Top beautiful Quotes Collection - Page 3

Discover a curated collection of beautiful quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 3 provides more beautiful quotes.

Image of Elijah Wood
[Macon Blair] wrote a beautiful - once it was kicking off and we were gonna make the movie - he sent me this really beautiful document on Tony [from "I Don't Feel at Home in This World Anymore" ]. It was like ruminations. "Maybe this ... I don't know ..." And I loved it.
- Elijah Wood
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Octave Mirbeau
As soon as I find myself in the presence of a rich man, I cannot help looking upon him as an exceptional and beautiful being, as a sort of marvellous divinity, and, in spite of myself, surmounting my will and my reason, I feel rising, from the depths of my being, toward this rich man, who is very often an imbecile, and sometimes a murderer, something like an incense of admiration. Is it not stupid? And why? Why?
- Octave Mirbeau
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Peggy Noonan
Naps are nature's way of reminding you that life is nice, like a beautiful swinging hammock strung between birth and infinity.
- Peggy Noonan
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Katrina Kenison
Stay focused on what is beautiful and abundant even as illness carves more and more of what you love away
- Katrina Kenison
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Katrina Kenison
When we focus on what is good and beautiful in someone, whether or not we think that they "deserve" it, the good and beautiful are strengthened merely by the light of our attention.
- Katrina Kenison
Collection: Beautiful
Image of David Wong
In fact, our need to feel like big shots keeps us wedded to inadequate perspectives on the world, keeps us from exploring and dealing with what doesn't fit into those perspectives. We should be trying to formulate a bigger, richer perspective to accommodate what doesn't fit, but no matter how beautiful and true that new perspective looks to us, we should always be prepared to acknowledge that it doesn't accommodate something we haven't yet confronted.
- David Wong
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Teresa Palmer
Life is way too short to be focused on scales, weight and cellulite. If you can look in the mirror and know that you're a beautiful, loving, friendly person who's good to people, that'll ultimately make you shine on the outside.
- Teresa Palmer
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Thorstein Veblen
The requirement of conspicuous wastefulness is... present as a constraining norm selectively shaping and sustaining our sense of what is beautiful.
- Thorstein Veblen
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Walt Whitman
The earth is rude, silent, incomprehensible at first; Be not discouraged - keep on - there are divine things, well envelop'd; I swear to you there are divine things more beautiful than words can tell.
- Walt Whitman
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Walt Whitman
Peace is always beautiful.
- Walt Whitman
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Olivia Wilde
A real feminist doesn't apologize for her beauty. You can be a sexy, beautiful woman and be the smartest person in the room.
- Olivia Wilde
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Donald Trump
You know, it really doesn`t matter what the media write as long as you`ve got a young and beautiful piece of ass.
- Donald Trump
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Donald Trump
My fingers are long and beautiful, as, it has been well been documented, are various other parts of my body.
- Donald Trump
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Zona Gale
I tell you of all history the most beautiful product is the family tie.
- Zona Gale
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Jane Rule
Now that our sexual experience is increasingly available to us as a subject for contemplation, we have to extend our language to express our new consciousness until we have as many words for sexuality as the Eskimo has for snow, that pervasive, beautiful, and mortal climate in which we all live.
- Jane Rule
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Benito Mussolini
Democracy is talking itself to death. The people do not know what they want; they do not know what is the best for them. There is too much foolishness, too much lost motion. I have stopped the talk and the nonsense. I am a man of action. Democracy is beautiful in theory; in practice it is a fallacy. You in America will see that some day.
- Benito Mussolini
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Michael Thomas Ford
One time Allie and I skipped school and went to see this foreign film called Los Diablos, where these villagers found a glowing blue ball and peeled pieces off of it to see what was inside. Only the ball was really radioactive, and they all died from the poison. I think that’s what happens when you look too deep inside for the truth. The poison comes out, and you die, even though you have beautiful glowing pieces of blue truth in your fingers.
- Michael Thomas Ford
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Jill Bolte Taylor
I am the life-force power of the universe. I am the life-force power of the 50 trillion beautiful molecular geniuses that make up my form, at one with all that is.
- Jill Bolte Taylor
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Shin Kyung-sook
We may be the protagonists of tragedy, but we are also the heroes of our most beautiful and thrilling experiences.
- Shin Kyung-sook
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Dylan Thomas
My tears are like the quiet drift of petals from some magic rose; and all my grief flows from the rift of unremembered skies and snows. I think that if I touched the earth, it would crumble; it is so sad and beautiful, so tremulously like a dream.
- Dylan Thomas
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Jeanne Moreau
Life is given to you like a flat piece of land and everything has to be done. I hope that when I'm finished, my piece of land will be a beautiful garden.
- Jeanne Moreau
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Alexander Theroux
September: it was the most beautiful of words, he’d always felt, evoking orange-flowers, swallows, and regret.
- Alexander Theroux
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Karen Russell
Mythology is a really beautiful vocabulary passed down through centuries that helps us understand the perennial parts of our nature.
- Karen Russell
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Michel de Certeau
They become liberated spaces that can be occupied. A rich indetermination gives them, by means of a semantic rarefaction, the function of articulating a second, poetic geography on top of the geography of the literal, forbidden or permitted meaning. They insinuate other routes into the functionalist and historical order of movement. Walking follows them: 'I fill this great empty space with a beautiful name.'
- Michel de Certeau
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Olive Schreiner
Ones real deathless wealth is all the beautiful souls one has seen and spiritually touched.
- Olive Schreiner
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Olive Schreiner
There's something so beautiful in coming on one's very inmost thoughts in another. In one way it is one of the greatest pleasures one has.
- Olive Schreiner
Collection: Beautiful
Image of David Rakoff
But if one's dreams having to come true was the only referendum on whether they were beautiful, or worth dreaming, well then, no one would wish for anything. And that would be so much sadder.
- David Rakoff
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Edward Tufte
Design isn't crafting a beautiful, textured button with breathtaking animation. It's figuring out if there's a way to get rid of the button altogether.
- Edward Tufte
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Zbigniew Herbert
I thank You Lord for creating the world beautiful and various and if this is Your seduction I am seduced for good and past all forgiveness
- Zbigniew Herbert
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Sharon Tate
I'd like to be an American Catherine Deneuve. She plays beautiful, sensitive, deep parts with a little bit of intelligence behind them.
- Sharon Tate
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Katherine Neville
The laws of chess are as beautiful as those governing the universe - and as deadly.
- Katherine Neville
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Ashlee Simpson
Everyone is made differently and that's what makes us beautiful and unique. I want girls to look in the mirror and feel confident.
- Ashlee Simpson
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Daphne Gottlieb
I was 14 and madly in love for the first time. He was 21. He made me suddenly, unaccustomedly beautiful with his kisses and mix tapes. During the year of elation and longing, he never mentioned that he had a girlfriend who lived across the street.
- Daphne Gottlieb
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Ismail Kadaré
I could not understand how people could not like something as beautiful as the aerodrome. But I had lately become convinced that in general people were pretty boring. They liked to moan for hours on end about how hard it was to make ends meet, about the money they owed, the price of food, and other similar worries, but the minute some more brilliant or attractive subject come up, they were struck deaf.
- Ismail Kadaré
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Neil Strauss
A lot of guys are very intimidated by an attractive woman, and they dehumanise her because our culture perceives beautiful women as commodities. But I think if you're able walk up to a person and get to know them, and you see their flaws and their impurities, and realise that they're like you, then you can humanise them again.
- Neil Strauss
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Shay Mitchell
Growing up, I wish I hadn't tried so hard to fit in. I'd tell myself to just embrace what you were born with because it's beautiful and you were made like that for a reason.
- Shay Mitchell
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Shay Mitchell
Why would I try to change who I look like, what my race is? No. No no no. You are beautiful because that’s the skin you were born with. Love it. And be proud of it.
- Shay Mitchell
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Shay Mitchell
I love colorful things. I think the world is so beautiful because of all the different colors. With my feed, I really like it to be a rainbow effect, very colorful and vibrant, and just showing happy moments.
- Shay Mitchell
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Dar Williams
Some of us have such incredible things that can keep us from acting. We have the luxury of drinking such good wine, and having such good information at our fingertips. I can look up anything on my computer. And I can call any friend at the drop of a hat on my cell phone. And I can have beautiful clothing and great food in a world where people are being tortured. I have some responsibility for that.
- Dar Williams
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Sarah Zettel
I did not feel I could create a more beautiful or interesting Mars than Kim Stanley Robinson or Greg Bear had, so I turned my attention elsewhere.
- Sarah Zettel
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Ellen Page
I don’t believe in eye-for-an-eye. The most incredible, sustainable, beautiful movements have been non-violent movements of civil disobedience.
- Ellen Page
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Jeffrey Bernard
They smoke cigarettes professionally. The smoke is inhaled very sharply and the teeth are bared.Then the head turns to give you a profile and the smoke is exhaled slowly and deliberately and the grey jet stream becomes a beautiful blue cloud of smoke.What are they trying to tell us?
- Jeffrey Bernard
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Enid Blyton
Soon they were all sitting on the rocky ledge, which was still warm, watching the sun go down into the lake. It was the most beautiful evening, with the lake as blue as a cornflower and the sky flecked with rosy clouds. They held their hard-boiled eggs in one hand and a piece of bread and butter in the other, munching happily. There was a dish of salt for everyone to dip their eggs into. ‘I don’t know why, but the meals we have on picnics always taste so much nicer than the ones we have indoors,’ said George.
- Enid Blyton
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Enid Blyton
The little island seemed to float on the dark lake-waters. Trees grew on it, and a little hill rose in the middle of it. It was a mysterious island, lonely and beautiful. All the children stood and gazed at it, loving it and longing to go to it. It looked so secret - almost magic.
- Enid Blyton
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Louis Tomlinson
Fans always tell me I'm beautiful, but no one will ever be as beautiful as them
- Louis Tomlinson
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Sharon Osbourne
I don't view myself as a sex symbol. I think beautiful people come from within and that's how I look at it. I'm definitely not sexy.
- Sharon Osbourne
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Cate Blanchett
I don't think about being beautiful or not being beautiful. ... It's more about feeling confident inside your own skin really and thinking about yourself as little as possible.
- Cate Blanchett
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Thomas Reid
For the perception of the beautiful we have the term "taste"--a metaphor taken from that which is passive in the body and transferred to that which is active in the mind.
- Thomas Reid
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Chogyam Trungpa
Real fearlessness is the product of tenderness. It comes from letting the world tickle your heart, your raw and beautiful heart. You are willing to open up, without resistance or shyness, and face the world. You are willing to share your heart with others.
- Chogyam Trungpa
Collection: Beautiful