Top christian Quotes Collection - Page 122

Discover a curated collection of christian quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 122 provides more christian quotes.

Image of Oswald Chambers
The Christian who is truly intimate with Jesus will never draw attention to himself but will only show the evidence of a life where Jesus is completely in control. This is the outcome of allowing Jesus to satisfy every area of life to its depth. The picture resulting from such a life is that of the strong, calm balance that our Lord gives to those who are intimate with Him.
- Oswald Chambers
Collection: Christian
Image of Oswald Chambers
All heaven is interested in the cross of Christ, all hell terribly afraid of it, while men are the only beings who more or less ignore its meaning.
- Oswald Chambers
Collection: Christian
Image of Louie Giglio
Limit your thinking and expectation today to only the things God can do.
- Louie Giglio
Collection: Christian
Image of Johnny Cash
If you're going to be a Christian, you're going to change. You're going to lose some old friends, not because you want to, but because you need to.
- Johnny Cash
Collection: Christian
Image of William Jennings Bryan
The human measure of a human life is its income; the divine measure of a life is its outgo, its overflow its contribution to the welfare of all.... If every word spoken in behalf of truth has its influence and every deed done for the right weighs in the final account, it is immaterial to the Christian whether his eyes behold victory or whether he dies in the midst of conflict.
- William Jennings Bryan
Collection: Christian
Image of William Jennings Bryan
I have been so satisfied with the Christian religion that I have spent no time trying to find arguments against it. I am not afraid now that you will show me any. I feel that I have enough information to live and die by.
- William Jennings Bryan
Collection: Christian
Image of Joseph Priestley
Most of the early Christian writers thought the text "I and my Father are one," was to be understood of an unity or harmony of disposition only. Thus Tertullian observes, that the expression is unum , one thing, not one person; and he explains it to mean unity, likeness, conjunction, and of the love that the Father bore to the Son. Origen says, "let him consider that text, 'all that believed were of one heart and of one soul,' and then he will understand this, 'I and my Father are one".
- Joseph Priestley
Collection: Christian
Image of Paul Washer
You mark my words: Whenever a cult attacks Christianity, the first place they're going to go is they're going to attack the deity of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ; is that not true? They are going to attack His deity. Throughout 2000 years of Christian history, we have had to build walls to keep them out. We have had to fight, we have had to amass arms, we have had to do apologetics, we have had to do it all. It is our purpose and our responsibility to proclaim that Jesus Christ is God.
- Paul Washer
Collection: Christian
Image of John G. Lake
It is a sad thing when you hear Christians with a groan in them. When I meet the groaner, I say in my heart, "God, move that man on into the place where he comprehends what Christianity is."
- John G. Lake
Collection: Christian
Image of George Carlin
Life is sacred? Who said so, God? Hey, if you read history you'll realize that God is one of the leading causes of death...has been for thousands of years. Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Jews, all taking turns killing each other because God told them it was a good idea.
- George Carlin
Collection: Christian
Image of J. Vernon McGee
Anywhere you can take Jesus Christ with you is all right to go.
- J. Vernon McGee
Collection: Christian
Image of J. Vernon McGee
He is preeminent in creation because He is the Creator. He is preeminent in redemption for He is the Redeemer. He is preeminent in the church because He is the One who gave Himself for the church.
- J. Vernon McGee
Collection: Christian
Image of J. Vernon McGee
When you reject the genuine, you are wide open for the spurious. Paul wrote to the Thessalonians that when someone rejects the love of the truth that they might be saved, they will believe the big lie.
- J. Vernon McGee
Collection: Christian
Image of J. Vernon McGee
A poor believer [monetarily] certainly is looked down upon in certain churches, and yet he may be the richest man spiritually in that church.
- J. Vernon McGee
Collection: Christian
Image of J. Vernon McGee
Men call their sons Paul and their dogs Nero today.
- J. Vernon McGee
Collection: Christian
Image of Hillary Clinton
I wonder if it's possible to be a Republican and a Christian at the same time.
- Hillary Clinton
Collection: Christian
Image of Tammy Bruce
I do believe that Christians - I don't identify as a Christian. I believe in God.
- Tammy Bruce
Collection: Christian
Image of George Carlin
Christian Deodorant: "Thou Shalt Not Smell"
- George Carlin
Collection: Christian
Image of Noam Chomsky
Elements of the Christian fundamentalist right are one of the strongest components of "support for Israel" - support in an odd sense, because they presumably want to see it destroyed in a cosmic battle at Armageddon, after which all the proper souls will ascend to heaven - or so I understand, again, not from close reading.
- Noam Chomsky
Collection: Christian
Image of Gary North
Christians are supposed to love each other. Communists are supposed to share bonds with all proletarians and other communists. Every ideological group proclaims universality, and all of them bicker internally, never displaying unity except in the face of a common enemy. Humanism today is the common enemy of Christians.
- Gary North
Collection: Christian
Image of Gary North
Is Christianity just another special-interest group, clawing for political power? Or, even if Christians are acting as God's spokesmen, must Christians always conduct themselves politically as if Christianity were just another special-interest group? Do Christians conduct evangelism this way?.
- Gary North
Collection: Christian
Image of John le Carre
The greatest threat to mankind comes from the renunciation of individual scruple in favor of institutional denominators. . . . Real heroism lies, as it always will, not in conformity or even patriotism, but in acts of solitary moral courage. Which, come to think of it, is what we used to admire in our Christian savior
- John le Carre
Collection: Christian
Image of Paul Washer
We as Americans are the wealthiest Christians who ever walked on the face of the earth. We are the most protected Christians that ever walked on the face of the earth, and yet we are the emptiest Christians who ever walked on the face of the earth.
- Paul Washer
Collection: Christian
Image of John Wimber
Worship, the act of freely giving love to God, forms and informs every activity of the Christian's life.
- John Wimber
Collection: Christian
Image of John Wimber
Many Christians and Christian leaders have been neutralized by the love of money and materialism. The homage paid to affluence becomes a burden that saps our energy as well as our love for God and other people...Like Jesus and Paul, we can learn to be content with what we have, living modestly in order that we may give liberally to the work of the kingdom and to meet the needs of others.
- John Wimber
Collection: Christian
Image of William Jennings Bryan
Atheists have just as much civil right to teach atheism as Christians have to teach Christianity; agnostics have just as much right to teach agnosticism as Christians have to teach their religion.
- William Jennings Bryan
Collection: Christian
Image of Louie Giglio
God is using your present circumstances to make you more useful for later roles in His unfolding story.
- Louie Giglio
Collection: Christian
Image of Oswald Chambers
The true expression of Christian character is not in good-doing but in God-likeness.
- Oswald Chambers
Collection: Christian
Image of Oswald Chambers
The Bible talks plentifully about joy, but it nowhere talks about a 'happy Christian.' Happiness depends on what happens; joy does not. Remember, Jesus Christ had joy, and He prayed 'that they might have my joy fulfilled in themselves.'
- Oswald Chambers
Collection: Christian
Image of Deepak Chopra
Religion has failed us. Christ was not a Christian. Buddha was not a Buddhist. Mohammed was not a Mohammedan. And yet ever since the dawn of history, we have engaged in conflict and war and terrorism and murder and racism and ethnocentrism and bigotry and prejudice in the name of God.
- Deepak Chopra
Collection: Christian
Image of Nick Cave
That's what we [outsiders] feel America is really about - the kind of crazed ravings of the Christian right - when it's probably something quite different.
- Nick Cave
Collection: Christian
Image of D. James Kennedy
In the major institutions of education, government, science, and the arts, we are witnessing the imposition of a post-Christian view of life. It now dominates in motion pictures, television, and every other form of entertainment.
- D. James Kennedy
Collection: Christian
Image of D. James Kennedy
As a result of the assault on Christianity, the Christian faith has been isolated more and more into a tiny private sector of life and removed from the whole public spectrum of America.
- D. James Kennedy
Collection: Christian
Image of D. James Kennedy
In modern America, Judeo-Christian beliefs are often held up to ridicule and disdain by the media.
- D. James Kennedy
Collection: Christian
Image of D. James Kennedy
Rock and roll has had a powerful anti-Christian subtheme for decades now.
- D. James Kennedy
Collection: Christian
Image of Don McLean
Jerusalem is old, Jerusalem is new, Jerusalem can hold Moslem, Christian, Jew.
- Don McLean
Collection: Christian
Image of Pat Buchanan
Why was there not massive civil disobedience against this anti-Christian discrimination, as there was against segregation?
- Pat Buchanan
Collection: Christian
Image of Pat Buchanan
As for a climactic conflict between a once-Christian West and an Islamic world that is growing in numbers and advancing inexorably into Europe for the third time in 14 centuries, on this one, Breivik may be right.
- Pat Buchanan
Collection: Christian
Image of Pope Pius XI
"Religious Socialism," "Christian Socialism," are expressions implying a contradiction in terms.
- Pope Pius XI
Collection: Christian
Image of Pope Pius XI
This organic conception of society, the only vital conception, combines a noble humanism with the genuine Christian spirit, and it bears the inscription from Holy Writ which St. Thomas has explained: "The work of justice shall be peace"; a text applicable to the life of a people whether it be considered in itself or in its relations with other nations.
- Pope Pius XI
Collection: Christian
Image of Pope Pius XI
Among the various supplications with which we successfully appeal to the Virgin Mother of God, the Holy Rosary without doubt occupies a special and distinct place. This prayer, which some call the Psalter of the Virgin or Breviary of the Gospel and of Christian life, was described and recommended by Our Predecessor of happy memory, Leo XIII
- Pope Pius XI
Collection: Christian
Image of Edward McKendree Bounds
Prayer succeeds when all else fails
- Edward McKendree Bounds
Collection: Christian
Image of Edward McKendree Bounds
It is true that Bible prayers in word and print are short, but the praying men of the Bible were with God through many a sweet and holy wrestling hour. They won by few words but long waiting.
- Edward McKendree Bounds
Collection: Christian
Image of Tony Campolo
It seems to me that when we listen to the Muslim mystics as they talk about Jesus and their love for Jesus, I must say, it’s a lot closer to New Testament Christianity than a lot of the Christians that I hear. In other words if we are looking for common ground, can we find it in mystical spirituality, even if we cannot theologically agree, Can we pray together in such a way that we connect with a God that transcends our theological differences?
- Tony Campolo
Collection: Christian
Image of Tony Campolo
We don't have to give up trying to convert each other. What we have to do is show respect to one another. And to speak to each other with a sense that even if people don't convert, they are God's people, God loves them, and we do not make the judgment of who is going to heaven and who is going to hell. I think that what we all have to do is leave judgment up to God. The Muslim community is very evangelistic, however what Muslims will not do is condemn Jews and Christians to Hell if in fact they do not accept Islam.
- Tony Campolo
Collection: Christian
Image of Tony Campolo
It has taken countless hours of prayer, study, conversation and emotional turmoil to bring me to the place where I am finally ready to call for the full acceptance of Christian gay couples into the Church.
- Tony Campolo
Collection: Christian
Image of Tony Campolo
I have serious problems with fundamentalist Christians and their creationist theories. Although I believe that scripture is divinely inspired and infallible, I have a hard time going along with the belief that the whole creation process occurred in six twenty-four hour days. My skepticism is due, in part, to the fact that the Bible says that the sun wasn’t created until the fourth day of creation (Genesis 1:16-19). I have a hard time figuring how twenty-four hour days could have been measured before that.
- Tony Campolo
Collection: Christian
Image of Dan Brown
In 325 A.D., the Roman Emperor Constantine decided to unify Rome under a single religion ... Historians still marvel at the brilliance with which Constantine converted the sun-worshipping pagans to Christianity. By fusing pagan symbols, dates, and rituals into the growing Christian tradition, he created a kind of hybrid religion that was acceptable to both parties.
- Dan Brown
Collection: Christian