Top communication Quotes Collection - Page 34

Discover a curated collection of communication quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 34 provides more communication quotes.

Image of Marshall B. Rosenberg
NVC requires us to be continually conscious of the beauty within ourselves and other people.
- Marshall B. Rosenberg
Collection: Communication
Image of Marshall B. Rosenberg
Two things distinguish nonviolent actions from violent actions. First, you don't see an enemy and second, your intention is not to make the other side suffer.
- Marshall B. Rosenberg
Collection: Communication
Image of Marshall B. Rosenberg
Remember that whatever anyone does, it is an effort to meet a need.
- Marshall B. Rosenberg
Collection: Communication
Image of Marshall B. Rosenberg
The first step in healing is to put the focus on what's alive now, not what happened in the past.
- Marshall B. Rosenberg
Collection: Communication
Image of Marshall B. Rosenberg
Most of us live in a Jackal world where we take turns using the other person as a waste basket for our words.
- Marshall B. Rosenberg
Collection: Communication
Image of Marshall B. Rosenberg
When I am angry I have a judgment and an unmet need.
- Marshall B. Rosenberg
Collection: Communication
Image of Marshall B. Rosenberg
I don't think you can have an authentic connection when one person is diagnosing the other.
- Marshall B. Rosenberg
Collection: Communication
Image of Virginia Woolf
Communication is truth; communication is happiness. To share is our duty; to go down boldly and bring to light those hidden thoughts which are the most diseased; to conceal nothing; to pretend nothing; if we are ignorant to say so; if we love our friends to let them know it.
- Virginia Woolf
Collection: Communication
Image of Alexander Graham Bell
Ordinary people who know nothing of phonetics or elocution have difficulties in understanding slow speech composed of perfect sounds, while they have no difficulty in comprehending an imperfect gabble if only the accent and rhythm are natural.
- Alexander Graham Bell
Collection: Communication
Image of Henry David Thoreau
Letter-writing too often degenerates into a communicating of facts, and not of truths; of other men's deeds and not our thoughts.What are the convulsions of a planet, compared with the emotions of the soul? or the rising of a thousand suns, if that is not enlightened by a ray?
- Henry David Thoreau
Collection: Communication
Image of Boyd K. Packer
An unusual thing happened after that great first vision. The Prophet Joseph received no additional communication for three years. However, he did not wonder, he did not question, he did not doubt the Lord. The Prophet Joseph patiently waited. The Prophet Joseph taught us the principle of patience-by example.
- Boyd K. Packer
Collection: Communication
Image of Richard Branson
The quality of business communications has become poorer in recent years as people avoid phone calls and face-to-face meetings, I can only assume, in some misguided quest for efficiency.
- Richard Branson
Collection: Communication
Image of Richard Branson
Publicity is absolutely critical. A good PR story is infinitely more effective than a front page ad.
- Richard Branson
Collection: Communication
Image of Henry David Thoreau
There are some things which a man never speaks of, which are much finer kept silent about. To the highest communications we only lend a silent ear.
- Henry David Thoreau
Collection: Communication
Image of Rumi
Since in order to speak, one must first listen, learn to speak by listening.
- Rumi
Collection: Communication
Image of Ratan Tata
IT and the entire communications business clearly have the greatest potential for growth. But if you're talking about sheer size, the steel and auto industries will remain at the top.
- Ratan Tata
Collection: Communication
Image of Henry David Thoreau
Our manners have been corrupted by communication with the saints.
- Henry David Thoreau
Collection: Communication
Image of P. J. O'Rourke
One thing talk can't accomplish is communication. This is because everybody's talking too much to pay attention to what anyone is saying
- P. J. O'Rourke
Collection: Communication
Image of Tony Robbins
Dr. Rosenberg has brought the simplicity of successful communication into the foreground. No matter what issue you're facing, his strategies for communicating with others will set you up to win every time.
- Tony Robbins
Collection: Communication
Image of Dallin H. Oaks
Most angelic communications are felt or heard rather than seen.
- Dallin H. Oaks
Collection: Communication
Image of Edward Snowden
We decentralise the ability to decide the level of publicity that's attached to any of our communications.
- Edward Snowden
Collection: Communication
Image of Sylvester Stallone
To me, the most perfect screenplay ever written will be one word, when you finally reduce it down to that. Until then, writing will be an imperfect form of communication.
- Sylvester Stallone
Collection: Communication
Image of Morihei Ueshiba
The Way of a Warrior is to establish harmony.
- Morihei Ueshiba
Collection: Communication
Image of Virginia Woolf
For it is probable that when people talk aloud, the selves (of which there may be more than two thousand) are conscious of disserverment, and are trying to communicate but when communication is established there is nothing more to be said.
- Virginia Woolf
Collection: Communication
Image of Marshall B. Rosenberg
NVC is a reminder; to focus our attention where we are most likely to get our needs met.
- Marshall B. Rosenberg
Collection: Communication
Image of Marshall B. Rosenberg
Every time I mess up is a chance to practice.
- Marshall B. Rosenberg
Collection: Communication
Image of Marshall B. Rosenberg
They have most likely said it because they have an unmet need.
- Marshall B. Rosenberg
Collection: Communication
Image of Marshall B. Rosenberg
NVC helps us connect with each other and ourselves in a way that allows our natural compassion to flourish.
- Marshall B. Rosenberg
Collection: Communication
Image of Marshall B. Rosenberg
Plans to exact retribution are never going to make us safer.
- Marshall B. Rosenberg
Collection: Communication
Image of Marshall B. Rosenberg
Never hear what a jackal-speaking person thinks, especially what they think about you.
- Marshall B. Rosenberg
Collection: Communication
Image of Marshall B. Rosenberg
NVC gives us tools and understanding to create a more peaceful state of mind.
- Marshall B. Rosenberg
Collection: Communication
Image of Marshall B. Rosenberg
We want to take action out of the desire to contribute to life rather than out of fear, guilt, shame, or obligation.
- Marshall B. Rosenberg
Collection: Communication
Image of Marshall B. Rosenberg
Social change involves helping people see new options for making life wonderful that are less costly to get needs met.
- Marshall B. Rosenberg
Collection: Communication
Image of Marshall B. Rosenberg
Clinical training in psychoanalysis has a deficit. It teaches how to sit and think about what a person is saying and how to interpret it intellectually, but not how to be fully present to this person.
- Marshall B. Rosenberg
Collection: Communication
Image of Marshall B. Rosenberg
The punitive use of force tends to generate hostility and to reinforce resistance to the very behavior we are seeking.
- Marshall B. Rosenberg
Collection: Communication
Image of Marshall B. Rosenberg
A difficult message to hear is an opportunity to enrich someone's life.
- Marshall B. Rosenberg
Collection: Communication
Image of David Allen
Virtually every problem that would show up in your business can be traced back to communications; somebody didn't talk to somebody about something.
- David Allen
Collection: Communication
Image of Marshall B. Rosenberg
Power-Over leads to punishment and violence. Power-With leads to compassion and understanding, and to learning motivated by reverence for life rather than fear, guilt, shame, or anger.
- Marshall B. Rosenberg
Collection: Communication
Image of Marshall B. Rosenberg
Interpretations, criticisms, diagnoses, and judgments of others are actually alienated expressions of our unmet needs.
- Marshall B. Rosenberg
Collection: Communication
Image of Marshall B. Rosenberg
Conflicts, even of long standing duration, can be resolved if we can just keep the flow of communication going in which people come out of their heads and stop criticizing and analyzing each other, and instead get in touch with their needs, and hear the needs of others, and realize the interdependence that we all have in relation to each other. We can't win at somebody else's expense. We can only fully be satisfied when the other person's needs are fulfilled as well as our own.
- Marshall B. Rosenberg
Collection: Communication
Image of Marshall B. Rosenberg
Regardless of our many differences, we all have the same needs. What differs is the strategy for fulfilling these needs.
- Marshall B. Rosenberg
Collection: Communication
Image of Marshall B. Rosenberg
All human actions are an attempt to meet needs.
- Marshall B. Rosenberg
Collection: Communication
Image of Marshall B. Rosenberg
When people hear needs, it provokes compassion. When people hear diagnoses, it provokes defensiveness and attack.
- Marshall B. Rosenberg
Collection: Communication
Image of Marshall B. Rosenberg
Anger is a signal that you're distracted by judgmental or punitive thinking, and that some precious need of yours is being ignored.
- Marshall B. Rosenberg
Collection: Communication
Image of Marshall B. Rosenberg
What others do may be the stimulus of our feelings, but never the cause.
- Marshall B. Rosenberg
Collection: Communication
Image of Marshall B. Rosenberg
When you need empathy, you cannot give empathy.
- Marshall B. Rosenberg
Collection: Communication
Image of Marshall B. Rosenberg
As long as I think I 'should' do it, I'll resist it, even if I want very much to do it.
- Marshall B. Rosenberg
Collection: Communication
Image of Marshall B. Rosenberg
Four D's of Disconnection: 1. Diagnosis (judgment, analysis, criticism, comparison); 2. Denial of Responsibility; 3. Demand; 4. 'Deserve' oriented language.
- Marshall B. Rosenberg
Collection: Communication
Image of Marshall B. Rosenberg
In nonviolent communication, no matter what words others may use to express themselves, we simply listen for their observations, feelings, needs, and requests. Then we may wish to reflect back, paraphrasing what we have understood. We stay with empathy, allowing others the opportunity to fully express themselves before we turn our attention to solutions or requests for relief.
- Marshall B. Rosenberg
Collection: Communication