Top crazy Quotes Collection - Page 27

Discover a curated collection of crazy quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 27 provides more crazy quotes.

Image of Corey Taylor
I sin like crazy, but I protect my people.
- Corey Taylor
Collection: Crazy
Image of Charles Eisenstein
When any of us meet someone who rejects dominant norms and values, we feel a little less crazy for doing the same. Any act of rebellion or non-participation, even on a very small scale, is therefore a political act.
- Charles Eisenstein
Collection: Crazy
Image of Toni Morrison
I laughed but before I could agree with the hairdressers that she was crazy, she said, 'What's the world for if you can't make it up the way you want it?' " 'The way I want it?' " 'Yeah. The way you want it. Don't you want it to be something more than what it is?' " 'What'st eh point? I can't change it.' " 'That's the point. If you don't, it will change you and it'll be your fault cause you let it. I let it. And messed up my life.' " 'Mess it up how?' " 'Forgot it.' " 'Forgot?' " 'Forgot it was mine. My life. I just ran up and down the streets wishing I was somebody else.
- Toni Morrison
Collection: Crazy
Image of Bill Burr
I'm always looking at new ways to tell a joke so that it doesn't get stale while working on new jokes every night or I would go absolutely crazy and would want to kill myself. I just want to go in there and talk about what's bugging me.
- Bill Burr
Collection: Crazy
Image of Mitt Romney
I'm not saying anything one way or the other about the two ballot issues. I am not speaking about the particular ballot issues. Those are up to the people of Ohio. But I certainly support the efforts of the governor to reign in the scale of government. I am not terribly familiar with the two ballot initiatives. But I am certainly supportive of the Republican Party's efforts here.
- Mitt Romney
Collection: Crazy
Image of Joseph Brodsky
The formula for prison is a lack of space counterbalanced by a surplus of time. This is what really bothers you, that you can't win. Prison is lack of alternatives, and the telescopic predictability of the future is what drives you crazy.
- Joseph Brodsky
Collection: Crazy
Image of Jandy Nelson
That's exactly it—I am crazy sad, and somewhere deep inside, all I want is to fly.
- Jandy Nelson
Collection: Crazy
Image of Jandy Nelson
He's bent over the strings tuning his guitar with such passionate attention I almost feel I should look away but I can't. In fact I'm full on gawking wondering what it would be like to be cool and casual and fearless and passionate and so freaking alive just like he is- and for a split second I want to play with him. I want to disturb the birds. Later as he plays and plays as all the fog burns away I think he's right. That's exactly it- I am crazy sad and somewhere deep inside all I want is to fly.
- Jandy Nelson
Collection: Crazy
Image of Lauren Oliver
There's still always the possibility that I've gone totally, clinically cuckoo. But somehow I don't think so anymore. An article I once read said that crazy people don't worry about being crazy - that's the whole problem.
- Lauren Oliver
Collection: Crazy
Image of Holly Black
I’m Lila, and yes, he’s crazy. But you must have noticed that before now. He was crazy back when I knew him, and he’s obviously gotten crazier over time.
- Holly Black
Collection: Crazy
Image of Jim Butcher look like you fell out of a crazy tree and hit every branch on the way down.
- Jim Butcher
Collection: Crazy
Image of Simone de Beauvoir
Given masculine norms, it is clear that women are more likely to be considered crazy - I'm not saying to be crazy.
- Simone de Beauvoir
Collection: Crazy
Image of Susanna Kaysen
For many of us, the hospital was as much a refuge as it was a prison. Though we were cut off from the world and all the trouble we enjoyed stirring up out there, we were also cut off from the demands and expectations that had driven us crazy. What could be expected of us now that we were stowed away in a loony bin?
- Susanna Kaysen
Collection: Crazy
Image of Haruki Murakami
Whenever I meet people for the first time, I get them to talk for ten minutes. Then I size them up from the exact opposite perspective of all they’ve told me. Do you think that’s crazy? “No,” I said, shaking my head, “I’d guess your method works quite well.
- Haruki Murakami
Collection: Crazy
Image of Bill Nye
Religion is a completely different thing from the claim that the Earth is six thousand years old. That's just crazy.
- Bill Nye
Collection: Crazy
Image of Gail Carriger
Alexia blinked stupidly at the Beta from around the earl’s upper arm. Her heart was doing crazy things, and she still could not locate her kneecaps. She took a deep breath and put some serious attention into tracking them down.
- Gail Carriger
Collection: Crazy
Image of Edward Abbey
Anyone not paranoid in this world must be crazy. . . . Speaking of paranoia, it's true that I do not know exactly who my enemies are. But that of course is exactly why I'm paranoid.
- Edward Abbey
Collection: Crazy
Image of Karen Marie Moning
I know part of what turns me on so hard, makes me so violent with lust, is that he's dangerous. I fell for the bad guy. I'm crazy about the one who's trouble. The alpha that doesn't play well with others and doesn't take orders from anyone.
- Karen Marie Moning
Collection: Crazy
Image of Charlize Theron
I've never been a fan of labels. I think its very easy to kind of look at somebody and just kind of throw a label on them 'They're crazy.'
- Charlize Theron
Collection: Crazy
Image of Parker J. Palmer
The winters will drive you crazy until you learn to get out into them.
- Parker J. Palmer
Collection: Crazy
Image of Claude Monet
I think only of my painting, and if I were to drop it, I think I'd go crazy.
- Claude Monet
Collection: Crazy
Image of Larry Wall
Down that path lies madness. On the other hand, the road to hell is paved with melting snowballs.
- Larry Wall
Collection: Crazy
Image of Jodi Picoult
That's the crazy thing about lies. You start to fall for them, yourself.
- Jodi Picoult
Collection: Crazy
Image of Robert Anton Wilson
Anyone in the United States today who isn't paranoid must be crazy.
- Robert Anton Wilson
Collection: Crazy
Image of Mark Vonnegut
Knowing that you're crazy doesn't make the crazy things stop happening.
- Mark Vonnegut
Collection: Crazy
Image of Francis Chan
Having faith often means doing what others see as crazy.
- Francis Chan
Collection: Crazy
Image of Rufus Wainwright
You had to be an over-the-top, demanding, dramatic figure in order to progress as a woman in Europe over the last few hundred years. Now people say, "You're being such a prima donna," meaning you're being hard to deal with or crazy. It's a bit sexist.
- Rufus Wainwright
Collection: Crazy
Image of Simone Elkeles
For my Perfect Chemistry series, I did movie-style book trailers, and my fans went crazy for them.
- Simone Elkeles
Collection: Crazy
Image of Mira Grant
You know, addressing my crazy by name doesn’t exactly help me stay sane,” I said. “Nothing can help you stay sane at this point, Mason,” said Becks. “That ship has sailed.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Crazy
Image of Mira Grant
At least you know that you're crazy. That means you have the potential to recover.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Crazy
Image of Ray Bradbury
Men are nuts. Young men are crazy. We all love toys. I'm toy oriented. I write about toys. I've got a lot of toys. Hundreds of things. But computers are toys, and men like to mess around with smart dumb things. They feel creative.
- Ray Bradbury
Collection: Crazy
Image of Kevin Spacey
Sometimes its the crazy people who turn out to be not so crazy.
- Kevin Spacey
Collection: Crazy
Image of Rainbow Rowell
He always kept me just on the edge of crazy. Feeling like I wanted him too much, which just made me want him more." "That sounds excruciating.
- Rainbow Rowell
Collection: Crazy
Image of Kurt Vonnegut
Generally speaking, espionage offers each spy an opportunity to go crazy in a way he finds irresistible.
- Kurt Vonnegut
Collection: Crazy
Image of Jess Walter
I think suspense should be like any other color on a writers palette. I suppose Im in the minority but I think its crazy for literary fiction to divorce itself from stories that are suspenseful, and assign anything with cops or spies or criminals to some genre ghetto.
- Jess Walter
Collection: Crazy
Image of Ai Weiwei
I don't think China should care if this crazy old guy should have a show here or not. You have so many museums in the West, and so many shows, you need somebody to show the work, otherwise it's empty.
- Ai Weiwei
Collection: Crazy
Image of William Faulkner
Sometimes I aint so sho who's got ere a right to say when a man is crazy and when he aint. Sometimes I think it aint none of us pure crazy and aint none of us pure sane until the balance of us talks him that-a-way. It's like it aint so much what a fellow does, but it's the way the majority of folks is looking at him when he does it.
- William Faulkner
Collection: Crazy
Image of Kristen Stewart
I think we were promoting New Moon just as I was finishing The Runaways, and I remember going to Comic-Con with a Minor Threat T-shirt on. I was really happy and excited to be there, but I was so defensive and crazy.
- Kristen Stewart
Collection: Crazy
Image of Justin Bieber
It's crazy... without the Internet I would never be in this place... without YouTube and stuff. But also I wouldn't be here without any of my fans who supported me.
- Justin Bieber
Collection: Crazy
Image of Shel Silverstein
Don't be dependent on anyone else. I want to go everywhere, look at, and listen to everything. You can go crazy with some of the wonderful stuff there is in life.
- Shel Silverstein
Collection: Crazy
Image of George Best
Everyone went crazy over Wayne Rooney, but I get more excited by Cristiano Ronaldo.
- George Best
Collection: Crazy
Image of Brian K. Vaughan
You'd never be able to convince someone to give you money to do a bilingual story where you're not translating half of it - you'd drive people crazy. But in comics, you can do whatever your heart desires.
- Brian K. Vaughan
Collection: Crazy
Image of Maurice Sendak
I'm totally crazy, I know that. I don't say that to be a smartass, but I know that that's the very essence of what makes my work good. And I know my work is good. Not everybody likes it, that's fine. I don't do it for everybody. Or anybody. I do it because I can't not do it.
- Maurice Sendak
Collection: Crazy
Image of Edward Abbey
We need wilderness because we are wild animals. Everyone needs a place where he can go to go crazy in peace. For the terror, freedom, and delirium. Because we need brutality and raw adventure, because men and women first learned to love in, under, and all around trees, because we need for every pair of feet and legs about ten leagues of naked nature, crags to leap from, mountains to measure by, deserts to finally die in when the heart fails.
- Edward Abbey
Collection: Crazy
Image of Kurt Vonnegut
He was seemingly born not only with a gift for language, but with a particularly nasty clock which makes him go crazy every three years or so.
- Kurt Vonnegut
Collection: Crazy
Image of Juno Temple
I think fame and all that madness, people taking your pictures all the time, drives me insane. It's a catch 22...the more they take pictures of you, the more upset you get by it and the more crazy you look and the more pictures they take of you. I think it's disgusting what's happened with that kind of celebrity culture right now.
- Juno Temple
Collection: Crazy
Image of Juno Temple
If people want to criticize a performance, that I understand. I think that's important. What's going on with this industry now is crazy. That obsession with celebrity is madness. I try as hard as I can not to read that stuff. Because most of the time it's a bit... factual. And it's frustrating because it's not about what you're setting out to do as an actor.
- Juno Temple
Collection: Crazy
Image of Juno Temple
I hope I can keep acting because I love it. It's like a crazy, addictive rollercoaster... it takes you up and down, up and down, up and down but you just don't want to get off. I just want to keep challenging myself... finding new roles, trying out new things and learning.
- Juno Temple
Collection: Crazy