Top christian Quotes Collection - Page 92

Discover a curated collection of christian quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 92 provides more christian quotes.

Image of Joyce Meyer
Ask God to fill your mouth with the words you need to say today. No issue is so small that it doesn't require God's wisdom.
- Joyce Meyer
Collection: Christian
Image of Tertullian
He has inhibited discussion by designating admonition as the method of dealing with a heretic- and the first method, too, because he is not a Christian. This is so that he would not seem to require correction again and again and before two or three witnesses as though he were a Christian. He ought to be corrected for the very reason that he is not to be disputed with. In addition, this is said because a controversy over the Scriptures can, clearly, produce no other effect than help to upset either the stomach or the brain.
- Tertullian
Collection: Christian
Image of Tertullian
But all the other frenzies of passions-impious both toward the bodies and toward the sexes-beyond the laws of nature, we banish not only from the threshold, but from all shelter of the Church, because they are not sins, but monstrosities.
- Tertullian
Collection: Christian
Image of Tertullian
The blood of Christians is seed.
- Tertullian
Collection: Christian
Image of Corrie Ten Boom
Be united with other Christians. A wall with loose bricks is not good. The bricks must be cemented together.
- Corrie Ten Boom
Collection: Christian
Image of Corrie Ten Boom
Does being born into a Christian family make one a Christian? No! God has no grandchildren.
- Corrie Ten Boom
Collection: Christian
Image of Jorge Luis Borges
Israelites, Christians and Muslims profess immortality, but the veneration they render this world proves they believe only in it, since they destine all other worlds, in infinite number, to be its reward or punishment.
- Jorge Luis Borges
Collection: Christian
Image of Philip Yancey
Christians are simply pilgrims who acknowledge their lostness and their desire for help in finding the way.
- Philip Yancey
Collection: Christian
Image of Philip Yancey
Christians are not perfect, by any means, but they can be people made fully alive.
- Philip Yancey
Collection: Christian
Image of Philip Yancey
I ask God most often that we would be an unbroken line of Christians until Christ shall return.
- Philip Yancey
Collection: Christian
Image of Philip Yancey
The shift in American society from admiring Christians to fearing and criticizing them provides an opportunity for self-reflection. How have we been presenting the message we believe in? Might there be a more grace-filled way?
- Philip Yancey
Collection: Christian
Image of Blaise Pascal
The Christian's God does not merely consist of a God who is the Author of mathematical truths and the order of the elements. The God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob, the God of the Christians, is a God of love and consolation.
- Blaise Pascal
Collection: Christian
Image of Charles Spurgeon
The wicked man, when he dies, is driven to his grave, but the Christian comes to his grave.
- Charles Spurgeon
Collection: Christian
Image of Watchman Nee
Outside Christ, I am empty; in Christ, I am full.
- Watchman Nee
Collection: Christian
Image of Watchman Nee
The devil abhors light and truth because these remove the ground of his working.
- Watchman Nee
Collection: Christian
Image of Watchman Nee
True revelation of the fact of the Spirit's indwelling will revolutionize the life of any Christian.
- Watchman Nee
Collection: Christian
Image of Watchman Nee
By the time the average Christian gets his temperature up to normal, everybody thinks he has a fever!
- Watchman Nee
Collection: Christian
Image of Richard Rohr
G.K. Chesterton, who was part of a Catholic conservatism that was kind and loving, not reactionary or hateful, said "We're all in the same boat in a stormy sea and we owe each other a terrible loyalty." I think that's profoundly true, yet it's difficult to have civil dialogue right now with other Christians, so how can we possibly talk to "all the nations"?
- Richard Rohr
Collection: Christian
Image of Richard Rohr
In the last years, I've been reading the Eastern fathers, the older mystical writings, a rich, deep, and truly traditional Christianity which most Western Christians know almost nothing about. It is very mystical and prayer centered Christianity, with a strong social conscience.
- Richard Rohr
Collection: Christian
Image of Richard Rohr
When you do the first half of life well, you have a good sense of yourself. Most of our mainline Christian denominations, in my opinion, don't do the first or second halves very well. We don't really give people a good container, we give them a bunch of legalisms.
- Richard Rohr
Collection: Christian
Image of Oliver Stone
My ego is nothing - look what Alexander the Great achieved. And I felt he was a figure outside time, a figure we don't even understand, because he's frankly pre-Christian, and his concepts of honor go back to Homer.
- Oliver Stone
Collection: Christian
Image of Mark Twain
The so-called Christian nations are the most enlightened and progressive ... but in spite of their religion, not because of it. The Church has opposed every innovation and discovery from the day of Galileo down to our own time, when the use of anesthetic in childbirth was regarded as a sin because it avoided the biblical curse pronounced against Eve. And every step in astronomy and geology ever taken has been opposed by bigotry and superstition. The Greeks surpassed us in artistic culture and in architecture five hundred years before Christian religion was born.
- Mark Twain
Collection: Christian
Image of Barack Obama
Jesus is an historical figure for me, and he's also a bridge between God and man, in the Christian faith, and one that I think is powerful precisely because he serves as that means of us reaching something higher.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Christian
Image of Barack Obama
All of us have a responsibility to work for the day when the mothers of Israelis and Palestinians can see their children grow up without fear; when the Holy Land of the three great faiths is the place of peace that God intended it to be; when Jerusalem is a secure and lasting home for Jews and Christians and Muslims, and a place for all of the children of Abraham to mingle peacefully together as in the story of Isra - (applause) - as in the story of Isra, when Moses, Jesus, and Mohammed, peace be upon them, joined in prayer. (Applause.)
- Barack Obama
Collection: Christian
Image of Sandra Day O'Connor
If a State refused to let religious groups use facilities open to others, then it would demonstrate not neutrality but hostility toward religion.
- Sandra Day O'Connor
Collection: Christian
Image of Friedrich Nietzsche
Christians call it faith ... I call it the herd.
- Friedrich Nietzsche
Collection: Christian
Image of Rick Santorum
Would the potential attraction to Mormonism by simply having a Mormon in the White House threaten traditional Christianity by leading more Americans to a church that some Christians believe misleadingly calls itself Christian, is an active missionary church, and a dangerous cult?
- Rick Santorum
Collection: Christian
Image of Dwight L. Moody
A great many people are trying to make peace, but that has already been done. God has not left it for us to do; all we have to do is to enter into it.
- Dwight L. Moody
Collection: Christian
Image of J.R. Miller
It is supposed by some that religion makes people solemn, takes the sunshine out of their life, the joy out of their heart, the song out of their mouth. But the reverse of this is the truth. No other one in the world has such secrets of joy as has the Christian. Christ teaches his followers to rejoice. He bids them rejoice even in sorrow and trial.
- J.R. Miller
Collection: Christian
Image of Pope Benedict XVI
The proclamation and witness of the Gospel are the first service that Christians can offer every person and the whole human race, as they are called to communicate to all the love of God, who manifested himself fully in the only Redeemer of the world, Jesus Christ.
- Pope Benedict XVI
Collection: Christian
Image of Pope Benedict XVI
For more than 160 years, through the initiative of the French bishop Charles de Forbin Janson, the childhood of Jesus has become the icon for the commitment of Christian children who help the Church in her task of evangelization by prayer, sacrifice and gestures of solidarity....Thousands of children meet the needs of other children, driven by the love that the Son of God, become a child, brought to the earth. I say thanks to these little ones and I pray that they will always be missionaries.
- Pope Benedict XVI
Collection: Christian
Image of Pope Benedict XVI
The aim of all Christian education, moreover, is to train the believer in an adult faith that can make him a "new creation", capable of bearing witness in his surroundings to the Christian hope that inspires him.
- Pope Benedict XVI
Collection: Christian
Image of Charles Spurgeon
Every Christian is either a missionary or an imposter.
- Charles Spurgeon
Collection: Christian
Image of Charles Spurgeon
Prayer is the breath, the watchword, the comfort, the strength, the honor of a Christian.
- Charles Spurgeon
Collection: Christian
Image of Charles Spurgeon
Let no Christian parents fall into the delusion that Sunday School is intended to ease them of their personal duties. The first and most natural condition of things is for Christian parents to train up their own children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.
- Charles Spurgeon
Collection: Christian
Image of Charles Spurgeon
Jesus Christ does not save the worthy, but the unworthy. Your plea must not be righteousness but guilt
- Charles Spurgeon
Collection: Christian
Image of Charles Spurgeon
He that is never on his knees on earth shall never stand upon his feet in heaven
- Charles Spurgeon
Collection: Christian
Image of David Platt
[...]there is no injustice in God. The injustice lies in Christians who possess the gospel and refuse to give their lives to making it known among those who haven't heard.
- David Platt
Collection: Christian
Image of Aiden Wilson Tozer
We Christians must simplify our lives or lose untold treasures on earth and in eternity. Modern civilization is so complex as to make the devotional life all but impossible. The need for solitude and quietness was never greater than it is today.
- Aiden Wilson Tozer
Collection: Christian
Image of Aiden Wilson Tozer
We modern Christians are long on talk and short on conduct.
- Aiden Wilson Tozer
Collection: Christian
Image of Aiden Wilson Tozer
We now demand glamour and fast-flowing dramatic action. A generation of Christians reared among push buttons and automatic machines is impatient of slower and less direct methods of reaching their goals...The tragic results of this spirit all all about us: shallow lives, hollow religious philosophies...the glorification of men, trust is religious externalities....salesmanship methods, the mistaking of dynamic personality for the power of the Spirit. These and such of these are the symptoms of an evil disease.
- Aiden Wilson Tozer
Collection: Christian
Image of Aiden Wilson Tozer
For the Christian, humility is absolutely indispensable. Without it there can be no self-knowledge, no repentance, no faith and no salvation.
- Aiden Wilson Tozer
Collection: Christian
Image of Aiden Wilson Tozer
The Christian's heart must be soaked in prayer before the true spiritual fruits begin to grow.
- Aiden Wilson Tozer
Collection: Christian
Image of Catherine Marshall
The unfolding of our friendship with the Father will be a never-ending revelation strretching on into eternity
- Catherine Marshall
Collection: Christian
Image of Catherine Marshall
A Christian has no business being satisfied with mediocrity. He's supposed to reach for the stars. Why not? He's not on his own anymore. He has God's help now.
- Catherine Marshall
Collection: Christian
Image of Catherine Marshall
Despite disappointments, the Christian is obligated to pray for the sick because we are bidden to do so and because the crumb of our caring is but a morsel broken from the whole loaf of the Father's infinite and tender love.
- Catherine Marshall
Collection: Christian
Image of Stevie Smith
Christianity in the suburb is cheerful. The church is a centre of social activity and those who go to church need never be lonely.
- Stevie Smith
Collection: Christian
Image of Richard J. Foster
Jesus Christ and all the writers of the New Testament call us to break free of mammon lust and live in joyous trust...They point us toward a way of living in which everything we have we receive as a gift, and everything we have is cared for by God, and everything we have is available to others when it is right and good. This reality frames the heart of Christian simplicity. It is the means of liberation and power to do what is right and to overcome the forces of fear and avarice.
- Richard J. Foster
Collection: Christian