Zbigniew Herbert

Image of Zbigniew Herbert
No time to grieve for roses when the forests are burning.
- Zbigniew Herbert
Collection: Grief
Image of Zbigniew Herbert
I turn to history not for lessons but to confront my experience with the experience of others and to win for myself a sense of responsibility for the state of the human conscience.
- Zbigniew Herbert
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Zbigniew Herbert
Study the world's skin before you set out to look for its heart.
- Zbigniew Herbert
Collection: Heart
Image of Zbigniew Herbert
Be courageous when the mind deceives you Be courageous In the final account only this is important
- Zbigniew Herbert
Collection: Mind
Image of Zbigniew Herbert
Even if we love someone very much, at times it happens that we forget about it.
- Zbigniew Herbert
Collection: Forget
Image of Zbigniew Herbert
Inanimate objects are always correct and cannot, unfortunately, be reproached with anything. I have never observed a chair shift from one foot to another, or a bed rear on its hind legs. And tables, even when they are tired, will not dare to bend their knees. I suspect that objects do this from pedagogical considerations, to reprove us constantly for our instability.
- Zbigniew Herbert
Collection: Tired
Image of Zbigniew Herbert
I could write a treatise on the sudden transformation of life into archaeology
- Zbigniew Herbert
Collection: Writing
Image of Zbigniew Herbert
The dead have need of fairy tales too.
- Zbigniew Herbert
Collection: Needs
Image of Zbigniew Herbert
forgive me also that I didn't fight like Lord Byron for the happiness of captive peoples that I watched only risings of the moon and museums
- Zbigniew Herbert
Collection: Fighting
Image of Zbigniew Herbert
I thank You Lord for creating the world beautiful and various and if this is Your seduction I am seduced for good and past all forgiveness
- Zbigniew Herbert
Collection: Beautiful