Top Daughter Quotes Collection - Page 13

Discover a curated collection of Daughter quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 13 provides more Daughter quotes.

Image of Stella Chess
Fathers can seem powerful and overwhelming to their daughters. Let her see your soft side. Express your feelings and reactions. Tell her where you came from and how you got there. Let her see that you have had fears, failures, anxious times, hurts, just like hers, even though you may look flawless to her.
- Stella Chess
Collection: Daughter
Image of Stella Chess
There is a parallel between the twos and the tens. Tens are trying to test their abilities again, sizing up and experimenting to discover how to fit in. They don't mean everything they do and say. They are just testing. . . . Take a good deal of your daughter's behavior with a grain of salt. Try to handle the really outrageous as matter-of-factly as you would a mistake in grammar or spelling.
- Stella Chess
Collection: Daughter
Image of David Alan Basche
Im grateful for my health, glad Im making people laugh, glad my wife still likes me after a lotta years, grateful my daughter is growing, glad I dont take myself too seriously, glad L.A. has Astro Burger, grateful to be coming home to Harlem soon. Its a gratitude list. It works.
- David Alan Basche
Collection: Daughter
Image of Caitlin Rose
Anyway, this huge Lena Dunham interview in Playboy. It felt like a shifting, of some kind. This new female archetype - this new, powerful, honest, non-pandering kind of female is becoming more powerful than whatever else has been rocking it for the past 10 years. I heard that Hugh Hefner's daughter is taking over. Which, if a woman is running Playboy, something is right.
- Caitlin Rose
Collection: Daughter
Image of Ravida Din
Those of us who have gone through breast cancer treatment will say "yes" ..we absolutely need to focus on prevention. I never want my daughter to go through what I have gone through...never.
- Ravida Din
Collection: Daughter
Image of Chantal Joffe
I'm almost weeping when I'm painting my daughter. I've been thinking she won't be little for much longer.
- Chantal Joffe
Collection: Daughter
Image of Mabel Cheung
Being a very bad daughter, I never really took time to sit down and listen to my mother's story, and she passed away in 2003. I became very guilty and began to spend a lot of time with older people. I listened carefully to their stories.
- Mabel Cheung
Collection: Daughter
Image of Tony Blackburn
Since I was four, I can't remember wanting to do anything except entertain. And I got some lucky breaks. My daughter Victoria is the same.
- Tony Blackburn
Collection: Daughter
Image of Michael Birch
People can live without a Facebook account: my 13-year-old daughter has cancelled her account because it's not cool anymore.
- Michael Birch
Collection: Daughter
Image of Kurt Braunohler
I think having a daughter is just terrifying. Women in the world get the short end of the stick all the time in many, many ways, and so it's just terrifying to be like, "Well, this is the world we chose to bring you into. I'm sorry." It's not knowing how to prepare for that.
- Kurt Braunohler
Collection: Daughter
Image of Christine Baranski
A great need a mother has to know that her daughters will find somebody or will be okay in life. That's very primal as they get older. You know, you should get married, you should have children.
- Christine Baranski
Collection: Daughter
Image of Ralph Sarchie
I feel that instead of putting myself out in that light, I'd rather be on this side of the camera just to make sure that the movie, from my perspective as far as police procedures, is done properly. I got my daughters in it, that's good enough for me. Scott's got a way of talking me into things, and I told him I don't like the way he can talk me into stuff.
- Ralph Sarchie
Collection: Daughter
Image of Sean Lennon
When I was 15, a cabdriver asked me if I was Paul McCartney's daughter.
- Sean Lennon
Collection: Daughter
Image of Chris Harrison
For 13 years I have been teaching my daughter and talking to her to have faith in her God, to have faith in her family, to trust herself, to be in control and in charge of her body. Same thing for my son. Hopefully, you keep that in mind as you make decisions in life, whether it's consent, whether it's drinking, whether it's running naked across the quad in college, whatever it is!
- Chris Harrison
Collection: Daughter
Image of Jacob Vargas
On any given day, my daughters would snuggle in bed with my wife and me. We just hug and kiss each other. We laugh out loud and act completely silly. I stop and think to myself, "This is love."
- Jacob Vargas
Collection: Daughter
Image of Ondi Timoner
I am very much a woman, but I never consider that I am when I go and make films. I don't check into the world as a woman everyday. I check in first as an artist and mother, then as a daughter sister, and friend - but always as an artist.
- Ondi Timoner
Collection: Daughter
Image of Stephen Karam
There's this unspoken history that exists between any mother and daughter, no matter how deep and loving the bond is, twenty-five years of being raised by someone, there's a kind of deep history which means that there are shortcuts to getting on each other's nerves.
- Stephen Karam
Collection: Daughter
Image of Kansai Yamamoto
When my youngest daughter got married, I designed her wedding dress and I really let my imagination and energy go crazy! All the journalists seemed to love that dress.
- Kansai Yamamoto
Collection: Daughter
Image of Daisy Goodwin
For daughters of the new American billionaires of the 19th century, it was the ultimate deal: marriage to a cash-strapped British Aristocrat in return for a title and social status. But money didn't always buy them happiness.
- Daisy Goodwin
Collection: Daughter
Image of Dan Fogelman
A lot of times, when mother-son or mother-daughter relationships have been put on screen, they tend to trickle towards ugly, and I don't find that totally realistic for the wide swath of us and it's also not that fun to watch.
- Dan Fogelman
Collection: Daughter
Image of Phillip Lim
My mother has become my daughter and I've become her guardian.
- Phillip Lim
Collection: Daughter
Image of Edward Lear
There was an Old Man of Messina, Whose daughter was named Opsibeena; She wore a small wig, and rode out on a pig, To the perfect delight of Messina.
- Edward Lear
Collection: Daughter
Image of Edward Lear
There was a Young Person in pink, Who called out for something to drink; But they said, 'O my daughter, there's nothing but water!' Which vexed that Young Person in pink.
- Edward Lear
Collection: Daughter
Image of Jim Cummings
I have four daughters, with the two youngest being four years old and a year and a half. When one of my older daughters was in sixth grade, a classmate brought in their talking Winnie the Pooh doll for show and tell, so the next week my daughter one upped her classmates and brought me to school in for show and tell.
- Jim Cummings
Collection: Daughter
Image of Cinco Paul
I remember when my daughter was twelve, suddenly a boy started hanging out in front of our house after school. It was this kid, Justin. My office at the time was right in the front, so I just looked out the window. I couldn't write. I couldn't concentrate. I was like, "What are you doing? What do you expect to achieve by standing in front of my house with my daughter inside?" I hated that kid so much.
- Cinco Paul
Collection: Daughter
Image of Tweet
I wanted to be in my daughter's life, and I decided I didn't want to do music anymore because I was compromising myself too much and I wasn't loving what I was doing.
- Tweet
Collection: Daughter
Image of Remi Aubuchon
I'm not saying that I'm the grand genius that came in on a float and made it happen, but they liked my pitch. I was on my way to a camping trip with my daughter when my agent called and said, "This thing came up and it's really wild and crazy, do you want to read it?" And, I said, "Yeah, why don't you just send it to me? But, I'm going on this camping trip, so I probably won't be able to read it until I get back."
- Remi Aubuchon
Collection: Daughter
Image of Alan Jay Lerner
For a painter, the Mecca of the world for study, for inspiration, and for living is here on this star called Paris. Just look at it. No wonder so many artists have come here and called it home. Brother, if you can't paint in Paris, you'd better give up and marry the boss's daughter.
- Alan Jay Lerner
Collection: Daughter
Image of Lauren Bowles
I would say what makes me vulnerable is when I allow my mind to spiral. You know? When I start not being in the present moment and I start skipping ahead and picturing my daughter driving on the freeway on a late saturday night.
- Lauren Bowles
Collection: Daughter
Image of Jeremiah Brent
I really think that parenthood cracks you open, which sounds so vague, but it is a different type of vulnerability. That's the bottom line. There isn't a second that I'm with my daughter that I don't appreciate every moment we have. All you want to do is protect her and create the best bubble possible for her to view the world.
- Jeremiah Brent
Collection: Daughter
Image of Cody Johnson
For me, when I got married and when I had my daughter, those are two things that - when it does feel like work - makes me feel like I'm working for my family. I look around and just feel so blessed, because the opportunities that have been laid at my feet are second-to-none.
- Cody Johnson
Collection: Daughter
Image of A. J. McLean
The relationship between father and his daughter - there is no other love like it and there never ever will be. It's beyond unconditional and is the best form of love there is.
- A. J. McLean
Collection: Daughter
Image of A. J. McLean
What inspires me is my daughter because I want to set a good example for her, as does my wife.
- A. J. McLean
Collection: Daughter
Image of Edgar Lee Masters
What is this I hear of sorrow and weariness, Anger, discontent and drooping hopes? Degenerate sons and daughters, Life is too strong for you— It takes life to love Life.
- Edgar Lee Masters
Collection: Daughter
Image of Harnaam Kaur
We all have a purpose in life and I believe this being an activist is mine, so that's one of my driving forces. The second driving force is knowing that I'm actually making a difference to people's lives. Knowing that women are saying that their young daughters are looking up to me now, knowing that I've helped someone to not commit suicide. Getting messages like that are very powerful.
- Harnaam Kaur
Collection: Daughter
Image of Emily Carpenter
The greatest motivator and leveler in my life has been my yoga practice. It has taught me how to be a grown-up, follow through, give back, be compassionate, be a better mother, wife, daughter, sibling, friend, and just show up.
- Emily Carpenter
Collection: Daughter
Image of Bethany Cosentino
That, to me, is what I feel like is the future. If I have a daughter, if you have a daughter, becoming that ideal where it's not about your gender; it's about us being human, being in this together.
- Bethany Cosentino
Collection: Daughter
Image of Henrik Vibskov
I think all artists secretly hope their kids might do something safer and straitlaced: maybe my daughter 'll be a banker.
- Henrik Vibskov
Collection: Daughter
Image of Jill Talbot
It's been very jarring for me to stand in public and read about myself and my daughter and her father. I feel like I'm reading someone else's story, and I feel like I've lost something, too, in the writing of self, as if I'm standing and reading myself, as a stranger, to other strangers.
- Jill Talbot
Collection: Daughter
Image of Mike Vallely
I don't see masses, I don't see it like, oh there's hundreds of people here and I'm overwhelmed. I just try to think, well I could be a kid in that crowd, or my daughters could be in that crowd, and no one wants to feel like they're just part of the masses.
- Mike Vallely
Collection: Daughter
Image of Ludacris
We're in a digital age where it's cool to be on your iPhone all the time. All of out-of-school activities my daughter has such as piano one day and acting another day and dance another day are about getting her away from that. People are on video games and their phones, and it's taking up all their mental space.
- Ludacris
Collection: Daughter
Image of Martina McBride
Having three daughters, it is important for me to set a good example and teach them to make decisions that are healthy for your heart no matter what age you are.
- Martina McBride
Collection: Daughter
Image of Tameka Cottle
Some days I'll be like, "You know what? Why don't I go to my daughter's studio and make a song?!" And then I don't! I don't know if I would have all the time it takes to put into a song.
- Tameka Cottle
Collection: Daughter
Image of Yung Joc
It's emotion. When you are watching a movie you see a woman sitting with her daughter and looking in her eyes and you see butterflies flying in the background and then you suddenly hear scary movie music and it changes the whole thing. But if something sounds different it changes the movie. Music is the back drop of what you talk about.
- Yung Joc
Collection: Daughter
Image of Jon McGregor
I wonder how many ways there are for a mother to produce that wreckage in her own daughter, and my muscles tense as I think of them.
- Jon McGregor
Collection: Daughter
Image of Kimberly Peirce
Again, let's pay all due respect to De Palma and put him over here so we're not saying, "Mine's deeper, mine's better." Let's just say, in reading the book, what I fell in love with was this mother-daughter story that was so amazing and so profound.
- Kimberly Peirce
Collection: Daughter
Image of Walter White
The universe is random. It's not inevitable. It's simple chaos. It's subatomic particles in endless, aimless collision. That's what science teaches us, but what is this saying? What is it telling us, when on the very night that this man's daughter dies, it's me who's having a drink with him? How can that be random?
- Walter White
Collection: Daughter
Image of Malaak Shabazz
I think Malcolm Forbes got kicked out of our school and [Ethiopian Emperor] Hallie Selassie's grandkids went there, too. Because of security reasons you have to go to those schools. We had a privileged life, fine, but also very secure. So I think it's great where the [Barack] Obama daughters are going to school.
- Malaak Shabazz
Collection: Daughter
Image of Memory Tapes
I'm not a very social person. I'm interested in music and I'm obviously tight with my family - my daughter. I'm not at the club hanging out at night. I'm at home making records.
- Memory Tapes
Collection: Daughter