
To Israel's faithful hosts in the past, as to its loyal sons and daughters of the present, the Siddur has been the gate to communion with their Father in Heaven; and, at the same time, it has been a mighty spiritual bond that unites them to their scattered brethren the world over.
- Joseph Hertz
Collection: Daughter
Image of Elizabeth Debold
Generation after generation of women have pledged to raise their daughters differently, only to find that their daughters grow up and fervently pledge the same thing.
- Elizabeth Debold
Collection: Daughter
Image of Elizabeth Debold
The tension to mother the "right" way can leave a peculiar silence within mother daughter relationships--the silence of a mother'sown truth and experience. Within this silence, a daughter's authentic voice can also fall silent. This is the silence of perfection. This silence of perfection prevents mothers from listening and learning from their daughters.
- Elizabeth Debold
Collection: Daughter
Image of Mark Oliver
What my daughter does is my own responsibility, the way she represents herself.
- Mark Oliver
Collection: Daughter
Image of Michael B. Jordan
Father-daughter relationship, is something that I think is so unique and it can't really be explained unless you have a daughter.
- Michael B. Jordan
Collection: Daughter
Image of Fawzia Koofi
I want my daughters to be respected as human beings; that's the country I'm fighting for.
- Fawzia Koofi
Collection: Daughter
Image of Richard Norris
My proudest accomplishment is my daughter Ella. Because she is a great person, great personality. She not really my accomplishment, she is her own, but I had something to do with it.
- Richard Norris
Collection: Daughter
Image of Lee Grant
From the time she was born, until she was fifteen, I didn't know where I left off and she began. We were joined at the hip or the heart or the brain.
- Lee Grant
Collection: Daughter
Image of Kathryn Hahn
I've learned just how much capacity for love a heart has. You can't believe it. I couldn't believe after having my first that I could ever love anything as much as him. And then when I had my daughter - your heart just expands. There's so much room in it. It's been a nuts, chaotic mess and I love it.
- Kathryn Hahn
Collection: Daughter
Image of Michel Martin
Nina Simone was a gifted and prolific singer, songwriter and pianist who became a powerful presence in the civil rights movement and paid a professional price for it. Behind the scenes, she struggled in a fractious, sometimes violent relationship with her husband and manager and with mental health issues that strained other relationships, including with her only daughter.
- Michel Martin
Collection: Daughter
Image of Harriot Kezia Hunt
... bringing up daughters for nothing but marriage, mingles poison in the cup of domestic life, is traitorous to the virtue of both sexes, for neither suffers alone--is adverse to the happiness, to the development of conscience and to religion, and introduces to the dwellings of wretchedness and despair. The result of this degradation is pride, intemperance, licentiousness--nay, every vice, misery, and degradation.
- Harriot Kezia Hunt
Collection: Daughter
Image of Harriot Kezia Hunt
How can the physique be braced if no fresh breath from the outer world is suffered to permeate the languid, enervating air of thedrawing-room? How can the grasp of the mind be vigorous, without action? Daughters of inherited wealth, or accumulated labor! the wide door of philanthropy is open peculiarly to you! Your life-work lies beyond your threshold: your wealth has placed you above the sorrowful struggle for daily bread which takes up the whole time of so many of your brothers and sisters. You are the almoners of God. A double accountability is yours.
- Harriot Kezia Hunt
Collection: Daughter
Image of Andrew Hawkins
Whatever backlash I was going to get, whatever consequence there was for stating my opinion, I was OK with. Because I look at my son's eyes, I look at the eyes of my daughter, and I would be a bad dad if my No. 1 goal wasn't always to put them in the best situation as possible.
- Andrew Hawkins
Collection: Daughter
Image of Nina Hagen
My daughter Cosma is a very popular actress in Germany. She also organizes these wonderful open-air parties. She has a wonderful teacher, she's very smart. And I sometimes perform at her festivals.
- Nina Hagen
Collection: Daughter
Image of M. E. W. Sherwood
In the early forties and fifties almost everybody "had about enough to live on," and young ladies dressed well on a hundred dollars a year. The daughters of the richest man in Boston were dressed with scrupulous plainness, and the wife and mother owned one brocade, which did service for several years. Display was considered vulgar. Now, alas! only Queen Victoria dares to go shabby.
- M. E. W. Sherwood
Collection: Daughter
Image of Ray Wise
The thought of a man being the murderer of his own daughter in the Twin Peaks was anathema to me. At the time, I had a 2-year-old daughter of my own, and that possibility really turned me off. I was praying that I wouldn't be the one.
- Ray Wise
Collection: Daughter
Image of Jesse Helms
White people, wake up before it is too late. Do you want Negroes working beside you, your wife and your daughters, in your mills and factories? Frank Graham favors mingling of the races.
- Jesse Helms
Collection: Daughter
Image of Jesse Helms
They should ask their parents if it would be all right for their son or daughter to marry a Negro.
- Jesse Helms
Collection: Daughter
Image of Denis Fahey
I knew Otto Kahn [According to the Figaro, Mr. Kahn on first going to America was a clerk in the firm of Speyer and Company, and married a grand-daughter of Mr. Wolf, one of the founders of Kuhn, Loeb & Company], the multi-millionaire, for many years. I knew him when he was a patriotic German. I knew him when he was a patriotic American. Naturally, when he wanted to enter the House of Commons, he joined the 'patriotic party.'
- Denis Fahey
Collection: Daughter
Image of Jaeson Ma
God is calling forth a generation that is passionate for His presence. A generation that knows who they are and Whose they are. He is calling forth sons and daughters who don't find their identity in revival but in Christ. For the Great Commission must flow out of the Great Commandment. Our destinies must flow out of our identities as beloved children of God who know their worth, value and honor before the Father...we have nothing to prove and nothing to lose...It is the time for change. IT is time for revival and reformation in this generation.
- Jaeson Ma
Collection: Daughter
Image of Katie Holmes
I love Renée Zellweger, she can do no wrong in my eyes. I relate to every character she embodies, because she has no pretense. I also love Amy Adams: She's so kind and talented, and whenever I watch her I think, I want to be her friend-I've seen Enchanted many times with my daughter. Meryl Streep, of course. And I love what Cate Blanchett brings to every movie she does.
- Katie Holmes
Collection: Daughter
Image of Stephen Curry
Kids put life into perspective. I never have a bad day. Life happens and you get bad news sometime, or things don't go your way at work - for me that might mean I lose a game or not play well - but that doesn't affect my mood from day to day. I love going home and seeing the smiles on my daughters' faces being happy to see me, and that makes everything all right.
- Stephen Curry
Collection: Daughter
Image of Linda Sunshine
I wasn't very good about the pain. I started screaming for painkillers after the third contraction and didn't stop until my daughter was eating solid food.
- Linda Sunshine
Collection: Daughter
Image of Harold Perrineau
Being a dad has made me more aware of myself. I can see all of my virtues and flaws. They become glaringly clear when my daughter communicates with me in the same ways that I communicate with her. I can really tell where and when I went wrong.
- Harold Perrineau
Collection: Daughter
Image of Terri E Apter
When a mother quarrels with a daughter, she has a double dose of unhappiness-hers from the conflict, and empathy with her daughter's from the conflict with her. Throughout her life a mother retains this special need to maintain a good relationship with her daughter.
- Terri E Apter
Collection: Daughter
Image of Terri E Apter
The myth of independence from the mother is abandoned in mid- life as women learn new routes around the mother--both the mother without and the mother within. A mid-life daughter may reengage with a mother or put new controls on care and set limits to love. But whatever she does, her child's history is never finished.
- Terri E Apter
Collection: Daughter
Image of Terri E Apter
Insults from an adolescent daughter are more painful, because they are seen as coming not from a child who lashes out impulsively,who has moments of intense anger and of negative feelings which are not integrated into that large body of responses, impressions and emotions we call 'our feelings for someone,' but instead they are coming from someone who is seen to know what she does.
- Terri E Apter
Collection: Daughter
Image of Terri E Apter
Sexual activity, for women, has a history of vulnerability, in a way it simply does not have for men. The mother has to teach thishidden text to her daughter. The mother's warnings, her attempts to halt sexual development in her daughter, are not so much signs of disapproval or envy, but of fear.
- Terri E Apter
Collection: Daughter
Image of Devon Still
We could have lost faith and just let this battle with cancer get the best of us, or I could give my daughter's battle with cancer a purpose and use my platform to try to raise as much awareness as possible.
- Devon Still
Collection: Daughter
Image of Giovanna Cau
We [ with Italo Calvino] had a great relationship. I don't think it's a coincidence that his only daughter's name is Giovanna. I loved his book dedications to me: "To Giovanna Cau, another book that won't be turned into a movie."
- Giovanna Cau
Collection: Daughter
Image of Arnon Goldfinger
You must understand, that for a daughter to protect her father's image is natural; Freud built a whole career around it.
- Arnon Goldfinger
Collection: Daughter
Image of Seth Grahame-Smith
The business of Mr. Bennett's life was to keep his daughters alive. The business of Mrs. Bennett's was to get them married.
- Seth Grahame-Smith
Collection: Daughter
Image of Tony Hawk
For those that say I endanger my child: it's more likely that you will fall while walking on the sidewalk than I will while skating with my daughter.
- Tony Hawk
Collection: Daughter
Image of Tony Hawk
When your daughter asks you to be a fairy for her 5th birthday party... you better be a damned fairy.
- Tony Hawk
Collection: Daughter
Image of Greg Bryk
I bake my daughter cupcakes for her school. I'm very hands-on.
- Greg Bryk
Collection: Daughter
Image of Maggie Gyllenhaal
I said to Ramona [my daughter] once ... you should never look yourself up on the Internet. It's something I've learned.
- Maggie Gyllenhaal
Collection: Daughter
Image of Clark Gregg
When Marvel put together Ultimate Spider-Man and someone came up with the idea of having Principal Coulson, they said, "Do you want to do the voice?" I thought, "I have to do the voice!" Because I have a daughter and we watch some cartoons, I couldn't bear the idea of tuning in and hearing somebody else's voice.
- Clark Gregg
Collection: Daughter
Image of John Brabender
One of the things [Donald] Trump has done is tie into particularly what would be the sons and daughters of Reagan Democrats in places like Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, who are voting for him because they feel both parties left them on the economic battlefield.
- John Brabender
Collection: Daughter
Image of James Nares
I was pretty impressed during the opening of one of my shows, when the five-year-old daughter of a well-known movie actress took a running jump at one of my paintings, like she was diving into a swimming pool. I preferred to treat her impulse as a compliment rather than insult. Sadly she hurt herself more than the painting.
- James Nares
Collection: Daughter
Image of Luis A. Ferre
Not only are Puerto Ricans citizens by birth, but one would be hard-pressed to find a Puerto Rican without a sister in New York or a son in Chicago, a cousin in Orlando or a daughter in Honolulu or Oklahoma City.
- Luis A. Ferre
Collection: Daughter