Top communication Quotes Collection - Page 35

Discover a curated collection of communication quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 35 provides more communication quotes.

Image of Seneca the Younger
I am telling you to be a slow-speaking person.
- Seneca the Younger
Collection: Communication
Image of Woodrow Wilson
If I am to speak ten minutes, I need a week for preparation; if an hour, I am ready now.
- Woodrow Wilson
Collection: Communication
Image of Tony Robbins
What we do in life is determined by how we communicate to ourselves. In the modern world, the quality of life is the quality of communication.
- Tony Robbins
Collection: Communication
Image of Harbhajan Singh Yogi
The moment you understand that there is an essence of purity in you, you will realize reality. The moment you realize reality you will have royalty, and then you don't have to say or do a thing. When your presence will work then you will emit wisdom.
- Harbhajan Singh Yogi
Collection: Communication
Image of Harbhajan Singh Yogi
Talk to everybody with reverence. Listen to everybody with reverence. Say things with reverence. You will always be happy and graceful.
- Harbhajan Singh Yogi
Collection: Communication
Image of Harbhajan Singh Yogi
Regardless of what we understand or do not understand, we are what we speak. That's how we are known.
- Harbhajan Singh Yogi
Collection: Communication
Image of Harbhajan Singh Yogi
Why don't you make your whole body into a string and play the music of the vibratory electromagnetic self, which is your creativity, and project to the heart of another person?
- Harbhajan Singh Yogi
Collection: Communication
Image of Thomas Sowell
Knowledge can be enormously costly, and is often scattered in widely uneven fragments, too small to be individually usable in decision making. The communication and coordination of these scattered fragments of knowledge is one of the basic problems- perhaps the basic problem- of any society.
- Thomas Sowell
Collection: Communication
Image of Ken Blanchard
Your business should be defined, not in terms of the product or service you offer, but in terms of what customer need your product or service fulfills. While products come and go, basic needs and customer groups stay around, i.e., the need for communication, the need for transportation, etc. What market need do you supply?
- Ken Blanchard
Collection: Communication
Image of C.C. Hunter
Kylie bit down on her lip. Burnett took a step forward. He squared his shoulders, empathy filling his eyes. He took a deep, apparent heartfelt breath and looked at Kylie. She nodded at him as if giving him the lead. He looked back at Holiday and, in a deep voice, said, "Kylie has something to tell you." Kylie's mouth fell open and right then she knew it was official. Men sucked at verbal communication especially where anything emotional was concerned.
- C.C. Hunter
Collection: Communication
Image of C.C. Hunter
Long story short, ghosts just coming out of the closet sucked at communication. Probably as bad as a beginner ghost whisperer sucked at getting them to communicate.
- C.C. Hunter
Collection: Communication
Image of Baron de Montesquieu
The history of commerce is that of the communication of the people.
- Baron de Montesquieu
Collection: Communication
Image of Pat Summitt
Silence is a form of communication, too. Sometimes less is more.
- Pat Summitt
Collection: Communication
Image of George Bernard Shaw
The only sensible person is my tailor. He measures me anew each time he sees me.
- George Bernard Shaw
Collection: Communication
Image of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
I will tell you something else: it is a major responsibility not only of portraiture but of all human communication for each of us to help everyone else discover the best that is in him.
- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Collection: Communication
Image of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
This is a grave danger: the stoppage of information between the parts of the planet. Contemporary science knows that such stoppage is the way of entropy, of universal destruction.
- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Collection: Communication
Image of Garth Stein
So much of language is unspoken. So much of language is compromised of looks and gestures and sounds that are not words. People are ignorant of the vast complexity of their own communication.
- Garth Stein
Collection: Communication
Image of Mark Twain
Data is like garbage. You'd better know what you are going to do with it before you collect it.
- Mark Twain
Collection: Communication
Image of Ralph Nader
Word of mouth is the most effective means of communication.
- Ralph Nader
Collection: Communication
Image of Mike Tyson
Basically I don't care what people think of me. I'm not in the communications business.
- Mike Tyson
Collection: Communication
Image of Bill Vaughan
In addition to wreaking havoc on our bodies, anger close our inner door, making us feel isolated and distrustful, hindering communication.
- Bill Vaughan
Collection: Communication
Image of John Desmond Bernal
The problem [of specialization] is essentially that of communications to an army in action. After a rapid advance communications become disorganized, and there is a temporary halting until they are again in working order.
- John Desmond Bernal
Collection: Communication
Image of Michael Bloomberg
I think that all money can do is to get your message out. Unfortunately, we live in a world where you have to use mass media to communicate with the people, and it just costs an awful lot of money.
- Michael Bloomberg
Collection: Communication
Image of Rudolf Steiner
In the future no human being is to find peace in the enjoyment of happiness if others beside him are unhappy.
- Rudolf Steiner
Collection: Communication
Image of Allan Bloom
Classical music is a special taste like Greek language or pre-Columbian archeology, not a common culture of reciprocal communication and psychological shorthand.
- Allan Bloom
Collection: Communication
Image of Marianne Williamson
I feel that the term "new age" is used by basically hostile media to diminish and marginalize a conversation that is very significant. It's held in place by journalists who are constantly looking for hooks and sound bites to keep them from having to make the effort of a deeper understanding and a more profound level of communication with the public.
- Marianne Williamson
Collection: Communication
Image of Philip Roth
My God! The English language is a form of communication! Conversation isn't just crossfire where you shoot and get shot at! Where you've got to duck for your life and aim to kill! Words aren't only bombs and bullets — no, they're little gifts, containing meanings!
- Philip Roth
Collection: Communication
Image of Zig Ziglar
The key ingredient in family communication is listening, really listening.
- Zig Ziglar
Collection: Communication
Image of George Will
The Framers of the First Amendment were not concerned with preventing government from abridging their freedom to speak about crops and cockfighting, or with protecting the expressive activity of topless dancers, which of late has found some shelter under the First Amendment. Rather, the Framers cherished unabridged freedom of political communication.
- George Will
Collection: Communication
Image of Tony Robbins
The principles of Nonviolent Communication taught by Dr. Rosenberg are instrumental in creating an extraordinary and fulfilling quality of life. His compassionate and inspiring message cuts right to the heart of successful communication.
- Tony Robbins
Collection: Communication
Image of Taylor Swift
I like things you can touch and things you can keep, because every bit of communication we have is ephemeral in nature. You can just delete an e-mail and it's like it was never there.
- Taylor Swift
Collection: Communication
Image of Friedrich Nietzsche
One should not wrongly reify 'cause' and 'effect,' as the natural scientists do (and whoever, like them, now 'naturalizes' in his thinking), according to the prevailing mechanical doltishness which makes the cause press and push until it 'effects' its end; one should use 'cause' and 'effect' only as pure concepts, that is to say, as conventional fictions for the purpose of designation and communication-not for explanation.
- Friedrich Nietzsche
Collection: Communication
Image of C. Wright Mills
The means of effective communication are being expropriated from the intellectual worker.
- C. Wright Mills
Collection: Communication
Image of Edith Wharton
She said she knew we were safe with you, and always would be, because once, when she asked you to, you'd given up the thing you most wanted." Archer received this strange communication in silence. His eyes remained unseeingly fixed on the thronged sunlit square below the window. At length he said in a low voice: "She never asked me.
- Edith Wharton
Collection: Communication
Image of Kanye West
Kris [Jenner] and the family, they have the power of communication. This is the number one communications company.
- Kanye West
Collection: Communication
Image of Frans de Waal
Contrary to general belief, humans imitate apes more than the reverse. The sight of monkeys or apes induces an irresistible urge in people to jump up and down, exaggeratedly scratch themselves and holler in a way that must make the primates wonder how this otherwise so intelligent species has come to depend on such inferior means of communication.
- Frans de Waal
Collection: Communication
Image of Jim Rohn
You cannot speak that which you do not know. You cannot share that which you do not feel. You cannot translate that which you do not have. And you cannot give that which you do not possess. To give it and to share it, and for it to be effective, you first need to have it. Good communication starts with good preparation.
- Jim Rohn
Collection: Communication
Image of Brenda Ueland
everyone who is human has something to express. Try not expressing yourself for twenty-four hours and see what happens. You will nearly burst. You will want to write a long letter, or draw a picture, or sing, or make a dress or a garden.
- Brenda Ueland
Collection: Communication
Image of Marshall B. Rosenberg
Classifying and judging people promotes violence.
- Marshall B. Rosenberg
Collection: Communication
Image of Marshall B. Rosenberg
Empathize, rather than put your "but" in the face of an angry person.
- Marshall B. Rosenberg
Collection: Communication
Image of Marshall B. Rosenberg
With every choice you make, be conscious of what need it serves.
- Marshall B. Rosenberg
Collection: Communication
Image of Marshall B. Rosenberg
Whether I praise or criticize someone's action, I imply that I am their judge, that I'm engaged in rating them or what they have done.
- Marshall B. Rosenberg
Collection: Communication
Image of Marshall B. Rosenberg
The more we talk about the past, the less we heal from it.
- Marshall B. Rosenberg
Collection: Communication
Image of Marshall B. Rosenberg
Depression is the reward we get for being 'good'.
- Marshall B. Rosenberg
Collection: Communication
Image of Marshall B. Rosenberg
The most dangerous of all behaviors may consist of doing things 'because we're supposed to.
- Marshall B. Rosenberg
Collection: Communication
Image of Marshall B. Rosenberg
Never do anything that isn't play.
- Marshall B. Rosenberg
Collection: Communication
Image of Marshall B. Rosenberg
The number one reason that we don't get our needs met, we don't express them. We express judgments. If we do express needs, the number two reasons we don't our needs met, we don't make clear requests.
- Marshall B. Rosenberg
Collection: Communication
Image of Marshall B. Rosenberg
We are responsible for what we hear other people say and for how we act.
- Marshall B. Rosenberg
Collection: Communication
Image of Marshall B. Rosenberg
Punishment also includes judgmental labeling and the withholding of privileges.
- Marshall B. Rosenberg
Collection: Communication