Top Champion Quotes Collection - Page 2

Discover a curated collection of Champion quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 2 provides more Champion quotes.

Image of M. Leighton
I'll be peeing like a champion in no time
- M. Leighton
Collection: Champion
Image of Shannon Higgins-Cirovski
A Champion is all they can be in every facet of their lives. They prioritize what they need to get done. But for me it's someone who works every single day on being a better person.
- Shannon Higgins-Cirovski
Collection: Champion
Image of Vince Lombardi
Champions make their own luck.
- Vince Lombardi
Collection: Champion
Image of Freddie Roach
Most champions get satisfied and lazy or are content with themselves.
- Freddie Roach
Collection: Champion
Image of Steve Ilg
No champion has ever lifted a trophy that was not already being held inside.
- Steve Ilg
Collection: Champion
Image of Arthur Lydiard
There are champions everywhere. Every street's got them. All we need to do is train them properly.
- Arthur Lydiard
Collection: Champion
Image of Arthur Lydiard
Champions are everywhere, you just have to train them properly
- Arthur Lydiard
Collection: Champion
Image of Dan Marino
The will to prepare, the guts to risk, and the desire to be the best. These are trademarks of champions.
- Dan Marino
Collection: Champion
Image of Anthony Glees
Germany must continue to champion the world's biggest free single market, and under its leadership, the EU can overcome its internal differences.
- Anthony Glees
Collection: Champion
Image of Ann Wolfe
One thing I see in a lot of coaches is they try to live through the fighter. You can't live through the fighter. You gotta allow the fighter to be the fighter, and do what he do, and you just try to guide him. Why should I have to live through a fighter, when I went from eating out of a trashcan to being eight-time world champion? I stood in the limelight and did what I had to do as a fighter. I've been where that fighter is trying to go.
- Ann Wolfe
Collection: Champion
Image of Tomoki Kameda
Being a champion and staying that way is the most difficult thing to deal with. Everyone sees you as a target. They want to bring you down. I should always train in order to be at a higher level. Other fighters are training hard as well. I have to be a step or more ahead.
- Tomoki Kameda
Collection: Champion
Image of Tomoki Kameda
Being a champion and staying that way is the most difficult thing to deal with. Everyone sees you as a target. They want to bring you down.
- Tomoki Kameda
Collection: Champion
Image of Sadiq Khan
What London wants is a champion, a fighter for London. It doesn't want a patsy of George Osborne or David Cameron.
- Sadiq Khan
Collection: Champion
Image of Kanye West
I'm a champion, so I turn tragedy to triumph.
- Kanye West
Collection: Champion
Image of Cristiano Ronaldo
The last time I cry was when I won the champions. It was one of the best moments in my life.
- Cristiano Ronaldo
Collection: Champion
Image of Katy Perry
Cause I am a champion, and you're gonna hear me roar
- Katy Perry
Collection: Champion
Image of Pat Summitt
There is an old saying: a champion is someone who is willing to be uncomfortable.
- Pat Summitt
Collection: Champion
Image of Aimee Mullins
The Pentagon isn't a place that champions individuality and innovation.
- Aimee Mullins
Collection: Champion
Image of David Sedaris
Paul Rudnick is a champion of truth (and love and great wicked humor) whom we ignore at our peril.
- David Sedaris
Collection: Champion
Image of Salman Rushdie
For a fellow who's not to much to look at, you have the instincts of a champion.
- Salman Rushdie
Collection: Champion
Image of Zig Ziglar
Check the records; there has never been an undisciplined person who was a champion. Regardless of the field of endeavor, you'll find this to be true.
- Zig Ziglar
Collection: Champion
Image of Murray Rothbard
It is particularly odd that economists who profess to be champions of a free-market economy, should go to such twists and turns to avoid facing the plain fact: that gold, that scarce and valuable market-produced metal, has always been, and will continue to be, by far the best money for human society.
- Murray Rothbard
Collection: Champion
Image of Viswanathan Anand
Being the undisputed world champion is a relief. We instituted a unified chess title, I am the absolute world champion.
- Viswanathan Anand
Collection: Champion
Image of Peter Shaffer
I speak for all mediocrities in the world. I am their champion. I am their patron saint.
- Peter Shaffer
Collection: Champion
Image of Eric Thomas
Champions keep going when they don't have anything left in their tank!
- Eric Thomas
Collection: Champion
Image of Jim Courier
There's plenty of anecdotal evidence that most champions are born into certain environments and encouraged early. Then, later on, they might get some assistance from their federations.
- Jim Courier
Collection: Champion
Image of William J. Clinton
History will remember Nelson Mandela as a champion for human dignity and freedom, for peace and reconciliation.
- William J. Clinton
Collection: Champion
Image of Hillary Clinton
What the champions of suffrage understood was that the vote is not just a symbol of our equality, but that it can be, if used, a guarantee of results.
- Hillary Clinton
Collection: Champion
Image of Robin Sharma
What makes a champion is not how elegantly you start, but how strongly you finish...!!
- Robin Sharma
Collection: Champion
Image of Denis Waitley
Champions never brag, never shout, never have to go to extremes to build themselves up for others or put others down. They let their actions, deeds, and results speak for them.
- Denis Waitley
Collection: Champion
Image of Llewellyn Rockwell
We like to imagine that in history, truth will prevail through sheer persuasive power. Sadly, this is not the case. Truth needs champions.
- Llewellyn Rockwell
Collection: Champion
Image of Hillary Clinton
Everyday Americans need a champion, and I want to be that champion.
- Hillary Clinton
Collection: Champion
Image of Muhammad Ali
It's possible for the heavyweight champion of the world to be with one woman.
- Muhammad Ali
Collection: Champion
Image of Winston Churchill
In Franklin Roosevelt there died the greatest American friend we have ever known - and the greatest champion of freedom who has ever brought help and comfort from the New World to the Old.
- Winston Churchill
Collection: Champion
Image of Hillary Clinton
For all the women - especially the young women, who put your faith in me - I want you to know that nothing has made me prouder than to be your champion.
- Hillary Clinton
Collection: Champion
Image of Lyoto Machida
This is one of the toughest divisions and I’m going to be champion.
- Lyoto Machida
Collection: Champion
Image of Kingsley Amis
Twentieth century music is like paedophilia. No matter how persuasively and persistently its champions urge their cause, it will never be accepted by the public at large, who will continue to regard it with incomprehension, outrage and repugnance.
- Kingsley Amis
Collection: Champion
Image of Jerry Lawler
What the Hell. In 1988, I was the AWA heavyweight champion and I never came to Milwaukee.
- Jerry Lawler
Collection: Champion
Image of Neko Case
I get outside a lot. I am a huge champion of physical activity. It's so important.
- Neko Case
Collection: Champion
Image of Ric Flair
To be the World Champion in 1981 was a huge honour.
- Ric Flair
Collection: Champion
Image of Bobby Fischer
FIDE has decided against my participation in the 1975 World Chess Champion title.
- Bobby Fischer
Collection: Champion
Image of Bobby Fischer
The system set up by F.I.D.E. ... Insures that there will always be a Russian world champion... The Russians arranged it that way.
- Bobby Fischer
Collection: Champion
Image of Conor McGregor
You don't get to be world champion unless you do that.
- Conor McGregor
Collection: Champion
Image of George Foreman
I'm the world heavyweight champion. I consider myself a citizen of the whole world.
- George Foreman
Collection: Champion
Image of Amy Goodman
Whether you vote for me or you don't vote for me, I really want to be your greatest champion. And I will be your champion, whether you vote for me or not.
- Amy Goodman
Collection: Champion
Image of Henry Hazlitt
Some champions of ever-greater governmental power and spending invent the theory that the taxpayers, left to themselves, spend the money they have earned very foolishly, on all sorts of trivialities and rubbish, and that only the bureaucrats, by first seizing it from them, will know how to spend it wisely.
- Henry Hazlitt
Collection: Champion
Image of Ace Hood
I wanted "Champion" to accompany that whole growth situation, 'cause I feel like, if you go overtime, you will become a champion.
- Ace Hood
Collection: Champion
Image of Thomas Jefferson
Nothing was or is farther from my intentions, than to enlist myself as the champion of a fixed opinion, where I have only expressed doubt.
- Thomas Jefferson
Collection: Champion
Image of Michael Jordan
Enjoy every minute of life. Never second-guess life.
- Michael Jordan
Collection: Champion