Top Daughter Quotes Collection - Page 29

Discover a curated collection of Daughter quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 29 provides more Daughter quotes.

Image of T. S. Eliot
But at my back from time to time I hear The sound of horns and motors, which shall bring Sweeney to Mrs. Porter in the spring. O the moon shone bright on Mrs. Porter And on her daughter They wash their feet in soda water.
- T. S. Eliot
Collection: Daughter
Image of Bob Dylan
Can't keep track of it no more, son's becoming husbands to their mothers, and old men turning your daughters into whores.
- Bob Dylan
Collection: Daughter
Image of Louise Erdrich
If, as I suspect, my body survives by uttering itself over and over again, then I have some questions. If [I] am one word, so are my daughters, so are all of us in strings and loops. Each life is one short word slowly uttered.
- Louise Erdrich
Collection: Daughter
Image of Eve Ensler
Women not only get violated, but then we take on the struggle to end it too... As a man, how could the destruction of women be anything to you but devastating? Think about the fact that the women being hurt are your mothers, daughters, sisters.
- Eve Ensler
Collection: Daughter
Image of Kajol
I tell my daughter Nyssa, you should respect my work and I will also respect yours when you grow up, "Work is worship" is what I have told her.
- Kajol
Collection: Daughter
Image of Carrie Fisher
Until adolescence I thought I had the best mother in the world. Such a graceful mother. I had this fantasy that I was the wrong daughter.
- Carrie Fisher
Collection: Daughter
Image of Euripides
To an old father, nothing is more sweet than a daughter. Boys are more spirited, but their ways are not so tender.
- Euripides
Collection: Daughter
Image of Christopher Titus
And my daughter's too smart. She gets it watching TV. She gets it. She's five. She gets it. I... I have a smart kid; I don't want a smart kid. I'm gonna start feedin' her lead paint chips just to bring her down.
- Christopher Titus
Collection: Daughter
Image of Maya Angelou
If I could give you one thought, it would be to lift someone up. Lift a stranger up--lift her up. I would ask you, mother and father, brother and sister, lovers, mother and daughter, father and son, lift someone. The very idea of lifting someone up will lift you, as well.
- Maya Angelou
Collection: Daughter
Image of Albert Einstein
To a student: Dear Miss - I have read about sixteen pages of your manuscript . . . I suffered exactly the same treatment at the hands of my teachers who disliked me for my independence and passed over me when they wanted assistants. . . . Keep your manuscript for your sons and daughters, in order that they may derive consolation from it and not give a damn for what their teachers tell them or think of them. . . . There is too much education altogether.
- Albert Einstein
Collection: Daughter
Image of Christopher Titus
Being a teenager is the worst thirty years of your life. But it all changes after that. You get a great car, a great job. You got a wife, kids, you got your health. But then your company is sold out from under you, your stocks tank, your wife's sleeping with the gardener and your teenage daughter is pregnant. And you notice that you have a prostate so hard, you can actually take a hammer to it. But hey, not one zit.
- Christopher Titus
Collection: Daughter
Image of Garry Marshall
I work with a lot of women and yeah I see totally different... My two sisters were different, I have two daughters that are pretty different.
- Garry Marshall
Collection: Daughter
Image of Nora Ephron
We have a game we play when we’re waiting for tables in restaurants, where you have to write the five things that describe yourself on a piece of paper. When I was [in my twenties], I would have put: ambitious, Wellesley graduate, daughter, Democrat, single. Ten years later not one of those five things turned up on my list. I was: journalist, feminist, New Yorker, divorced, funny. Today not one of those five things turns up in my list: writer, director, mother, sister, happy.
- Nora Ephron
Collection: Daughter
Image of Carrie Fisher
I am not going to put my daughter under any sort of stresses.
- Carrie Fisher
Collection: Daughter
Image of Jane Fonda
Being Henry Fonda's daughter got me started. But it didn't keep me working.
- Jane Fonda
Collection: Daughter
Image of Janet Evanovich
Some men go a lifetime and never have their kid blow up a car, but I have a daughter who's knocked off three cars and burned down a funeral home. Maybe that's some kind of record.
- Janet Evanovich
Collection: Daughter
Image of Geraldine Ferraro
Tonight, the daughter of an immigrant from Italy has been chosen to run for vice president in the new land my father came to love.
- Geraldine Ferraro
Collection: Daughter
Image of Paul Bettany
When I became a father acting sort of took the place of what I did in my free time and my children became the main focus. I play a lot and my children play. Both my sons - my daughter's still too young really - have surpassed me with their music skills, which is wildly irritating.
- Paul Bettany
Collection: Daughter
Image of Warren Farrell
Just as the Depression left a generation of dads feeling they never had enough money, so father deprivation is leaving a generation of sons and daughters with different psychic wounds.
- Warren Farrell
Collection: Daughter
Image of Jeffrey Eugenides
On the morning the last Lisbon daughter took her turn at suicide- it was Mary this time, and sleeping pills, like Therese- the two paramedics arrived at the house knowing exactly where the knife drawer was, and the gas oven, and the beam in the basement from which it was possible to tie a rope.
- Jeffrey Eugenides
Collection: Daughter
Image of Meghan Daum
We've never been in a time where mothers - parenthood, but particularly motherhood - is so fetishized. There's a whole industry around motherhood and mother-daughter bonds. And certainly when my mother was sick I found there was an incredible expectation for me to tell everybody how we were having this bonding experience and how healing it was.
- Meghan Daum
Collection: Daughter
Image of Maria Edgeworth
Possessed, as are all the fair daughters of Eve, of an hereditary propensity, transmitted to them undiminished through succeeding generations, to be 'soonmoved withtheslightesttouch of blame'; very little precept and practice will confirm them in the habit, and instruct them all the maxims, of self-justification.
- Maria Edgeworth
Collection: Daughter
Image of Alexandre Dumas
For in those tacit understandings which maintain the bond of family union, the mother is really the mistress of her daughter only upon the condition of continually presenting herself to her as a model of wisdom and type of perfection.
- Alexandre Dumas
Collection: Daughter
Image of Susan B. Anthony
It is cruel for you to leave your daughter, so full of hope and resolve, to suffer the humiliations of disfranchisement she already feels so keenly, and which she will find more and more galling as she grows into the stronger and grander woman she is sure to be. If it were your son who for any cause was denied his right to have his opinion counted, you would compass sea and land to lift the ban from him.
- Susan B. Anthony
Collection: Daughter
Image of Susan B. Anthony
Had I represented twenty thousand voters in Michigan, that political editor would not have known nor cared whether I was the oldest or the youngest daughter of Methuselah, or whether my bonnet came from the Ark or from Worth's.
- Susan B. Anthony
Collection: Daughter
Image of Gloria Estefan
My daughter is almost a young lady. She's going to be 10 years old in December and I want to be there day-in and day-out.
- Gloria Estefan
Collection: Daughter
Image of Maya Angelou
My great blessing is my son, but I have daughters. I have white ones and Black ones and fat ones and thin ones and pretty ones and plain. I have gay ones and straight. I have daughters. I have Asian ones, I have Jewish ones, I have Muslim ones.
- Maya Angelou
Collection: Daughter
Image of Christopher Titus
At the end of the Peterson trial, my daughter turns to me and she goes, 'Daddy, are you going to kill Mommy?' 'Oh, honey - that's up to mommy, isn't it?
- Christopher Titus
Collection: Daughter
Image of Bethenny Frankel
If I am not with my daughter, that's when all my meetings happen. That's when I get right on a plane. That's when I go and do my book tour. When I am with her, it's just all with her.
- Bethenny Frankel
Collection: Daughter
Image of Jeff Foxworthy
You might be a redneck if your daughter's Barbie's Dream House has a clothesline in the front yard.
- Jeff Foxworthy
Collection: Daughter
Image of John Green
Ma'am," Augustus said, nodding toward her, "Your daughter's car has just been deservingly egged by a blind man. Please close the door and go back inside or we'll be forced to call the police.
- John Green
Collection: Daughter
Image of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
I make presents to the mother but think of the daughter.
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Collection: Daughter
Image of Philippa Gregory
She was like a mother to me...and I betrayed as a daughter will betray her mother and yet, never stop loving her.
- Philippa Gregory
Collection: Daughter
Image of Philippa Gregory
Good Evening , Sir John. I hope that you will accept a little gift from me.' I should be honored, Your Majesty.' I want to give you a little carved stool from my privy chambers. A pretty little piece from France. I hope you will like it.' I should be grateful.' It is for your daughter. For Jane. To sit on. She seems not to have a seat of her own but she must borrow mine.
- Philippa Gregory
Collection: Daughter
Image of Neil Gaiman
According to my daughters, my most irritating habit is asking for cups of tea.
- Neil Gaiman
Collection: Daughter
Image of James Franco
You're a white male living in America, brought up in one of the richest cities in the county, Palo Alto. You went to high school with Steve Jobs' daughter, and your journalism teacher is the mother-in-law of Sergey, co-founder of Google.
- James Franco
Collection: Daughter
Image of Ashley Graham
When NYDJ called me and told me that Christie Brinkley was going to be on set with me I freaked out. And when I met Christie, she had a little freak out because she said that her daughter Sailor loved me so much.
- Ashley Graham
Collection: Daughter
Image of Lidia Yuknavitch
I do have one regret though. I wish Kathy Acker was still alive. I wish I could go swim with her again. My literary indebtedness to her is enormous. She's a more important mother to me than anyone can possibly imagine. In language I became a daughter worth a crap because of her. In language I redefined daughter, woman, I became a writer. Dora is an homage of sorts.
- Lidia Yuknavitch
Collection: Daughter
Image of Bill Gates
Playing Bridge is a pretty old fashioned thing in a way that I really like. I was watching my daughter ride horses this weekend and that is also a bit old fashioned but fun. I do the dishes every night - other people volunteer but I like the way I do it.
- Bill Gates
Collection: Daughter
Image of Robert Graves
Love without hope, as when the young bird-catcher Swept off his tall hat to the Squire's own daughter, So let the imprisoned larks escape and fly Singing about her head, as she rode by.
- Robert Graves
Collection: Daughter
Image of Sarah Michelle Gellar
The nomadic lifestyle does work for a lot of working parents, but I've traveled and I've seen it, and I want to be able to go home at night and see my daughter. I want to be there for her first day of school and her school recital. Honestly, television is what offers me that.
- Sarah Michelle Gellar
Collection: Daughter
Image of Sarah Michelle Gellar
I started to watch Damages and all of these amazing, female-driven shows, and it was something that was always in the back of my mind. Then, once I had my daughter, I realized that I was done living the romantic lifestyle, and nothing offers that more than television.
- Sarah Michelle Gellar
Collection: Daughter
Image of Kevin Feige
We put in all the great ideas that can be brought into the film [Doctor Strange] in the service of introducing the world to an audience who's never heard of it and doesn't know it from a hole in the wall. And we thought that an inter-dimensional girlfriend that's the daughter of an inter-dimensional demon-esque creature was a step too far in introducing this world.
- Kevin Feige
Collection: Daughter
Image of Kevin Feige
The funny thing is I showed my daughter E.T. recently, and she was like, it's Pete's Dragon. It's a boy, who makes friend with a creature, and has to say goodbye at the end. I'd never made that connection!
- Kevin Feige
Collection: Daughter
Image of Aristotle
Patience is so like fortitude that she seems either her sister or her daughter.
- Aristotle
Collection: Daughter
Image of Judy Garland
[On daughter Liza Minnelli] I think she decided to go into show business when she was an embryo, she kicked so much.
- Judy Garland
Collection: Daughter
Image of David Gemmell
A man with wife and daughters has no place losing his temper.
- David Gemmell
Collection: Daughter