Top Axes Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Axes quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Peter Tosh
Soon the earth will tilt on its axis and begin to dance to the reggae beat to the accompaniment of earthquake. And who can resist the dance of the earthquake, mon?
- Peter Tosh
Collection: Axes
Image of Jeremy Narby
According to Eliade, the shamanic ladder is the earliest version of the idea of an axis of the world, which connects the different levels of the cosmos, and is found in numerous creation myths in the form of a tree.
- Jeremy Narby
Collection: Axes
Image of Reginald Heber
No hammers fell, no ponderous axes rung,Like some tall palm the mystic fabric sprung.Majestic silence.
- Reginald Heber
Collection: Axes
Image of Michael Dirda
Many readers simply can't stomach fantasy. They immediately picture elves with broadswords or mighty-thewed barbarians with battle axes, seeking the bejeweled Coronet of Obeisance ... (But) the best fantasies pull aside the velvet curtain of mere appearance. ... In most instances, fantasy ultimately returns us to our own now re-enchanted world, reminding us that it is neither prosaic nor meaningless, and that how we live and what we do truly matters.
- Michael Dirda
Collection: Axes
Image of Seymour Hersh
The funny thing is, this is what everyone assumes, that anybody who talks has an axe to grind. I've been around a long time, and yes, there obviously are people who disagree with policy who talk to me, but it's less axes to grind than people who are really motivated. One of the terrible things about this Administration is that nobody wants to hear bad news.
- Seymour Hersh
Collection: Axes
Image of Bill Cassidy
It could just be a shift on the axis.
- Bill Cassidy
Collection: Axes
Image of Dave Sim
God grinds the axes he intends to use.
- Dave Sim
Collection: Axes
Image of Walid Jumblatt
We do not want to be in the middle of an axis that starts in the Mediterranean and ends in Tehran. We do not want to be a barricade for [Iran's] nuclear facilities.
- Walid Jumblatt
Collection: Axes
Image of Carroll Smith
Nothing good has ever been written about the full rotation of a racecar about its roll axis.
- Carroll Smith
Collection: Axes
Image of Pope Paul V
The doctrine of the double motion of the earth about its axis and about the sun is false, and entirely contrary to Holy Scripture.
- Pope Paul V
Collection: Axes
Image of Archimedes
The centre of gravity of any cylinder is the point of bisection of the axis.
- Archimedes
Collection: Axes
Image of Kenan Evren
Many axes are being kept under cover, waiting in ambush, ready to pounce, when we resign. Have no worries. We will deliver this homeland to you perfectly clean, as it was in Atatürk's time.
- Kenan Evren
Collection: Axes
Image of John Williams
There is no proof that carbon dioxide is causing or precedes global warming....All indications are that the minor warming cycle finished in 2001 and that Arctic ice melting is related to cyclical orbit-tilt-axis changes in earth's angle to the sun.
- John Williams
Collection: Axes
Image of Ray Bradbury
The sun burnt every day. It burnt Time. The world rushed in a circle and turned on its axis and time was busy burning the years and the people anyway, without any help from him. So if he burnt things with the firemen, and the sun burnt Time, that meant everything burnt!
- Ray Bradbury
Collection: Axes
Image of Haruki Murakami
The silence grew deeper, so deep that if you listened carefully you might very well catch the sound of the earth revolving on its axis.
- Haruki Murakami
Collection: Axes
Image of Rick Riordan
Thanks for everything.” “As you wish,” the captain said. If axes could frown, I’m sure he would have. “Stay sharp,” Carter told him.
- Rick Riordan
Collection: Axes
Image of Eloisa James
I never did learn how to live in the moment, but I did learn that moments could be wasted and the world would continue to spin on its axis.
- Eloisa James
Collection: Axes
Image of George Saunders
With fiction, and also with nonfiction that you can take your time doing, you have a much better chance of reaching across the divide and connecting with somebody who is opposed to you on some things. They're opposed to you on one axis, which is politics, but if you go over the axis called puppies, you might find some common ground.
- George Saunders
Collection: Axes
Image of John Flanagan
Get rid of their mast, knock holes in the hull, then get back on board." "You want us to sink her?" Gundar asked, and Halt shook his head. "No. I want her badly damaged but capable of making it back to port. I want the word to go out that the strange ship with the red falcon ensign"—he gestured to Evanlyn's ensign, flying from the mast top—"is manned by dangerous, hairy maniacs with axes and is to be avoided at all costs." "That sounds like us," Gundar said cheerfully.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Axes
Image of Ilchi Lee
Only the Earth can become the central axis around which world peace can be spun, for no religion is more compelling, no single nation larger, and no peoples older than the Earth itself. For that to happen, the collective human consciousness must expand enough so that our highest identification is as Earth-Humans.
- Ilchi Lee
Collection: Axes
Image of Michael Nesmith
Interviews are usually a follow-up, like a press junket or a publicity junket, or something like that, and I’m not doing any of that right now. I don’t have any axes to grind.
- Michael Nesmith
Collection: Axes
Image of Linus Pauling
An amino acid residue (other than glycine) has no symmetry elements. The general operation of conversion of one residue of a single chain into a second residue equivalent to the first is accordingly a rotation about an axis accompanied by translation along the axis. Hence the only configurations for a chain compatible with our postulate of equivalence of the residues are helical configurations.
- Linus Pauling
Collection: Axes
Image of Cassandra Clare
It was strange how your world could shift on its axis and everything you trusted could invert itself in what seemed like no time at all.
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Axes
Image of George W. Bush
States like (Iraq, Iran, & North Korea), and their terrorist allies, constitute an axis of evil, arming to threaten the peace of the world.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Axes
Image of Jared Diamond
Eurasia's main axis is east/west, whereas the main axis of the Americas is north/south. Eurasia's east/west axis meant that species domesticated in one part of Eurasia could easily spread thousands of miles at the same latitude, encountering the same day-length and climate to which they were already adapted.
- Jared Diamond
Collection: Axes
Image of Jamie Hyneman
One of the things I'm likely to start building in my shop is a vehicle wherein each wheel has basically a flight-simulator base as its suspension. It's known as a hexapod; it's basically a tripod but each leg is two pistons. So you have six axes of freedom on it. This will be something that can not only do what lowriders do, but shorten or extend its wheelbase and jump forwards, backwards, or from one side to the other. In an off-road situation it could be rolling at speed toward a ravine and then leap across it.
- Jamie Hyneman
Collection: Axes
Image of Shirin Ebadi
I have never agreed with President Bush's argument regarding the axis of evil. Unfortunately, fundamentalists in Iran have used this as an excuse to brand us as allies of Mr. Bush.
- Shirin Ebadi
Collection: Axes
Image of John Kenneth Galbraith
It's a rule worth having in mind. Income almost always flows along the same axis as power but in the opposite direction.
- John Kenneth Galbraith
Collection: Axes
Image of Stephen Jay Gould
I despair of persuading people to drop the familiar and comforting tactic of dichotomy. Perhaps, instead, we might expand the framework of debates by seeking other dichotomies more appropriate than, or simply different from, the conventional divisions. All dichotomies are simplifications, but the rendition of a conflict along differing axes of several orthogonal dichotomies might provide an amplitude of proper intellectual space without forcing us to forgo our most comforting tool of thought.
- Stephen Jay Gould
Collection: Axes
Image of Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
The axis of the earth sticks out visibly through the center of each and every town or city.
- Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
Collection: Axes
Image of Jonathan Ive
Really great design is hard. Good is the enemy of great. Competent design is not too much of a stretch. But if you are trying to do something new, you have challenges on so many axes.
- Jonathan Ive
Collection: Axes
Image of Steve Jobs
The axis today is not liberal and conservative, the axis is constructive-destructive.
- Steve Jobs
Collection: Axes
Image of Franklin P. Adams
Count the day won, when the earth, turning on its axis, imposes no additional taxes
- Franklin P. Adams
Collection: Axes
Image of Lisa Kleypas
As we talked, I had the sense of uncovering something precious and long-buried, fully formed. Our conversation was a process of removing layers, some of them easily dusted away. Other layers, requiring chisels or axes, were left alone for now. We revealed as much as we dared about what had happened during the years that separated us. But it wasn't what I had expected, being with Hardy again. There was something in me that remained stubbornly locked away, as if I were afraid to let out the emotion I had harbored for so long.
- Lisa Kleypas
Collection: Axes
Image of Bill Maher
The true axis of evil in America is the brilliance of our marketing combined with the stupidity of our people.
- Bill Maher
Collection: Axes