Top car Quotes Collection - Page 25

Discover a curated collection of car quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 25 provides more car quotes.

Image of Craig Finn
I don't have a problem rhyming "bar" with "car" - I do it all the time - but sometimes it doesn't feel right.
- Craig Finn
Collection: Car
Image of Henry Ford
I will build a car for the great multitude.
- Henry Ford
Collection: Car
Image of Frederick Lenz
If your power level gets low enough, you will die. You will get in a car accident. You will pick up a disease. That is why it is very important to keep your power level high, just to be a happy human being.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Car
Image of Henry Ford
The Model T blazed the way for the motor industry & started the movement for good roads everywhere. It is still the pioneer car in many parts of the world which are just beginning to be motorized.
- Henry Ford
Collection: Car
Image of Janet Evanovich
I have bad car juju." -Stephanie Plum
- Janet Evanovich
Collection: Car
Image of Jesse Eisenberg
Actually, acting in bumper cars is terrible, because the really only way to film it and get a close up is to literally mount the camera - this heavy thing on the car and it's just the worst because you can't act at all with a thing on the car.
- Jesse Eisenberg
Collection: Car
Image of Christopher Titus
My first car was a 1977 Oldsmobile Delta 88. Ugly car. More ugly on this car than a Rolling Stones group photo.
- Christopher Titus
Collection: Car
Image of Nikki Giovanni
And like an unfaithful mate, once a car has let you down you never sort of trust it again.
- Nikki Giovanni
Collection: Car
Image of Jeff Foxworthy
In my life, I have driven some crappy vehicles. But I have never been so desperate for a vehicle that I wanted a used rental car.
- Jeff Foxworthy
Collection: Car
Image of Dick Gregory
Eating liver out of a cow's body is like eating the filter out of a car.
- Dick Gregory
Collection: Car
Image of Dick Gregory
Once we used to have to crank up our cars, now you can pop it on from inside your house. Everything has changed except how we get freedom.
- Dick Gregory
Collection: Car
Image of Megan Fox
Every time I leave the house or we go anywhere, there is a paranoia. We always have to watch for specific cars and specific signs that we're being photographed.
- Megan Fox
Collection: Car
Image of Kelley Armstrong
I got to eavesdrop at a window. As Clay said, I did have another option. I could wait in the car and let them fill me in later. So, eavesdropping it was.
- Kelley Armstrong
Collection: Car
Image of John Green
Do you guys remember that time when we were all definitely going to die and then Ben grabbed the steering wheel and dodged a ginormous freaking cow and spun the car like the teacups at Disney World and we didn't die?
- John Green
Collection: Car
Image of Selena Gomez
My car is so bad, I hit poles I'm not kidding I hit things all the times, I hit bushes it's really bad.
- Selena Gomez
Collection: Car
Image of Noel Gallagher
I've got a fleet of cars and I've never had a driving license, ever.
- Noel Gallagher
Collection: Car
Image of Megan Fox
I've actually stopped tinting my windows because the paparazzi look for trucks and cars with supertinted windows.
- Megan Fox
Collection: Car
Image of Lindsey Graham
Most people are one car wreck away from needing somebody's help. So, I don't take anything for granted much anymore.
- Lindsey Graham
Collection: Car
Image of Stephen Hawking
If you lined up all the cars in the world end to end, someone would try to pass them.
- Stephen Hawking
Collection: Car
Image of John Hodgman
Traffic counting was very boring and cold to sit out on the streets of New Haven in five pairs of pants - well, that's an exaggeration; it was three pairs of pants - in November for hours and hours clicking buttons counting which cars go left, right, and forward.
- John Hodgman
Collection: Car
Image of W. H. Auden
The parlour cars and Pullmans are packed also with scented assassins, salad-eaters who murder on milk.
- W. H. Auden
Collection: Car
Image of Mehmet Murat Ildan
Trains, cars and every kind of vehicles do not only carry people, but they also carry people's heavy thoughts and hidden hopelessnesses.
- Mehmet Murat Ildan
Collection: Car
Image of Charlaine Harris
I felt like a car that had only been operated by one driver… a car its new prospective buyer was determined to take to the Daytona 500.
- Charlaine Harris
Collection: Car
Image of Joe Hill
Sooner or later a black car came for everyone.
- Joe Hill
Collection: Car
Image of Kehinde Wiley
I grew up in South Central Los Angeles, where people are in cars.
- Kehinde Wiley
Collection: Car
Image of Laurell K. Hamilton
I had been downright paranoid all afternoon, aware of everyone near me. By the time I went for the car, my neck and shoulders were knotted into one painful ache. The most frightening thing I'd seen all afternoon had been the prices on the designer clothing.
- Laurell K. Hamilton
Collection: Car
Image of Laurell K. Hamilton
Everything I needed was in my car, even the chickens
- Laurell K. Hamilton
Collection: Car
Image of Mehmet Murat Ildan
Be it a house, be it a car or be it a little motorbike, there is always a place for the family!
- Mehmet Murat Ildan
Collection: Car
Image of Homer
You know those balls that they put on car antennas so you can find them in the parking lot? Those should be on every car!
- Homer
Collection: Car
Image of Laurell K. Hamilton
I so wanted out of this conversation, but it was like a car accident: Once you started spinning, you could only wait and see what you hit.
- Laurell K. Hamilton
Collection: Car
Image of Steve Harvey
You don't just sit in the car and let some guy drive you through life, wasting your time.
- Steve Harvey
Collection: Car
Image of Marya Hornbacher
Madness will push you anywhere it wants. It never tells you where you're going, or why. It tells you it doesn't matter. It persuades you. It dangles something sparkly before you, shimmering like that water patch on the road up ahead. You will drive until you find it, the treasure, the thing you most desire. You will never find it. Madness may mock you so long you will die of the search. Or it will tire of you, turn its back, oblivious as you go flying. The car is beside you, smoking, belly-up, still spinning its wheels.
- Marya Hornbacher
Collection: Car
Image of Douglas Adams
My own strategy is to find a car, or the nearest equivalent, which looks as if it knows where it's going and follow it. I rarely end up where I was intending to go, but often I end up somewhere I needed to be.
- Douglas Adams
Collection: Car
Image of Douglas Adams
The available worlds looked pretty grim. They had little to offer him because he had little to offer them. He had been extremely chastened to realize that although he originally came from a world which had cars and computers and ballet and Armagnac, he didn't, by himself, know how any of it worked. He couldn't do it. Left to his own devices he couldn't build a toaster. He could just about make a sandwich and that was it.
- Douglas Adams
Collection: Car
Image of Michael Jackson
you give me fever from miles around ill pick you up in my car and well paint the toown
- Michael Jackson
Collection: Car
Image of Pico Iyer
It so often happens that somebody says 'change your life' and you repaint your car rather than re-wire the engine.
- Pico Iyer
Collection: Car
Image of Dwayne Johnson
I love driving the cool cars, but there is nothing like driving a pickup truck.
- Dwayne Johnson
Collection: Car
Image of Sherrilyn Kenyon
You better hope that I never see you walking down the street while I’m driving my car! (Tory)
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
Collection: Car
Image of Abbas Kiarostami
While shooting Ten I was sitting in the backseat, but I didn't interfere. Sometimes, I was following in another car, so I was not even present on the "set", because I thought they would work better in my absence.
- Abbas Kiarostami
Collection: Car
Image of Janet Jackson
I lose things all the time. I used to lose my license all the time before I put a place in my car for it.
- Janet Jackson
Collection: Car
Image of Kazuo Ishiguro
The fantasy never got beyond that—I didn’t let it—and though the tears rolled down my face, I wasn’t sobbing or out of control. I just waited a bit, then turned back to the car, to drive off to wherever it was I was supposed to be.
- Kazuo Ishiguro
Collection: Car
Image of Donna Karan
I meditate whenever I can. I can be in the back seat of a car or in between appointments.
- Donna Karan
Collection: Car
Image of Scott Ian
Theres a thousand other things I would rather spend money on than a car.
- Scott Ian
Collection: Car
Image of Garrison Keillor
Your car, comfort though it be, this little den and dining room on wheels, is a prison that deadens your senses, and to feel wholly alive you must go for a walk.
- Garrison Keillor
Collection: Car
Image of Robert James Thomson
When different generations of cars are combined into one train, it messes with the loudspeaker system.
- Robert James Thomson
Collection: Car
Image of J. G. Ballard
The car as we know it is on the way out.
- J. G. Ballard
Collection: Car
Image of John Lennon
Getting out of one car and getting into another
- John Lennon
Collection: Car
Image of Karl Lagerfeld
Nothing makes you look older than attempting to look young. You can fool anyone, apart from the young. The worst are the lip operations. There are people who have it done and I don't recognise them afterwards. They look like they flew through the windscreen during a car accident and were patched up badly afterwards.
- Karl Lagerfeld
Collection: Car
Image of Jay Leno
But the good news, the crime rate is down. Isn't that amazing? Less banks are being robbed. Well, sure. A, there's less banks. B, the banks don't have any money left. And C, nobody's got gas money for the getaway car. So, right there, crime is down!
- Jay Leno
Collection: Car