Top christian Quotes Collection - Page 120

Discover a curated collection of christian quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 120 provides more christian quotes.

Image of Maximus the Confessor
...the aim of every hierarchy is always to imitate God so as to take on His form... the task of every hierarchy is to receive and to pass on undiluted purification, the divine light, and the understanding which brings perfection.
- Maximus the Confessor
Collection: Christian
Image of Maximus the Confessor's movement towards the divine reaches its end only when one reaches God... 'The true Sabbaths are the rest laid up for the people of God' (Heb. 4:9). God can 'bear these sabbaths' (cf. Is. 1:13) because they are true. And the one 'in which the world is crucified' (Gal. 6:14) reaches these sabbaths of rest because he has clearly turned away from worldly things and returned to his own spiritual resting place. The one who arrives there will no longer be moved from his place, for there he finds quiet and tranquility.
- Maximus the Confessor
Collection: Christian
Image of Maximus the Confessor
Just as the teaching of the Law and the prophets, being harbingers of the coming advent of the Logos in the flesh, guide our souls to Christ (cf. Gal. 3:24), so the glorified incarnate Logos of God is Himself a harbinger of His spiritual advent, leading our souls forward by His own teachings to receive His divine and manifest advent. He does this ceaselessly, by means of the virtues converting those found worthy from the flesh to the spirit. And He will do it at the end of the age, making manifest what has hitherto been hidden from men.
- Maximus the Confessor
Collection: Christian
Image of Margaret Cho
Something as important as marriage equality, which is now a constitutional right [in the USA], is something that cannot be denied. It's also very un-Christian, if you think about the way Christ was and Christ's teachings. This is not loving. This is anger. This is hatred. This is bigotry. And it's wrong.
- Margaret Cho
Collection: Christian
Image of Gregory of Nyssa
For virtue is a light and buoyant thing, and all who live in her way fly like clouds as Isaiah says, and as doves with their young ones; but sin is a heavy affair, as another of the prophets says, sitting upon a talent of lead.
- Gregory of Nyssa
Collection: Christian
Image of Gregory of Nyssa
... where Solomon says that 'Wisdom has built herself a house' (Prov. 9:1), he refers darkly in these words to the preparation of the flesh of the Lord: for the true Wisdom did not dwell in another's building, but built for Itself that dwelling-place from the body of the Virgin.
- Gregory of Nyssa
Collection: Christian
Image of John Hagee
This book will expose the sins of the fathers and the vicious abuse of the Jewish people. 'In Defense of Israel' will shake Christian theology. It scripturally proves that the Jewish people as a whole did not reject Jesus as Messiah. It will also prove that Jesus did not come to earth to be the Messiah. It will prove that there was a 'Calvary conspiracy' between Rome, the high priest, and Herod to execute Jesus as an insurrectionist too dangerous to live. Since Jesus refused by word and deed to claim to be the Messiah, how can the Jews be blamed for rejecting what was never offered?
- John Hagee
Collection: Christian
Image of Zbigniew Brzezinski
Look at Islam in a rational manner and without demagoguery or emotion. It is the leading religion of the world with 1.5 billion followers. But what is there in common among Saudi Arabian fundamentalism, moderate Morocco, Pakistan militarism, Egyptian pro-Western or Central Asian secularism? Nothing more than what unites the Christian countries.
- Zbigniew Brzezinski
Collection: Christian
Image of Bill Hybels
We made a mistake. What we should have done when people crossed the line of faith and become Christians, we should have started telling people and teaching people that they have to take responsibility to become 'self feeders.' We should have gotten people, taught people, how to read their bible between service, how to do the spiritual practices much more aggressively on their own.
- Bill Hybels
Collection: Christian
Image of George Carlin
None of the Christian religions do [interest me]. They're all outer-directed.
- George Carlin
Collection: Christian
Image of George Carlin
No one has to come see my shows who doesn't like me talking about white Christians. They are free not buy a ticket. They're free to leave at any time. So I'm not imposing anything on anyone. Therefore I feel free to cross the line.
- George Carlin
Collection: Christian
Image of Muhammad Ali
How could they say that my religion, Islam was a 'race hate' religion after all the plunder and enslavement and domination of my people by white Christians in the name of white supremacy?
- Muhammad Ali
Collection: Christian
Image of Oswald Chambers
So long as there is a human being who does not know Jesus Christ, I am his debtor to serve him until he does.
- Oswald Chambers
Collection: Christian
Image of Oswald Chambers
Prayer is the vital breath of the Christian; not the thing that makes him alive, but the evidence that he is alive.
- Oswald Chambers
Collection: Christian
Image of Gilbert K. Chesterton
Islam was something like a Christian heresy. The early heresies had been full of mad reversals and evasions of the Incarnation, rescuing their Jesus from the reality of his body even at the expense of the sincerity of his soul.
- Gilbert K. Chesterton
Collection: Christian
Image of Hannah Whitall Smith
Those who are God's without reserve are, in every sense, content
- Hannah Whitall Smith
Collection: Christian
Image of Hannah Whitall Smith
If we want to be comforted, we must make up our minds to believe every single solitary word of comfort God has ever spoken.
- Hannah Whitall Smith
Collection: Christian
Image of Hannah Whitall Smith
The time for universal praise is sure to come some day. Let us begin to do our part now.
- Hannah Whitall Smith
Collection: Christian
Image of Cassandra Clare
Do not regret too much the choices you have made in the past, Gabriel," she said, aware that she was using his Christian name, but not able to help it. "Only make the right ones in the future. We are ever capable of change and ever capable of being our better selves.
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Christian
Image of Jacob Needleman
In order to teach a course in the history of Western religious thought, I had to do a great deal of research in the writings within the Judaic and Christian traditions and I was astonished to find in those writings philosophical thought of great power and sophistication. These writings completely blew away all my opinions about what I had taken to be the irrationality or immaturity of religious ideas, opinions which were and still are fashionable in many intellectual and literary circles today.
- Jacob Needleman
Collection: Christian
Image of William J. Clinton
I've been in politics long enough to expect criticism and hostility. But I was unprepared for the hatred I get from Christians. Why do Christians hate so much?.
- William J. Clinton
Collection: Christian
Image of Oswald Chambers
For one man who can introduce another to Jesus Christ by the way he lives and by the atmosphere of his life, there are a thousand who can only talk jargon about him
- Oswald Chambers
Collection: Christian
Image of Saint John Chrysostom
When we once begin to form good resolutions, God gives us every opportunity of carrying them out.
- Saint John Chrysostom
Collection: Christian
Image of Saint John Chrysostom
In the Christian combat, not the striker, as in the Olympic contests, but he who is struck, wins the crown. This is the law in the celestial theatre, where the Angels are the spectators.
- Saint John Chrysostom
Collection: Christian
Image of Saint John Chrysostom
Even if we have thousands of acts of great virtue to our credit, our confidence in being heard must be based on God's mercy and His love for men. Even if we stand at the very summit of virtue, it is by mercy that we shall be saved.
- Saint John Chrysostom
Collection: Christian
Image of Thomas Carlyle
Good Christian people, here lies for you an inestimable loan; take all heed thereof, in all carefulness, employ it: with high recompense, or else with heavy penalty, will it one day be required back.
- Thomas Carlyle
Collection: Christian
Image of Kristin Chenoweth
I'm a very controversial figure in the Christian world. I don't believe if you're gay or you have a drink or you dance, you're going to hell. I don't think that's the kind of God we have. The Pat Robertsons and Jerry Falwells of the world are scary. I want to be a Christian like Christ - loving and accepting of other people.
- Kristin Chenoweth
Collection: Christian
Image of Kristin Chenoweth
I am a Christian and I don't want there to be any confusion about what I believe or who I am. I don't believe gay people are going to hell. I believe that judgment is left to the one upstairs and I believe Jesus is all about love. If I can live my life even just a smidgen the way God made his son for us as an example, I'm happy. I do not judge other people for what they believe, but for me, this is what works.
- Kristin Chenoweth
Collection: Christian
Image of Kristin Chenoweth
I'm an actress and a singer and I'm also a Christian. We're not all crazy right-wingers. I just want to be like Jesus, forgiving and loving and nonjudgmental, accepting of everyone even if they don't agree.
- Kristin Chenoweth
Collection: Christian
Image of Alan Redpath
The Christian life doesn't get easier as one gets older.
- Alan Redpath
Collection: Christian
Image of Alan Redpath
Deep down in the Christian's life, always and all the time, there is to be a "no" to every demand that the flesh may make for recognition, and every demand that the flesh may make for approval, and every demand that the flesh may make for vindication. Always the Christian must bear about in his body the marks of the Lord Jesus.
- Alan Redpath
Collection: Christian
Image of Alan Redpath
How far must a Christian go in order to be saved? Only to the Cross. But if I am disobeying God in my life and cast off His law, it is an absolute declaration of the fact that within my heart I have abandoned worship at the Cross.
- Alan Redpath
Collection: Christian
Image of John Calvin
Christians rejoice even while they truly sorrow - because their rejoicing is in the hope of heaven... While joy overcomes sorrow, it does not put an end to it.
- John Calvin
Collection: Christian
Image of John Calvin
Those who fall away have never been thoroughly imbued with the knowledge of Christ but only had a slight and passing taste of it.
- John Calvin
Collection: Christian
Image of A. S. Byatt
I worry about anthropomorphism as a form of self-deception. (The Christian religion is an anthropomorphic account of the universe.)
- A. S. Byatt
Collection: Christian
Image of Marcus Borg
Religion is much more than language, but to be Christian does mean speaking Christian for most people. The language many of us use has contributed to the crisis in Christianity in North America. Traditional Christian language is becoming less familiar to millions of people. The language is frequently misunderstood by people.
- Marcus Borg
Collection: Christian
Image of Jimmy Carter
The blood of Abraham, God's father of the chosen, still flows in the veins of Arab, Jew, and Christian, and too much of it has been spilled in grasping for the inheritance of the revered patriarch in the Middle East. The spilled blood in the Holy Land still cries out to God--an anguished cry for peace.
- Jimmy Carter
Collection: Christian
Image of Jimmy Carter
As a Christian, a trained engineer and scientist, and a professor at Emory University, I am embarrassed by Superintendent Kathy Cox's attempt to censor and distort the education of Georgia's students.... There is no need to teach that stars can fall out of the sky and land on a flat Earth in order to defend our religious faith.
- Jimmy Carter
Collection: Christian
Image of Joseph Campbell
You don't have to believe that there was a King Arthur to get the significance of those stories, but Christians say we have to believe there was a Christ, or the miracles don't make sense.
- Joseph Campbell
Collection: Christian
Image of Gilbert K. Chesterton
The modern world is not evil; in some ways the modern world is far too good. It is full of wild and wasted virtues. When a religious scheme is shattered (as Christianity was shattered at the Reformation), it is not merely the vices that are let loose. The vices are, indeed, let loose, and they wander and do damage. But the virtues are let loose also; and the virtues wander more wildly, and the virtues do more terrible damage. The modern world is full of the old Christian virtues gone mad. The virtues have gone mad because they have been isolated from each other and are wandering alone.
- Gilbert K. Chesterton
Collection: Christian
Image of John Bunyan
…just as Christian came up to the Cross, his burden loosed from off his shoulders, fell from off his back, and began to tumble down the hill, and so it continued to do till it came to the mouth of the sepulchre. There it fell in, and I saw it no more!
- John Bunyan
Collection: Christian
Image of John Bunyan
Therefore, I bind these lies and slanderous accusations to my person as an ornament; it belongs to my Christian profession to be vilified, slandered, reproached and reviled, and since all this is nothing but that, as God and my conscience testify, I rejoice in being reproached for Christ's sake.
- John Bunyan
Collection: Christian
Image of Lord Byron
The Christian has greatly the advantage of the unbeliever, having everything to gain and nothing to lose.
- Lord Byron
Collection: Christian
Image of Oswald Chambers
The test of the life of a saint is not success, but faithfulness in human life as it actually is. We will set up success in Christian work as the aim; the aim is to manifest the glory of God in human life, to live the life hid with Christ in God in human conditions. Our human relationships are the actual conditions in which the ideal life of God is to be exhibited.
- Oswald Chambers
Collection: Christian
Image of Judith Butler
What we need is a political and joyous alternative to the behaviorist discourse, the Christian discourse on evil or sin, and the convergence of the two in forms of gender policing that [is] tyrannical and destructive.
- Judith Butler
Collection: Christian
Image of Mary Faustina Kowalska
I desire to unite Myself to human souls, Know, My daughter, that when I come to a human heart in Holy Communion, My hands are full of all kinds of graces which I want to give to the soul. But souls do not even pay any attention to Me; they leave Me to Myself and busy themselves with other things... They treat Me as a dead object.
- Mary Faustina Kowalska
Collection: Christian
Image of Mary Faustina Kowalska
Now you shall consider My love in the Blessed Sacrament. Here, I am entirely yours, soul, body and divinity, as your Bridegroom. You know what love demands: one thing only, reciprocity.
- Mary Faustina Kowalska
Collection: Christian
Image of Mary Faustina Kowalska
To give worthy praise to the Lord's mercy, we unite ourselves with Your Immaculate Mother, for then our hymn will be more pleasing to You, because She is chosen from among men and angels. Through Her, as through a pure crystal, Your mercy was passed on to us. Through Her, man became pleasing to God; Through Her, streams of grace flowed down upon us.
- Mary Faustina Kowalska
Collection: Christian
Image of A. B. Simpson
I would rather play with forked lightning, or take in my hand living wires with their fiery current, than to speak a reckless word against any servant of Christ, or idly repeat the slanderous darts which thousands of Christians are hurling on others, to the hurt of their own souls and bodies.
- A. B. Simpson
Collection: Christian