Top Block Quotes Collection - Page 4

Discover a curated collection of Block quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 4 provides more Block quotes.

Image of Rex W. Tillerson
I think continued actions by Bashar al-Assad clearly call into any question of him expecting to have any legitimacy to continue as the leader of Syria. With each of those actions, like attack with conventional weapons, barrel bombs and block humanitarian aid he really undermines his own legitimacy.
- Rex W. Tillerson
Collection: Block
Image of Kaskade
It's an honor for me to close out Mysteryland. In American music history this is hallowed ground. I think electronic music has a lot in common with the spirit of rock and roll and what Woodstock had going on at the time. We are kind of the new kids on the block and this music isn't accepted by everyone so we are still kind of getting into pop culture and I think its appropriate that this festival is here and kicking down the door.
- Kaskade
Collection: Block
Image of Apuleius
A Mercury is not made out of any block of wood.
- Apuleius
Collection: Block
Image of Floyd Abrams
The government would be able to go to court with respect to newspaper articles, broadcast pieces and the like that they thought were bad or harmful or even against the government and try to block them.
- Floyd Abrams
Collection: Block
Image of Matt Walsh
Truth only seems old fashioned nowadays because we've grown so accustomed to deceit and manipulation. But Truth is eternal, so it can never be old or new. It never 'was' or 'will be.' It just 'is.' It always 'is.' Truth never grows old, and if you believe in it and try to live by it, you will always be, in some ways - the only ways that matter - the youngest, freshest, most energetic rebel on the block.
- Matt Walsh
Collection: Block
Image of Mona Charen
Truth telling is the first building block of character -- a quality that seems to be getting rarer and rarer in all-forgiving America.
- Mona Charen
Collection: Block
Image of Styles P
I mean family is more important than anything in life. Family is important than my crew, D-Block, my rap career anything... It's the most important aspect of a person's life.
- Styles P
Collection: Block
Image of Styles P
I put that in my management's hands and my company's hands. We sit down all together, the family, D-Block, my management and I go build with KOCH, the distributor. You open up your own sites, you get your MySpace, you get your websites and get your little digital team on the side... and that's how you handle that.
- Styles P
Collection: Block
Image of K. Eric Drexler
...Local prohibitions cannot block advances in military and commercial technology... Democratic movements for local restraint can only restrain the world's democracies, not the world as a whole.
- K. Eric Drexler
Collection: Block
Image of Colleen O'Connor
Now [Sue Grafton] loves writer's block, seeing it as a message from the psyche that the narrative is headed in the wrong direction.
- Colleen O'Connor
Collection: Block
Image of Robin Pecknold
Sometimes I do get writer's block but it's more of a writer's doubt - I'll try and write but nothing goes anywhere because I start thinking everything sucks.
- Robin Pecknold
Collection: Block
Image of Diane Dreher
Remember the importance of small actions. They're the building blocks in the architecture of your life, the quiet victories you win for yourself each day.
- Diane Dreher
Collection: Block
Image of Juan Goytisolo
In the Europe which was created by the Second World War, divided into two blocks, each in need of a revolution that would end the abuses and injustices of capitalism and the privileges of a bureaucratic caste, collective faith does not exist.
- Juan Goytisolo
Collection: Block
Image of Karen Dawn
Many people will first be attracted to veganism for their health but find themselves far more open to learning about the animal issues when they don't have to block them out three times a day in order to enjoy eating. Then once people learn, it is hard to forget and go back. Come for the body, stay for the soul.
- Karen Dawn
Collection: Block
Image of Sarah Shun-lien Bynum
A deeply felt novel . . . The Story of Forgetting offers us both solace and illumination. Stefan Merrill Block possesses a singular mix of imagination, compassion, and scientific understanding; he is equally gifted at spinning fantastic tales as he is at bringing genetic histories to vivid life.
- Sarah Shun-lien Bynum
Collection: Block
Image of John Nettles
I suppose I'm not quite the oldest detective on the block - David Jason is. When's he going to retire and give rest of us a chance?! No, his Touch Of Frost is terrific and a wonderful antidote to the po-faced detective shows around at the moment. Anyway, I can't retire. I have a wife and five chickens to feed.
- John Nettles
Collection: Block
Image of Frank Pallone
House passes #dadt (don't ask don't tell) repeal. A step fwd on equality 4 gay Americans in military. History will judge those who tried 2 block passage on this.
- Frank Pallone
Collection: Block
Image of Colson Whitehead
The thing I love about New York is getting lost but not worrying, just wandering and wandering, knowing that there's always a subway only ten blocks away in any direction. There's always a new neighborhood to discover, a new place to lose your bearings in, and yet however alien it seems you can escape. You can always get a cab. All of life's problems can be solved by hailing a cab.
- Colson Whitehead
Collection: Block
Image of Gary Carter
Load up your mind with pictures capturing your preferred tomorrow. Put the remembrances of the past in a place where they won't block your view.
- Gary Carter
Collection: Block
Image of Vinnie Paz
Yo, I'm god incarnate. From the grimiest back blocks. Pazienza lyrical equivalent of Sasquatch
- Vinnie Paz
Collection: Block
Image of Joey Harrington
We're still as confident, as optimistic as we ever were. You know we hit a little stumbling block here, but I think it's going to be good for us because we can learn from it.
- Joey Harrington
Collection: Block
Image of Mark Lawrence
We’re built of contradictions, all of us. It’s those opposing forces that give us strength, like an arch, each block pressing the next. Give me a man whose parts are all aligned in agreement and I’ll show you madness. We walk a narrow path, insanity to each side. A man without contradictions to balance him will soon veer off.
- Mark Lawrence
Collection: Block
Image of Taylor Stevens
Munroe stared at the sky. Cursed her weakness, her inability to block out what it would mean to knowingly deliver the innocent into the same hell that had birthed her to life. In this moment of decision she condemned to death the one she would risk anything to save. To the night, Munroe whispered good-bye. Opened the floodgates to Gehenna-that place of the wicked, that place of the dead-and here in this deserted spot, she buried her soul.
- Taylor Stevens
Collection: Block
Image of Dave Cook
He was skinning a bear. I was terrified at first, because the corpse resembled a naked man quartered between two trees. He'd created a deadfall trap over some big talus blocks and the bear had fallen in. He used the skin for something and jerked the meat. If it wasn't astonishing enough behavior in a national park, the next day he made donuts, using bear fat for grease ! Surely, by now, he's created an empire somewhere in the world.
- Dave Cook
Collection: Block
Image of Jennifer Egan
I haven’t had trouble with writer’s block. I think it’s because my process involves writing very badly. My first drafts are filled with lurching, clichéd writing, outright flailing around. Writing that doesn’t have a good voice or any voice. But then there will be good moments. It seems writer’s block is often a dislike of writing badly and waiting for writing better to happen.
- Jennifer Egan
Collection: Block
Image of Kirk Douglas
The biggest lie is the lie we tell ourselves in the distorted visions we have of ourselves, blocking out some sections, enhancing others. What remains are not the cold facts of life, but how we perceive them. That's really who we are.
- Kirk Douglas
Collection: Block
Image of Kasey Keller
John Terry is the perfect skipper. It's obvious Chelsea means everything to him. When he makes those last ditch blocks, team-mates can't help but be inspired.
- Kasey Keller
Collection: Block
Image of Brad Goreski
Color-blocking two bold shades feels so modern.
- Brad Goreski
Collection: Block
Image of Giada De Laurentiis
For a healthy alternative to buffalo wings, slide the bone of a human finger into a block of tofu and bake.
- Giada De Laurentiis
Collection: Block
Image of Dave Sim
It's very dangerous to pretend to be open-minded when you're the exact opposite. I think feminists are only making it worse by blocking out all other viewpoints but their own, only reading their own propaganda and only associating with each other.
- Dave Sim
Collection: Block
Image of Aaron Rodgers
I think you can train yourself to block out some of that pressure and replace it with confidence. It's about preparation, and the more prepared I am, the less pressure I feel and the more confident I am. As your confidence grows, it's only natural that the pressure you feel diminishes.
- Aaron Rodgers
Collection: Block
Image of Christopher Bram
It's often said that writers sometimes need to go around the block a few times to get where they're going.
- Christopher Bram
Collection: Block
Image of Mark Rubinstein
Listening is crucial for any novelist. Stories & ideas abound. We too often talk about ourselves & block out the richness others may offer.
- Mark Rubinstein
Collection: Block
Image of Ben Folds
I don't leave my neighborhood. I don't go anywhere. There are four blocks I live in and there are two coffee shops, one at each end of the block... so I don't do much driving... Some people would say they never see me because I don't go anywhere. I stay in the blue state of Nashville, in my bubble.
- Ben Folds
Collection: Block
Image of Margaret Carlson
As a columnist, I realize that whatever amount of corruption I expose, half my readers will block it out, although they may get a frisson of joy in the process.
- Margaret Carlson
Collection: Block
Image of Carl Andre
What do little kids do? They crawl on the floor and they build with blocks. I just continued to do that for the rest of my life.
- Carl Andre
Collection: Block
Image of Carl Andre
Why carve? It's a better sculpture that way. I'll never improve the block. So I just started using uncarved blocks.
- Carl Andre
Collection: Block
Image of Frantz Fanon
The basic confrontation which seemed to be colonialism versus anti-colonialism, indeed capitalism versus socialism, is already losing its importance. What matters today, the issue which blocks the horizon, is the need for a redistribution of wealth. Humanity will have to address this question, no matter how devastating the consequences may be.
- Frantz Fanon
Collection: Block
Image of PJ Ladd
Respect the building blocks, master the fundamentals, and the potential is unlimited
- PJ Ladd
Collection: Block
Image of Steven Sample
Congenital naysayers are among the greatest stumbling blocks to thinking free. Rather than imagining how a new idea might possibly work, they instinctively think of all the reasons why it won't. They sincerely believe that they are doing everyone a favor by reducing the amount of time spent on bad or foolish ideas. But what they really do is undermine the creativity that can be harvested from thinking free.
- Steven Sample
Collection: Block
Image of Marc Webb
I think it's really important, when you're redefining a character [ Spider-Man], for the audience to experience things that they haven't experienced, from the ground up. I wanted to build a character. I feel like point of view is a really crucial thing in the story, and that you need to build up the emotional building blocks, so that you can experience all the other emotions in a very specific way, rather than just experiencing it in an intellectual way.
- Marc Webb
Collection: Block
Image of Michael Anti
Chinese national Internet policy is very simple: Block and clone.
- Michael Anti
Collection: Block
Image of Kirk Ferentz
Getting to the linebackers is difficult. Blocking them is another challenge.
- Kirk Ferentz
Collection: Block
Image of Victor Papanek
We live in a society that penalizes highly creative individuals for their non-conformist autonomy. This makes the teaching of problem solving in design both discouraging and difficult. A...student (has) massive blocks against new ways of thinking, engendered by some 16 years of mis-education.
- Victor Papanek
Collection: Block
Image of Aesop Rock
The alleycats manipulate the blocks with gutter magic
- Aesop Rock
Collection: Block
Image of Eric Voegelin
The constancies and equivalences adumbrated work havoc with such settled topical blocks as myth and philosophy, natural reason and revelation, philosophy and religion, or the Orient with its cyclical time and Christianity with its linear history. And what is modem about the modem mind, one may ask, if Hegel, Comte, or Marx, in order to create an image of history that will support their ideological imperialism, still use the same techniques for distorting the reality of history as their Sumerian predecessors?
- Eric Voegelin
Collection: Block
Image of Henry Manne
Why should antitrust laws be used to block mergers that the market, by the existence of willing buyers and sellers, shows to be desirable?
- Henry Manne
Collection: Block