Luis A. Ferre

Image of Luis A. Ferre
I hope I will live to see a final meeting of the minds between Puerto Rico and statehood. But if I don’t live that long, I am certain it will happen.
- Luis A. Ferre
Collection: Long
Image of Luis A. Ferre
Revolutionary in my ideas, liberal in my objectives and conservative in my methods.
- Luis A. Ferre
Collection: Ideas
Image of Luis A. Ferre
Not only are Puerto Ricans citizens by birth, but one would be hard-pressed to find a Puerto Rican without a sister in New York or a son in Chicago, a cousin in Orlando or a daughter in Honolulu or Oklahoma City.
- Luis A. Ferre
Collection: Daughter
Image of Luis A. Ferre
My theory was that a city without a newspaper is a city without a soul.
- Luis A. Ferre
Collection: Cities
Image of Luis A. Ferre
I am concerned that many young people in the Hemisphere seem to envision the United States as a nation intoxicated by power, addicted to warfare, controlled by a military-industrial complex, and determined to preserve the status quo, that we are against rapid economic and social growth.
- Luis A. Ferre
Collection: Military
Image of Luis A. Ferre
Industry is not a collection of machines and tools and buildings. It is a social entity that has the responsibility of realizing the happiness of those who work in it.
- Luis A. Ferre
Collection: Responsibility