Chris Hoy

Image of Chris Hoy
As a sports person there is definitely a responsibility to be a good role model.
- Chris Hoy
Collection: Sports
Image of Chris Hoy
For Le Mans, you still have to keep fit, it's endurance. It's a different type of fitness. You want to actually fit in the car - the seats are ridiculously small.
- Chris Hoy
Collection: Fitness
Image of Chris Hoy
My big travel bugbear is Manchester Airport because getting through Terminal Three, as I have to do quite a lot, is a nightmare.
- Chris Hoy
Collection: Travel
Image of Chris Hoy
Cycling taught me to recognize that mental health is on a sliding scale. Some days you are up and some days you are down.
- Chris Hoy
Collection: Health
Image of Chris Hoy
Those lactate sessions were the worst. I'd be in a lab on a turbo trainer and I'd do four 30-second efforts at 100 percent effort.
- Chris Hoy
Image of Chris Hoy
It sounds so innocuous but the difference between 99 percent and 100 percent is huge. You can finish at 99 percent and you'll be hurting but if you push a tiny bit more - and that's the bit that makes the difference to your training - your legs just grind to a halt. It's like your engine is seizing up.
- Chris Hoy
Image of Chris Hoy
I've become Olympic champion six times and I've never taken a performance-enhancing drug in my life, but I was lucky in that I never even had the choice. I never had pressure and I never had a person come to me saying, 'You should do this.'
- Chris Hoy
Image of Chris Hoy
I'm a bit rubbish at everything apart from cycling.
- Chris Hoy
Image of Chris Hoy
I'm lucky not to have suffered any severe problems with my mental health but there have been lows, like when Callum was born prematurely and had to spend so much time in hospital.
- Chris Hoy
Image of Chris Hoy
There are days when we will all feel a bit down but that doesn't mean you have bad mental health. Recognizing this and being able to chat to others about your feelings is key.
- Chris Hoy
Image of Chris Hoy
My predictable stable routine completely changed once I retired. I went from a regimented and vigorous daily training program to a routine where every day was different.
- Chris Hoy
Image of Chris Hoy
I was trying to break world records in cycling.
- Chris Hoy
Image of Chris Hoy
I've been to Florida, Texas and California in the States, but New York is the place I really want to visit.
- Chris Hoy
Image of Chris Hoy
I've said numerous times how proud I am to be Scottish and how proud I have been to compete for Britain, too, and I don't think these two things necessarily have to be mutually exclusive.
- Chris Hoy
Image of Chris Hoy
Certainly for me the Commonwealth Games were fantastic to compete in and I genuinely have so many great memories of the three I went to.
- Chris Hoy
Image of Chris Hoy
It is an important competition and I certainly rate my gold medals at the Commonwealth Games right up there with my world titles and my Olympic titles.
- Chris Hoy
Image of Chris Hoy
Kuala Lumpur was my first ever multi-sports games. I didn't do very well but the experience and enjoyment I had of those games really made me realize how much work I had to do and inspired me to work harder for the Sydney Olympics.
- Chris Hoy
Image of Chris Hoy
The Manchester games in 2002 was the breakthrough for me because I won my first individual Gold medal and that gave me the confidence to maybe think I could be a world beater.
- Chris Hoy
Image of Chris Hoy
As the lead rider in the team you always have to keep your eyes on the team you're pursuing - it's called the pursuit for good reason.
- Chris Hoy
Image of Chris Hoy
My advice is before a big ride, eat a meal 2 hours or so before, to allow you to digest and process it, and without being crude, try to get to the toilet before.
- Chris Hoy
Image of Chris Hoy
As a sprinter, body weight was never an issue for me, not like the long distance riders who have to be so careful.
- Chris Hoy
Image of Chris Hoy
Well, having a pint is not going to stop you from winning a gold medal, but for me the question was 'is this going to help me win a gold medal?' if the answer was no, I'd cut it.
- Chris Hoy
Image of Chris Hoy
After the Olympics I was going to a lot of functions and found that if I was eating badly my energy levels dropped.
- Chris Hoy
Image of Chris Hoy
Whether you are aware of it or not, if you eat right then you are giving yourself the best chance of defending against illness.
- Chris Hoy
Image of Chris Hoy
Getting fit and eating well doesn't always seem easy. But at the end of day when you start to see a difference, you will feel a sense of achievement and accomplishment.
- Chris Hoy
Image of Chris Hoy
If you adapt your diet and exercise regime gradually you can keep it up long term. Often people begin with a big push and burn out quickly. Don't suddenly go mad a week before your holiday. Start early and build up slowly: you'll feel the benefits much more.
- Chris Hoy
Image of Chris Hoy
A lot of my training focused not just on the exercise but my diet.
- Chris Hoy
Image of Chris Hoy
I just hope I can inspire young people and get more people into cycling.
- Chris Hoy
Image of Chris Hoy
I'm not saying having one pint will stop you from winning but you don't want to finish a race disappointed with your performance and then remember that beer you had one day.
- Chris Hoy
Image of Chris Hoy
I'm writing kid's books, I'm doing endurance racing with Le Mans and designing bikes. I've also got my own range of cycling clothing.
- Chris Hoy
Image of Chris Hoy
I might only have half an hour when I get home after a long day, and the last thing I want to do is exercise. But you feel if you don't do that, tomorrow you're going to miss it again.
- Chris Hoy
Image of Chris Hoy
If I don't do anything for two or three days in a row, I feel really grumpy. My mood changes.
- Chris Hoy
Image of Chris Hoy
It doesn't matter what your target is, write down your goal and then plan how you are going to achieve it.
- Chris Hoy
Image of Chris Hoy
Focusing on the long-term goal can be disheartening when you're so far away from it, so it's vital to have ongoing targets on a daily, weekly and monthly basis.
- Chris Hoy
Image of Chris Hoy
The uptake of people getting involved in cycling is partly down to the big success the team has had in the Tour de France, the Olympics and the World Championships.
- Chris Hoy
Image of Chris Hoy
You know how hard you work. You know what you put into it. You want to win more than anything else. So the disappointment at the end is not because of anything other than being frustrated with yourself.
- Chris Hoy
Image of Chris Hoy
Investment is crucial but it's just the start. You look at some of the nations that have massive budgets but don't perform, then there are smaller nations who don't have massive budgets and can still get a reasonable medal count.
- Chris Hoy
Image of Chris Hoy
If you stop and think about it before you compete, you would freeze. If you think about the millions of people watching, the expectation, the consequences of winning, of losing, it's a massive moment in your life.
- Chris Hoy
Image of Chris Hoy
As an elite athlete, I trained to win. Training was at times brutal - it has to be when you want to represent your country and to be the world's best.
- Chris Hoy
Image of Chris Hoy
The Tour de France is a different kettle of fish to what I do, but it doesn't matter what you do - if you're on two wheels you do the best you can and do it clean.
- Chris Hoy
Image of Chris Hoy
I have had an amazing life traveling the world and competing, doing what I love.
- Chris Hoy
Image of Chris Hoy
I am sure in the long run cycling will continue to grow and flourish - not just in the U.K. but all around the world.
- Chris Hoy
Image of Chris Hoy
For me, the most important consideration is to choose attire that is functional, but looks stylish too. That means going for colors that are understated and use smart fabrics.
- Chris Hoy
Image of Chris Hoy
Scottish people don't take themselves too seriously. I think you have to be like that when you're from a place where the weather is bad.
- Chris Hoy
Image of Chris Hoy
I used to build ramps in my back garden. It was more about having a bit of fun than racing.
- Chris Hoy
Image of Chris Hoy
I loved going to our winter training camps in Perth, Western Australia, when I was competing as a cyclist.
- Chris Hoy
Image of Chris Hoy
If you don't have a massage therapist on hand, then a foam roller can do the work instead.
- Chris Hoy
Image of Chris Hoy
Every organization has a responsibility to stamp out bullying and discrimination. From what I read and understand through various conversations, British Cycling recognize they've fallen short in a number of areas.
- Chris Hoy
Image of Chris Hoy
Thai food became one of my favorite types of food, it's so delicious, and when you finish a meal it's a double whammy; it tasted great and was pretty healthy.
- Chris Hoy
Image of Chris Hoy
I was six when I saw 'ET.' It changed my life. I wasn't interested in cycling at all before.
- Chris Hoy