Top coffee Quotes Collection - Page 7

Discover a curated collection of coffee quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 7 provides more coffee quotes.

Image of William Makepeace Thackeray
Why do they always put mud into coffee on board steamers? Why does the tea generally taste of boiled boots?
- William Makepeace Thackeray
Collection: Coffee
Image of J. K. Rowling
Howard was almost as fond of this hall as he was of his own shop. The Brownies used it on Tuesdays, and the Women's Institute on Wednesdays. It had hosted jumble sales and Jubilee celebrations, wedding receptions and wakes, and it smelled of all of these things: of stale clothes and coffee urns, and the ghosts of home-baked cakes and meat salads; of dust and human bodies; but primarily of aged wood and stone.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Coffee
Image of Louise Hay
If people wake up and go, "Oh, where's the coffee," or "Oh, another day," that does not set a good tone for the day.
- Louise Hay
Collection: Coffee
Image of Robert Rauschenberg
I used to think of that line in Allen Ginsberg's 'Howl', about the 'sad cup of coffee'.. ..I have had cold coffee and hot coffee and lousy coffee, But I've never had a sad cup of coffee.
- Robert Rauschenberg
Collection: Coffee
Image of Gore Vidal
First coffee, then a bowel movement. Then the Muse joins me.
- Gore Vidal
Collection: Coffee
Image of Pope John Paul II
Do not drink coffee in early A.M. It will keep you awake until noon. Do not go from the slavery of the Communist regime to the slavery of consumerism.
- Pope John Paul II
Collection: Coffee
Image of Maggie Stiefvater
Gansey appeared beside Blue in the doorway. He shook his empty bottle at her. "Fair trade," he told her in a way that indicated he had selected a fair-trade coffee beverage entirely so that he could tell Blue that he had selected a fair-trade coffee beverage so that she could tell him well done with your carbon footprint and all that jazz. Blue said, "Better recycle that bottle.
- Maggie Stiefvater
Collection: Coffee
Image of Terry Pratchett
Who shall I shoot? You choose. Now, listen very carefully: where's your coffee? You've got coffee, haven't you? C'mon, everyone's got coffee! Spill the beans!
- Terry Pratchett
Collection: Coffee
Image of Donald Miller
I listened so hard because it felt like, while she was telling me stories, she was massaging my soul, letting me know that I was not alone, that I will never have to be alone, that there are friends and family and churches and coffee shops. I was not going to be cast into space.
- Donald Miller
Collection: Coffee
Image of J. Lynn
I think the key to the start of any good relationship is to remember how the other person likes their coffee.
- J. Lynn
Collection: Coffee
Image of Robbie Williams
I'm off everything apart from the fags and the coffee. I don't know if it's worked. It works up until you take your first drink.
- Robbie Williams
Collection: Coffee
Image of Ashleigh Brilliant
If coffee didn't exist, somebody would have to invent it for me very soon.
- Ashleigh Brilliant
Collection: Coffee
Image of Lora Leigh
You have five minutes to call someone, anyone, I don't care who, and order me the finest blend of coffee that rat hole town has, and a dozen beers. If it's not sitting on this table..." a slender finger pointed furiously at the table in question,"... in one hour, you die" - Faith telling Jacob
- Lora Leigh
Collection: Coffee
Image of Darynda Jones
Pretending to drink coffee was similar to faking an orgasm.
- Darynda Jones
Collection: Coffee
Image of Ingrid Bergman
Thank you for your coffee, seignior. I shall miss that when we leave Casablanca.
- Ingrid Bergman
Collection: Coffee
Image of Howard Schultz
Starbucks is rekindling America's love affair with coffee, bringing romance and fresh flavor back to the brew.
- Howard Schultz
Collection: Coffee
Image of Nora Roberts
If you can't dance on it, it isn't coffee.
- Nora Roberts
Collection: Coffee
Image of Terry Pratchett
Coffee is a way of stealing time that should by rights belong to your older self.
- Terry Pratchett
Collection: Coffee
Image of Wallace Stevens
Fromage and coffee and cognac and no gods.
- Wallace Stevens
Collection: Coffee
Image of Michelle Obama
You see, even though back then Barack was a Senator and a presidential candidate... to me, he was still the guy who'd picked me up for our dates in a car that was so rusted out, I could actually see the pavement going by through a hole in the passenger side door... he was the guy whose proudest possession was a coffee table he'd found in a dumpster, and whose only pair of decent shoes was half a size too small.
- Michelle Obama
Collection: Coffee
Image of Roger Rosenblatt
The trick in foraging for a tooth lost in coffee grounds is not to be misled by the clumps. The only way to be sure is to rub each clump between your thumb and index finger, which makes a mess of your hands.
- Roger Rosenblatt
Collection: Coffee
Image of Sarah Rees Brennan
I'll do a deal with you McFarlane," he said. "You can exist. And you can even have coffee. But if you raise your voice or make any sudden movements, I shall die. And that'll show you." Seb shrugged in return, hiding how pleased he was pretty badly. "Fair enough.
- Sarah Rees Brennan
Collection: Coffee
Image of Eric Weiner
If you walk into a coffee shop in 1903 Vienna, you might find at the same table the artist Gustav Klimt, Sigmund Freud, Leon Trotsky and possibly Adolf Hitler, who lived in Vienna at the same time.
- Eric Weiner
Collection: Coffee
Image of Eric Weiner
People don't go to Starbucks for the coffee - of that I'm pretty sure - they go for the atmosphere, they go for the 70 decibels, they go for the Starbucks effect.
- Eric Weiner
Collection: Coffee
Image of Eric Weiner
The coffee shop played a big role in Vienna of 1900. Rents were sky high, housing was difficult to come by, your apartment probably wasn't heated, and so you went to the coffee shop. You went to the coffee shop because it was warm, because it was great Viennese coffee, and you went for the conversation and the company.
- Eric Weiner
Collection: Coffee
Image of Eric Weiner
The coffeehouse is good for genius, and the Viennese coffeehouse is a classic case. Freud had his favorite coffee shop, and so did Gustav Klimt.
- Eric Weiner
Collection: Coffee
Image of Eric Weiner
I would love to think there is a direct relationship between coffee and genius, but they've done studies, and if anything, caffeine probably makes you a little less creative.
- Eric Weiner
Collection: Coffee
Image of Ilona Andrews
I’d give him a cup of coffee and a big helping of a knuckle sandwich. Generosity was a virtue and I was in the mood to be extremely virtuous.
- Ilona Andrews
Collection: Coffee
Image of Denzel Washington
We had a guy, a gentlemen by the name of Mr. Greenleaf who lived behind the house we were shooting [Fences], and he was like a part of the movie.He would come downstairs, and he couldn't hear well to say, "Ya'll want some coffee?"
- Denzel Washington
Collection: Coffee
Image of Ilona Andrews
He put the book down. “As you wish.” He rose and walked past me. I lowered my sword, expecting him to pass, but suddenly he stepped in dangerously close. “Welcome home. I’m glad you made it. There is coffee in the kitchen for you.” My mouth gaped open. He inhaled my scent, bent close, about to kiss me… I just stood there like an idiot. Curran smirked and whispered in my ear instead. “Psych.” And just like that, he was out the door and gone. Oh boy.
- Ilona Andrews
Collection: Coffee
Image of Larry Wall
Well, coffee is my drug of choice, generally, with a little bit of Pepsi here and there, if I need more sugar. But yeah, if I could do intravenous coffee, I would. But I guess that's pretty standard.
- Larry Wall
Collection: Coffee
Image of Nicholas Sparks
She liked to sit on the front porch in the afternoons and read books she'd checked out from the library. Aside from coffee, reading was her only indulgence.
- Nicholas Sparks
Collection: Coffee
Image of Maggie Stiefvater
Are you high? Why are you never wearing a shirt?" "I sleep naked," Cole said. He put both milk and sugar in my coffee. "As the day goes on, I put on more and more clothing. You should've come over an hour ago.
- Maggie Stiefvater
Collection: Coffee
Image of Henry Rollins
What goes best with a cup of coffee? Another cup.
- Henry Rollins
Collection: Coffee
Image of Scott Adams
I was busier than a beaver in a coffee lake.
- Scott Adams
Collection: Coffee
Image of Frances Moore Lappé
much agricultural land which might be growing food is being used instead to 'grow' money (in the form of coffee, tea, etc.).
- Frances Moore Lappé
Collection: Coffee
Image of Brenda Ueland
Don't think of yourself as an intestinal tract and tangle of nerves in the skull, that will not work unless you drink coffee. Think of yourself as incandescent power, illuminated perhaps and forever talked to by God and his messengers.... Think if Tiffany's made a mosquito, how wonderful we would think it was!
- Brenda Ueland
Collection: Coffee
Image of Mark Twain
Of all the unchristian beverages that ever passed my lips, Turkish coffee is the worst. The cup is small, it is smeared with grounds; the coffee is black, thick, unsavory of smell, and execrable in taste. The bottom of the cup has a muddy sediment in it half an inch deep. This goes down your throat, and portions of it lodge by the way, and produce a tickling aggravation that keeps you barking and coughing for an hour.
- Mark Twain
Collection: Coffee
Image of Mark Twain
Nothing agrees with me. If I drink coffee, it gives me dyspepsia; if I drink wine, it gives me the gout; if I go to church, it gives me dysentery.
- Mark Twain
Collection: Coffee
Image of Lauren Oliver
Once Mo had closed the gates, he returned to his little stone hut, and his half-eaten sandwich of butter and canned sardines, and his mug of thick hot chocolate, which every night he poured carefully into a thermos labeled COFFEE.
- Lauren Oliver
Collection: Coffee
Image of Anthony Bourdain
I'm at my most productive before I even have my first cup of coffee. I only get slower and stupider as the day progresses.
- Anthony Bourdain
Collection: Coffee
Image of Howard Schultz
I think we are living in a time where the consumer has lots of choices, whether it's coffee, newspapers or whatever it is. And there is parity in the market place and as a result of that the consumer is beginning to make decisions, not just on what things cost and the convenience of it.
- Howard Schultz
Collection: Coffee
Image of Jonathan Swift
A fig for partridges and quails, ye dainties I know nothing of ye; But on the highest mount in Wales Would choose in peace to drink my coffee.
- Jonathan Swift
Collection: Coffee
Image of Erin Morgenstern
I don’t have the time to devote to circles or covens. I have to fit things in when and where I can, in stolen moments and cups of coffee. Stirring clockwise to conjure. Widdershins to banish. There’s never enough time, and rarely enough caffeine, but I make do with what I have. Besides, cauldrons and pointy hats are overrated. Sometimes I see other customers practicing. Pouring their cream and sugar with studied intent. Stirring with purpose. I add an extra spoonful of sugar to my own coffee for them, to make all of our enchantments sweeter.
- Erin Morgenstern
Collection: Coffee
Image of Wole Soyinka
I tend to work best as a one-man Task Force, including even the roles of messenger, coffee maker and office cleaner.
- Wole Soyinka
Collection: Coffee
Image of Dan Rather
Those of you watching and listening, get a cup of coffee or a spot of tea and join us back here in just a few moments.
- Dan Rather
Collection: Coffee
Image of Lauren Oliver
The last laugh, the last cup of coffee, the last sunset, the last time you jump through a sprinkler, or eat an ice-cream cone, or stick your tongue out to catch a snowflake. You just don't know.
- Lauren Oliver
Collection: Coffee
Image of Nick Offerman
I awaken. I consume oxygen, then bacon, eggs and black coffee, then my wife, then bacon.
- Nick Offerman
Collection: Coffee
Image of Debra Messing
Oh it's fantastic because I get to whip people like David into shape and tell them to go get me coffee. Kidding - okay.
- Debra Messing
Collection: Coffee