Top Block Quotes Collection - Page 6

Discover a curated collection of Block quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 6 provides more Block quotes.

Image of William Henry Vanderbilt
I have had no real gratification or enjoyment of any sort more than my neighbour on the next block who is worth only half a million.
- William Henry Vanderbilt
Collection: Block
Image of Burne Hogarth
There are three kinds of forms in the human figure: Ovoid forms - egg, ball and barrel masses; Column forms - cylinder, cone; Spatulate forms - box, slab and wedge blocks.
- Burne Hogarth
Collection: Block
Image of Phil Karn
Either lead or follow, but please don’t block the road for those who move forward
- Phil Karn
Collection: Block
Image of Marjo-Riikka Makela
Stage fright and acting blocks are just unfocused or misplaced energy. Everything is possible if you know how and where to focus to invite inspiration...Inspiration is a sensation in the body. It can be invited upon your will and willingness to experience it taking you over.
- Marjo-Riikka Makela
Collection: Block
Image of Hamid Karzai
The ongoing war in Afghanistan is being imposed on us, and Afghans are being sacrificed in it for someone else's interests. We are not blocking the interests of the United States or other major powers. But we are demanding that if you consider Afghanistan the place from which to advance your interests, then you should also pay attention to Afghanistan's interests.
- Hamid Karzai
Collection: Block
Image of Emmett Shear
This is true for most new products. The majority of people you're competing with are non-users. They are people who have never used your service before. And what they say is actually the most important. What they say is the thing that blocks you from expanding the size of your market with your features.
- Emmett Shear
Collection: Block
Image of Paul Keating
If you are sitting on the title of any block of land in New South Wales you can bet an Aboriginal person at some stage was dispossessed of it.
- Paul Keating
Collection: Block
Image of Michio Kaku
The most complex object in the known universe: brain, only uses 20 watts of power. It would require a nuclear power plant to energize a computer the size of a city block to mimic your brain, and your brain does it with just 20 watts. So if someone calls you a dim bulb, that's a compliment.
- Michio Kaku
Collection: Block
Image of Sadao Araki
A war minister is able to force the adoption of any measure desired by the Camp or to block any measure that meets his disapproval.
- Sadao Araki
Collection: Block
Image of Jon Fratelli
Some people talk of writer's block - you got all of these ideas but nothing happens. The truth is, there's no such thing as writer's block. It's to the degree that you want to write. The thing is that these things show up whenever they feel like it.
- Jon Fratelli
Collection: Block
Image of Patrick Wolf
Europe isn't something connected by the Euro. Every little dimension of Europe is so hugely different, and I think America is different in its states as well, so I never really think of things in big blocks, in terms of other artists.
- Patrick Wolf
Collection: Block
Image of Don Johnson
You can go one block to the next in San Francisco and get a completely different opinion of what the issue is.
- Don Johnson
Collection: Block
Image of Dick Enberg
On the air, it's as if somebody draws a heavy drape to block any bias. I don't even feel it inside. It's the same curtain that keeps you from swearing. I've known broadcasters who can't get one sentence out in normal conversation without being profane, and yet, they can go on the air and talk for three hours and never slip once.
- Dick Enberg
Collection: Block
Image of Abba Louisa Goold Woolson
A majority of women seem to consider themselves sent into the world for the sole purpose of displaying dry goods, and it is only when acting the part of an animated milliner's block that they feel they are performing their appropriate mission.
- Abba Louisa Goold Woolson
Collection: Block
Image of John Henry Holland
Particular individuals do not recur, but their building blocks do.
- John Henry Holland
Collection: Block
Image of John Henry Holland
When a new building block is discovered, the result is usually a range of innovations.
- John Henry Holland
Collection: Block
Image of John Henry Holland
This use of building blocks to generate internal models is a pervasive feature of complex adaptive systems.
- John Henry Holland
Collection: Block
Image of Grace Jones
This is depression, it comes when your blocking. This is expression it comes when you're rocking
- Grace Jones
Collection: Block
Image of Naveen Jain
Success doesn’t necessarily come from breakthrough innovation but from flawless execution. A great strategy alone won’t win a game or a battle; the win comes from basic blocking and tackling.
- Naveen Jain
Collection: Block
Image of Arthur Desmond
Women have ever been the stumbling block and betrayers of ambition.
- Arthur Desmond
Collection: Block
Image of Kenneth Frampton
From the Berlin tenement reform law of 1897 to H. P. Berlage's plan for Amsterdam South of 1917, designers and theorists in Germany and Holland moved toward the development of a perimeter residential block that would preserve the plastic continuity of the street while opening up the resultant courtyard for use as an enclosed semi-public space.
- Kenneth Frampton
Collection: Block
Image of Kenneth Keniston
The myth of self-sufficiency blinds us to the workings of other forces in family life. For families are not now, nor were they ever, the self-sufficient building blocks of society, exclusively responsible, praiseworthy, and blamable for their own destiny. They are deeply influenced by broad social and economic forces over which they have little control.
- Kenneth Keniston
Collection: Block
Image of Columbus Short
What dancing has helped me with is blocking; it makes me comfortable with my body. You know how to hit your mark, you know how to embody a swagger. But sitting down and looking across the table at another actor and being able to go to battle on screen is nothing to do with singing or dancing.
- Columbus Short
Collection: Block
Image of Lisa Yuskavage
It's easy to attack an artist as misogynist, but that's really such a facile epithet. And if an artist is constantly worrying about how others will judge a work, it can end up being a block to investigating certain areas of human nature or certain truths about sexuality.
- Lisa Yuskavage
Collection: Block
Image of Suki Waterhouse
Judging others blocks me from inner peace
- Suki Waterhouse
Collection: Block
Image of Christopher Lennertz
I actually prefer to work in as many different genres as possible as often as possible because I actually think the best way to be inspired and avoid any writers block or things like that is actually to be able to go from a comedy to an action to a horror to a adventure, that actually makes it easy for me to start over and get new ideas, and it keeps things interesting.
- Christopher Lennertz
Collection: Block
Image of John Musker
I mean, we were hearing music all the way through the islands. You know, we, when we visit the islands, of course since the islands have been churches have come down, there's a church every two blocks. And so there's music in all these different denominations. So we said, music's gotta play a big part of this movie [Maona] to really capture the culture.
- John Musker
Collection: Block
Image of Nita Leland
Smash creative blocks. Change the problem or sneak up on it from a different direction. Try something fresh - a new way with an old theme, a different point of view, unusual tool.
- Nita Leland
Collection: Block
Image of Ramin Bahrani
So much can be learned by any filmmaker by studying his work, in terms of blocking, staging, editing and sound.
- Ramin Bahrani
Collection: Block
Image of Letitia Elizabeth Landon
We are ourselves the stumbling-blocks in the way of our happiness. Place a common individual - by common, I mean with the common share of stupidity, custom, and discontent - place him in the garden of Eden, and he would not find it out unless he were told, and when told, he would not believe it.
- Letitia Elizabeth Landon
Collection: Block
Image of Kim Jee-woon
But when there were certain moments or scenes that required a very specific nuance or performance, I myself would act out the scene or the sequence and that would inspire the actors. Of course, I can't really express emotions on camera, but I was very active in showing a certain action or a blocking for an actor. I would also participate in certain stunts myself and because of that, I would get bruises or cuts on my knees and elbows.
- Kim Jee-woon
Collection: Block
Image of Edward Leedskalnin
I have discovered the secrets of the pyramids, and have found out how the Egyptians and the ancient builders in Peru, Yucatan and Asia, with only primitive tools, raised and set in place blocks of stone weighing many tons!
- Edward Leedskalnin
Collection: Block
Image of Stephin Merritt
Popular music of the last 50 years has failed to keep in step with advances in musical theater, namely Stephen Sondheim. But the two have grown apart so that popular music is based more than ever on a rhythmic grid that is irrelevant in musical theater. In popular music, words matter less and less. Especially now that it's so international, the fewer words the better. While theater music becomes more and more confined to a few blocks in midtown.
- Stephin Merritt
Collection: Block
Image of Mark Kozelek
Throughout my life, there's just periods when I write and periods when I don't. I don't feel like anything's really blocked. "Writer's block" sounds so dramatic and worrisome, and I don't worry about it. I know deep down that I'm a writer, and it's just a matter of time until it comes back, and when it does, it'll be good like it's always been.
- Mark Kozelek
Collection: Block
Image of Lester Bangs
A hero is a goddam stupid thing to have in the first place and a general block to anything you might wanta accomplish on your own.
- Lester Bangs
Collection: Block
Image of John Vanderslice
I like vinyl because it's not quite random access. You have to pick up the needle, flip the record. I do think that an 18-20 minute block of music is sacred, and I can see why it's catching on. I really don't know if it will stay, but it's such a bizarre world, I think it's possible.
- John Vanderslice
Collection: Block
Image of Kevin Moffett
Your field report might be the reason someone detoured six blocks, say, on their way to the chiropractor.
- Kevin Moffett
Collection: Block
Image of Christian Cooke
So many directors these days direct by design and shoehorn you into things - direction or blocking - that they had in mind previously. They're short on time and they want to get that over with so they can get onto the finer details of a play.
- Christian Cooke
Collection: Block
Image of Craig Gillespie
Everybody is talking and everybody is trying to block things out, but eventually you just yell, "Action!," everybody starts moving, the camera starts going, and you get a take.
- Craig Gillespie
Collection: Block
Image of Rick Heinrichs
I was working with actors who were very easy to work with, but I can just imagine how, with all the other decision-making problems that come up along the way, in addition to that, the whole point of what your doing is following performance and character development. You're building your story with those building blocks, and it is not easy. I've only come out with more respect for directors, from this.
- Rick Heinrichs
Collection: Block
Image of Decca Aitkenhead
One of the rather unedifying truths about grief is it does block out more or less everything. It has a solipsistic quality to it.
- Decca Aitkenhead
Collection: Block
Image of Mike Lowell
If you're good, you fail seventy percent of the time. You have to be mentally capable of blocking that out and keep going.
- Mike Lowell
Collection: Block
Image of Jeff Raz
The moment when I can see a student's block, name the challenge and watch them become fuller and more dynamic in front of their colleagues' eyes is as rich a moment in a boardroom as it is in a ring.
- Jeff Raz
Collection: Block
Image of Chris Hoy
I don't tend to listen to music in training, except maybe the radio in the gym. I do use music prior to racing though; it helps to fire me up plus it's good for blocking out the distractions around me.
- Chris Hoy
Collection: Block
Image of Robin Leach
It's the people who work hard and earn big that keep the machine tipping for everybody else. If everybody else was equal down the bottom rung of a ladder, nobody would be on the ladder at all because it would break and everybody would fall off backwards. So you need people at the top to help pull those people up from the bottom. You can't take that and swing to the right. You can't have everybody living in the same ordinary $60,000 house because you may as well live in Russia, Bulgaria or some other Eastern block Communist nation.
- Robin Leach
Collection: Block
Image of David Papineau
This doesn't show that there is anything wrong with our theoretical understanding, any more than the intuition that the Earth is at rest shows that there must be something theoretically wrong with Copernicanism, or the intuition that time is moving shows that there is something theoretically wrong with the block universe 'B series' view of change.
- David Papineau
Collection: Block
Image of Roy Conli
I so love the animation process. Interesting, everything that I do in animation, the kind of crafting and skills of storytelling, totally work within the structure of the Disney nature films. In a weird way, I like to think that animation is like painting, and Disney nature is like sculpting. Animation you start with a blank canvas and you paint. With Disney nature, you start with a big block of imagery and you hone it down into your final story. Somewhere you end up with something kind of pretty to watch.
- Roy Conli
Collection: Block
Image of Emily Barton
Maybe one of the reasons that I don't ever experience myself as having writer's block is I don't feel that I need to be producing every minute of every day.
- Emily Barton
Collection: Block
Image of Andie MacDowell
I try not to respond to trolls. I've learned blocking. If anybody is truly mean to me, or says something arrogant - don't respond, you'll only empower them. If you give them anything! So I'll block 'em. Or, if someone's annoying, but yet I still kind of like them, I mute them. Because they don't know! So then, it still looks like we're connected, but I don't have to listen.
- Andie MacDowell
Collection: Block