Top christian Quotes Collection - Page 90

Discover a curated collection of christian quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 90 provides more christian quotes.

Image of Kevin DeYoung
Some of us live a Christian life as if we're always under the stern, watchful eye of our Father and he is very impossible to please... No, God delights even in our heartfelt attempts at obedience.
- Kevin DeYoung
Collection: Christian
Image of Kevin DeYoung
Christians often equate holiness with activism and spiritual disciplines. And while it's true that activism is often the outgrowth of holiness and spiritual disciplines are necessary for the cultivation of holiness, the pattern of piety in the Scripture is more explicitly about our character. We put off sin and put on righteousness. We put to death the deeds of the flesh and put on Christ. To use the older language, we pursue mortification of the old man and the vivification of the new.
- Kevin DeYoung
Collection: Christian
Image of Leo Tolstoy
A Christian cannot help being free, because in the pursuit and attainment of his object, no one can either hinder or retard him.
- Leo Tolstoy
Collection: Christian
Image of Bill Nye
I don't perceive an anti-religious agenda, especially with regard to Christians and Christianity.
- Bill Nye
Collection: Christian
Image of Andy Stanley
I'm concerned about the plight of children. But I'm not on a mission to get all the available orphans in the world adopted into Christian homes.
- Andy Stanley
Collection: Christian
Image of N. T. Wright
If you're a Christian you're just a shadow of your future self.
- N. T. Wright
Collection: Christian
Image of N. T. Wright
God's plan is not to abandon this world, the world which he said was "very good." Rather, he intends to remake it. And when he does he will raise all his people to new bodily life to live in it. That is the promise of the Christian gospel.
- N. T. Wright
Collection: Christian
Image of N. T. Wright
Hope, for the Christian, is not wishful thinking or mere blind optimism. It is a mode of knowing, a mode within which new things are possible, options are not shut down, new creation can happen.
- N. T. Wright
Collection: Christian
Image of N. T. Wright
The rule of love, I say again, is not an optional extra. It is the very essence of what we [Christians] are about
- N. T. Wright
Collection: Christian
Image of N. T. Wright
As a newborn baby breathes and cries, so the signs of life in a newborn Christian are faith and repentance, inhaling the love of God and exhaling an initial cry of distress. And at that point what God provides, exactly as for a newborn infant, is the comfort, protection, and nurturing promise of a mother. "If God is our father, the church is our mother." The words are those of the Swiss Reformer John Calvin ... it is as impossible, unnecessary, and undesirable to be a Christian all by yourself as it is to be a newborn baby all by yourself.
- N. T. Wright
Collection: Christian
Image of Rick Warren
Ever feel like God is a million miles away? The truth is, he's not. Whatever struggle you're going through, you can rest assured you're not alone. You have God in your corner.
- Rick Warren
Collection: Christian
Image of Rick Warren
The best use of life is love. The best expression of love is time. The best time to love is now.
- Rick Warren
Collection: Christian
Image of Rick Warren
Because every day of your life was written on God's calendar before you were born, everything that happens to you has spiritual significance.
- Rick Warren
Collection: Christian
Image of Rick Warren
We are only fully alive when we're helping others
- Rick Warren
Collection: Christian
Image of Timothy Keller
It is inaccurate to think the gospel is what saves non-Christians, and then Christians mature by trying hard to live according to biblical principles. It is more accurate to say that we are saved by believing the gospel, and then we are transformed in every part of our minds, hearts, and lives by believing the gospel more and more deeply as life goes on.
- Timothy Keller
Collection: Christian
Image of Timothy Keller
One of the most frequent responses I get from non-Christian readers is: 'I'm not sure I agree with all this, but I must say this is the first book I've read by a Christian that didn't treat me like I was an idiot.'
- Timothy Keller
Collection: Christian
Image of Timothy Keller
I am a Christian resident of New York City. I simply read things the other Manhattanites read (NY Times, New Yorker magazine, Wall Street Journal, and many of the books they read) plus all my Christian reading. I don't do anything special to understand skeptics. I also talk to a lot of skeptics and read things they point to.
- Timothy Keller
Collection: Christian
Image of Timothy Keller
Most apologetic books are really written for Christians, even the ones that purport to be written for non-believers.
- Timothy Keller
Collection: Christian
Image of H. P. Blavatsky
"The myths," says Horace in his Ars Poetica, "have been invented by wise men to strengthen the laws and teach moral truths." While Horace endeavored to make clear the very spirit and essence of the ancient myths, Euhemerus pretended, on the contrary, that "myths were the legendary history of kings and heroes, transformed into gods by the admiration of the nations." It is the latter method which was inferentially followed by Christians when they agreed upon the acceptation of euhemerized patriarchs, and mistook them for men who had really lived.
- H. P. Blavatsky
Collection: Christian
Image of Mark Twain
A man can be a Christian or a patriot, but he can't legally be a Christian and a patriot - except in the usual way: one of the two with the mouth, the other with the heart.
- Mark Twain
Collection: Christian
Image of Saint Basil
The Christian ought not to say anything behind his brother's back with the object of calumniating him, for this is slander, even if what is said is true. He ought to turn away from the brother who speaks evil against him?
- Saint Basil
Collection: Christian
Image of Saint Basil
When our Lord says, 'I have not spoken of Myself' (Jn. 12:49), and again, 'As the Father said to Me, so I speak' (Jn. 12:50), and 'The word which you hear is not mine, but the Father's Who sent Me' (Jn. 14:24), and in another place, 'As the Father commanded Me, even so I do' (Jn. 14:31), it is not because He lacks deliberate purpose or power of initiative, nor yet because He has to wait for the preconcerted key-note, that He employs language of this kind. His object is to make it plain that His own will is connected in indissoluble union with the Father.
- Saint Basil
Collection: Christian
Image of Saint Basil
No Christian ought to think of himself as his own master, but each should rather so think and act as though given by God to be slave to his like minded brethren (cf. I Cor. 9:19)?
- Saint Basil
Collection: Christian
Image of Saint Basil
To Whom does our God say, 'in our image' (Gen. 1:26), to whom if it is not to Him who is 'the brightness of His glory and the express image of His Person' (Heb. 1:3), 'the image of the invisible God' (Col. 1:15)? It is then to His living image, to Him Who has said 'I and My Father are one' (Jn. 10:30), 'He who has seen Me has seen the Father' (Jn. 14:9), that God says, 'Let us make man in our image'.
- Saint Basil
Collection: Christian
Image of Katie MacAlister
I don't like this." "I know you don't, my little spaetzel. But I am too worn out to run from both the police and your murderous twin, and Damian's looking peaky, plus Christian did apologize for trying to kill us earlier." "I wasn't talking about that. It's your lamentable habit of using completely unsuitable love names for me that gives me grief," Adrian groused. "I am not a lambypie, nor am I a spaetzel.
- Katie MacAlister
Collection: Christian
Image of Grace Paley
I lived in a house in the East Bronx, a totally Jewish neighborhood on East 172nd Street. You didn't see Christians much, although one lived next door. We thought they were kind of a minority.
- Grace Paley
Collection: Christian
Image of Aiden Wilson Tozer
Next to the Holy Scriptures, the greatest aide to the life of faith may be Christian biographies.
- Aiden Wilson Tozer
Collection: Christian
Image of Aiden Wilson Tozer
Quoting Scripture leads you to the fountain, but only if you plunge in and come up wet will I know that you are a Christian.
- Aiden Wilson Tozer
Collection: Christian
Image of Aiden Wilson Tozer
Satan hates God for His own sake, and everything that is dear to God he hates for the very reason that God loves it.
- Aiden Wilson Tozer
Collection: Christian
Image of Aiden Wilson Tozer
Failure to get a right viewpoint in the beginning of our Christian lives may result in weakness and sterility for the rest of our days!
- Aiden Wilson Tozer
Collection: Christian
Image of Francine Rivers
Everyone wanted to be the best. Best student. Best servant. Best Christian. They got caught up in it, pressing and pushing until they forgot whom it was they were trying to please.
- Francine Rivers
Collection: Christian
Image of Francine Rivers
The Lord will provide.
- Francine Rivers
Collection: Christian
Image of Parker J. Palmer
There is a tradition that the church represents, without which we wouldn't have the church, that's all about diving deep beneath the surface of the culture and finding those timeless, eternal truths that the whole Christian enterprise is rooted in. And one of those is that you don't come to God at 180 miles an hour.
- Parker J. Palmer
Collection: Christian
Image of Parker J. Palmer
We can teach a good, formal lesson on forgiveness as a Christian virtue and all the doctrines that are attached to it. But to be in a real-life situation, a work camp or a trip or some other activity with young people where real forgiveness needs to happen, that's a different situation altogether. And that is where the deepest learning will occur.
- Parker J. Palmer
Collection: Christian
Image of Victor Borge
There is a bit of Hans Christian Andersen in every Dane.
- Victor Borge
Collection: Christian
Image of Charles Spurgeon
The boundless stores of Providence are engaged for the support of the believer.
- Charles Spurgeon
Collection: Christian
Image of William Bennett
The new source of divisiveness is the assault of secularism on religion.
- William Bennett
Collection: Christian
Image of William Bennett
The history of our nation is intertwined with a certain religious tradition, and that the First Amendment was not intended to result in the complete exclusion of religious beliefs from our public classrooms.
- William Bennett
Collection: Christian
Image of William Bennett
It is ironic that anyone who appeals to religious values today runs the risk of being called 'divisive' or attacked as an enemy of pluralism.
- William Bennett
Collection: Christian
Image of William Bennett
From Samuel Adams to Patrick Henry to Benjamin Franklin to Alexander Hamilton, all the Founders intended religion to provide a moral anchor for our liberty in democracy.
- William Bennett
Collection: Christian
Image of William Bennett
What you've got here is really a case of journalists making fun of people who believe in God and the devil.
- William Bennett
Collection: Christian
Image of William Bennett
America's only respectable form of bigotry is bigotry against religious people. And the only reason for hatred of religion is that it forces us to confront matters many would prefer to ignore.
- William Bennett
Collection: Christian
Image of William Bennett
In the battle for preserving sound social and moral norms, many religious institutions can no longer be counted as allies.
- William Bennett
Collection: Christian
Image of William Bennett
President Bush was widely ridiculed for consulting the Reverend Billy Graham before the Gulf war.
- William Bennett
Collection: Christian
Image of William Bennett
A City University of New York study done in 1991 revealed that nearly 90% of the American people identify themselves religiously as Christians or Jews, while only 7.5 percent claim no religion.
- William Bennett
Collection: Christian
Image of William Bennett
Have we come to the point where it is now considered a secular blasphemy to acknowledge the name of God at all?
- William Bennett
Collection: Christian
Image of Henri Nouwen
You are a Christian only so long as you constantly pose critical questions to the society you live in, so long as you stay unsatisfied with the status quo, and keep saying that a new world is yet to come.
- Henri Nouwen
Collection: Christian
Image of John Ortberg
Sheldon Vanauken wrote that the strongest argument for Christianity is Christians, when they are drawing life from God. The strongest argument against Christianity? Also Christians, when they become exclusive, self-righteous, and complacent.
- John Ortberg
Collection: Christian
Image of John Ortberg
Many Christians expend so much energy and worry trying not to sin. The goal is not to try to sin less. In all your efforts to keep from sinning, what are you focusing on? Sin. God wants you to focus on him. To be with him. “Abide in me.” Just relax and learn to enjoy his presence. Every day is a collection of moments, 86,400 seconds in a day. How many of them can you live with God? Start where you are and grow from there. God wants to be with you every moment.
- John Ortberg
Collection: Christian