Top Atheist Quotes Collection - Page 22

Discover a curated collection of Atheist quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 22 provides more Atheist quotes.

Image of Mary McCarthy
Every age has a keyhole to which its eye is pasted. Spicy court-memoirs, the lives of gallant ladies, recollections of an ex-nun, a monk's confession, an atheist's repentance, true-to-life accounts of prostitution and bastardy gave our ancestors a penny peep into the forbidden room.
- Mary McCarthy
Collection: Atheist
Image of George MacDonald
If there be a God and one has never sought him, it will be small consolation to remember that one could not get proof of his existence.
- George MacDonald
Collection: Atheist
Image of H. L. Mencken
Religion deserves no more respect than a pile of garbage.
- H. L. Mencken
Collection: Atheist
Image of Marilyn Manson
I`m not a slave to a god that doesn`t exist.
- Marilyn Manson
Collection: Atheist
Image of Mignon McLaughlin
There's something in every atheist, itching to believe, and something in every believer, itching to doubt.
- Mignon McLaughlin
Collection: Atheist
Image of Jacques Maritain
With all his sincerity and devotion, the authentic, absolute atheist is after all only an abortive saint, and at the same time, a mistaken revolutionist.
- Jacques Maritain
Collection: Atheist
Image of Jacques Maritain
There are absolute atheists ... Absolute atheism is in no way a mere absence of belief in God. It is rather a refusal of God, a fight against God, a challenge to God.
- Jacques Maritain
Collection: Atheist
Image of H. L. Mencken
Well, I tell you, if I have been wrong in my agnosticism, when I die I'll walk up to God in a manly way and say, Sir, I made an honest mistake.
- H. L. Mencken
Collection: Atheist
Image of George R. R. Martin
You would consider me an atheist or agnostic. I find religion and spirituality fascinating. I would like to believe this isn’t the end and there’s something more, but I can’t convince the rational part of me that that makes any sense whatsoever.
- George R. R. Martin
Collection: Atheist
Image of H. L. Mencken
Religion is "so absurd that it comes close to imbecility."
- H. L. Mencken
Collection: Atheist
Image of Marilyn Manson
One hates what one fears.
- Marilyn Manson
Collection: Atheist
Image of Marilyn Manson
Why should we believe in a god, that doesnt believe in us?
- Marilyn Manson
Collection: Atheist
Image of Douglas MacArthur
There are no atheists in the foxholes of Bataan.
- Douglas MacArthur
Collection: Atheist
Image of George MacDonald
God will not take shelter behind a jugglery of logic or metaphysics. He is neither a schoolman nor theologian, but our Father in Heaven.
- George MacDonald
Collection: Atheist