Top christian Quotes Collection - Page 118

Discover a curated collection of christian quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 118 provides more christian quotes.

Image of Ambrose
We must follow the ways of the Lord, and take heed to our own ways, lest they lead us into sin. One can take heed if one is not hasty in speaking. The law says: 'Hear, O Israel, the Lord your God' (Dt. 6:4). It said not: 'Speak,' but 'Hear.' Eve fell because she said to the man what she had not heard from the Lord her God. The first word from God says to you: Hear!
- Ambrose
Collection: Christian
Image of Ambrose
Blessed, plainly, is that life which is not valued at the estimation of outsiders, but is known, as judge of itself, by its own inner feelings. It needs no popular opinions as its reward in any way; nor has it any fear of punishments. Thus the less it strives for glory, the more it rises above it. For to those who seek for glory, that reward in the shape of present things is but a shadow of future ones, and is a hindrance to eternal life, as it is written in the Scriptures: 'Truly I say to you, they have received their reward'
- Ambrose
Collection: Christian
Image of Ambrose
We ask for what reason our Lord was unwilling to state the time of His coming (cf. Mk. 13:31-32). If we ask it, we shall not find it is owing to ignorance, but to wisdom. For it was not to our advantage to know; in order that we being ignorant of the actual moments of judgment to come, might ever be as it were on guard, and set on the watch-tower of virtue, and so avoid the habits of sin; lest the day of the Lord should come upon us in the midst of our wickedness.
- Ambrose
Collection: Christian
Image of Sheila Walsh
When I was hospitalized in 1992 with severe clinical depression I thought I was the only one. I didn't know of one other Christian struggling with any form of mental illness. What I didn't know then was that there are thousands and thousands of men and women who love God yet are struggling alone, in silence, full of shame. This has to end. It's time to shine the brightest light into the darkest corners of the church
- Sheila Walsh
Collection: Christian
Image of John Calvin
The highest honor in the church is not government but service.
- John Calvin
Collection: Christian
Image of Winston Churchill
The flame of Christian ethics is still our highest guide.
- Winston Churchill
Collection: Christian
Image of Edward McKendree Bounds
Faith does the impossible because it brings God to undertake for us, and nothing is impossible with God.
- Edward McKendree Bounds
Collection: Christian
Image of Edward McKendree Bounds
Love is kindled in a flame, and ardency is its life. Flame is the air which true Christian experience breathes. It feeds on fire; it can withstand anything rather than a feeble flame; but when the surrounding atmosphere is frigid or lukewarm, it dies, chilled and starved to its vitals. True prayer must be aflame.
- Edward McKendree Bounds
Collection: Christian
Image of Richard Rodriguez
Suddenly the land is haunted by all these dead Indians. There is this new fascination with the Southwest, with places like Santa Fe, New Mexico, where people come down from New York and Boston and dress up as Indians. When I go to Santa Fe, I find real Indians living there, but they are not involved in the earth worship that the American environmentalists are so taken by. Many of these Indians are interested, rather, in becoming Evangelical Christians.
- Richard Rodriguez
Collection: Christian
Image of Nicky Gumbel
I was just praying quietly in tongues and I found that a really helpful way to pray. There are other times when I use the gift when I really feel I don't know what to pray or how to pray. I know what I feel but I just can't quite put it in to words, and I use that, I find it a helpful gift. I don't think you need to speak in tongues, I don't think all Christians do speak in tongues, nobody has to speak in tongues, nobody's forced to, but if somebody wants to I think it's a good gift.
- Nicky Gumbel
Collection: Christian
Image of Nicky Gumbel
My position on the issue of homosexuality is no different from the position of the Anglican Church and all the major denominations around the world. I know that it's different from the secular culture in the western world, but it's no different from the teaching of the church globally. We're Christians basically.
- Nicky Gumbel
Collection: Christian
Image of Nicky Gumbel
I'm a Christian. I'm committed to Jesus Christ and I want people to know about Christ, because it's the most wonderful thing. People can say, 'I'll try and give up drugs,' or 'I'll try and live a better life,' but actually, if you're trapped in that lifestyle, you need, I think, some supernatural power to get you out of it. It's not easy to get out of the kind of lifestyles those people are in where all your family are criminals and all your friends are criminals - that is not an easy break to make, and it is a hard thing for a lot of these people.
- Nicky Gumbel
Collection: Christian
Image of Nicky Gumbel
The only label I would choose for myself is Christian, but if you pushed me and you say, 'What sort of Christian are you?' I'm an Anglican.
- Nicky Gumbel
Collection: Christian
Image of Nicky Gumbel
This may sound pernickety but I wouldn't describe myself as an evangelical. These are labels, which I don't think are helpful. If I was going to use any label it would be Christian, and if you push me any further I'd say I'm an Anglican - that's the family of the Church that I belong to. There's nothing wrong with any of the other labels, but if you have any of them I want them all. If you're going to say, 'I'm Catholic, liberal, evangelical...' let's have them all.
- Nicky Gumbel
Collection: Christian
Image of Nicky Gumbel
I had a battle going on in my head: shall I just enjoy my life and then convert on my deathbed? But I felt I couldn't do that - it was now or never - so I took a step of faith and became a Christian.
- Nicky Gumbel
Collection: Christian
Image of Joycelyn Elders
As a Christian, as an individual, as a doctor, I am absolutely opposed to the death penalty.
- Joycelyn Elders
Collection: Christian
Image of Alexander MacLaren
The sum of the whole matter is this: He who is one in will and heart with God is a Christian. He who loves God is one in will and heart with Him. He who trusts Christ loves God. That is Christianity in its ultimate purpose and result. That is Christianity in its means and working forces. That is Christianity in its starting point and foundation.
- Alexander MacLaren
Collection: Christian
Image of Jean de la Bruyere
It takes talent to please the people in a sermon by a flowery style, a cheerful ethic, brilliant sallies and lively descriptions; but such a talent is inadequate. A better sort of talent neglects these extraneous ornaments, unworthy to be used in the service of the Gospel: such a preacher's sermon will be simple, strong and Christian.
- Jean de la Bruyere
Collection: Christian
Image of George W. Bush
If you're a Christian, Jew or Muslim, you're equally an American. That's the great thing about America, is the right to worship the way you see fit.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Christian
Image of Edwin Hubbel Chapin
No one can truly see Christ, and drink in the influence of his character, and not be a Christian at heart.
- Edwin Hubbel Chapin
Collection: Christian
Image of Edmund Burke
No sound ought to be heard in the church but the healing voice of Christian charity.
- Edmund Burke
Collection: Christian
Image of Oswald Chambers
In Christian work our initiative and motivation are too often simply the result of realizing that there is work to be done and that we must do it. Yet that is never the attitude of a spiritually vigorous saint. His aim is to achieve the realization of Jesus Christ in every set of circumstances.
- Oswald Chambers
Collection: Christian
Image of Nicky Gumbel
Don't undervalue yourself. God loves you. Your worth is what you are worth to God. Jesus died for you. You are of infinite value.
- Nicky Gumbel
Collection: Christian
Image of Nicky Gumbel
The resurrection of Jesus is rooted in history, grounded in scripture and confirmed in experience.
- Nicky Gumbel
Collection: Christian
Image of Nicky Gumbel
I think everybody needs healing. My understanding of human beings is that we were created in the image of God but we are all fallen, and Jesus died for us so that we can be redeemed. Every Christian is in a process of healing in some way. God's original creation was good, and in some ways fallen away from that. And in every area of our life we need to be healed and restored and to become more Christ-like.
- Nicky Gumbel
Collection: Christian
Image of Rhonda Byrne
That a man can change himself…and master his own destiny is the conclusion of every mind who is wide-awake to the power of right thought.”(Christian D. Larson)
- Rhonda Byrne
Collection: Christian
Image of Robert M. Price
I do not expect that the mere fact that I was once an evangelical apologist and now see things differently should itself count as evidence that I must be right. That would be the genetic fallacy. It would be just as erroneous to think that John Rankin must be right in having embraced evangelical Christianity since he had once been an agnostic Unitarian and repudiated it for the Christian faith.
- Robert M. Price
Collection: Christian
Image of Pope Pius X
The proposition that the principal articles of the Apostles' Creed did not have the same meaning for the Christians of the earliest times as they have for Christians of our time is hereby condemned and proscribed as erroneous.
- Pope Pius X
Collection: Christian
Image of Pope Pius X
The organic constitution of the Church is not immutable; but Christian society, just as human society, is subject to perpetual evolution.
- Pope Pius X
Collection: Christian
Image of Pope Pius X
It is impossible to approve in Catholic publications of a style inspired by unsound novelty which seems to deride the piety of the faithful and dwells on the introduction of a new order of Christian life, on new directions of the Church, on new aspirations of the modern soul, on a new vocation of the clergy, on a new Christian civilisation.
- Pope Pius X
Collection: Christian
Image of Tony Campolo
I don't know what to make of the Muslim mystics, especially those who have come to be known as the Sufis. What do they experience in their mystic experiences? Could they have encountered the same God we do in our Christian mysticism?
- Tony Campolo
Collection: Christian
Image of John Calvin
Those little children have not yet any understanding to desire His blessing; but when they are presented to Him, He gently and kindly receives them, and dedicates them to the Father by a solemn act of blessing.
- John Calvin
Collection: Christian
Image of John Calvin
Moreover, a true Christian will not ascribe any prosperity to his own diligence, industry, or good fortune, but he will acknowledge that God is the author of it.
- John Calvin
Collection: Christian
Image of Michael Emerson
Scripture is vast, and people can pick and choose what they emphasize, and so for hundreds of years verses that said that you are to welcome the stranger, that with Christ there's neither Jew nor Greek, male nor female, we've broken down the dividing wall with the original church, where Christians were first called Christian was the church of Antioch in which for the first time you had Jews, Gentiles of all different ethnicities come together as one people. That's when they were called Christians.
- Michael Emerson
Collection: Christian
Image of John Flavel
Afflictions have the same use and end to our souls, that frosty weather hath upon those clothes that are laid and bleaching, they alter the hue and make them white.
- John Flavel
Collection: Christian
Image of John Flavel
How often has providence convinced its observers, upon a sober recollection of the events of their lives, that if the Lord had left them to their own counsels they had as often been their own tormentors, if not executioners!
- John Flavel
Collection: Christian
Image of John Flavel
You may look upon some providences once and again, and see little or nothing in them, but look "seven times," that is, meditate often upon them, and you will see their increasing glory, like that increasing cloud (1 Kings 18:44).
- John Flavel
Collection: Christian
Image of John Flavel
Wrath to come implies both the futurity and perpetuity of this wrath.... Yea, it is not only certainly future, but when it comes it will be abiding wrath, or wrath still coming. When millions of years and ages are past and gone, this will still be wrath to come. Ever coming as a river ever flowing.
- John Flavel
Collection: Christian
Image of John Flavel
When the world smiles upon us, and we have got a warm nest, how do we prophesy of rest and peace in those acquisitions, thinking with good Baruch, great things for ourselves, but Providence by a particular or general calamity overturns our plans (Jer. 45:4,5), and all this to turn our hearts from the creature to God.
- John Flavel
Collection: Christian
Image of Ambrose
If it is "daily bread," why do you take it once a year? . . . Take daily what is to profit you daily. Live in such a way that you may deserve to receive it daily. He who does not deserve to receive it daily, does not deserve to receive it once a year.
- Ambrose
Collection: Christian
Image of Ambrose
The likeness of Your Church, O Lord, is that woman who went behind and touched the hem of Your garment, saying within herself: 'If I do but touch His garment I shall be whole' (Mt. 9:21). So the Church confesses her wounds, but desires to be healed.
- Ambrose
Collection: Christian
Image of Ambrose
If you offer fasting with humility and with mercy, your bones, as Isaiah said, shall be fat, and you shall be like a well-watered garden (cf. Isa. 58:11). So, then, your soul shall grow fat and its virtues also by the spiritual richness of fasting, and your fruits shall be multiplied by the fertility of your mind, so that there may be in you the inebriation of soberness, like that cup of which the Prophet says: 'Your cup which inebriates, how excellent it is' (Ps. 23:5 LXX)!
- Ambrose
Collection: Christian
Image of Oswald Chambers
One of the most difficult questions to answer in Christian work is, 'What do you expect to do?' You don't know what you are going to do. The only thing you know is that God knows what He is doing.......Hav e you been asking what God is going to do? He will never tell you. God does not tell you what He is going to do. He reveals to you who he is.
- Oswald Chambers
Collection: Christian
Image of Oswald Chambers
As Christians we are not out for our own cause at all, we are out for the cause of God, which can never be our cause. We do not know what God is after, but we have to maintain our relationship with Him whatever happens.
- Oswald Chambers
Collection: Christian
Image of Oswald Chambers
Prayer is the answer to every problem there is.
- Oswald Chambers
Collection: Christian
Image of Oswald Chambers
Many of us have a mental conception of what a Christian should be, and the lives of the saints become a hindrance to our concentration on God.
- Oswald Chambers
Collection: Christian
Image of Oswald Chambers
The way to grow strong in Christ is to become weak in yourself.
- Oswald Chambers
Collection: Christian
Image of George Horace Lorimer
As the Christian's sorrows multiply, his patience grows, until, with sweet, unruffled quiet, he can confront the ills of life, and, though inwardly wincing, can calmly pursue his way to the restful grave, while his old, harsh voice is softly cadenced into sweetest melody, like the faint notes of an angel's whispered song. As patience deepens, charity and sympathy increase.
- George Horace Lorimer
Collection: Christian
Image of Gilbert K. Chesterton
We are Christians and Catholics not because we worship a key, but because we have passed a door; and felt the wind that is the trumpet of liberty blow over the land of the living.
- Gilbert K. Chesterton
Collection: Christian