Howard Stern

Image of Howard Stern
I wanted to go hide. I wasn't looking to be more famous, I'm famous enough.
- Howard Stern
Collection: Famous
Image of Howard Stern
I'm sickened by all religions. Religion has divided people. I don't think there's any difference between the pope wearing a large hat and parading around with a smoking purse and an African painting his face white and praying to a rock.
- Howard Stern
Collection: Religion
Image of Howard Stern
I've actually apologized to some people I was a real jerk to, because I feel ashamed. I didn't need to be that hungry. There was something going on inside me when I was angry and feeling very threatened and not feeling good about myself.
- Howard Stern
Image of Howard Stern
Yes, I believe blue material is funny, but if that's all you've got, you're dead in the water. It's not good.
- Howard Stern
Image of Howard Stern
I don't think there's one thing I've ever said on the radio that would have been found indecent or obscene.
- Howard Stern
Image of Howard Stern
It's no treat being in bed with me.
- Howard Stern
Image of Howard Stern
It causes me great pain to sue the company I work for. Nevertheless, I had to do it. Suffice it to say, there's a dispute and I believe I haven't been given what is mine.
- Howard Stern
Image of Howard Stern
I've come to appreciate other people's talents.
- Howard Stern
Image of Howard Stern
I don't talk about my salary.
- Howard Stern
Image of Howard Stern
There are things that I won't do on the radio. I mean, the next logical question is, what won't you do. I say, well, you know, you've got to find out when you're on the air.
- Howard Stern
Image of Howard Stern
I seem to be some sort of lightning rod. I just really irritate people, you know? I really do.
- Howard Stern
Image of Howard Stern
I'm on the air five hours, and I blurt out anything in my head. Dangerous? Maybe.
- Howard Stern
Image of Howard Stern
Late night television is ready for someone like me... standards have gone to an all-time low.
- Howard Stern
Image of Howard Stern
My show was revolutionary, ground-breaking. When I came on the scene, people were not doing a thing.
- Howard Stern
Image of Howard Stern
I think I'm probably a little too desperate to be successful.
- Howard Stern
Image of Howard Stern
'The New York Times' list is a bunch of crap. They ought to call it the editor's choice. It sure isn't based on sales.
- Howard Stern
Image of Howard Stern
Okay, well, I guess I'm still a kid. Because when I get really angry and fired up and I feel like my back is up against the wall, I will say vicious things.
- Howard Stern
Image of Howard Stern
And rather than hide that, I would rather put that out on the radio and let someone see the full range of emotions. If you're going to be strong on the radio, you got to let it all out, even the ugly stuff. And you can't apologize for it.
- Howard Stern
Image of Howard Stern
I will never feel successful.
- Howard Stern
Image of Howard Stern
When you hire me, you hire a nut who is going to work 24 hours a day for you and never, ever burn his audience.
- Howard Stern
Image of Howard Stern
Well, first of all, I'm worth every penny.
- Howard Stern
Image of Howard Stern
I believe I am doing the work for humanity. This show is so uplifting.
- Howard Stern
Image of Howard Stern
I don't like being 50 and I don't like thinking about death.
- Howard Stern
Image of Howard Stern
I think people of lesser talent will become stars.
- Howard Stern
Image of Howard Stern
I still feel like I gotta prove something. There are a lot of people hoping I fail. But I like that. I need to be hated.
- Howard Stern
Image of Howard Stern
We are busy planning the launch of the channel. I am busy planning all kinds of events that go on the channel without me. I have started producing a sound for the channel.
- Howard Stern
Image of Howard Stern
You've got to be a little vicious. You've got to be narcissistic. You've got to be on fire about your career.
- Howard Stern
Image of Howard Stern
I didn't listen to executives.
- Howard Stern
Image of Howard Stern
If you're a Christian you don't sit there and worry about what somebody else is doing, if they're happy and they're committed in a relationship.
- Howard Stern
Image of Howard Stern
Every time I went on the radio, I would take the crummiest radio station, the station that was like a toilet bowl. I would go on there and build up the ratings, so you couldn't do any worse.
- Howard Stern
Image of Howard Stern
I'm not looking for a paycheck.
- Howard Stern
Image of Howard Stern
What a crazy idea to put me on a family show!
- Howard Stern
Image of Howard Stern
I'm the voice of honesty.
- Howard Stern
Image of Howard Stern
I feel blessed, I really feel fulfilled.
- Howard Stern
Image of Howard Stern
I've never come into anything successful before. I've always been hired by horrible radio stations with horrendous reputations and nothing to lose.
- Howard Stern
Image of Howard Stern
I will never vote Democrat again, they are Communists.
- Howard Stern
Collection: Vote
Image of Howard Stern
I've always been about honesty, whether on the radio, whether I did a movie, whether I wrote a book. As long as you're honest, you don't lose your edge.
- Howard Stern
Collection: Honesty
Image of Howard Stern
It's okay for a man to commit adultery if his wife is ugly.
- Howard Stern
Collection: Men
Image of Howard Stern
I think I could create a cult, no problem. The hard part is getting people to kill themselves.
- Howard Stern
Collection: Thinking
Image of Howard Stern
I believe in censorship when it benefits me.
- Howard Stern
Collection: Believe
Image of Howard Stern
I am completely pissed off that I'm circumcised.
- Howard Stern
Collection: Pissed Off
Image of Howard Stern
Talent is what drives this world ... Doesn’t matter how many satellites you f---ing stick in the air.
- Howard Stern
Collection: Air
Image of Howard Stern
I don't think any religion makes any sense and I think people who are into that are really getting duped, and I don't think Judaism makes any more sense than Christianity, and I don't think Christianity makes any more sense than Scientology. But here's a guy, L. Ron Hubbard, who told all his friends, 'Look, I'm gonna start a religion, 'cause I can't make any money as a science fiction writer.' I mean, he admitted that publicly! At least with Jesus Christ, you can't go talk to the guy.
- Howard Stern
Collection: Jesus
Image of Howard Stern
You have to make a decision, what you want to do in life, ... Your deal can be, you can leave tomorrow. Soon as you leave, you will be forgotten.
- Howard Stern
Collection: Decision
Image of Howard Stern
Please, with the God talk. Hate to break it to you, but there is no God.
- Howard Stern
Collection: Hate
Image of Howard Stern
I am circumcised, and I tell you something, I despise it. I despise it. I despise it... I am completely pissed off that I'm circumcised.
- Howard Stern
Collection: Atheist
Image of Howard Stern
I'm going to take over the world. Everyone watch out, you're in big trouble.
- Howard Stern
Collection: Watches
Image of Howard Stern
This country (United States) has too many freedoms.
- Howard Stern
Collection: Country
Image of Howard Stern
I'm not a good listener some times. I'm too much of a control freak. I'm learning to be better. I was so caught up in just getting the job done that I would miss out on the human aspect of this. There was a connection missing.
- Howard Stern
Collection: Jobs
Image of Howard Stern
We all get one life to live here. It's 2012, and for gay and lesbian couples who are in love, not to be able to be married is so absurd.
- Howard Stern
Collection: Couple